When i deploy an app in iOS device. I got following error and i am using latest version of JDeveloper
[02:39:06 PM] error: /usr/bin/codesign --force --preserve-metadata=identifier,entitlements,resource-rules --sign iPhone Developer: Vijay Rathi (EM62NKCF2U) --resource-rules=/var/folders/43/m8_qrfn964dfhw_y5p96kww00000gn/T/AdEyHsV13M/Payload/myapp.app/ResourceRules.plist /var/folders/43/m8_qrfn964dfhw_y5p96kww00000gn/T/AdEyHsV13M/Payload/myapp.app failed with error 1. Output: /var/folders/43/m8_qrfn964dfhw_y5p96kww00000gn/T/AdEyHsV13M/Payload/myapp.app: replacing existing signature
[02:39:06 PM] Program /usr/bin/codesign returned 1 : [/var/folders/43/m8_qrfn964dfhw_y5p96kww00000gn/T/AdEyHsV13M/Payload/myapp.app: replacing existing signature
[02:39:06 PM] Command-line execution failed (Return code: 1)
[02:39:06 PM] Deployment cancelled.
[02:39:06 PM] ---- Deployment incomplete ----.
[02:39:06 PM] Failed to package the XCode application.
[02:39:06 PM] Failed to build the iOS application bundle.
[02:39:06 PM] Deployment failed due to one or more errors returned by '/usr/bin/xcrun'.
The following is a summary of the returned error(s):
Command-line execution failed (Return code: 1)
error: /usr/bin/codesign --force --preserve-metadata=identifier,entitlements,resource-rules --sign iPhone Developer: Vijay Rathi (EM62NKCF2U) --resource-rules=/var/folders/43/m8_qrfn964dfhw_y5p96kww00000gn/T/AdEyHsV13M/Payload/myapp.app/ResourceRules.plist /var/folders/43/m8_qrfn964dfhw_y5p96kww00000gn/T/AdEyHsV13M/Payload/myapp.app failed with error 1. Output: /var/folders/43/m8_qrfn964dfhw_y5p96kww00000gn/T/AdEyHsV13M/Payload/myapp.app: replacing existing signature
Program /usr/bin/codesign returned 1 : [/var/folders/43/m8_qrfn964dfhw_y5p96kww00000gn/T/AdEyHsV13M/Payload/myapp.app: replacing existing signature
Please help me out on this issue.
Thanks in advance.
Finally, I got the solution
There is a script someplace which generates all the commands run during an Organizer Validate. I did some digging with grep and find. The script indeed exists and it's name is:
The fix is to add the required environment var to the associative array %ENV right at the start, say at line 72:
$ENV{CODESIGN_ALLOCATE} = '/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/usr/bin/codesign_allocate';
When using a more recent version of Xcode (i.e. Xcode 5) , the default location is:
$ENV{CODESIGN_ALLOCATE} = '/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/usr/bin/codesign_allocate';
I am failing create a build online for release on Playstore. This is the build error message that i am facing.
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':packageRelease'.
Failed to read key essap from store "/tmp/build8775516520051228608xxx/EssentialService/keyStore": Invalid keystore format
Run with --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.
Exception is:
org.gradle.api.tasks.TaskExecutionException: Execution failed for task ':packageRelease'.
I used the codenameone settings application to generate. Its found right click project -> codename one -> Settings
We are having trouble deploying an ADF application being worked on by a colleague using Jdeveloper to a standalone Weblogic 10.3 server so I was asked to post up a question here to see if anyone knows the cause of the problem.
Deployment Summary
Application Server
- Name: StandaloneWLServer
- Platform: Weblogic 10.3
- Overwrite modules: yes
- Deploy to selected instances in the domain: WC_CustomPortal (Running)
- Deploy as a standalone application
JDeveloper Deployment Log
[12:15:43 PM] ---- Deployment started. ----
[12:15:43 PM] Target platform is (Weblogic 10.3).
[12:15:43 PM] Retrieving existing application information
[12:15:43 PM] Running dependency analysis...
[12:15:43 PM] Building...
[12:15:52 PM] Deploying 3 profiles...
