Freeing allocated memory: realloc() vs. free() - c

so I have a piece of memory allocated with malloc() and changed later with realloc().
At some point in my code I want to empty it, by this I mean essentially give it memory of 0. Something which would intuitively be done with realloc(pointer,0). I have read on here that this is implementation defined and should not be used.
Should I instead use free(), and then do another malloc()?

It depends on what you mean: if you want to empty the memory used, but still have access to that memory, then you use memset(pointer, 0, mem_size);, to re-initialize the said memory to zeroes.
If you no longer need that memory, then you simply call free(pointer);, which'll free the memory, so it can be used elsewhere.
Using realloc(pointer, 0) may work like free on your system, but this is not standard behaviour. realloc(ptr, 0) is not specified by the C99 or C11 standards to be the equivalent of free(ptr).
realloc(pointer, 0) is not equivalent to free(pointer).
The standard (C99, §
The realloc function
#include <stdlib.h>
void *realloc(void *ptr, size_t size);
2 The realloc function deallocates the old object pointed to by ptr and returns a
pointer to a new object that has the size specified by size. The contents of the new
object shall be the same as that of the old object prior to deallocation, up to the lesser of
the new and old sizes. Any bytes in the new object beyond the size of the old object have
indeterminate values.
3 If ptr is a null pointer, the realloc function behaves like the malloc function for the
specified size. Otherwise, if ptr does not match a pointer earlier returned by a memory
management function, or if the space has been deallocated by a call to the free or
realloc function, the behavior is undefined. If memory for the new object cannot be
allocated, the old object is not deallocated and its value is unchanged.
The realloc function returns a pointer to the new object (which may have the same
value as a pointer to the old object), or a null pointer if the new object could not be
As you can see, it doesn't specify a special case for realloc calls where the size is 0. Instead, it only states that a NULL pointer is returned on failure to allocate memory, and a pointer in all other cases. A pointer that points to 0 bytes would, then, be a viable option.
To quote a related question:
More intuitively, realloc is "conceptually equivalent" to to malloc+memcpy+free on the other pointer, and malloc-ing a 0-byte chunk of memory returns either NULL either a unique pointer, not to be used for storing anything (you asked for 0 bytes), but still to be freeed. So, no, don't use realloc like that, it may work on some implementations (namely, Linux) but it's certainly not guaranteed.
As another answer on that linked question states, the behaviour of realloc(ptr, 0) is explicitly defined as implementation defined according to the current C11 standard:
If the size of the space requested is zero, the behavior is implementation-defined: either a null pointer is returned, or the behavior is as if the size were some nonzero value, except that the returned pointer shall not be used to access an object

realloc() is used to increase or decrease the memory and not to free the memory.
Check this, and use free() to release the memory (link).

I don't think you mean "empty"; that would mean "set it to some particular value that I consider to be empty" (often all bits zero). You mean free, or de-allocate.
The manual page says:
If ptr is NULL, then the call is equivalent to malloc(size), for all values of size; if size is equal to zero, and ptr is not NULL, then the call is equivalent to free(ptr).
Traditionally you could use realloc(ptr, 0); as a synonym for free(ptr);, just as you can use realloc(NULL, size); as a synonym for malloc(size);. I wouldn't recommend it though, it's a bit confusing and not the way people expect it to be used.
However, nowadays in modern C the definition has changed: now realloc(ptr, 0); will free the old memory, but it's not well-defined what will be done next: it's implementation-defined.
So: don't do this: use free() to de-allocate memory, and let realloc() be used only for changing the size to something non-zero.

Use free() to free, to release dynamically allocated memory.
Although former documentations state that realloc(p, 0) is equivalent to free(p), the lastest POSIX documentation explictly states that this is not the case:
Previous versions explicitly permitted a call to realloc (p, 0) to free the space pointed to by p and return a null pointer. While this behavior could be interpreted as permitted by this version of the standard, the C language committee have indicated that this interpretation is incorrect.
And more over:
Applications should assume that if realloc() returns a null pointer, the space pointed to by p has not been freed.

Use free(pointer); pointer = 0 instead of realloc(pointer, 0).

void* realloc (void* ptr, size_t size);
In C90 :
if size is zero, the memory previously allocated at ptr is deallocated as if a call to free was made, and a null pointer is returned.
In C99:
If size is zero, the return value depends on the particular library implementation: it may either be a null pointer or some other location that shall not be dereferenced.

I would use realloc to give a pointer more or less memory, but not to empty it. To empty the pointer I would use free.


Can I realloc() an unallocated pointer?

