confusion with data structure allignment? - c

Code 1:-
struct emp
char a;
double b;
int main()
struct emp e;
printf("%p %p", (void*)&e.a, (void*)&e.b);
Output on my computer:-
OO28FF00 0028FF08
As the size of char and double is '1' and '8' respectively and hence the 0028FF00 and 0028FF08 are multiples of '1' and '8' respectively.
Code 2:-
struct emp
char a;
long double b;
int main()
struct emp e;
printf("%p %p \n", (void*)&e.a,(void*)&e.b);
The output is :-
0028FF00 0028FF04
As the size of char and long double is '1' and '12' respectively but 0028FF04 is not a multiple of '12'.
Why padding is not applied in this case?

A long double is an 80 bit floating point so you need 10 bytes. 10 is really not a very good size though, thus Intel 32 bit processors decided on 12 bytes. 12 is a multiple of 4 which represents 32 bits (3 x 32 bits). This is considered aligned because a 32 bit processor only needs 4 bytes alignment, so the 12 bytes is aligned at any 4 bytes boundary. Obviously, the compiler knows what it's doing and it always tries to generate the smallest possible structure.
This being said, this is where you see that you cannot use a struct declaration and hope to save it as is in a file... at least not with the default C types (you can use int32_t, uint64_t, etc. to get exactly what you want, but there is no equivalent for floating point numbers...)
As someone commented, on a 64 bit architecture, long double is 16 bytes. A waste of 6 bytes... but it makes the type 64 bit aligned all the time.

Wikipedia has a table of typical alignments:
x86 has flexible memory access instructions, so there rules are up to the compiler designers' decision. We can only imagine why they thought there are the most reasonable.
I found #LưuVĩnhPhúc 's comment very educative. Although long double is 12 bytes on your platform (GCC?) it was 4 bytes aligned by the same reason why a 512 bytes struct will not be 512 bytes aligned; there will be too much waste in space. I guess the designers of GCC thought accessing double variables should be done in the least possible latency at the cost of some space (up to 7 bytes.)

Well, as far as I know padding and data alignment heavily depend on the target architecture, compiler optimization options and overall quality of the optimizator. Thus if you don't specifically care about alignment, you get a "quazi-optimal" structures and the compiler is free to decide what is better for this particular set of optimization options (whether -Os or -O is used and so on). If you wish to have a specific alignment, you should use compiler-specific options to tune the things. For GCC and CLang use __packed__ attribute, for MSVC use #pragma pack. See pragma pack(1) nor __attribute__ ((aligned (1))) works for more info


Understanding memory alignment constraints and padding bytes in C

I have following code snippet.
int main(){
typedef struct{
int a;
int b;
int c;
char ch1;
int d;
} str;
printf("Size: %d \n",sizeof(str));
return 0;
Which is giving output as follows
Size: 20
I know that size of the structure is greater than the summation of the sizes of components of the structure because of padding added to satisfy memeory alignment constraints.
I want to know how it is decided that how many bytes of padding have to be added. On what does it depend ? Does it depends on CPU architecture ? And does it depends on compiler also ? I am using here 64bit CPU and gcc compiler. How will the output change if these parameters change.
I know there are similar questions on StackOverflow, but they do not explain this memory alignment constraints thoroughly.
It in general depends on the requirements of the architecture. There's loads over here, but it can be summarized as follows:
Storage for the basic C datatypes on an x86 or ARM processor doesn’t
normally start at arbitrary byte addresses in memory. Rather, each
type except char has an alignment requirement; chars can start on any
byte address, but 2-byte shorts must start on an even address, 4-byte
ints or floats must start on an address divisible by 4, and 8-byte
longs or doubles must start on an address divisible by 8. Signed or
unsigned makes no difference.
In your case the following is probably taking place: sizeof(str) = 4 (4 bytes for int) + 4 (4 bytes for int) + 1 ( 1 byte for char) + 7 (3 bytes padding + 4 bytes for int) = 20
The padding is there so that int is at an address that's a multiple of 4 bytes. This requirement comes from the fact that int is 4 bytes long (my assumption regarding the architecture you're using). But this will vary from one architecture to another.
On what does it depend ? Does it depends on CPU architecture ? And does it depends on compiler also ?
CPU, operating system, and compiler at least.
I know that it depends on the CPU architecture, I think you can find some interesting articles that talks about this on the net, wikipedia is not bad in my opinion.
For me I am using a 64 bit linux machine, and what I can say is that, every field is aligned so that it would be on a memory address divisible by its size (for basic types), for example :
int and float are aligned by 4 (must be in a memory adress divisible by 4)
char and bool by 1 ( which means no padding)
double and pointers are aligned by 8
Best way to avoid padding is to put your fields from largest size to smallest (when there is only basic fields)
When there is composed fields, it a little more difficult for me to explain here, but I think you can figure it out yourself in a paper

64 bit alignment/padding for c structure?

