Economizing on variable use - c

I am working on some (embedded) device, recently I just started thinking maybe to use less memory, in case stack size isn't that big.
I have long functions (unfortunately).
And inside I was thinking to save space in this way.
Imagine there is code
1. void f()
2. {
3. ...
4. char someArray[300];
5. char someOtherArray[300];
6. someFunc(someArray, someOtherArray);
7. ...
8. }
Now, imagine, someArray and someOtherArray are never used in f function beyond line: 6.
Would following save some stack space??
1. void f()
2. {
3. ...
4. {//added
5. char someArray[300];
6. char someOtherArray[300];
7. someFunc(someArray, someOtherArray);
8. }//added
9. ...
8. }
nb: removed second part of the question

For the compiler proper both are exactly the same and thus makes no difference. The preprocessor would replace all instances of TEXT1 with the string constant.
#define TEXT1 "SomeLongStringLiteral"
After the preprocessor's job is done, the above snippet becomes
Thus it makes no difference performance or memory-wise.
Aside: The reason #define TEXT1 "SomeLongStringLiteral" is done is to have a single place to change all instances of TEXT1s usage; but that's a convinience only for the programmer and has no effect on the produced output.
recently I just started thinking maybe to use less memory, in case stack size isn't that big.
Never micro optimise or prematurely optimise. In case the stack size isn't that big, you'll get to know it when you benchmark/measure it. Don't make any assumptions when you optimise; 99% of the times it'd be wrong.

I am working on some device
Really? Are you? I wouldn't have thought that.
Now, imagine, someArray and someOtherArray are never used in f function beyond line 6. Would following save some stack space?
On a good compiler, it wouldn't make a difference. By the standard, it isn't specified if it saves or not, it isn't even specified if there is a stack or not.
But on a not so good compiler, the one with the additional {} may be better. It is worth a test: compile it and look at the generated assembler code.
it seems my compiler doesn't allow me to do this (this is C), so never mind...
But it should so. What happens then? Maybe you are just confusing levels of {} ...
I'll ask another one here.
Would better be a separate question...
A #define is processed before any compilation step, so it makes absolutely no difference.
If it happens within the same compilation unit, the compiler will tie them together anyway. (At least, in this case. On an ATXmega, if you use PSTR("whatever") for having them in flash space only, each occurrence of them will be put into flash separately. But that's a completely different thing...)

Modern compilers should push stack variables before they are used, and pop them when they are no longer needed. The old thinking with { ... } marking the start and end of a stack push/pop should be rather obsolete by now.
Since 1999, C allows stack variables to be allocated anywhere and not just immediately after a {. C++ allowed this far earlier. Today, where the local variable is declared inside the scope has little to do with when it actually starts to exist in the machine code. And similarly, the } has little to do with when is ceases to exist.
So regarding adding extra { }, don't bother. It is premature optimization and only adds pointless clutter.
Regarding the #define it absolutely makes no difference in terms of efficiency. Macros are just text replacement.
Furthermore, from the generic point-of-view, data must always be allocated somewhere. Data used by a program cannot be allocated in thin air! That's a very common misunderstanding. For example, many people incorrectly believe that
int x = func();
if(x == something)
consumes more memory than
if(func() == something)
But both examples compile into identical machine code. The result of func must be stored somewhere, it cannot be stored in thin air. In the first example, the result is stored in a memory segment that the programmer may refer to as x.
In the second example, it is stored in the very same memory segment, taking up the same amount of space, for the same duration of program execution. The only difference is that the memory segment is anonymous and the programmer has no name for it. As far as the machine code is concerned, that doesn't matter, since no variable names exist in machine code.
And this would be why every professional C programmer needs to understand a certain amount of assembler. You cannot hope to ever do any kind of manual code optimization if you don't.

