Remove back button Sencha Touch 2 - extjs

I am using Sencha Touch 2 to build an application. I am initially loading the navigation view in the view port and then pushing the login view. After login it takes to the main page. Here I have a back button, which when clicked goes back to the login page. How can I prevent this? I googled a lot but could not find an effective answer. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

My first attempt would be to add the login view directly to the Ext.Viewport instead of pushing into the navigationView. Then, once the login process is completed, you have to destroy the login view so you can add the navigationView to the Viewport.
This way the login view wont be in the navigationView stack.
Hope it helps-


Redirecting to previous page without reloading

I have a question that suppose, I have an Admin Dashboard page, on which I have given a list of users. clicking upon a particular user the details of corresponding user is shown on a different page (say on userDetails.jsp). Now I have a back button on userDetails page, Clicking of which I need to redirect admin to the last visited page that is Admin Dashboard page, I have one solution that I can "Reload" the previos page on clicking back button, but then I feel that there is the overhead of calling a server side API, retrieving all the data, Again redraw the whole admin dashboard page even when there is no change made in the userDetails[because it is read only page, modification is not allowed there]. Is there anyway that I can make user of cache or anything else so that I will not need to go to the server to fetch all the data again. I am using spring MVC, angularjs, Thank you.
On your button's click event add the following code:
make sure to use $window rather than window since you're using AngularJS

How to add a partial as an overlay on the whole angular app?

I have a design where login screen looks completely different from the dashboard UI.
Once the user logs in he is shown a dashboard where he can control things.
Now,the login screen just occupies the whole view with a form box in centre.
once user logs in, then he is taken to the dashboard.
In our current approach we have kept login as a separate angular app and dashboard as separate as I am planning to use a view that changes except the sidebar and header as the ng-view for teh dashboard.
Currently the whole login screen is a separate app, which i feel is little weird when it comes to dealing with things, so is it possible to have an overlay which occupies the whole screen and goes away when the user logs in ?
Of course it is. There are a couple options here. Some folks simply force you to the /login route until a successful login has been completed, token stored, etc. The other option is that you use a full-sized, absolutely-positioned container, with highest z-index, and place it on your main index.html. Until something changes, that's all you'll see. Then, use ng-If to remove that container once login is complete and a property of the view-model has been updated, such as navModel.loginComplete=true;

WPF Navigating From one page to another inside a window

I am trying to write a WPF application. The general outline of the application is as follows: There is a main window(Note that the main window is a full screen application) and there are several pages(Possibly 25) and I want to navigate from one page to another with a button click event on each page. What will be the best way to achieve this?
I have tried creating a Frame on the MainWindow and then use the frame to display pages, but my problem is that I can not navigate from one page to another from a button click on the pages. I am new to this and I would appreciate any help.
You could of at least tried a Google mate, this information is abundant, but because you thought typing a paragraph here was easier, I shall save you the trouble....

Oracle ADF Mobile Taskflow

I am working on Oracle ADF Mobile application.
In application, First screen is the Login Screen. On the successful login, I have to redirect the user to the second screen.
I am not getting how to redirect the Login Screen (view) to the Second screen (view) only on the successful login?
Which condition I should have to write for Control Flow Case?
Please help. Thanks in advance...:)
I would suggest you first run through the ADF Mobile tutorial here:
Basically in your taskflow you give the flow a name, and then in your page's button you associate the action property with that flow name.
First go through the following tutorial.
To redirect the Login Screen (view) to the Second screen (view) only on the successful login you have to use Router Component.
Enjoy learning.

How to handle Refresh and Reset in WPF application in MVP application

I am developing an windows UI application in WPF with MVP architecture with C#.
The application will interact to sqlserver and displays the data to the user.
I have 2 buttons REFRESH and RESET. which refreshes the page and resets the page to the home page respectively.
As I searched in few forums,navigationservice is recommeneded,but I couldnt see navigationservice.refresh() command
Refresh should refresh the page (current page) and the reset should reset to the homepage as per my appication.
Please help me in doing this.
You need to create custom commands for each of your buttons. The RefreshCommand can reload the data bound to your view, and you can use the ResetCommand to call the NavigationService to navigate to your home page.
