How do I extract bits from 32 bit number - c

I have do not have much knowledge of C and I'm stuck with a problem since one of my colleague is on leave.
I have a 32 bit number and i have to extract bits from it. I did go through a few threads but I'm still not clear how to do so. I would be highly obliged if someone can help me.
Here is an example of what I need to do:
Assume hex number = 0xD7448EAB.
In binary = 1101 0111 0100 0100 1000 1110 1010 1011.
I need to extract the 16 bits, and output that value. I want bits 10 through 25.
The lower 10 bits (Decimal) are ignored. i.e., 10 1010 1011 are ignored.
And the upper 6 bits (Overflow) are ignored. i.e. 1101 01 are ignored.
The remaining 16 bits of data needs to be the output which is 11 0100 0100 1000 11 (numbers in italics are needed as the output).
This was an example but I will keep getting different hex numbers all the time and I need to extract the same bits as I explained.
How do I solve this?
Thank you.
For this example you would output 1101 0001 0010 0011, which is 0xD123, or 53,539 decimal.

You need masks to get the bits you want. Masks are numbers that you can use to sift through bits in the manner you want (keep bits, delete/clear bits, modify numbers etc). What you need to know are the AND, OR, XOR, NOT, and shifting operations. For what you need, you'll only need a couple.
You know shifting: x << y moves bits from x *y positions to the left*.
How to get x bits set to 1 in order: (1 << x) - 1
How to get x bits set to 1, in order, starting from y to y + x: ((1 << x) -1) << y
The above is your mask for the bits you need. So for example if you want 16 bits of 0xD7448EAB, from 10 to 25, you'll need the above, for x = 16 and y = 10.
And now to get the bits you want, just AND your number 0xD7448EAB with the mask above and you'll get the masked 0xD7448EAB with only the bits you want. Later, if you want to go through each one, you'll need to shift your result by 10 to the right and process each bit at a time (at position 0).
The answer may be a bit longer, but it's better design than just hard coding with 0xff or whatever.

OK, here's how I wrote it:
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
main() {
uint32_t in = 0xd7448eab;
uint16_t out = 0;
out = in >> 10; // Shift right 10 bits
out &= 0xffff; // Only lower 16 bits
The in >> 10 shifts the number right 10 bits; the & 0xffff discards all bits except the lower 16 bits.

I want bits 10 through 25.
You can do this:
unsigned int number = 0xD7448EAB;
unsigned int value = (number & 0x3FFFC00) >> 10;
Or this:
unsigned int number = 0xD7448EAB;
unsigned int value = (number >> 10) & 0xFFFF;

I combined the top 2 answers above to write a C program that extracts the bits for any range of bits (not just 10 through 25) of a 32-bit unsigned int. The way the function works is that it returns bits lo to hi (inclusive) of num.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
unsigned extract(unsigned num, unsigned hi, unsigned lo) {
uint32_t range = (hi - lo + 1); //number of bits to be extracted
//shifting a number by the number of bits it has produces inconsistent
//results across machines so we need a special case for extract(num, 31, 0)
if(range == 32)
return num;
uint32_t result = 0;
//following the rule above, ((1 << x) - 1) << y) makes the mask:
uint32_t mask = ((1 << range) -1) << lo;
//AND num and mask to get only the bits in our range
result = num & mask;
result = result >> lo; //gets rid of trailing 0s
return result;
int main() {
unsigned int num = 0xd7448eab;
printf("0x%x\n", extract(num, 10, 25));