Normally, realloc() is used to reallocate a previously allocated pointer:
int *DynamicArray = malloc(sizeof(int)*SomeArbitraryValue);
// Some rando code where DynamicArray is used
DynamicArray = realloc(DynamicArray, sizeof(int)*SomeOtherArbitraryValue)
But can realloc() be used to directly allocate memory? As in
int *DynamicArray = realloc(/*...*/);
Can realloc() handle non-preallocated pointers?
Yes, just pass NULL to it's first argument.
The manpage of realloc(3) says ...
The realloc() function changes the size of the memory block pointed to by ptr to size bytes. The contents will be unchanged in the range from the start of the region up to the minimum of the old and new sizes. If the new size is larger than the old size, the added memory will not be initialized. If ptr is NULL, then the call is equivalent to malloc(size), for all values of size; if size is equal to zero, and ptr is not NULL, then the call is equivalent to free(ptr). Unless ptr is NULL, it must have been returned by an
earlier call to malloc(), calloc(), or realloc(). If the area pointed to was moved, a free(ptr) is done.
As the answer by #ZhangBoyang tells you, yes, assuming one possible interpretation of your question. However the way you've worded your question ("non-preallocated pointers") suggests you may have misunderstanding of some of the concepts involved. malloc does not "allocate pointers". It allocates objects, and pointers are values that point to objects. The lifetime of those objects are not connected to the lifetime of any particular pointer pointing to them.
Passing a pointer to realloc doesn't "do anything to" the pointer. It does something to the object pointed to by it. If the pointer is uninitialized or invalid, the call has undefined behavior and bad things will happen. If the pointer is a null pointer, however, realloc(ptr, n) will behave exactly as malloc(n).