struct tag_t_ {
u_int8_t op;
u_int8_t num;
u_int32_t labels[5];
In the above structure where will be pad bytes added by 64-bit compiler?
Is it before the first label or at the end of first label?
If the padding is at end of the first label, Will it cause any erroneous result while accessing (reading) the first label in 32 bit archs?
I'm running this in 64-bit system -- the memory map of the struct is
offset: variable
0: op num
2: 00 00 // only 2 paddings
4: label0
8: label1
20: label5
sizeof(struct) == 24
// here one could fit an unsigned short between the chars and the first 32-bit integer without affecting the size of the struct.
The rule for struct padding is that any basic variable of width W, will be aligned to that width. Double as second parameter would cause 7 padding bytes after op and only 3 padding bytes after num, as labels[0] would then start at an offset divisible by 4.
There's a difference between 32/64 bit systems: 32-bit systems will still align 8-byte variables to 32-bit boundaries. 64-bit systems will align long int and double to 8-byte boundaries.
This would make it safe to use that struct in 32-bit system. If there were doubles in the struct, one could still make the structs compatible with careful planning of the variables.
It depends on the compiler, there's no universal rule that can be applied and guaranteed to hold.
I'm not sure about the second half of the question, since on the 32-bit architecture the compiler will be different, of course. It's never a good idea to transfer structures directly.
Because of the padding, if you write sizeof (tag_t_) bytes to some external media on the 64-bit machine, transfer the media and and then try to read sizeof (tag_t_) on the 32-bit machine, it will fail. So don't do that. Serialize structures field-by-field, and de-serialize them the same way.
padding is usually applied at the end of each field. And no, a 64bit compiled binary is incompatible with a 32bit binary. So you might have to re-compile everything for 32 bit architecture.
The alignment then will be taken care of, by the 32 bit compiler and addresses will be generated accordingly.

how does padding work in structure?

The output of this program is 28. I don't understand how?
According to me this should be 32(4+4+4+4+12)+4(to maintain the alignment)=32.
Please explain the reason for displaying the output 28??
struct test{
char c;
int d;
int x;
int y;
long double p;
Maybe your "long double" is actually the same as a double (8 bytes), and if you're on a 32bit processor the alignment is 4-byte.
4+4+4+4+8 = 24
What is sizeof(long double)?
I used GCC's __builtin_offset_of() and __alignof__ to investigate. The actual answer that explains the size of the struct is:
4+4+4+4+12 = 28
sizeof(long double) is 12.
No padding is necessary because __alignof__(long double) is 4 and. Interestingly, __alignof__(double) is 8.
According to this, long doubles in gcc 32-bit mode (using gcc -m32 or with a gcc that was built to produce 32-bit output, regardless of what your platform actually is) are only 4-byte aligned. Might be good to consult the gcc manual to verify that, though.
On a 64 bit system sizes are
char - 1 byte(its not 4 bytes)
int - 4 bytes
long double - 12 bytes
so total is 1+4+4+4+12+padding = 28 bytes!!
That seems right to me. A field immediately following p would be 4-byte aligned, so there's no need for padding at the end of the structure.
On my system, the output is 32, but on my system, sizeof(long double) is 16. (x86_64, LLVM3).
The 28 sizeof output is of course correct = 1 byte for char, 3 bytes padding, 3 x 4 int and 12 bytes for long double (96 bits size but 80 bit precision), which makes in total 28 bytes.
Remember that even tho you compile on x86-64 machine, you probably compile for x86-32 machine using mingw32 and that makes a difference.
Mingw32 uses 4 byte allignement for long double.

