JavaFX ComboBox set Items from ObservableList - combobox

i need help to get a specified list of items from ObservableList and add them to a combo box.
My ObservableList contains value received from DB (in specific a table with just 3 columns) and i want to show only one column value in combo box. When combo box is selected the other values are charged in 2 textfield.
Code as follows.
public ObservableList<Impostazioni> listImpostazioni = FXCollections.observableArrayList();
public static class Impostazioni {
private final StringProperty rowid;
private final StringProperty nome;
private final StringProperty operatore;
private final StringProperty delimitatore;
private Impostazioni(String Rowid, String Nome, String Operatore, String Delimitatore) {
this.rowid = new SimpleStringProperty(Rowid);
this.nome = new SimpleStringProperty(Nome);
this.operatore = new SimpleStringProperty(Operatore);
this.delimitatore = new SimpleStringProperty(Delimitatore);
public StringProperty rowidProperty() { return rowid; }
public StringProperty nomeProperty() { return nome; }
public StringProperty operatoreProperty() { return operatore; }
public StringProperty delimitatoreProperty() { return delimitatore; }
private ComboBox<ImportAccettazioniModel.Impostazioni> comboCaricaNome;
// get data from model to popupate combobox
public final void getImpostazioniDataFields() {
comboCaricaNome.setCellFactory(new Callback<ListView<Impostazioni>, ListCell<Impostazioni>>() {
#Override public ListCell<Impostazioni> call(ListView<Impostazioni> p) {
return new ListCell<Impostazioni>() {
protected void updateItem(Impostazioni t, boolean bln) {
super.updateItem(t, bln);
if(t != null){
System.out.println("SET PROPERTY " + t.nomeProperty().toString());
} else {
comboCaricaNome.getSelectionModel().selectedItemProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<ImportAccettazioniModel.Impostazioni>() {
#Override public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends ImportAccettazioniModel.Impostazioni> observable,ImportAccettazioniModel.Impostazioni oldValue, ImportAccettazioniModel.Impostazioni newValue) {
//set data to textfield with the selected combo box
private void setTextFields(Impostazioni listImpostazioni) {
if (comboCaricaNome.getItems().isEmpty()) {
} else {
Now, the logic seems to work but my combo box doesn't contain the value nomeProperty().
How can i solve?
Thanks in advance

To get the observed value of the JavaFX Property use Property.get() or Property.getValue().
By convention, the Java developers override toString() method to not show message for customers, instead it is used for internal usages by another developers.
As a result, the line
should be
Since you are using the ComboBox rather than ChoiceBox, you should also override default button cell property of combobox, according to your needs:
comboCaricaNome.setButtonCell(new ListCell<Impostazioni>() {
protected void updateItem(Impostazioni t, boolean bln) {
super.updateItem(t, bln);
if (t != null) {
} else {
As you can see this is the same ListCell which is set for cellFactory. Refactoring is up to you, or of course you can implement a listcell with different content as well.


JavaFX 8: Checkbox in TableView and Add-on into to selected Item?