(Please don't ask two questions in one, this is really annoying since you get two types of answer for your two different questions.)
For your first question. Probably putting {} around the use of a variable will not help. The lifetime of automatic variables that are not VLA (see below) is not bound to the scope in which it is declared. So compilers may have a hard time in figuring out how the use of the stack may be optimized, and maybe don't do such an optimization at all. In your case this is most likely the case, since you are exporting pointers to your data to a function that is perhaps not visible, here. The compiler has no way to figure out if there is a valid use of the arrays later on in the code.
I see two ways to "force" the compiler into optimizing that space, functions or VLA. The first, functions is simple: instead of putting the block around the code, put it in a static function. Function calls are quite optimized on modern platforms, and here the compiler knows exactly how he may clear the stack at the end.
The second alternative in your case is a VLA, variable length array, if you compiler supports that c99 feature. Arrays that have a size that doesn't depend on a compile time constant have a special rule for their lifetime. That lifetime exactly ends at the end of the scope where they are defined. Even a const-qualified variable could be used for that:
size_t const len = 300;
char someArray[len];
char someOtherArray[len];
someFunc(someArray, someOtherArray);
At the end, on a given platform, you'd really have to inspect what assembler your compiler produces.


How to undeclare (delete) variable in C?

Like we do with macros:
Can we also undeclare or delete the variables in C, so that we can save a lot of memory?
I know about malloc() and free(), but I want to delete the variables completely so that if I use printf("%d", a); I should get error
test.c:4:14: error: ‘a’ undeclared (first use in this function)
No, but you can create small minimum scopes to achieve this since all scope local variables are destroyed when the scope is exit. Something like this:
void foo() {
// some codes
// ...
{ // create an extra minimum scope where a is needed
int a;
// a doesn't exist here
It's not a direct answer to the question, but it might bring some order and understanding on why this question has no proper answer and why "deleting" variables is impossible in C.
Point #1 What are variables?
Variables are a way for a programmer to assign a name to a memory space. This is important, because this means that a variable doesn't have to occupy any actual space! As long as the compiler has a way to keep track of the memory in question, a defined variable could be translated in many ways to occupy no space at all.
Consider: const int i = 10; A compiler could easily choose to substitute all instances of i into an immediate value. i would occupy 0 data memory in this case (depending on architecture it could increase code size). Alternatively, the compiler could store the value in a register and again, no stack nor heap space will be used. There's no point in "undefining" a label that exists mostly in the code and not necessarily in runtime.
Point #2 Where are variables stored?
After point #1 you already understand that this is not an easy question to answer as the compiler could do anything it wants without breaking your logic, but generally speaking, variables are stored on the stack. How the stack works is quite important for your question.
When a function is being called the machine takes the current location of the CPU's instruction pointer and the current stack pointer and pushes them into the stack, replacing the stack pointer to the next location on stack. It then jumps into the code of the function being called.
That function knows how many variables it has and how much space they need, so it moves the frame pointer to capture a frame that could occupy all the function's variables and then just uses stack. To simplify things, the function captures enough space for all it's variables right from the start and each variable has a well defined offset from the beginning of the function's stack frame*. The variables are also stored one after the other.
While you could manipulate the frame pointer after this action, it'll be too costly and mostly pointless - The running code only uses the last stack frame and could occupy all remaining stack if needed (stack is allocated at thread start) so "releasing" variables gives little benefit. Releasing a variable from the middle of the stack frame would require a defrag operation which would be very CPU costly and pointless to recover few bytes of memory.
Point #3: Let the compiler do its job
The last issue here is the simple fact that a compiler could do a much better job at optimizing your program than you probably could. Given the need, the compiler could detect variable scopes and overlap memory which can't be accessed simultaneously to reduce the programs memory consumption (-O3 compile flag).
There's no need for you to "release" variables since the compiler could do that without your knowledge anyway.
This is to complement all said before me about the variables being too small to matter and the fact that there's no mechanism to achieve what you asked.
