Error while generating nodes with neo4j via neo4j-console - database

I'm trying to put data in my graph DB using neo4j. I'm new in the field and I don't find it easy to use the batch import tool that Michael Hunger wrote.
My goal is to generate at least 10000 nodes with just one property set. So I wrote a python script that generates 10000 lines of Cypher queries like "CREATE (:label{ number : '3796142470'})".
I put them in the console and execute them but I get this exception:
Am I doing something wrong? In case the only way to generate those nodes is to use a batch/rest API, could you suggest me a easier way to do it?

CREATE (:label{ number : '3796142470'})
to look like:
CREATE (n1:Label { number : '3796142470'})
So you are following convention:
CREATE (n:Person { name : 'Andres', title : 'Developer' })
Put them into a file (say import.txt) and then:
bin/neo4j-shell -file import.txt
See for more details.


How to delete lines with specific subjects from an RDF file?

I have a file containing triple RDF (subject-predicate-object) in the turtle syntax (.ttl), and I have another file in which I only have some subjects.
For example:
<> <> "AlbaniaHistory"#en .
<> <> "AsWeMayThink"#en .
<> <> "AlbaniaEconomy"#en .
<> <> "AlbaniaGovernment"#en .
And in the other file I have, for example:
I would like to get:
<> <> "AlbaniaHistory"#en .
<> <> "AlbaniaGovernment"#en .
So, I would like to remove from the first file the triples whose subjects are not in the second file. How could I get this?
I tried in java reading the contents of the second file in an arraylist and using the "contain" method to check if the subjects of each triple of the first file match any line in the second file, however it is too slow since the files are very big. How could I get this?
Thank you very much for helping
In Java, you could use an RDF library to read/write in streaming fashion and do some basic filtering.
For example, using RDF4J's Rio parser you could create a simple SubjectFilter class that checks for any triple if it has the required subject:
public class SubjectFilter extends RDFHandlerWrapper {
public void handleStatement(Statement st) throws RDFHandlerException {
// only write the statement if it has a subject we want
if (myListOfSubjects.contains(statement.getSubject()) {
And then connect a parser to a writer that spits out the filtered content, something along these lines:
RDFParser rdfParser = Rio.createParser(RDFFormat.TURTLE);
RDFWriter rdfWriter = Rio.createWriter(RDFFormat.TURTLE,
new FileOutputStream("/path/to/example-output.ttl"));
// link our parser to our writer, wrapping the writer in our subject filter
rdfParser.setRDFHandler(new SubjectFilter(rdfWriter));
// start processing
rdfParser.parse(new FileInputStream("/path/to/input-file.ttl"), "");
For more details on how to use RDF4J and the Rio parsers, see the documentation.
As an aside: although this is perhaps more work than doing some command line magic with things like grep and awk, the advantage is that this is semantically robust: you leave interpretation of which bit of your data is the triple's subject to a processor that understands RDF, rather than taking an educated guess through regex ("it's probably the first URL on each line"), which may break in cases where the input file use a slightly different syntax variation.
(disclosure: I am on the RDF4J development team)

Use content of a tuple as variable session

I extracted from a previous response an Object of tuple with the following regex :
.check(regex(""""idSc":(.{1,8}),"pasTemps":."codePasTemps":(.),"""").ofType[(String,String)].findAll.saveAs ("OBJECTS1"))
So I get my object :
OBJECTS1 -> List((1657751,2), (1658105,2), (4557378,2), (1657750,1), (916,1), (917,2), (1658068,1), (1658069,2), (4557379,2), (1658082,1), (4557367,1), (4557368,1), (1660865,2), (1660866,2), (1658122,1), (921,1), (922,2), (923,2), (1660875,1), (1660876,2), (1660877,2), (1658300,1), (1658301,1), (1658302,1), (1658309,1), (1658310,1), (2996562,1), (4638455,1))
After that I did a Foreach and need to extract every couple to add them in next requests So we tried :
.foreach("${OBJECTS1}", "couple") {
But I get the message : named 'couple' does not support index access
I also though that to use 2 regex on the couple to extract both part could work but I haven't found any way to use a regex on a session variable. (Even if its not needed for this case but possible im really interessed to learn how as it could be usefull)
If would be really thankfull if you could provided me help. (Im using Gatling 2 but can,'t use a more recent version as its for work and others scripts have been develloped with Gatling2)
each "couple" is a scala tuple which can't be indexed into like a collection. Fortunately the gatling EL has a function that handles tuples.
so instead of
you can use

Search db Code Igniter string contained

I'm trying to do a "searcher" in code igniter and I'm new on it. I know I can do:
$query= $this->db->get_where('products', array('producto_nombre' => 'Arenal');
To get the exact coincidences. What can I do if I want to get on my query every partial coincidence, I mean, I want to get the product "Arenal" and also the product "Arenal Sound" and so.
try LIKE instead of WHERE
$this->db->like('producto_nombre', 'Arenal', 'both');
$query = $this->db->get('products');
Looking for Similar Data -

How to perform this GqlQuery?

I have the datastore as follows,
class Data(db.Model):
project = db.StringProperty()
project_languages = db.ListProperty(str,default=[])
When user inputs a language (input_language), I want to output all the projects which contains the language user mentioned in it's language list (project_languages).
I tried to do it in the below way but got an error saying,
BadQueryError: Parse Error: Invalid WHERE Condition
db.GqlQuery("SELECT * FROM Data WHERE input_language IN project_languages")
What should be my query, if I want to get the data in the above mentioned way?
Not sure if you are using python for the job.. If so I highly recommend you use the ndb library for datastore queries. The solution is easy as Data.query(A.IN(B))

Play Scala: How to access multiple databases with anorm and Magic[T]

I want to access two databases in Play Scala with anorm and Magic[T], (one is H2 and another is PostgreSQL). I just don't know how to config it...
I noticed that we can set another database connection in conf/application.conf
However, how can I use it with Magic?
(I read the source code of Magic but don't understand it... my am a freshman of Scala)
Anyhow, if multiple database access is impossible with Magic[T] , I wish to do it with anorm, then how can I config it?
var sqlQuery = SQL( //I guess some config params should be set here, but how?
select * from Country
In play.api.db.DB it appears you can pass in a string of the name you defined in application.conf.
Then use one of the methods specified here:
# play.api.db.DB.class
def withConnection[A](name : scala.Predef.String)(block : scala.Function1[java.sql.Connection, A])(implicit app : play.api.Application) : A = { /* compiled code */ }