[12:15:52 PM] Wrote Archive Module to C:\Public\JDeveloper\mywork\CG22App11g\Model\deploy\CG22App11g_Model_adflibCG22App11g1.jar
[12:15:54 PM] Wrote Web Application Module to C:\Public\JDeveloper\mywork\CG22App11g\ViewController\deploy\CG22App11g_ViewController_webapp1.war
[12:15:55 PM] Wrote Enterprise Application Module to C:\Public\JDeveloper\mywork\CG22App11g\deploy\CG22App11g.ear
[12:15:55 PM] Deploying Application...
[12:16:09 PM] [Deployer:149191]Operation 'deploy' on application 'CG22App11g' is initializing on 'WC_CustomPortal'
[12:16:10 PM] [Deployer:149193]Operation 'deploy' on application 'CG22App11g' has failed on 'WC_CustomPortal'
[12:16:10 PM] [Deployer:149034]An exception occurred for task [Deployer:149026]deploy application CG22App11g on WC_CustomPortal.: null.
[12:16:10 PM] Weblogic Server Exception: weblogic.application.WrappedDeploymentException
[12:16:10 PM] See server logs or server console for more details.
[12:16:10 PM] weblogic.application.WrappedDeploymentException
[12:16:10 PM] #### Deployment incomplete. ####
[12:16:10 PM] Remote deployment failed (oracle.jdevimpl.deploy.common.Jsr88RemoteDeployer)
Weblogic Server Log:
[2016-10-21T11:39:11.393-04:00] [WC_CustomPortal] [ERROR:7] [BEA-149265] [Deployer] [host: oscls-lims-ap21.osc.uscg.mil] [nwaddr:] [tid: [STANDBY] ExecuteThread: '4' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'] [userId: <WLS Kernel>] [ecid: 0000LVbtLUMB9DR_UXs1yc1O1uHz0000WH,0] [TARGET: /Farm_UCM_domain/UCM_domain/WC_CustomPortal] [TARGET_TYPE: weblogic_j2eeserver] Failure occurred in the execution of deployment request with ID '1477064346998' for task '58'. Error is: 'java.lang.NullPointerException'[[
at oracle.security.jps.internal.config.deploy.AbstractCredentialDeployment.cleanupTempFiles(AbstractCredentialDeployment.java:141)...
Related Information
I was able to deploy and run the same app in the Integrated WLS server in the JDeveloper (Studio Edition:
I was able to compile and build an EAR file but failed to deploy the EAR via Oracle Enterprise Manager with the same error message.
Which exact version of WebLogic are you using? Did you install the ADF Runtime on that server?
Hello I followed the procedure to build and deploy android Application on emulator using Jdeveloper 12c .the Oracle link for the procedure is this http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E53569_01/tutorials/tut_jdev_maf_app/tut_jdev_maf_app.html
try to deploy my app on the android emulator for testing it gave me these Errors:
[05:57:57 PM] Signing application...
[05:57:57 PM] Command-line executed: ["C:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_Home\oracle_common\jdk\bin\jarsigner", -keystore, "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_11\bin\Omile.keystore", -storepass, madu123, -keypass, madu123, -digestalg, SHA1, -sigalg, MD5withRSA, "C:\JDeveloper\mywork\Employees\deploy\Omile\Employees.apk", Omile]
[05:57:57 PM] jarsigner: Certificate chain not found for: Omile. Omile must reference a valid KeyStore key entry containing a private key and corresponding public key certificate chain.
[05:57:57 PM] Command-line execution failed (Return code: 1)
[05:57:57 PM] Command-line executed: "C:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_Home\oracle_common\jdk\bin\jarsigner" -keystore "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_11\bin\Omile.keystore" -storepass madu123 -keypass madu123 -digestalg SHA1 -sigalg MD5withRSA "C:\JDeveloper\mywork\Employees\deploy\Omile\Employees.apk" Omile
[05:57:57 PM] Deployment cancelled.
[05:57:57 PM] ---- Deployment incomplete ----.
[05:57:57 PM] Deployment failed due to one or more errors returned by 'C:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_Home\oracle_common\jdk\bin\jarsigner'. The following is a summary of the returned error(s):
Command-line execution failed (Return code: 1)
Please i am new to Jdeveloper what should i do to rectify the Challenge?
When i deploy app in device. I got following error. I used xcode 4.6.