C - Dynamic allocation of a struct with non dynamics elements

I was wondering where a struct would be allocated in memory if I have something like this.
typedef struct {
int c;
} A;
A * a = (A)* malloc(sizeof(A));
a -> c = 2;
C would be allocated in the heap area, is that right?
Moreover, if I free the memory with
What happens to the memory area occupied by C?
A * a = (A)* malloc(sizeof(A));
This line is incorrect, if you want to make an explicit cast, the syntax is (A*), not (A)*.
Anyway, yes, malloc allocates memory on the heap (in general and on non exotic system). What happens after depends on the OS and the implementation of the libc you use. Most often however, the memory freed is kept in a list for future use by malloc.
First of all you need to allocate the memory like A * a = (A*) malloc(sizeof(A));. In C when you allocate memory to a struct dynamically you need to provide total size of that struct and the return type conversion from void* to your data type. So your malloc call will allocate that much of memory and returns a void pointer to the first byte of that block of memory location.
So do not confuse that declaring variable inside a struct will be allocated from stack. Please see below:-
int c;// c is a automatic variable and memory will be allocated from stack
typedef struct {
int c;// c is not a automatic variable it is simply a data member of `struct A`
} A;
So in the second case memory will be allocated to c only when malloc will be called at run time that is dynamically and from heap. So your free call will simply release that memory at run time.
typedef struct {
int c;// c is not a automatic variable it is simply a data member of `struct A`
} A;
A a;// Here 'a' is a automatic variable so 'int c' is also become automatic here
//and memory for the entire struct A will be allocated from stack and
//you no need to use `free` here
Hope this is help.
A * a = (A)* malloc(sizeof(A));
Where a struct would be allocated in memory?
In C, the library function malloc allocate a block of memory on the heap. The program accesses this block of memory via a pointer that malloc returns. The memory is given by the operating system. If memory is not available NULL pointer is returned.
There is no need for casting of malloc in C. Your code has a typo, if anything it should be (A *).
What happens to the memory area occupied by C?
When the memory is no longer needed, the pointer pointing to the allocated memory should be passed to free which deallocates the memory so that it can be used again. For free(NULL); the function does nothing.
C11 standard (ISO/IEC 9899:2011): The free function
#include <stdlib.h>
void free(void *ptr);
The free function causes the space pointed to by ptr to be
deallocated, that is, made available for further allocation. If ptr is
a null pointer, no action occurs. Otherwise, if the argument does not
match a pointer earlier returned by a memory management function, or
if the space has been deallocated by a call to free or realloc, the
behavior is undefined.
Fistly, C is a case-sensitive language.
int c is not the same as int C, so you might want to edit that in your question.
Now, lets answer your questions:
C would be allocated in the heap area, is that right?
Yes it is allocated from heap, subject to availability.
If you forget to release memory that was allocated, you will exhaust it.
Lets see what C11 standard says, C11 - Section 7.22.3 states,
The pointer returned if the allocation succeeds is suitably aligned so that it may be assigned to a pointer to any type of object with a fundamental alignment requirement and then used to access such an object or an array of such objects in the space allocated (until the space is explicitly deallocated). The lifetime of an allocated object extends from the allocation until the deallocation. Each such allocation shall yield a pointer to an object disjoint from any other object. The pointer returned points to the start (lowest byte address) of the allocated space. If the space cannot be allocated, a null pointer is returned. If the size of the space requested is zero, the behavior is implementation-defined: either a null pointer is returned, or the behavior is as if the size were some nonzero value, except that the returned pointer shall not be used to access an object.
Thats should suffice to justify why explicit typecasting in statement
A * a = (A)* malloc(sizeof(A));
is not required. So it should be
A * a = malloc(sizeof(A));
followed by test if a is NULL, if it is NULL, you shouldn't continue with further access.
What happens to the memory area occupied by C?
Again, referring to C11 standard, C11 - Section which states,
The free function causes the space pointed to by ptr to be deallocated, that is, made available for further allocation. If ptr is a null pointer, no action occurs. Otherwise, if the argument does not match a pointer earlier returned by a memory management function, or if the space has been deallocated by a call to free or realloc, the behavior is undefined.
a in your code is equivalent to ptr above. Once freed, you can consider that the memory is returned to heap-pool for fresh allocations. There is no memory occupied by c now, and hence an access to c results in Undefined Behavior.
Refer C11 Standard, section J.2 Undefined Behavior:
An object is referred to outside of its lifetime (6.2.4).
The value of a pointer to an object whose lifetime has ended is used (6.2.4).
A * a = (A)* malloc(sizeof(A));
The compiler must be giving an error on this statement and if I am guessing correctly you want to cast the malloc return with (A *) which you should not do [check this].
In C language, a structure is a user-defined datatype which allows us to combine data of different types together and size of a structure variable is
size of all member variables + size of structure padding
So, when you dynamically allocate memory of sizeof(struct name) size, a block of memory of requested size gets allocated in heap and when you pass this pointer to free(), it deallocates that whole memory block.
What happens to the memory area occupied by C?
It is deallocated.
The lifetime of a dynamically allocated object is over when it is deallocated. So, when you do free(a), the life of a and all its data members is over and it is indeterminate now.
A point to note here about free() is that it does not change the value of the pointer (passed to it) itself, hence it still points to the same (now invalid) location.
So, when you free a dynamically allocated memory it still points to the same location which is no more valid and accessing such memory is undefined behavior. From C Standard#6.2.4p2
The lifetime of an object is the portion of program execution during which storage is guaranteed to be reserved for it. An object exists, has a constant address,33) and retains its last-stored value throughout its lifetime.34) If an object is referred to outside of its lifetime, the behavior is undefined. The value of a pointer becomes indeterminate when the object it points to (or just past) reaches the end of its lifetime.

C - pointer being freed was not allocated

I am trying to free a pointer that I assigned from a vector allocated with malloc(), when I try to remove the first element(index [0]), it works, when I try to remove the second(index [1]) I receive this error:
malloc: *** error for object 0x100200218: pointer being freed was not allocated
The code:
table->t = malloc (sizeof (entry) * tam);
entry * elem = &table->t[1];
You can only call (or need to) free() on the pointer returned by malloc() and family.
Quoting C11, chapter §
[...] Otherwise, if
the argument does not match a pointer earlier returned by a memory management
function, or if the space has been deallocated by a call to free or realloc, the
behavior is undefined.
In your case, table->t (or, &table->t[0]) is that pointer, not &table->t[1].
That said, free()-ing table->t frees the whole memory block, you don't need to (you can't, rather) free individually/ partially. See this answer for more info.
It works on the first element because &table->t[0] is equal to table->t. That's because the first element has the same address as the array itself (by definition of the array).
And since the array itself has an address that has been allocated, only that one can be freed.
malloc() works by allocating a single contiguous memory area, whose usable size is the single integer parameter passed by it. It returns a pointer for the allocated area.
You can only free the returned pointer once, and not a subset of it.
Arrays aren't objects in C, they're syntatic sugar to pointer arithmetic, which is probably the main headache of C programming and the area you should carefully study if you're committed to learning C.