I would like to create a payroll program such that when the user tick a CheckBox in TableView, the name (String) will be carried on to the panel on the right and with TextFields to enter more info such as this:
I tried to follow the MVC hierarchy thus far as I code:
public class PayrollMainApp extends Application {
private Stage primaryStage;
private BorderPane rootLayout;
private ObservableList<Employee> selectEmployeeTable = FXCollections.observableArrayList();
public PayrollMainApp(){
selectEmployeeTable.add(new Employee(false,"Hans Muster"));
selectEmployeeTable.add(new Employee(true,"Ruth Mueller"));
selectEmployeeTable.add(new Employee(false,"Heinz Kurz"));
selectEmployeeTable.add(new Employee(false,"Cornelia Meier"));
selectEmployeeTable.add(new Employee(false,"Werner Meyer"));
selectEmployeeTable.add(new Employee(false,"Lydia Kunz"));
selectEmployeeTable.add(new Employee(false,"Anna Best"));
selectEmployeeTable.add(new Employee(false,"Stefan Meier"));
selectEmployeeTable.add(new Employee(false,"Martin Mueller"));
public ObservableList<Employee> getSelectEmployeeTable(){
return selectEmployeeTable;
public void start(Stage primaryStage) {
this.primaryStage = primaryStage;
* Initializes the root layout.
public void initRootLayout() {
try {
// Load root layout from fxml file.
FXMLLoader loader = new FXMLLoader();
rootLayout = (BorderPane) loader.load();
// Show the scene containing the root layout.
Scene scene = new Scene(rootLayout);
} catch (IOException e) {
* Shows the person overview inside the root layout.
public void showEmployeeOverview() {
try {
// Load person overview.
FXMLLoader loader = new FXMLLoader();
AnchorPane personOverview = (AnchorPane) loader.load();
// Set person overview into the center of root layout.
// Give the controller access to the main app
EmployeeOverviewController controller = loader.getController();
} catch (IOException e) {
* Returns the main stage.
* #return
public Stage getPrimaryStage() {
return primaryStage;
public static void main(String[] args) {
public class Employee {
private BooleanProperty checkedBox = new SimpleBooleanProperty(false);
private StringProperty employeeName = new SimpleStringProperty();
public Employee(){
public Employee(boolean checkedBox, String employeeName){
this.checkedBox = new SimpleBooleanProperty(false);
this.employeeName = new SimpleStringProperty(employeeName);
public BooleanProperty checkedBoxProperty(){
return this.checkedBox;
public StringProperty employeeNameProperty(){
return this.employeeName;
public java.lang.Boolean getSelectBox() {
return this.checkedBoxProperty().get();
public StringProperty getEmployeeName() {
return employeeName;
public void setSelectBox(final java.lang.Boolean checkedBox){
public void setEmployeeName(StringProperty employeeName) {
this.employeeName = employeeName;
public class EmployeeOverviewController {
private TableView<Employee> selectEmployeeTable;
private TableColumn<Employee, String> employeeNameColumn;
private TableColumn<Employee, Boolean> checkBoxColumn;
private PayrollMainApp mainApp;
public EmployeeOverviewController() {
public void initialize() {
checkBoxColumn.setCellValueFactory(cellData -> cellData.getValue().checkedBoxProperty());
checkBoxColumn.setCellFactory(param -> new CheckBoxTableCell<Employee, Boolean>());
employeeNameColumn.setCellValueFactory(cellData -> cellData.getValue().employeeNameProperty());
public void setMainApp(PayrollMainApp mainApp){
this.mainApp = mainApp;
//Add observable list data to the table
And a util class to make the checkBox visible in the table:
public class SelectBoxCellFactory implements Callback {
public TableCell call(Object param) {
CheckBoxTableCell<Employee,Boolean> checkBoxCell = new CheckBoxTableCell();
return checkBoxCell;
Here is my output thus far:
I know this has a table in it as compared to the previous output. Honestly I'm still indecisive as to use which, because I think using TextFields would make it look better. But all I hope for now is that this design is not impossible to code...
I really hope you can help me... Thank you for your help in advance.
It's probably easiest to use a TableView for the right panel. You can create a FilteredList from your original list:
FilteredList<Employee> selectedEmployees
= new FilteredList<>(selectEmployeeTable, Employee::getSelectBox);
and then use that for your second table.
If you prefer to use text fields (in what looks like a GridPane?) you can still use the filtered list above, but you will need to register a listener with it and update the layout "by hand" when items are added and removed.