* Languages that support dynamic-sized arrays could alter the stack frame to allocate space for that array only after the size of the array was calculated.
There is no way to do that in C nor in the vast majority of programming languages, certainly in all programming languages that I know.
And you would not save "a lot of memory". The amount of memory you would save if you did such a thing would be minuscule. Tiny. Not worth talking about.
The mechanism that would facilitate the purging of variables in such a way would probably occupy more memory than the variables you would purge.
The invocation of the code that would reclaim the code of individual variables would also occupy more space than the variables themselves.
So if there was a magic method purge() that purges variables, not only the implementation of purge() would be larger than any amount of memory you would ever hope to reclaim by purging variables in your program, but also, in int a; purge(a); the call to purge() would occupy more space than a itself.
That's because the variables that you are talking about are very small. The printf("%d", a); example that you provided shows that you are thinking of somehow reclaiming the memory occupied by individual int variables. Even if there was a way to do that, you would be saving something of the order of 4 bytes. The total amount of memory occupied by such variables is extremely small, because it is a direct function of how many variables you, as a programmer, declare by hand-typing their declarations. It would take years of typing on a keyboard doing nothing but mindlessly declaring variables before you would declare a number of int variables occupying an amount of memory worth speaking of.
Well, you can use blocks ({ }) and defining a variable as late as possible to limit the scope where it exists.
But unless the variable's address is taken, doing so has no influence on the generated code at all, as the compiler's determination of the scope where it has to keep the variable's value is not significantly impacted.
If the variable's address is taken, failure of escape-analysis, mostly due to inlining-barriers like separate compilation or allowing semantic interpositioning, can make the compiler assume it has to keep it alive till later in the block than strictly neccessary. That's rarely significant (don't worry about a handful of ints, and most often a few lines of code longer keeping it alive are insignificant), but best to keep it in mind for the rare case where it might matter.
If you are that concerned about the tiny amount of memory that is on the stack, then you're probably going to be interested in understanding the specifics of your compiler as well. You'll need to find out what it does when it compiles. The actual shape of the stack-frame is not specified by the C language. It is left to the compiler to figure out. To take an example from the currently accepted answer:
void foo() {
// some codes
// ...
{ // create an extra minimum scope where a is needed
int a;
// a doesn't exist here
This may or may not affect the memory usage of the function. If you were to do this in a mainstream compiler like gcc or Visual Studio, you would find that they optimize for speed rather than stack size, so they pre-allocate all of the stack space they need at the start of the function. They will do analysis to figure out the minimum pre-allocation needed, using your scoping and variable-usage analysis, but those algorithms literally wont' be affected by extra scoping. They're already smarter than that.
Other compilers, especially those for embedded platforms, may allocate the stack frame differently. On these platforms, such scoping may be the trick you needed. How do you tell the difference? The only options are:
Read the documentation
Try it, and see what works
Also, make sure you understand the exact nature of your problem. I worked on a particular embedded project which eschewed the stack for everything except return values and a few ints. When I pressed the senior developers about this silliness, they explained that on this particular application, stack space was at more of a premium than space for globally allocated variables. They had a process they had to go through to prove that the system would operate as intended, and this process was much easier for them if they allocated everything up front and avoided recursion. I guarantee you would never arrive at such a convoluted solution unless you first knew the exact nature of what you were solving.
As another solution you could look at, you could always build your own stack frames. Make a union of structs, where each struct contains the variables for one stack frame. Then keep track of them yourself. You could also look at functions like alloca, which can allow for growing the stack frame during the function call, if your compiler supports it.
Would a union of structs work? Try it. The answer is compiler dependent. If all variables are stored in memory on your particular device, then this approach will likely minimize stack usage. However, it could also substantially confuse register coloring algorithms, and result in an increase in stack usage! Try and see how it goes for you!