Free memory in c without using free() function [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Freeing allocated memory: realloc() vs. free()
(7 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
I have tried freeing memory without using free() as below
int *ptr = malloc(20);
realloc(ptr, 0);
Will it work?
C language standards differ on this one: in C90 passing zero size was the same as calling free:
If size is zero, the memory previously allocated at ptr is deallocated as if a call to free was made, and a null pointer is returned.
However, this changed in C99:
If size is zero, the return value depends on the particular library implementation: it may either be a null pointer or some other location that shall not be dereferenced.
Note that freeing is no longer a requirement; neither is returning a NULL when zero size is passed.
realloc(ptr, 0) is not equivalent to free(ptr)
The standard C11 says:
If the size of the space requested is zero, the behavior is implementation-defined:
either a null pointer is returned, or the behavior is as if the size were some
nonzero value, except that the returned pointer shall not be used to access an
Why because realloc does below things,
It creates new memory of size specified.
Copies contents from old memory to newer.
Frees the old memory
Returns address of new memory
Maybe, but you can't count on it. From the docs:
If new_size is zero, the behavior is implementation defined (null pointer may be returned, or some non-null pointer may be returned that may not be used to access storage).
At least for POSIX: realloc(p, 0) is not the same as free(p).
From the current POSIX documentation on realloc():
Previous versions explicitly permitted a call to realloc (p, 0) to free the space pointed to by p and return a null pointer. While this behavior could be interpreted as permitted by this version of the standard, the C language committee have indicated that this interpretation is incorrect.