[03:43:57 PM] Command-line executed: /usr/bin/xcrun -sdk iphoneos PackageApplication -v /Users/evosys/jdeveloper/mywork/ConsumeWS/deploy/distribute/Destination_Root/Applications/ConsumeWS.app -o /Users/evosys/jdeveloper/mywork/ConsumeWS/deploy/distribute/Destination_Root/Oracle_ADFmc_Container_Application/device/ConsumeWS.ipa --sign iPhone Developer: Rakesh Raman (G445TJT9SV) --embed /Users/evosys/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/827FDDF6-210D-4725-9018-B2C6FC222FD4.mobileprovision
[03:44:00 PM] error: /usr/bin/codesign --force --preserve-metadata=identifier,entitlements,resource-rules --sign iPhone Developer: Rakesh Raman (G445TJT9SV) --resource-rules=/var/folders/6w/ycncqpg12mj_l56xbqgly6_80000gn/T/ZSzoPT55UE/Payload/ConsumeWS.app/ResourceRules.plist /var/folders/6w/ycncqpg12mj_l56xbqgly6_80000gn/T/ZSzoPT55UE/Payload/ConsumeWS.app failed with error 1. Output: /var/folders/6w/ycncqpg12mj_l56xbqgly6_80000gn/T/ZSzoPT55UE/Payload/ConsumeWS.app: replacing existing signature
[03:44:00 PM] Program /usr/bin/codesign returned 1 : [/var/folders/6w/ycncqpg12mj_l56xbqgly6_80000gn/T/ZSzoPT55UE/Payload/ConsumeWS.app: replacing existing signature
[03:44:00 PM] Command-line execution failed (Return code: 1)
[03:44:00 PM] Deployment cancelled.
[03:44:00 PM] ---- Deployment incomplete ----.
[03:44:00 PM] Failed to package the XCode application.
[03:44:00 PM] Failed to build the iOS application bundle.
[03:44:00 PM] Deployment failed due to one or more errors returned by '/usr/bin/xcrun'. The following is a summary of the returned error(s):
Command-line execution failed (Return code: 1)
error: /usr/bin/codesign --force --preserve-metadata=identifier,entitlements,resource-rules --sign iPhone Developer: Rakesh Raman (G445TJT9SV) --resource-rules=/var/folders/6w/ycncqpg12mj_l56xbqgly6_80000gn/T/ZSzoPT55UE/Payload/ConsumeWS.app/ResourceRules.plist /var/folders/6w/ycncqpg12mj_l56xbqgly6_80000gn/T/ZSzoPT55UE/Payload/ConsumeWS.app failed with error 1. Output: /var/folders/6w/ycncqpg12mj_l56xbqgly6_80000gn/T/ZSzoPT55UE/Payload/ConsumeWS.app: replacing existing signature
Program /usr/bin/codesign returned 1 : [/var/folders/6w/ycncqpg12mj_l56xbqgly6_80000gn/T/ZSzoPT55UE/Payload/ConsumeWS.app: replacing existing signature
Which version of JDeveloper are you using?
You need to be using
I use following video for configuring ios setting.
But, When i deploy application in device i get following error.
[03:27:06 PM] xcrun: Error: could not stat active Xcode path '/Volumes/Xcode/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer'. (No such file or directory)
[03:27:06 PM] Command-line execution failed (Return code: 0)
[03:27:06 PM] Deployment cancelled.
[03:27:06 PM] ---- Deployment incomplete ----.
[03:27:06 PM] Failed to package the XCode application.
[03:27:06 PM] Failed to build the iOS application bundle.
[03:27:06 PM] Deployment failed due to one or more errors returned by '/usr/bin/xcrun'. The following is a summary of the returned error(s):
xcrun: Error: could not stat active Xcode path '/Volumes/Xcode/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer'. (No such file or directory)
It appears /Volumes/Xcode doesnt exist on your filesystem when you were trying to deploy. Even more so, having Xcode under hte "volumes" directory indicates you have the xcode.dmg file mounted onto your filesystem as a mount and not actually installed on your filesystem.
I made a similar mistake, as the /Volumes/Xcode directory disappeared on me over night one time. To install onto your system, drag the xcode.dmg file onto the applications folder. You can use xcode from there.
After you install Xcode into your applications directory, double check your JDeveloper iOS settings "Tools > Preferences > ADF Mobile > Platforms". Make sure the SDK and xCode directories are correct.