Using Structs in Functions

I have a function and i'm accessing a struct's members a lot of times in it.
What I was wondering about is what is the good practice to go about this?
For example:
struct s
int x;
int y;
and I have allocated memory for 10 objects of that struct using malloc.
So, whenever I need to use only one of the object in a function, I usually create (or is passed as argument) pointer and point it to the required object (My superior told me to avoid array indexing because it adds a calculation when accessing any member of the struct)
But is this the right way? I understand that dereferencing is not as expensive as creating a copy, but what if I'm dereferencing a number of times (like 20 to 30) in the function.
Would it be better if i created temporary variables for the struct variables (only the ones I need, I certainly don't use all the members) and copy over the value and then set the actual struct's value before returning?
Also, is this unnecessary micro optimization? Please note that this is for embedded devices.
This is for an embedded system. So, I can't make any assumptions about what the compiler will do. I can't make any assumptions about word size, or the number of registers, or the cost of accessing off the stack, because you didn't tell me what the architecture is. I used to do embedded code on 8080s when they were new...
OK, so what to do?
Pick a real section of code and code it up. Code it up each of the different ways you have listed above. Compile it. Find the compiler option that forces it to print out the assembly code that is produced. Compile each piece of code with every different set of optimization options. Grab the reference manual for the processor and count the cycles used by each case.
Now you will have real data on which to base a decision. Real data is much better that the opinions of a million highly experience expert programmers. Sit down with your lead programmer and show him the code and the data. He may well show you better ways to code it. If so, recode it his way, compile it, and count the cycles used by his code. Show him how his way worked out.
At the very worst you will have spent a weekend learning something very important about the way your compiler works. You will have examined N ways to code things times M different sets of optimization options. You will have learned a lot about the instruction set of the machine. You will have learned how good, or bad, the compiler is. You will have had a chance to get to know your lead programmer better. And, you will have real data.
Real data is the kind of data that you must have to answer this question. With out that data nothing anyone tells you is anything but an ego based guess. Data answers the question.
Bob Pendleton
First of all, indexing an array is not very expensive (only like one operation more expensive than a pointer dereference, or sometimes none, depending on the situation).
Secondly, most compilers will perform what is called RVO or return value optimisation when returning structs by value. This is where the caller allocates space for the return value of the function it calls, and secretly passes the address of that memory to the function for it to use, and the effect is that no copies are made. It does this automatically, so
struct mystruct blah = func();
Only constructs one object, passes it to func for it to use transparently to the programmer, and no copying need be done.
What I do not know is if you assign an array index the return value of the function, like this:
someArray[0] = func();
will the compiler pass the address of someArray[0] and do RVO that way, or will it just not do that optimisation? You'll have to get a more experienced programmer to answer that. I would guess that the compiler is smart enough to do it though, but it's just a guess.
And yes, I would call it micro optimisation. But we're C programmers. And that's how we roll.
Generally, the case in which you want to make a copy of a passed struct in C is if you want to manipulate the data in place. That is to say, have your changes not be reflected in the struct it self but rather only in the return value. As for which is more expensive, it depends on a lot of things. Many of which change implementation to implementation so I would need more specific information to be more helpful. Though, I would expect, that in an embedded environment you memory is at a greater premium than your processing power. Really this reads like needless micro optimization, your compiler should handle it.
In this case creating temp variable on the stack will be faster. But if your structure is much bigger then you might be better with dereferencing.

Global Variables performance effect (c, c++)

