Interfacing with iPhone/Android Music Playing over bluetooth with Pebble - c

I would like to create a simple Pebble watchapp that can play/pause and skip songs that are currently playing on the phone, similar to the built-in app.
I have never created a watchapp, but I have done the Hello World official example app.
I don't really know where to start, as I haven't found much in the way of documentation as far as interfacing with the phone. I do not want my app to require a companion app.
The pebble documentation is short at best, and doesn't (AFAICS) contain relevant information.
Where could I go about finding the information on how to interface with the phone's music control without a companion app?

You cannot control the music player from a Pebble app running on the watch.
What others have done in the past (See peapod on github) is write a Pebble app that talks to an iOS companion app with appmessage. The iOS companion app controls the music player.


How do you check your web apps look like?

I've created a basic web-app which guides user to decide first programming language. I've created my project checking through Google Dev Tools iPhone6 view since I'm using iPhone6 also but in real iPhones appearance is not even look close. Is this annoyance only for me or for everyone also? or is there better way to design a web app for mobile? You should check difference from here and check my repo from

Building web app which interacts with device cameras

I am posting this question as I would need some good advice to start building my very first app.
First, I'd like to share the aim of the app: being able to take pictures from (different) mobile devices' cameras, having a graphic (like a mask, an image) showing up when looking into the camera. The intent is to have a virtual car which I can place next to real people when shooting my pictures, see the preview and save them.
My first thought was, not to cover how to build apps for different specific devices (e.g. android, iOS, windowsphone), to make a web app. I am fairly fine with programming and web frameworks in general. Is it a reccomendable way to go?
Then, I would like some advices on the lanuages I should use. I am using a linux pc and have understanding in HTML, CSS, PHP, Python, and a bit of JavaScript. Would this be enough?
Can you point me to some useful link/tutorial?
Thanks in advance and sorry if the question is broad, I hope my points are specific enough to be answered without too much pain.
As far as i understand your question, you want to konw about web technologies wich provides you access to camera.
Whrer is an special method, thats returns object in JS, thats can capture camera and mic data:
but it requires sequre protocol https for you server.
You should read about them. In this way, you cat get data from device's camra vai js object, and process, share it as you want.

Cross-platform (desktop and mobile) 3D engine

I'm planning on creating a "simple" 3D game/app based on the heightmap demo at The game would really be no more than rotating the camera around an area with some assets, more of a tech demo.
However, that engine utilizes WebGL, which isn't supported on most mobile devices.
I'm looking for a 3D engine that could be used to create a similar app on desktops and mobile devices.
Would Ludei be suitable for this task?
Ludei looks interesting, I think I'll take a look into that myself.
For cross-platform development, take a look at libgdx. This is a framework that lets you write all your code in Java and then compile for various platforms (Windows/Mac desktop, Android, iOS.) I believe it can also compile to HTML5/JS/WebGL.
libGDX is great, unfortunately it lack of enough tutorials and material on 3D.

how to develop mobile app supported with all platforms

I have new app as a game . the game about home and products as TV Refrigerator LCD ..etc. so use can drag the product at the room on your home as if you are preparing your new home but this will be as a game and when user finished from completing his home he will like and share this on Facebook . this game will be app supported with all mobile platforms .So how can I do this solution I know java but I cannot imagine how can I do this.
The simplest answer is to write a web app. Every modern mobile device (probably) has a web browser. Two options for this: (I'm sure you can find dozens of tutorials on either)
Have your app sit somewhere on a website. Not too difficult once you have a website.
Deploy an executable. Try Googling something like "how to deploy an html5 executable". This looks like it may help.
If every required mobile device has a JVM (which I'll bet they don't), then you can write a single Java app that will work on all the devices.
There are programs designed specifically for this purpose, though I don't have the name of one on hand.

Silverlight 4 and Youtube flash player

I'm trying to make a small silverlight application but i became across a problem, playing videos from youtube.
I tried a method with a html conteiner to embed the youtube flash player, but with this method i need to activate the option windowsless, and thats is not a good ideia for my web site.
If anyone have a good ideia,I'm glad to hear
Silverlight actually supports the H.264 format so you can play videos directly within your application.
There's a tutorial here that outlines how to do this:
