In C bits, multiply by 3 and divide by 16 - c

A buddy of mine had these puzzles and this is one that is eluding me. Here is the problem, you are given a number and you want to return that number times 3 and divided by 16 rounding towards 0. Should be easy. The catch? You can only use the ! ~ & ^ | + << >> operators and of them only a combination of 12.
int mult(int x){
//some code here...
return y;
My attempt at it has been:
int hold = x + x + x;
int hold1 = 8;
hold1 = hold1 & hold;
hold1 = hold1 >> 3;
hold = hold >> 4;
hold = hold + hold1;
return hold;
But that doesn't seem to be working. I think I have a problem of losing bits but I can't seem to come up with a way of saving them. Another perspective would be nice. Just to add, you also can only use variables of type int and no loops, if statements or function calls may be used.
Right now I have the number 0xfffffff. It is supposed to return 0x2ffffff but it is returning 0x3000000.

For this question you need to worry about the lost bits before your division (obviously).
Essentially, if it is negative then you want to add 15 after you multiply by 3. A simple if statement (using your operators) should suffice.
I am not going to give you the code but a step by step would look like,
x = x*3
get the sign and store it in variable foo.
have another variable hold x + 15;
Set up an if statement so that if x is negative it uses that added 15 and if not then it uses the regular number (times 3 which we did above).
Then divide by 16 which you already showed you know how to do. Good luck!

This seems to work (as long as no overflow occurs):
Try this JavaScript code, run in console:
for (var num = -128; num <= 128; ++num) {
var a = Math.floor(num * 3 / 16);
var b = ((num<<2)+~num+1)>>4;
"Input:", num,
"Regular math:", a,
"Bit math:", b,
"Equal: ", a===b

The Maths
When you divide a positive integer n by 16, you get a positive integer quotient k and a remainder c < 16:
(n/16) = k + (c/16).
(Or simply apply the Euclidan algorithm.) The question asks for multiplication by 3/16, so multiply by 3
(n/16) * 3 = 3k + (c/16) * 3.
The number k is an integer, so the part 3k is still a whole number. However, int arithmetic rounds down, so the second term may lose precision if you divide first, And since c < 16, you can safely multiply first without overflowing (assuming sizeof(int) >= 7). So the algorithm design can be
(3n/16) = 3k + (3c/16).
The design
The integer k is simply n/16 rounded down towards 0. So k can be found by applying a single AND operation. Two further operations will give 3k. Operation count: 3.
The remainder c can also be found using an AND operation (with the missing bits). Multiplication by 3 uses two more operations. And shifts finishes the division. Operation count: 4.
Add them together gives you the final answer.
Total operation count: 8.
The above algorithm uses shift operations. It may not work well on negatives. However, assuming two's complement, the sign of n is stored in a sign bit. It can be removed beforing applying the algorithm and reapplied on the answer.
To find and store the sign of n, a single AND is sufficient.
To remove this sign, OR can be used.
Apply the above algorithm.
To restore the sign bit, Use a final OR operation on the algorithm output with the stored sign bit.
This brings the final operation count up to 11.

what you can do is first divide by 4 then add 3 times then again devide by 4.
with this logic the program can be
int x=0xefffffff;
int y;
printf("\n%x %d",x,x);
AND with 0x3fffffff to make msb's zero. it'l even convert numbers to positive.
This uses 2's complement of negative numbers. with direct methods to divide there will be loss of bit accuracy for negative numbers. so use this work arround of converting -ve to +ve number then perform division operations.

Note that the C99 standard states in section section 6.5.7 that right shifts of signed negative integer invokes implementation-defined behavior. Under the provisions that int is comprised of 32 bits and that right shifting of signed integers maps to an arithmetic shift instruction, the following code works for all int inputs. A fully portable solution that also fulfills the requirements set out in the question may be possible, but I cannot think of one right now.
My basic idea is to split the number into high and low bits to prevent intermediate overflow. The high bits are divided by 16 first (this is an exact operation), then multiplied by three. The low bits are first multiplied by three, then divided by 16. Since arithmetic right shift rounds towards negative infinity instead of towards zero like integer division, a correction needs to be applied to the right shift for negative numbers. For a right shift by N, one needs to add 2N-1 prior to the shift if the number to be shifted is negative.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int ref (int a)
long long int t = ((long long int)a * 3) / 16;
return (int)t;
int main (void)
int a, t, r, c, res;
a = 0;
do {
t = a >> 4; /* high order bits */
r = a & 0xf; /* low order bits */
c = (a >> 31) & 15; /* shift correction. Portable alternative: (a < 0) ? 15 : 0 */
res = t + t + t + ((r + r + r + c) >> 4);
if (res != ref(a)) {
printf ("!!!! error a=%08x res=%08x ref=%08x\n", a, res, ref(a));
} while (a);