I'm currently developing a very fast algorithm, with one part of it being an extremely fast scanner and statistics function.
In this quest, i'm after any performance benefit.
Therefore, I'm also interested in keeping the code "multi-thread" friendly.
Now for the question :
i've noticed that putting some very frequently accessed variables and arrays into "Global", or "static local" (which does the same), there is a measurable performance benefit (in the range of +10%).
I'm trying to understand why, and to find a solution about it, since i would prefer to avoid using these types of allocation.
Note that i don't think the difference comes from "allocation", since allocating a few variables and small array on the stack is almost instantaneous. I believe the difference comes from "accessing" and "modifying" data.
In this search, i've found this old post from stackoverflow :
C++ performance of global variables
But i'm very disappointed by the answers there. Very little explanation, mostly ranting about "you should not do that" (hey, that's not the question !) and very rough statements like 'it doesn't affect performance', which is obviously incorrect, since i'm measuring it with precise benchmark tools.
As said above, i'm looking for an explanation, and, if it exists, a solution to this issue. So far, i've got the feeling that calculating the memory address of a local (dynamic) variable costs a bit more than a global (or local static). Maybe something like an ADD operation difference. But that doesn't help finding a solution...
It really depends on your compiler, platform, and other details. However, I can describe one scenario where global variables are faster.
In many cases, a global variable is at a fixed offset. This allows the generated instructions to simply use that address directly. (Something along the lines of MOV AX,[MyVar].)
However, if you have a variable that's relative to the current stack pointer or a member of a class or array, some math is required to take the address of the array and determine the address of the actual variable.
Obviously, if you need to place some sort of mutex on your global variable in order to keep it thread-safe, then you'll almost certainly more than lose any performance gain.
Creating local variables can be literally free if they are POD types. You likely are overflowing a cache line with too many stack variables or other similar alignment-based causes which are very specific to your piece of code. I usually find that non-local variables significantly decrease performance.
It's hard to beat static allocation for speed, and while the 10% is a pretty small difference, it could be due to address calculation.
But if you're looking for speed,
your example in a comment while(p<end)stats[*p++]++; is an obvious candidate for unrolling, such as:
static int stats[M];
static int index_array[N];
int *p = index_array, *pend = p+N;
// ... initialize the arrays ...
while (p < pend-8){
p += 8;
while(p<pend) stats[*p++]++;
Don't count on the compiler to do it for you. It might or might not be able to figure it out.
Other possible optimizations come to mind, but they depend on what you're actually trying to do.
If you have something like
int stats[256]; while (p<end) stats[*p++]++;
static int stats[256]; while (p<end) stats[*p++]++;
you are not really comparing the same thing because for the first instance you are not doing an initialization of your array. Written explicitly the second line is equivalent to
static int stats[256] = { 0 }; while (p<end) stats[*p++]++;
So to be a fair comparison you should have the first read
int stats[256] = { 0 }; while (p<end) stats[*p++]++;
Your compiler might deduce much more things if he has the variables in a known state.
Now then, there could be runtime advantage of the static case, since the initialization is done at compile time (or program startup).
To test if this makes up for your difference you should run the same function with the static declaration and the loop several times, to see if the difference vanishes if your number of invocations grows.
But as other said already, best is to inspect the assembler that your compiler produces to see what effective difference there are in the code that is produced.