Rendering a check box with a cellFactory in TableView doesn't work as it should

I want to create the following functionality for the serieses of a line chart when the user clicks on a checkbox on a table view. The table view for items has the ObservableList of the serieses of the chart. So the following code in the controller.
The controller class injects the following from the fxml file.
public TableView<Series<Number, Number>> tableViewStatisticsOverview;
public TableColumn<Series<Number, Number>, String> tableColumnStatisticName;
public TableColumn<Series<Number, Number>, Series<Number, Number>> tableColumnShowSeries;
public TableColumn<Series<Number, Number>, Series<Number, Number>> tableColumnAction;
//later on the code
tableViewStatisticsOverview.setItems(chart.getData()); // chart is a linexy chart
//setting up the tableColumnShowSeries to show a checkbox and show and hide the series
new Callback<TableColumn.CellDataFeatures<Series<Number, Number>, Series<Number, Number>>, ObservableValue<Series<Number, Number>>>() {
public ObservableValue<Series<Number, Number>> call(CellDataFeatures<Series<Number, Number>, Series<Number, Number>> param) {
return new ReadOnlyObjectWrapper<Series<Number, Number>>(param
new TableCollumnCellWithCheckBoxFactoryWrapper());
As data of the table I set the whole series on the row of the table so to be able to set the node of the series visible or not according to the value of the checkbox
TableCollumnCellWithCheckBoxFactoryWrapper class
import javafx.scene.chart.XYChart.Series;
import javafx.scene.control.TableCell;
import javafx.scene.control.TableColumn;
import javafx.scene.control.TableView;
import javafx.util.Callback;
public class TableCollumnCellWithCheckBoxFactoryWrapper implements
Callback<TableColumn<Series<Number, Number>, Series<Number, Number>>, TableCell<Series<Number, Number>, Series<Number, Number>>> {
public TableCell<Series<Number, Number>, Series<Number, Number>> call(TableColumn<Series<Number, Number>, Series<Number, Number>> param) {
return new CheckBoxCell();
CheckBoxCell class
public class CheckBoxCell
extends TableCell<Series<Number, Number>, Series<Number, Number>> {
Logger LOG = LogManager.getLogger(CheckBoxCell.class);
private HBox checkBoxContainer;
private CheckBox checkBoxShow;
public CheckBoxCell() {
checkBoxContainer = new HBox();
checkBoxShow = new CheckBox("");
private void addListenerOnCheckBox(Series<Number, Number> series) {
checkBoxShow.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() {
public void handle(ActionEvent arg0) {
LOG.debug("Show checkbox selected: "
+ checkBoxShow.isSelected());
if (series.getNode().isVisible()) {
for (Data<Number, Number> data : series.getData()) {
} else {
for (Data<Number, Number> data : series.getData()) {
protected void updateItem(Series<Number, Number> series, boolean empty) {
super.updateItem(series, empty);
if (!empty && series != null) {
LOG.debug("Series is not empty");
LOG.debug("Updating item for series with name: " + series.getName());
} else {
LOG.debug("Series is empty");
The problem is that after adding some series on the chart and they show on the table and try to click on the check box one more check box behaves the same way as the one I am clicking that is It changes it's status from checked to unchecked according to the first one I click. Debugging shows that when code enters the handle method from the action handler the check box is the same object thus unchecking the one makes the other one unchecked. Have I missed something? Is there another way to use the check box and catch the change of checkbox status?
Two things I can see:
You should set up the listener on the check box once, from the
constructor. Use getItem() to get the current series being
displayed by the cell.
In updateItem you need to update the check box to match the state of whether that series is displayed.
So I think:
public class CheckBoxCell
extends TableCell<Series<Number, Number>, Series<Number, Number>> {
Logger LOG = LogManager.getLogger(CheckBoxCell.class);
private HBox checkBoxContainer;
private CheckBox checkBoxShow;
public CheckBoxCell() {
checkBoxContainer = new HBox();
checkBoxShow = new CheckBox("");
private void addListenerOnCheckBox() {
checkBoxShow.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() {
public void handle(ActionEvent arg0) {
Series<Number, Number> series = getItem();
if (series == null) {
return ;
LOG.debug("Show checkbox selected: "
+ checkBoxShow.isSelected());
if (series.getNode().isVisible()) {
for (Data<Number, Number> data : series.getData()) {
} else {
for (Data<Number, Number> data : series.getData()) {
protected void updateItem(Series<Number, Number> series, boolean empty) {
super.updateItem(series, empty);
if (!empty && series != null) {
LOG.debug("Series is not empty");
LOG.debug("Updating item for series with name: " + series.getName());
} else {
LOG.debug("Series is empty");
Not tested, so there may be other things I have missed...

JavaFX 8: ComboBox button cell update behavior

I have a combo box which contains items of type Dog. If all items are replaced with new ones (via setAll on the ObservableList model) , the item renderer can cope with this update, while the button cell renderer cannot:
Here's a minimal example to reproduce the problem (full source incl. imports on GitHub):
public class ComboBoxRefresh extends Application {
private static final class Dog {
private final String name;
public Dog(String name) { = name;
private static final class DogListCell extends ListCell<Dog> {
public void updateItem(Dog item, boolean empty) {
super.updateItem(item, empty);
if (item == null || empty) {
} else {
private static List<Dog> createThreeDogs() {
return range(0, 3).mapToObj(i -> new Dog("Buddy " + i)).collect(toList());
public void start(Stage stage) throws Exception {
ObservableList<Dog> items = observableArrayList(createThreeDogs());
ComboBox<Dog> comboBox = new ComboBox<>(items);
comboBox.setCellFactory(listView -> new DogListCell());
comboBox.setButtonCell(new DogListCell());
Button button = new Button("Refresh");
button.setOnAction(event -> {
List<Dog> newItems = createThreeDogs();
VBox box = new VBox(10, comboBox, button);
box.setPadding(new Insets(10));
Scene scene = new Scene(box);
If I add an equals implementation to the Dog class, everything works, but this is not an option in my real application.
Are there any work-arounds to enforce a proper refresh of the button cell?
It seems to be a bug. Workaround could be
button.setOnAction( event -> {
List<Dog> newItems = createThreeDogs();
} );

How do I create a JavaFX 8 ComboBox which can bind to a field on a seperate POJO

I have had a challenge finding anything on the following situation. Let's say I have a record called DatabaseRecord which is a POJO with several fields:
public class DatabaseRecord {
private Long recordId;
private StringProperty foreignKeyId;
private StringProperty otherValuesForMainRecord....
... setters/getters
public class LookUpDataValue {
private String recordId;
private String descriptiveText;
private String otherValues.....
I have a combo box which displays the selectable values for the foreignKeyId value something like this:
ComboBox<LookUpDataValue> combobox;
(new Callback<ListView<LookUpDataValue>, ListCell<LookUpDataValue>>() {
public ListCell<LookUpDataValue> call(ListView<LookUpDataValue> p) {
ListCell<LookUpDataValue> cell = new ListCell<LookUpDataValue>() {
protected void updateItem(LookUpDataValue item, boolean empty) {
super.updateItem(item, empty);
if (empty) {
} else {
return cell;
I would like to Bidirectionally bind the POJO DatabaseRecord.foreignKeyIdProperty to the combobox.valueProperty() - but this doesn't work since one is a string and one is a LookUpDataValue object.
I would like this combobox to be set correctly when the records are loaded, and conversely update the record when it's changed.
I would appreciate any pointers on where I can find an example of this...
I was not able to change my datamodel so I found the following solution which works.
// Handle ComboBox event.
myComboBox.setOnAction((event) -> {
LookUpDataValue selected = myComboBox.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem();
if(selected != null){
This works well. Thanks for your comments.

Javafx combobox with custom object displays object address though custom cell factory is used

I have a combobox which shows list of User objects. I have coded a custom cell factory for the combobox:
#FXML ComboBox<User> cmbUserIds;
cmbUserIds.setCellFactory(new Callback<ListView<User>,ListCell<User>>(){
public ListCell<User> call(ListView<User> l){
return new ListCell<User>(){
protected void updateItem(Useritem, boolean empty) {
super.updateItem(item, empty);
if (item == null || empty) {
} else {
setText(item.getId()+" "+item.getName());
} ;
ListView is showing a string(id+name), but when I select an item from listview, Combobox is showing toString() method return value i.e address of object.
I can't override toString() method, because the User domain object should be same as the one at server.
How to display id in combobox? Please suggest
I tried below code. Now combo box shows id when I select a value from the listview.
cmbUserIds.setConverter(new StringConverter<User>() {
public String toString(User user) {
if (user== null){
return null;
} else {
return user.getId();
public User fromString(String id) {
return null;
The selected value in combo box is cleared when control focus is lost. How to fix this?
#FXML AnchorPane root;
#FXML ComboBox<UserDTO> cmbUsers;
List<UserDTO> users;
public class GateInController implements Initializable {
public void initialize(URL location, ResourceBundle resources) {
users = UserService.getListOfUsers();
// list of values showed in combo box drop down
cmbUsers.setCellFactory(new Callback<ListView<UserDTO>,ListCell<UserDTO>>(){
public ListCell<UserDTO> call(ListView<UserDTO> l){
return new ListCell<UserDTO>(){
protected void updateItem(UserDTO item, boolean empty) {
super.updateItem(item, empty);
if (item == null || empty) {
} else {
setText(item.getUserId()+" "+item.getUserNm());
} ;
//selected value showed in combo box
cmbUsers.setConverter(new StringConverter<UserDTO>() {
public String toString(UserDTO user) {
if (user == null){
return null;
} else {
return user.getUserId();
public UserDTO fromString(String userId) {
return null;
Just create and set a CallBack like follows:
#FXML ComboBox<User> cmbUserIds;
Callback<ListView<User>, ListCell<User>> cellFactory = new Callback<ListView<User>, ListCell<User>>() {
public ListCell<User> call(ListView<User> l) {
return new ListCell<User>() {
protected void updateItem(User item, boolean empty) {
super.updateItem(item, empty);
if (item == null || empty) {
} else {
setText(item.getId() + " " + item.getName());
} ;
// Just set the button cell here:
You need to provide a functional fromString() Method within the Converter!
I had the same problem as you have and as I implemented the fromString() with working code, the ComboBox behaves as expected.
This class provides a few of my objects, for dev-test purposes:
public class DevCatProvider {
public static final CategoryObject c1;
public static final CategoryObject c2;
public static final CategoryObject c3;
static {
// Init objects
public static CategoryObject getCatForName(final String name) {
switch (name) {
case "Kategorie 1":
return c1;
case "Cat 2":
return c2;
case "Steuer":
return c3;
return c1;
The converter object:
public class CategoryChooserConverter<T> extends StringConverter<CategoryObject> {
public CategoryObject fromString(final String catName) {
//This is the important code!
return Dev_CatProvider.getCatForName(catName);
public String toString(final CategoryObject categoryObject) {
if (categoryObject == null) {
return null;
return categoryObject.getName();
