Storing Images in SQL Server database - sql-server

I'm trying to create a sample ASP.NET MVC application with a ViewModel and onion architecture - very simple online shop.
So as you suppose this shop has products, and each product should have one very small image and when user clicks on that product, he is redirected to a details page, and of course he should see a bigger image of the product.
AT first I thought, it's a simple application, I would (internet) links to the pictures in the database. But then I thought, ok what about when this image is erased from internet, my product will no longer have an image.
So I should store those pictures in the database somehow. I have heard about something called FileStream that is the right way but I found no material to understand what is that.
I hope someone would help me.

There are several options. You could save the picture in the database using a varbinary.
Read here how to read it using MVC.
When you opt for a solution where you split database and file storage, which is perfectly possible, you should consider that it could mean extra maintenance for cross-checking deleted records, etc.
If you choose the last option, the information in the article will mostly suite your needs too.


Trapped in ecommerce hell. How to migrate cart from Plexum?

I host Plexum software on my own server. There is no csv export in the admin side of the shopping cart software.
I'd like to move to Bigcommerce. Is there any way this can be done being that I have server access to the database and files?
Lol, oh being trapped in eCommerce hell, it's a scary place; only a few have made it out uncorrupted.
To answer your question, yes if you have access to the database then you should (assumingly)(is that a word? you get my point though) have access to all of the required data you need to migrate. Since you have access to the database, you can actually export the database as a CSV and work with it from there - there are plenty of resources on how to do this.
Or, you can create a program that loads the data from your database and imports it into BigCommerce via its web API. If this sounds foreign to you, it might be best to contact a professional.
If you ask a more specific question, you'll receive a more specific answer.
Until then, best of luck on your journey back to the surface.

How to add first name and email before uploading a video?

Hi guys im brand new and not a developer but I need a way for users when they go to my site they can upload there video and there would be a option for them to add there first name and email so when the video is uploaded the database can keep all the data together.
Ideally I want this as easy as possible for the user and this would just go to our youtube channel or any video platform will work.Any advice would be great!
Please provide more information like what platform are you using ?.
There's more than one way to skin a cat.
The simple way to achieve with web technologies like (Php,node,jave) is maintain the basic user information into the sessions, and whenever it's necessary use this information.
You need to get some knowledge about the system you are using. You particularly need:
access to the server
to know the server type
access to the database
to know the database type
where the relevant files are
After you have gathered all these information, you at least know what you do not know. The next step is to gather information about how you can implement the feature you need. Look at it like at a puzzle with many small pieces. If you are patient-enough, at the end you will resolve the puzzle.

Export content from an ecommerce site without using the Backend

I have a site that I'm looking to transfer to Volusion. Importing tabled content into Volusion's a breeze, it's getting it tabled that's an issue. The old site has no real ability to export, nor do I know how to get at it's database. I'm thinking there must be some sort of script I can write to take the content from the frontend and download it in some sort of list that I can put into a CSV, and put into Volusion.
Any suggestions? I'm hoping to get in the image directory as well and download all them for upload to the new site.
You are going to need at the very least a file with product code, product name, weight and price.
Looking at the URL you provided it doesn't appear that the products their follow any type of orderly structure where you can target the images folder or products based on a known piece of information like a products code. Unless the back-end has some type of product export function you may have no choice but to recreate it from scratch.
I don't know if you solved this yet or not, but I would suggest scraping the data providing you have the information on the old site currently. This can be done easily using vbscript and excel, or if you aren't very savvy at coding you could look at a piece of software called mozenda. There are a whole variety of methods that can be used to scrape data, all of them pretty easy to learn with a bit of research. Basically you write a script that will crawl your dom and extract the data (to xml works best in my experience)
Hope this helps.