Extract k bits from any side of hex notation

int X = 0x1234ABCD;
int Y = 0xcdba4321;
// a) print the lower 10 bits of X in hex notation
int output1 = X & 0xFF;
printf("%X\n", output1);
// b) print the upper 12 bits of Y in hex notation
int output2 = Y >> 20;
printf("%X\n", output2);
I want to print the lower 10 bits of X in hex notation; since each character in hex is 4 bits, FF = 8 bits, would it be right to & with 0x2FF to get the lower 10 bits in hex notation.
Also, would shifting right by 20 drop all 20 bits at the end, and keep the upper 12 bits only?
I want to print the lower 10 bits of X in hex notation; since each character in hex is 4 bits, FF = 8 bits, would it be right to & with 0x2FF to get the lower 10 bits in hex notation.
No, that would be incorrect. You'd want to use 0x3FF to get the low 10 bits. (0x2FF in binary is: 1011111111). If you're a little uncertain with hex values, an easier way to do that these days is via binary constants instead, e.g.
// mask lowest ten bits in hex
int output1 = X & 0x3FF;
// mask lowest ten bits in binary
int output1 = X & 0b1111111111;
Also, would shifting right by 20 drop all 20 bits at the end, and keep the upper 12 bits only?
In the case of LEFT shift, zeros will be shifted in from the right, and the higher bits will be dropped.
In the case of RIGHT shift, it depends on the sign of the data type you are shifting.
// unsigned right shift
unsigned U = 0x80000000;
U = U >> 20;
printf("%x\n", U); // prints: 800
// signed right shift
int S = 0x80000000;
S = S >> 20;
printf("%x\n", S); // prints: fffff800
Signed right-shift typically shifts the highest bit in from the left. Unsigned right-shift always shifts in zero.
As an aside: IIRC the C standard is a little vague wrt to signed integer shifts. I believe it is theoretically possible to have a hardware platform that shifts in zeros for signed right shift (i.e. micro-controllers). Most of your typical platforms (Intel/Arm) will shift in the highest bit though.
Assuming 32 bit int, then you have the following problems:
0xcdba4321 is too large to fit inside an int. The hex constant itself will actually be unsigned int in this specific case, because of an oddball type rule in C. From there you force an implicit conversion to int, likely ending up with a negative number.
Y >> 20 right shifts a negative number, which is non-portable behavior. It can either shift in ones (arithmetic shift) or zeroes (logical shift), depending on compiler. Whereas right shifting unsigned types is well-defined and always results in logical shift.
& 0xFF masks out 8 bits, not 10.
%X expects an unsigned int, not an int.
The root of all your problems is "sloppy typing" - that is, writing int all over the place when you actually need a more suitable type. You should start using the portable types from stdint.h instead, in this case uint32_t. Also make a habit of always ending you hex constants with a u or U suffix.
A fixed program:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
int main (void)
uint32_t X = 0x1234ABCDu;
uint32_t Y = 0xcdba4321u;
printf("%X\n", X & 0x3FFu);
printf("%X\n", Y >> (32-12));
The 0x3FFu mask can also be written as ( (1u<<10) - 1).
(Strictly speaking you need to printf the stdint.h types using specifiers from inttypes.h but lets not confuse the answer by introducing those at the same time.)
Lots of high-value answers to this question.
Here's more info that might spark curiosity...
int main() {
uint32_t X;
X = 0x1234ABCDu; // your first hex number
printf( "%X\n", X );
X &= ((1u<<12)-1)<<20; // mask 12 bits, shifting mask left
printf( "%X\n", X );
X = 0x1234ABCDu; // your first hex number
X &= ~0u^(~0u>>12);
printf( "%X\n", X );
X = 0x0234ABCDu; // Note leading 0 printed in two styles
printf( "%X %08X\n", X, X );
return 0;
234ABCD 0234ABCD
print the upper 12 bits of Y in hex notation
To handle this when the width of int is not known, first determine the width with code like sizeof(unsigned)*CHAR_BIT. (C specifies it must be at least 16-bit.)
Best to use unsigned or mask the shifted result with an unsigned.
#include <limits.h>
int output2 = Y;
printf("%X\n", (unsigned) output2 >> (sizeof(unsigned)*CHAR_BIT - 12));
// or
printf("%X\n", (output2 >> (sizeof output2 * CHAR_BIT - 12)) & 0x3FFu);
Rare non-2's complement encoded int needs additional code - not shown.
Very rare padded int needs other bit width detection - not shown.