How the size of this structure comes out to be 4 byte

I do have a structure having bit-fields in it.Its comes out to be 2 bytes according to me but its coming out to be 4 .I have read some question related to this here on stackoverflow but not able to relate to my problem.This is structure i do have
struct s{
char b;
int c:8;
int main()
printf("sizeof struct s = %d bytes \n",sizeof(struct s));
return 0;
if int type has to be on its memory boundary,then output should be 8 bytes but its showing 4 bytes??
In sum: it is optimizing the packing of bits (that's what bit-fields are meant for) as maximum as possible without compromising on alignment.
A variable’s data alignment deals with the way the data stored in these banks. For example, the natural alignment of int on 32-bit machine is 4 bytes. When a data type is naturally aligned, the CPU fetches it in minimum read cycles.
Similarly, the natural alignment of short int is 2 bytes. It means, a short int can be stored in bank 0 – bank 1 pair or bank 2 – bank 3 pair. A double requires 8 bytes, and occupies two rows in the memory banks. Any misalignment of double will force more than two read cycles to fetch double data.
Note that a double variable will be allocated on 8 byte boundary on 32 bit machine and requires two memory read cycles. On a 64 bit machine, based on number of banks, double variable will be allocated on 8 byte boundary and requires only one memory read cycle.
So the compiler will introduce alignment requirement to every structure. It will be as that of the largest member of the structure. If you remove char from your struct, you will still get 4 bytes.
In your struct, char is 1 byte aligned. It is followed by an int bit-field, which is 4 byte aligned for integers, but you defined a bit-field.
8 bits = 1 byte. Char can be any byte boundary. So Char + Int:8 = 2 bytes. Well, that's an odd byte boundary so the compiler adds an additional 2 bytes to maintain the 4-byte boundary.
For it to be 8 bytes, you would have to declare an actual int (4 bytes) and a char (1 byte). That's 5 bytes. Well that's another odd byte boundary, so the struct is padded to 8 bytes.
What I have commonly done in the past to control the padding is to place fillers in between my struct to always maintain the 4 byte boundary. So if I have a struct like this:
struct s {
int id;
char b;
I am going to insert allocation as follows:
struct d {
int id;
char b;
char temp[3];
That would give me a struct with a size of 4 bytes + 1 byte + 3 bytes = 8 bytes! This way I can ensure that my struct is padded the way I want it, especially if I transmit it somewhere over the network. Also, if I ever change my implementation (such as if I were to maybe save this struct into a binary file, the fillers were there from the beginning and so as long as I maintain my initial structure, all is well!)
Finally, you can read this post on C Structure size with bit-fields for more explanation.
int c:8; means that you are declaring a bit-field with the size of 8 bits. Since the alignemt on 32 bit systems is normally 4 bytes (=32 bits) your object will appear to have 4 bytes instead of 2 bytes (char + 8 bit).
But if you specify that c should occupy 8 bits, it's not really an int, is it? The size of c + b is 2 bytes, but your compiler pads the struct to 4 bytes.
They alignment of fields in a struct is compiler/platform dependent.
Maybe your compiler uses 16-bit integers for bitfields less than or equal to 16 bits in length, maybe it never aligns structs on anything smaller than a 4-byte boundary.
Bottom line: If you want to know how struct fields are aligned you should read the documentation for the compiler and platform you are using.
In generic, platform-independent C, you can never know the size of a struct/union nor the size of a bit-field. The compiler is free to add as many padding bytes as it likes anywhere inside the struct/union/bit-field, except at the very first memory location.
In addition, the compiler is also free to add any number of padding bits to a bit-field, and may put them anywhere it likes, because which bit is msb and lsb is not defined by C.
When it comes to bit-fields, you are left out in the cold by the C language, there is no standard for them. You must read compiler documentation in detail to know how they will behave on your specific platform, and they are completely non-portable.
The sensible solution is to never ever use bit fields, they are a reduntant feature of C. Instead, use bit-wise operators. Bit-wise operators and in-depth documented bit-fields will generate the same machine code (non-documented bit-fields are free to result in quite arbitrary code). But bit-wise operators are guaranteed to work the same on any compiler/system in the world.

C 64-bit Pointer Alignment

Are pointers on a 64-bit system still 4 byte aligned (similar to a double on a 32 bit system)? Or are they note 8 byte aligned?
For example, on a 64-bit system how big is the following data structure:
struct a {
void* ptr;
char myChar;
Would the pointer by 8 byte aligned, causing 7 bytes of padding for the character (total = 8 + 8 = 16)? Or would the pointer be 4 byte aligned (4 bytes + 4 bytes) causing 3 bytes of padding (total = 4 + 4 + 4 = 12)?
Data alignment and packing are implementation specific, and can be usually changed from compiler settings (or even with pragmas).
However assuming you're using default settings, on most (if not all) compilers the structure should end up being 16 bytes total. The reason is because computers reads a data chunk with size of its native word size (which is 8 bytes in 64-bit system). If it were to pad it to 4 byte offsets, the next structure would not be properly padded to 64-bit boundary. For example in case of a arr[2], the second element of the array would start at 12-byte offset, which isn't at the native byte boundary of the machine.
I don't think you can rely on any hard-and-fast rules. I think it's a function of the compiler you use and the compilation options you choose.
Your best bet is to write a program that tests this and spits out a header file that codifies the alignment rules as #defines. You might also be able to just calculate what you're interested in right in the macros, too.
Generally on a 64-bit system:
struct a {
void* ptr; // size is 8 bytes, alignment is 8
char myChar; // size is 1 byte, alignment is 1
// padding of 7 bytes so array elements will be properly aligned
For a total size of 16 bytes.
But this is all implementation defined - I'm just giving an example that likely to be true for many (most?) 64-bit systems.
You would need to consult the documentation for the particular ABI you are interested in. For example, here is the System V ABI x86-64 architeture supplement - you can see on page 12 that pointers on this ABI are 8-byte aligned (so yes, the structure you show would be padded out to 16 bytes).
The language standard makes no statements about padding. The alignment rules are platform-specific (i.e., you have to align differently on e.g. a PowerPC CPU than on a x86_64 CPU), and they are implementation-defined, meaning your compiler can do whatever works (and might change that behaviour with different command-line options or after a version update).
I strongly believe that any recommendation along the lines of "this is usually this or that" is misleading, and possibly dangerous.
You could write a test program that executes a couple of sizeof() and/or offsetof()statements and writes a header for you containing some #defines stating the paddings used.
You can use autoconf to do that for you.
In the very least, you should add assert( sizeof( ... ) ) statements at the beginning of your main() function so you get informed when your assumptions are wrong.
