How to remove or hide Main Menu from End-User ? XtraReports Winforms Devexpress? - winforms

I need to remove or hide the main menu and Layout tool bar from Report Designer of End-user. I have code to remove or hide a particular control
designForm.ActiveDesignPanel.SetCommandVisibility(ReportCommand.OpenFile, DevExpress.XtraReports.UserDesigner.CommandVisibility.None);
but I need to hide that entire Main Menu and Layout tool bar ? How to hide this Main Menu & Tool Bar ??
Thanks in advance.

If you want to customize end user designer in detail then rather then hiding and removing panels you should use latest devexpress release with end user customization feature.
In this you can control every thing from your visual studio solution only no need to write any logic to hide or remove.


How to remove the hovering navigation menu while in Google Data Studio Presentation mode?

How do I control if the hovering navigation menu appears when the data studio dashboard that I have created enters presentation mode? There are already in-dashboard controls and this menu gets in the way, more than it helps.
Unfortunately, there is no way to hide this control box. However, if they bother you, I think you do not really need presentation mode.
You can mimic the presentation mode, hiding Header, Navigation Bar and setting the window to full screen.
In File > Theme And Layout > Layout > View Mode:
Select "Initially hidden" for Header visibility;
Select "Hidden" for Navigation type;
Select "Fit to width" for Display mode;
Un-select "Has margin".
Then, just set your browser to fullscreen during visualization (F11 on Windows, or just expand the window in MacOS). This way you get the same result, without the presentation controls.

Telerik RadDock on left side of main form in Winform application

I have a WinForm application that I would like to add a RadDoc like a popup menu on the left inside form main.
The user should be able to hover to the left side of the screen or click some tab on the left side of the screen and then the menu bar will appear.
The RadDock control itself does not have a auto hide.
I can hide the ToolWindow inside the RadDock but this leaves a blue background where the ToolWindow would show.
Also, when the ToolWindows are "AutoHide" they are tabbed at the bottom but they need to be tabbed vertically on the left.
The last thing is that I can't seem to set the "popup" size of the ToolWindows.
I would suggest that you go through the RadDock documentation.
Auto Hide article:
Arranging windows:
Modifying windows size:
To make the whole control collapsible, you can use the RadCollapsiblePanel control: link.

Add a Tool button in titlebar in GTK

How to add a button (tool) in title bar like maximize and minimize button in title bar.
I need to add help tool button in my window title bar..?
Thanks in Advance
You can remove the window manager decoration and place some widgets on top of your toplever window, emulating the same behavior.

How to insert scroll bar in WPF in code behind for RadMenu

This Radmenu is dynamically created in code behind.Please let me know how to add scroll bar in this menu to limit the items in the submenu.
Check out this post from telerik forums.
Though it's in silverlight, I'm pretty sure you can use it as is.
Try explicitly setting the Height property of the Menu for that has a lot of menu items and that should add (Up/Down) button I believe
While not a scrollbar, you can set the DropDownHeight property of the RadMenuItem. It limits the height taken by the child menu items, and has up/down arrows to enable the scrolling.

ExtsJs4 switch panels

In ExtJs4 Layout Examples how do they switch right panel content when user clicks on menu items? Are there any examples with code samples?
I want exactly the same feature.
They create content panel with layout 'cards', add all examples as individual panels in to it, and then make them visible when you click through them. Check the source code - it's pretty obvious.