Extracting specific bits from a 4 byte value into a new variable in C

I'm very new to bit manipulations.
let's suppose I have a 32 bit value myInput4ByteValue.
From this 32 bit value I need to extract the bits 25 ..2
What would be the best approach here?
My Idea is to split them into 3 bytes and copy the values there:
struct myOutput3ByteValue.
uint8 FirstPart // Bits 9..2 Least Significant 8 Bits from myInput4ByteValue.
uint8 SecondPart // Bits 17 ..10
uint8 ThirdPart // Bits 25 ..18
I started with:
myOutput3ByteValue.FirstPart = (myInput4ByteValue & 0x3FC0) // Here I will the bits 9..2
myOutput3ByteValue.SecondPart = ...? //How to fill the rest?
I'm really not sure if I started correctly.
Suggestions would be helpful.
The reason why I split them into 3 bytes is because I will have an own 3 byte-type at the end with which I have to work with it.
What you've got there wont' quite work. 0x3FC0 is a 16 bit int and you're assigning it to an 8 bit int, so it'll get truncated. You need to bitshift << or >>.
So bits 9..2 are:
FirstPart = (value >> 1); // No need to mask as bits 9+ will be truncated
SecondPart = (value >> 9); // Second set of 8 bits
Let's assume you want to put the extracted bits in a single UINT32 variable. What you need is simply to filter first 26 bits and shift them twice:
uint32 filteredValue = ( myInput4ByteValue & 0x03FFFFFF ) >> 2;
With the same logic, you can extract whatever you need and place them in any set of variable, according to the use you have to do wit the filtered bits.
You might want to define a general function performing the bits extraction:
uint32 filterValue( uint32 inValue, uint8 msb, uint8 lsb )
uint32 retValue = inValue;
// Let's just check that input params are ok
if( msb < 32 && lsb <32 && msb >= lsb )
retValue = ( inValue & ( 0xFFFFFFFF >> ( 31 - msb ) >> lsb;
//else... input value unchanged. It doesn't make sense, but it's just an example..
return retValue;
I personally wrote and tested it, and it works. Note: it's just an example! Change it according to your requirements.
myInput4ByteValue & 0x3FFFFFF extracts the last 26 bits (the leftmost bit would be bit 25, as one usually starts counting from the right with bit 0).
(myInput4ByteValue & 0x3FFFFFF) >> 2 shifts bits these two places to the right. This would hold your complete 23 bits.
If, however you want to have everything in 8-bit chunks, you could do:
myOutput3ByteValue.FirstPart = (myInput4ByteValue & 0x7F8) >> 2; // bits 9..2
myOutput3ByteValue.SecondPart = (myInput4ByteValue & 0x7F800) >> 10; // bits 17..10
myOutput3ByteValue.ThirdPart = (myInput4ByteValue & 0x3F80000) >> 18; // bits 25..18
Another approach, which could be much easier to read and maintain, is the use of bitfields. See e.g. .
Depending on whether individual bits or groups of bits have a particular meaning, you can give them their own name. If you align the structure nicely, you can simply copy the 32 bit input upon a variable with such a struct as type.
Just write a separate function that extracts no more than 8 bits starting from a given position from a number of the type uint32_t.
Here is a demonstrative program
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
uint8_t getbits( uint32_t x, unsigned p, unsigned n)
const unsigned N = 8;
n %= N + 1;
return ( x >> p ) & ~( ~( uint32_t )0 << n );
int main(void)
uint32_t x = 0x12345678;
/*0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 */
/* ^^^^^^^^^^ = 0x9E */
struct myOutput3ByteValue
uint8_t FirstPart; // Bits 9..2 Least Significant 8 Bits from myInput4ByteValue.
uint8_t SecondPart; // Bits 17 ..10
uint8_t ThirdPart; // Bits 25 ..18
} s =
.FirstPart = getbits( x, 2, 8 ),
.SecondPart = getbits( x, 10, 8 ),
.ThirdPart = getbits( x, 18, 8 )
printf( "%x, %x, %x\n", s.FirstPart, s.SecondPart, s.ThirdPart );
return 0;
Its output is
9e, 15, 8d

Bit masking and separation in c

I am new to c programming and i need help in bit manipulation.
I would like to separate the number from a register which have encoded numbers in BCD.
for example;
the register got '29' as value two bits will denote 2 ='10' and four bits will denote 9='1001'.
It is an 8 bit register and rest bits are zero.
So shifting out the 4 bits will give me 2 at disposal.But what about getting the unit digit?
I need some help regarding that
I'm posting the code here:
int x,y;
You need to mask it out with binary 00001111, which is decimal 15 or hexadecimal 0x0f.
uint8_t reg = 41; // binary 00101001
uint8_t lo_nibble = (reg >> 0) & 0x0f;
uint8_t hi_nibble = (reg >> 4) & 0x0f;
To form a mask to capture the bottom n bits of a number, you can perform these steps (pen and paper at first, eventually in your head):
start with the value 1.
(1) // == 1 or 00000001
shift the value 1 up by n bits.
(1<<4) // == 16 or 00010000
subtract 1.
(1<<4)-1 // == 15 or 00001111
ANDing this mask with another value or variable will yield the bottom n bits of the number.
int in, hi, lo;
lo = in & ((1<<4)-1);
hi = (in>>4) & ((1<<4)-1);