CakePHP Beginner: Advice needed, Everything on a single view or multi part forms

Thanks in advance for any help offered and patience for my current web-coding experience.
I'm currently attempting to develop an web based application for my family's business. There is a current version of this system I have developed in C#, however I want to get the system web-based and in the process learn cakephp and the MVC pattern.
Current problem:
I'm currently stuck in a controller that's supposed to take care of a PurchaseTicket. This ticket will have an associated customer, line items, totals etc. I've been trying to develop a basic 'add()' function to the controller however I'm having trouble with the following:
I'm creating a view with everything on it: a button for searching customer, a button to add line items, and a save button. Since I'm used to developing desktop applications, I'm thinking that I might be trying to transfer the same logic to web-based. Is this something that would be recommended or do'able?
I'm running into basic problems like 'searching customer'. From the New Ticket page I'm redirecting to the customer controller, searching and then putting result in session variable or posting it back, but as I continue my process with the rest of the required information, I'm ending up with a bit of "spaghetti" code. Should I do a multi part form? If I do I break the visual design of the application.
Right now I ended up instantiating my PurchaseTicket model and putting it in a session variable. I did this to save intermediate data however I'm not sure if instantiating a Model is conforming to cakephp standards or MVC pattern.
I apologize for the length, this is my first post as a member.
Welcome to Stack Overflow!
So it sounds like there's a few questions, all with pretty open-ended answers. I don't know if this will end up an answer as such, but it's more information than I could put in a comment, so here I go:
First and foremost, if you haven't already, I'd recommend doing the CakePHP Blog Tutorial to get familiar with Cake, before diving straight into a conversion of your existing desktop app.
Second, get familiar with CakePHP's bake console. It will save you a LOT of time if you use it to get started on the web version of your app.
I can't stress how important it is to get a decent grasp of MVC and CakePHP on a small project before trying to tackle something substantial.
Third, the UI for web apps is definitely different to desktop apps. In the case of CakePHP, nothing is 'running' permanently on the server. The entire CakePHP framework gets instantiated, and dies, with every single page request to the server. That can be a tricky concept when transitioning from desktop apps, where everything is stored in memory, and instances of objects can exist for as long as you want them to. With desktop apps, it's easier to have a user go and do another task (like searching for a customer), and then send the result back to the calling object, the instance of which will still exist. As you've found out, if you try and mimic this functionality in a web app by storing too much information in sessions, you'll quickly end up with spaghetti code.
You can use AJAX (google it if you don't already know about it) to update parts of a page only, and get a more streamlined UI, which it sounds like something you'll be needing to do. To get a general idea of the possibilities, you might want to take a look at Bamboo Invoice. It's not built with CakePHP, but it's built with CodeIgniter, which is another open source PHP MVC framework. It sounds like Bamboo Invoice has quite a few similar functionalities to what you're describing (an Invoice has line items, totals, a customer, etc), so it might help you to get an idea of how you should structure your interface - and if you want to dig into the source code, how you can achieve some of the things you want to do.
Bamboo Invoice uses Ajax to give the app a feel of 'one view with everything on it', which it sounds like you want.
Fourth, regarding the specific case of your Customer Search situation, storing stuff in a session variable probably isn't the way to go. You may well want to use an autocomplete field, which sends an Ajax request to server after each time a character is entered in the field, and displays the list list of suggestions / matching customers that the server sends back. See an example here: Implementing an autocomplete isn't totally straight forward, but there should be plenty of examples and tutorials all over the web.
Lastly, I obviously don't know what your business does, but have you looked into existing software that might work for you, before building your own? There's a lot of great, flexible web-based solutions, at very reasonable prices, for a LOT of the common tasks that businesses have. There might be something that gives you great results for much less time and money than it costs to build your own solution.
Either way, good luck, and enjoy CakePHP!

Where to get an updated list of video games?

I am currently designing a reviews site for video games similar to gamespot am wondering where and if there is an online database that contains information such as name, publisher, release date etc with an API. I dont really want to have to enter each title manually or let users enter the title manually.
Where do these large sites get information like this? I wouldn't think it would be manually. I know for movies IMDB exists.
How would I go about adding it to my database?
May I point you to web scraping?
Be sure to read the section legal issues and on well-behaved bots.
There's always Amazon and their product advertising API. Some older, but interesting code snippets can be found on this page.
If you know Perl, there is an amzing module called WWW::Mechanize
Pretty much you can write a script to get to any website and grab any data you need.
So for example you can go to, get list like the one below and put them in your database.