What does malloc(0) return? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
What's the point of malloc(0)?
(17 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
What does malloc(0) return?
Would the answer be same for realloc(malloc(0),0)?
int main()
printf("%p\n", malloc(0));
printf("%p\n", realloc(malloc(0), 0));
return 0;
Output from Linux GCC:
manav#manav-workstation:~$ gcc -Wall mal.c
manav#manav-workstation:~$ ./a.out
The output keep changing everytime for malloc(0). Is this a standard answer? And why would anyone be interested in getting such a pointer, other than academic research?
If malloc(0) returns dummy pointer, then how does following works:
int main()
void *ptr = malloc(0);
printf("%p\n", realloc(ptr, 1024));
return 0;
The following code outputs "possible" for every iteration. Why should it not fail ?
int main()
int i;
void *ptr;
printf("Testing using BRUTE FORCE\n");
for (i=0; i<65000; i++)
ptr = malloc(0);
if (ptr == realloc(ptr, 1024))
printf("Iteration %d: possible\n", i);
printf("Failed for iteration %d\n", i);
return 0;
Others have answered how malloc(0) works. I will answer one of the questions that you asked that hasn't been answered yet (I think). The question is about realloc(malloc(0), 0):
What does malloc(0) return? Would the answer be same for realloc(malloc(0),0)?
The standard says this about realloc(ptr, size):
if ptr is NULL, it behaves like malloc(size),
otherwise (ptr is not NULL), it deallocates the old object pointer to by ptr and returns a pointer to a new allocated buffer. But if size is 0, C89 says that the effect is equivalent to free(ptr). Interestingly, I can't find that statement in C99 draft (n1256 or n1336). In C89, the only sensible value to return in that case would be NULL.
So, there are two cases:
malloc(0) returns NULL on an implementation. Then your realloc() call is equivalent to realloc(NULL, 0). That is equivalent to malloc(0) from above (and that is NULL in this case).
malloc(0) returns non-NULL. Then, the call is equivalent to free(malloc(0)). In this case, malloc(0) and realloc(malloc(0), 0) are not equivalent.
Note that there is an interesting case here: in the second case, when malloc(0) returns non-NULL on success, it may still return NULL to indicate failure. This will result in a call like: realloc(NULL, 0), which would be equivalent to malloc(0), which may or may not return NULL.
I am not sure if the omission in C99 is an oversight or if it means that in C99, realloc(ptr, 0) for non-NULL ptr is not equivalent to free(ptr). I just tried this with gcc -std=c99, and the above is equivalent to free(ptr).
Edit: I think I understand what your confusion is:
Let's look at a snippet from your example code:
ptr = malloc(0);
if (ptr == realloc(ptr, 1024))
The above is not the same as malloc(0) == realloc(malloc(0), 1024). In the second, the malloc() call is made twice, whereas in the first, you're passing a previously allocated pointer to realloc().
Let's analyze the first code first. Assuming malloc(0) doesn't return NULL on success, ptr has a valid value. When you do realloc(ptr, 1024), realloc() basically gives you a new buffer that has the size 1024, and the ptr becomes invalid. A conforming implementation may return the same address as the one already in ptr. So, your if condition may return true. (Note, however, looking at the value of ptr after realloc(ptr, 1024) may be undefined behavior.)
Now the question you ask: malloc(0) == realloc(malloc(0), 1024). In this case, let's assume that both the malloc(0) on the LHS and RHS returns non-NULL. Then, they are guaranteed to be different. Also, the return value from malloc() on the LHS hasn't been free()d yet, so any other malloc(), calloc(), or realloc() may not return that value. This means that if you wrote your condition as:
if (malloc(0) == realloc(malloc(0), 1024)
you won't see possible on the output (unless both malloc() and realloc() fail and return NULL).
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(void)
void *p1;
void *p2;
p1 = malloc(0);
p2 = realloc(p1, 1024);
if (p1 == p2)
puts("possible, OK");
/* Ignore the memory leaks */
if (malloc(0) == realloc(malloc(0), 1024))
puts("shouldn't happen, something is wrong");
return 0;
On OS X, my code didn't output anything when I ran it. On Linux, it prints possible, OK.
malloc(0) is Implementation Defined as far as C99 is concerned.
From C99 [Section 7.20.3]
The order and contiguity of storage allocated by successive calls to the calloc,
malloc, and realloc functions is unspecified. The pointer returned if the allocation
succeeds is suitably aligned so that it may be assigned to a pointer to any type of object
and then used to access such an object or an array of such objects in the space allocated
(until the space is explicitly deallocated). The lifetime of an allocated object extends
from the allocation until the deallocation. Each such allocation shall yield a pointer to an
object disjoint from any other object. The pointer returned points to the start (lowest byte
address) of the allocated space. If the space cannot be allocated, a null pointer is
returned. If the size of the space requested is zero, the behavior is implementation-
defined: either a null pointer is returned, or the behavior is as if the size were some
nonzero value, except that the returned pointer shall not be used to access an object.
In C89, malloc(0) is implementation dependent - I don't know if C99 has fixed this or not. In C++, using:
char * p = new char[0];
is well defined - you get a valid, non-null pointer. Of course, you can't use the pointer to access what it points to without invoking undefined behaviour.
As to why this exists, it is convenient for some algorithms, and means you don't need to litter your code with tests for zero values.
C99 standard
If the space cannot be allocated, a
nullpointer is returned. If the size
of the space requested is zero, the
behavior is implementation-defined:
either a null pointer is returned, or
the behavior is as if the size were
some nonzero value, except that the
returned pointer shall not be used to
access an object.
The comp.lang.c FAQ has the following to say:
The ANSI/ISO Standard says that it may
do either; the behavior is
implementation-defined (see question
11.33). Portable code must either take care not to call malloc(0), or be
prepared for the possibility of a null
So, it's probably best to avoid using malloc(0).
One point nobody cared to talk about yet, in your first program is that realloc with length 0 is the same thing as free.
from the Solaris man page:
The realloc() function changes the size of the block pointed
to by ptr to size bytes and returns a pointer to the (possibly moved) block. The contents will be unchanged up to the
lesser of the new and old sizes. If ptr is NULL, realloc()
behaves like malloc() for the specified size. If size is 0
and ptr is not a null pointer, the space pointed to is made
available for further allocation by the application, though
not returned to the system. Memory is returned to the system
only upon termination of the application.
If one doesn't know that it can be a source of bad surprise (happened to me).
See C99, section 7.20.3:
If the size of the space requested is
zero, the behavior is
implementationdefined: either a null
pointer is returned, or the behavior
is as if the size were some nonzero
value, except that the returned
pointer shall not be used to access an
This is valid for all three allocation functions (ie calloc(), malloc() and realloc()).
I think it depends.
I checked the Visual Studio 2005 sources and saw this in the _heap_alloc function:
if (size == 0)
size = 1;
I think that in many cases you may want a valid pointer, even when asking for zero bytes.
This is because this consistent behavior makes it easier to check your pointers because: if you have a non-NULL pointer it's OK; if you have a NULL pointer you probably have a problem.
That's why I think that most implementations will return a valid pointer, even when asking for zero bytes.
If malloc(0) returns dummy pointer, then how does following works:
void *ptr = malloc(0);
printf("%p\n", realloc(ptr, 1024));
I don't know what you mean by "dummy pointer". If malloc(0) returns non-NULL, then ptr is a valid pointer to a memory block of size zero. The malloc implementation saves this information in an implementation-specific way. realloc knows the (implementation-specific) way to figure out that ptr points to a memory block of size zero.
(How malloc/realloc/free do this is implementation-specific. One possibility is to allocate 4 bytes more than requested and store the size just before the memory block. In that case, ((int *)ptr)[-1] would give the memory block size, which is 0. You should never do this from your code, it's only for use by realloc and free).