Why variables start out with random values in C

I think this is wrong, it should start as NULL and not with a random value. In the case that you have a pointer with a random memory address as its default value it could be a very dangerous thing, no?
The variables start out uninitialized because that's the fastest way - why waste the CPU cycles on initialization if you're going to write another value there anyway?
If you want a variable to be initialized after creation, just initialize it. :)
About it being a dangerous thing: Every good compiler will warn you if you try to use a variable without initialization.
No. C is a very efficient language, one that has traditionally been faster that a lot of other languages. One of the reasons for this is that it doesn't do too much on it's own. The programmer controls this.
In the case of initialization, C variables are not initialized to a random value. Rather, they are not initialized and so they contain whatever was at the memory location before.
If you wanted to initialize a variable to, say, 1 in your program, then it would be inefficient if the variable had already been initialized to zero or null. That would mean it was initialized twice.
Execution speed and overhead (or lack thereof) are the main reasons why. C is notorious for letting you walk off the proverbial cliff because it always assumes that the user knows better than it does.
Note that if you declared the variable as static it actually is guaranteed to be initialized to 0.
Variables start out with a random value because you are just handed a block of memory and told to deal with it yourself. It has whatever value that block of memory had before hand. Why should the program waste time setting the value to some arbitrary default when you are likely going to set it yourself later?
The design choice is performance, and it is one of the many reasons why C isn't the preferred language for most projects.
This has nothing to do with "if C were being designed today" or with efficiency of one initialization. Instead think of something like
void foo()
struct bar *ptrs[10000];
/* do something where only a few indices end up actually getting used */
Any language that forces useless initialization on you is doomed to be slow as hell for algorithms that can make use of sparse arrays where you don't care about the majority of the values, and have an easy way of knowing which values you care about.
If you don't like my example with such a large object on the stack, substitute malloc instead. It has the same semantics with regard to initialization.
In either case, if you want zero-initialization, you can get it with {0} or calloc.
It was a design choice made many ears ago, probably for efficiency reasons.
Statically allocated variables (globals and statics) are initialized to 0 if there's no explicit initialization - this could be justified even taking efficiency into account becuase it only occurs once. I'd guess the thinking was that for automatic variables (locals) that are allocated each time a scope is entered, implicit initialization was considered something that might cost too much and therefore should be left to the programmer's responsibility.
If C were being designed today, I wouldn't be surprised if that design decision were changed - especially since compilers are intelligent enough today to be able to optimize away an initialization that gets overwritten before any other use (or potential use).
However, there are so many C compiler toolchains that follow the spec of not initializing automatically, it would be foolish for a compiler to perform implicit initialization to a 'useful' value (like 0 or NULL). That would just encourage people targeting that tool chain to write code that didn't work correctly on other tool chains.
However, compilers can initialize local variables, and they often do. It's just that they initialize the locals to a values that's not generally useful (especially, that doesn't set a pointer to the null pointer). That kind of initialization isn't useful in writing your programming logic against, and it's not intended for that. It's intended to cause deterministic and reproducible errors so that if you erroneously use values that have been set by implicit initialization, you'll be able to find it easily in test/debug.
Usually this compiler behavior is turned on only for debug builds; I could see an argument being made for turning it on in release builds as well - particular if the release build can still optimize it away when the compiler can prove that the implicit initialized value is never used.