How to create mask with least significat bits set to 1 in C

Can someone please explain this function to me?
A mask with the least significant n bits set to 1.
n = 6 --> 0x2F, n = 17 --> 0x1FFFF // I don't get these at all, especially how n = 6 --> 0x2F
Also, what is a mask?
The usual way is to take a 1, and shift it left n bits. That will give you something like: 00100000. Then subtract one from that, which will clear the bit that's set, and set all the less significant bits, so in this case we'd get: 00011111.
A mask is normally used with bitwise operations, especially and. You'd use the mask above to get the 5 least significant bits by themselves, isolated from anything else that might be present. This is especially common when dealing with hardware that will often have a single hardware register containing bits representing a number of entirely separate, unrelated quantities and/or flags.
A mask is a common term for an integer value that is bit-wise ANDed, ORed, XORed, etc with another integer value.
For example, if you want to extract the 8 least significant digits of an int variable, you do variable & 0xFF. 0xFF is a mask.
Likewise if you want to set bits 0 and 8, you do variable | 0x101, where 0x101 is a mask.
Or if you want to invert the same bits, you do variable ^ 0x101, where 0x101 is a mask.
To generate a mask for your case you should exploit the simple mathematical fact that if you add 1 to your mask (the mask having all its least significant bits set to 1 and the rest to 0), you get a value that is a power of 2.
So, if you generate the closest power of 2, then you can subtract 1 from it to get the mask.
Positive powers of 2 are easily generated with the left shift << operator in C.
Hence, 1 << n yields 2n. In binary it's 10...0 with n 0s.
(1 << n) - 1 will produce a mask with n lowest bits set to 1.
Now, you need to watch out for overflows in left shifts. In C (and in C++) you can't legally shift a variable left by as many bit positions as the variable has, so if ints are 32-bit, 1<<32 results in undefined behavior. Signed integer overflows should also be avoided, so you should use unsigned values, e.g. 1u << 31.
For both correctness and performance, the best way to accomplish this has changed since this question was asked back in 2012 due to the advent of BMI instructions in modern x86 processors, specifically BLSMSK.
Here's a good way of approaching this problem, while retaining backwards compatibility with older processors.
This method is correct, whereas the current top answers produce undefined behavior in edge cases.
Clang and GCC, when allowed to optimize using BMI instructions, will condense gen_mask() to just two ops. With supporting hardware, be sure to add compiler flags for BMI instructions:
-mbmi -mbmi2
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stdio.h>
uint64_t gen_mask(const uint_fast8_t msb) {
const uint64_t src = (uint64_t)1 << msb;
return (src - 1) ^ src;
int main() {
uint_fast8_t msb;
for (msb = 0; msb < 64; ++msb) {
printf("%016" PRIx64 "\n", gen_mask(msb));
return 0;
First, for those who only want the code to create the mask:
uint64_t bits = 6;
uint64_t mask = ((uint64_t)1 << bits) - 1;
# Results in 0b111111 (or 0x03F)
Thanks to #Benni who asked about using bits = 64. If you need the code to support this value as well, you can use:
uint64_t bits = 6;
uint64_t mask = (bits < 64)
? ((uint64_t)1 << bits) - 1
: (uint64_t)0 - 1
For those who want to know what a mask is:
A mask is usually a name for value that we use to manipulate other values using bitwise operations such as AND, OR, XOR, etc.
Short masks are usually represented in binary, where we can explicitly see all the bits that are set to 1.
Longer masks are usually represented in hexadecimal, that is really easy to read once you get a hold of it.
You can read more about bitwise operations in C here.
I believe your first example should be 0x3f.
0x3f is hexadecimal notation for the number 63 which is 111111 in binary, so that last 6 bits (the least significant 6 bits) are set to 1.
The following little C program will calculate the correct mask:
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int mask_for_n_bits(int n)
int mask = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
mask |= 1 << i;
return mask;
int main (int argc, char const *argv[])
printf("6: 0x%x\n17: 0x%x\n", mask_for_n_bits(6), mask_for_n_bits(17));
return 0;
0x2F is 0010 1111 in binary - this should be 0x3f, which is 0011 1111 in binary and which has the 6 least-significant bits set.
Similarly, 0x1FFFF is 0001 1111 1111 1111 1111 in binary, which has the 17 least-significant bits set.
A "mask" is a value that is intended to be combined with another value using a bitwise operator like &, | or ^ to individually set, unset, flip or leave unchanged the bits in that other value.
For example, if you combine the mask 0x2F with some value n using the & operator, the result will have zeroes in all but the 6 least significant bits, and those 6 bits will be copied unchanged from the value n.
In the case of an & mask, a binary 0 in the mask means "unconditionally set the result bit to 0" and a 1 means "set the result bit to the input value bit". For an | mask, an 0 in the mask sets the result bit to the input bit and a 1 unconditionally sets the result bit to 1, and for an ^ mask, an 0 sets the result bit to the input bit and a 1 sets the result bit to the complement of the input bit.

How can I access a specific group of bits from a variable?

I have a variable with "x" number of bits. How can I extract a specific group of bits and then work on them in C?
You would do this with a series of 2 bitwise logical operations.
[[Terminology MSB (msb) is the most-significant-bit; LSB (lsb) is the least-significant-bit. Assume bits are numbered from lsb==0 to some msb (e.g. 31 on a 32-bit machine). The value of the bit position i represents the coefficient of the 2^i component of the integer.]]
For example if you have int x, and you want to extract some range of bits x[msb..lsb] inclusive, for example a 4-bit field x[7..4] out of the x[31..0] bits, then:
By shifting x right by lsb bits, e.g. x >> lsb, you put the lsb bit of x in the 0th (least significant) bit of the expression, which is where it needs to be.
Now you have to mask off any remaining bits above those designated by msb. The number of such bits is msb-lsb + 1. We can form a bit mask string of '1' bits that long with the expression ~(~0 << (msb-lsb+1)). For example ~(~0 << (7-4+1)) == ~0b11111111111111111111111111110000 == 0b1111.
Putting it all together, you can extract the bit vector you want with into a new integer with this expression:
(x >> lsb) & ~(~0 << (msb-lsb+1))
For example,
int x = 0x89ABCDEF;
int msb = 7;
int lsb = 4;
int result = (x >> lsb) & ~(~0 << (msb-lsb+1));
// == 0x89ABCDE & 0xF
// == 0xE (which is x[7..4])
Make sense?
Happy hacking!
If you're dealing with a primitive then just use bitwise operations:
int bits = 0x0030;
bool third_bit = bits & 0x0004; // bits & 00000100
bool fifth_bit = bits & 0x0010; // bits & 00010000
If x can be larger than a trivial primitive but is known at compile-time then you can use std::bitset<> for the task:
// ...
std::bitset<512> b(std::string("001"));
b.set(2, true);
std::cout << b[1] << ' ' << b[2] << '\n';
std::bitset<32> bul(0x0010ul);
If x is not known at compile-time then you can use std::vector<unsigned char> and then use bit-manipulation at runtime. It's more work, the intent reads less obvious than with std::bitset and it's slower, but that's arguably your best option for x varying at runtime.
// ...
std::vector<unsigned char> v(256);
v[2] = 1;
bool eighteenth_bit = v[2] & 0x02; // second bit of third byte
work on bits with &, |. <<, >> operators.
For example, if you have a value of 7 (integer) and you want to zero out the 2nd bit:
7 is 111
(zero-ing 2nd bit AND it with 101 (5 in decimal))
111 & 101 = 101 (5)
here's the code:
#include <stdio.h>
main ()
int x=7;
x= x&5;
printf("x: %d",x);
You can do with other operators like the OR, shift left, shift right,etc.
You can use bitfields in a union:
typedef union {
unsigned char value;
struct { unsigned b0:1,b1:1,b2:1,b3:1,b4:1,b5:1,b6:1,b7:1; } b;
struct { unsigned b0:2,b1:2,b2:2,b3:2; } b2;
struct { unsigned b0:4,b1:4; } b4;
} CharBits;
CharBits b={0},a={0};
b.b.b0=1; printf("\n%d",b.value);
b.b.b1=1; printf("\n%d",b.value);
a.b4.b1=15; printf("\n%d",a.value); /* <- set the highest 4-bit-group with one statement */