Efficiency of C Variable Declaration [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How is conditional initialization handled and is it a good practice?
(5 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
How long does it take to declare a variable in C, for example int x or unsigned long long var? I am wondering if it would make my code any faster in something like this.
for (conditions) {
int var = 0;
// code
Would it be faster to do this, or is it easier not to?
int var;
for (conditions) {
var = 0;
// code
Thanks for the help.
One piece of advice: stop worrying about which language constructs are microscopically faster or slower than which others, and instead focus on which ones let you express yourself best.
Also, to find out where your code is spending time, use a profiler.
And as others have pointed out, declarations are purely compile-time things, they don't affect execution time.
It doesn't make any difference. In a traditional implementation the declaration itself (excluding initialization) generates no machine instructions. Function prologue code typically allocates space in the stack for all local variables at once, regardless of where they are declared.
However, where you declare your local variables can affect the performance of your code indirectly, in theory at least. When you declare the variables as locally as possible (your first variant), in general case it results in smaller size of the stack frame reserved by the function for its local variables (since the same location in the stack can be shared by different local variables at different times). Having smaller stack frame reduces the general stack memory consumption, i.e. as nested function calls are performed stack size doesn't grow as fast (especially noticeable with recursive functions). It generally improves performance since new stack page allocations happen less often, and stack memory locality becomes better.
The latter considerations are platform-dependent, of course. It might have very little or no effect on your platform and/or for your applications.
Whenever you have a question about performance, the best thing to do is wrap a loop around it (millions of iterations) and time it. But, in this case, you will likely find that it makes no difference.
It is more important to properly express the intentions of your code. If you need the variable outside your loop, delare it outside. If you only need the variable inside the loop, declare it inside.
You should always declare and initialize variables in narrowest scope possible.
You shouldn't be worrying about those types of micro-optimizations anyway (except in the rarest, rarest of cases). If you really need to worry about potential nano-second performance improvements, measure the difference. It is very unlikely that your variable declarations will be the largest bottleneck in your application.
It takes no time at all. The memory for global variables is allocated at startup, and "declaring" variables on the stack simply involves how far "up" the stack pointer moves when the function is called.
declarations are purely compile time, they cost nothing at runtime¹. But the first piece of code is still better than the second for two reasons
you should always initialize variables when you declare them, they way they can never have uninitialized values. This goes hand in hand with
always use the narrowest possible scope for variable declarations
So your first example, while no faster than the second, is still better.
And all of the people who chimed in telling him not to prematurely or micro optimize his code are wrong. It is never bad to know how costly various bits of code are. The very best programmers have a solid, almost unconcious, grasp of the cost of various strategies and take that into account automatically when they design. The way you become that programmer is to ask just this sort of question when you are a beginner.
¹ In fact, there is a small cost when each function allocates space for local variables, but that cost is the same regardless of how many local variables there are*.
*ok that's not really true, but the cost depends only on the total amount of space, not the number of variables.
Declaration takes no time at all.
The compiler will interpret that line as a notification that space for it will need to exist on the stack.
As others have already said, it shouldn't take any time. Therefore you need to make this decision based on other factors: what would make your code more readable and less prone to bugs. It's generally considered a good practice to declare a variable as close as possible to its usage (so you can see the declaration and usage in one go). If it's only used in the inner scope then just declare it inside that scope - forget about performance on this one.
Declaring variables does take time, as it results in machine language instructions that allocate the space for the variables on the stack. This is simply an increment of the stack pointer, which takes a tiny, but non-zero amount of time.
I believe your question is whether more time will be required (i.e. more stack increment operations) if the variable is declared inside the loop. The answer is no, since the stack is incremented once only for the loop block, not each time the loop is executed. So, there will be no difference in time either way, even if the loop executes zillions of zillions of times.
Disclaimer: Precisely what happens depends on your compiler, architecture, etc. But conceptually here's what's going on:
When you declare a variable within a method, it is allocated on the stack. Allocating something on the stack only involves bumping up the stack pointer by the size of the variable. So, for example, if SP represents the memory address of the top of the stack, declaring char x results in SP += 1 and int x results in SP += 4 (on a 32 bit machine).
When the function exits, the stack pointer is returned to where it was before your method was called. So deallocating everything is fast, too.
So, either way it's just an add, which takes the same amount of time regardless of the amount of data.
A smart compiler will combine several variable declarations into a single add.
When you declare a variable within a loop, in theory it could be changing the stack pointer on each iteration through the loop, but again, a smart compiler probably won't do that.
(A notable exception is C++, which does extra work because it needs to call constructors and destructors when the stack-allocated object is created or destroyed.)
I wouldn't care about a nanosecond here or there. Unless you need to access its value after the for loop ends, leave the variable inside the loop: it will be closer to the code that uses it (your code will be more readable), and its scope will be bounded by the loop itself (your code will be more elegant and less bug-prone).
I bet the compiled binary will be identical for both cases.
Variable declaration is turned into stack space reservation by the compiler. Now how does this work is entirely platform-dependent. On x86 and pretty much every popular architecture this is just a subtraction from the address of the stack frame and\or indexing addressing mode to access from the top of the stack. All these come with the cost of a simple subtraction\addition, which is really irrelevant.
Technically the second example is less efficient, because the declaration happens on every entry into the loop scope, i.e. on every loop iteration. However it is 99.99% chance that the stack space will be reserved only once.Even the assignment operation will be optimized away, although technically it should be done every loop iteration. Now in C++ this can get much worse, if the variable has a constructor which will then be run on every loop iteration.
And as a bottom line, you really should not worry about any of such issues without proper profiling. And even then there are much more valuable questions to ask yourself here, like "what is the most readable way to do this, what is easier to understand and maintain, etc.".