binary division in c require assistance

i need help i cant seemed to get the result. the assignment i am doing right now has to do with binary division. the purpose of this project is to try to mimic the ALU and we are not allowed to use the addition or subtraction operator. is there some parts in the code that i am missing?
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
int subtraction(int operand_1, int operand_2);
int division(int dividen, int divisor);
int addition(int operand_1, int operand_2);
int main()
int operand_1, operand_2,res;
printf (" enter the value for operand_1(dividen) and operand_2(divisor): ");
scanf ("%d %d",&operand_1,&operand_2);
res = division(operand_1,operand_2);
printf(" binary division: %d\n\n",res);
int addition(int operand_1, int operand_2)
int carry = operand_2;
int sum = operand_1;
while (carry !=0)
int temp =(sum & carry )<<1;
sum = sum ^ carry;
carry = temp;
return sum;
int subtraction(int operand_1, int operand_2)
operand_2= addition(~operand_2,1);
return addition (operand_1,operand_2);
int division ( int dividen, int divisor)
int i;
int quotient =0;
for (i= 0; i < 33 ; i++)
int remainder = subtraction(remainder,divisor);
if (remainder<0)
remainder = addition(divisor, remainder);
quotient= quotient << 1 & 0xfe;
quotient = quotient >> 1 & 0xfe;
divisor =divisor >> 1 ;
return quotient;
Issues with the division() function presented
Function division() initializes its quotient variable to 0. It later performs shift operations on it (quotient >> 1, quotient << 1), and bitwise & operations on the shifted results, but all of these will always produce 0 when quotient is 0. Those results are the only thing ever assigned back to quotient, so the function presented will never return anything other than 0 (unless as a result of exercising undefined behavior).
Moreover, this line is certainly wrong:
int remainder = subtraction(remainder,divisor);
It passes the indeterminate initial value of remainder to the subtraction() function, and uses the undefined result of that as the value of remainder.
And perhaps most telling, the function never uses its dividen parameter.
If your compiler is not producing warnings about the last two, then you would be well advised to learn how to turn up its warning output, or else to find a more helpful compiler. On the other hand, if you are ignoring your compiler's warnings then stop doing that. Compiler warnings are there to help you. Take the time to understand what they are telling you, and fix the problems they describe, or else be sure you can explain why it is safe to ignore them.
Binary long division
Based on the small, fixed bounds of the for loop in the presented division() function and its use of bit shifting, I'm inclined to think that you are specifically trying to implement binary long division. That would be a reasonable way to go, but the details aren't right at all.
is there some parts in the code that i am missing?
It's not a matter of some essential detail having been skipped. Although the algorithm implemented is reminiscent of binary long division, there's pretty much nothing correct about it.
Setting aside the questions of negative inputs and division by zero, binary long division could take this general form:
Convert dividend and divisor to type unsigned int. This gives you an extra value bit to work with, and it gives you defined behavior in relevant cases where [signed] int does not. (See also below.)
Shift the (unsigned) divisor left until it exceeds the (unsigned) dividend, then shift it one bit back right. Let b designate the total number of left shifts performed in that process, which may be zero.
Initialize the working quotient to 0, and the working remainder to the dividend.
Perform the following steps b times:
shift the working quotient one bit left
subtract the (shifted) divisor from the working remainder
if the difference is non-negative then
set the working remainder to the difference
turn on the least-significant bit of the working quotient (equivalently, add 1 to the quotient)
(else the difference is negative. The working remainder should not be updated, and the corresponding quotient bit is (already) zero).
shift the divisor one bit right.
After the iterations are finished, the working quotient is the correct binary quotient (of the unsigned operands), and the working remainder is the remainder, as would be computed by the % operator.
Note that although the bit-shifting disguises it somewhat, this is the same long division algorithm you learned in grade school, simplified by the fact that 1 and 0 are the only digits to be concerned with.
If your function must handle negative inputs then the initial conversion to unsigned must capture information about their signs and yield their absolute values. The sign information will inform whether the quotient needs to be inverted at the end.
I have intentionally avoided writing actual C code for the division function, so as not to rob you of the instructional value of writing that code yourself. I would encourage you, moreover, to study the algorithm description until you understand what it's doing and why, and then attempt to rewrite your division() function without referring further to this answer.
This works. I check for operators sign, if both are - result will be +.
Btw, your keyboard input doesnt work fine for 2 negative values, probably it is better in 2 different lines, in 2 scanfs.
int division ( int dividen, int divisor)
char sign=0;
int i;
int quotient =0;
int remainder=dividen;
printf("%d %d\r\n ",quotient ,remainder);
if (remainder>=divisor)
quotient= addition(quotient,1);
return quotient;

Handling overflow in fraction multiplication

Say I want to multiply x by (3/8). So I can get the result using shift operation as follows (The result should round toward zero):
int Test(int x) {
int value = (x << 1) + x;
value = value >> 3;
value = value + ((x >> 31) & 1);
return value;
So I'll have 4 in Test(11) and -3 in Test(-9). The problem is, because I am doing the multiplication first, I'll have an overflow at some ranges and in those cases I won't get the correct value:
Test(0x80000000) // returns -268435455, but it should be -268435456
How can I fix this?
How can I fix this? (overflow at some ranges)
Divide by 8 first.
For each multiple of 8, the result increases by 3, exactly. So all that remains is to figure out 3/8 of numbers -7 to 7, which OP's test() can handle. Simplifications possible.
int Times3_8(int x) {
int div8 = x/8;
int value = div8*3 + Test(x%8);
int foo(int x)
return x/8*3 + x%8*3/8;
Inspired by chux's answer: the key is to divide by 8 first (to sacrifice precision for range) and use a second term to handle the quantization error (correct for the error in a smaller range).
One solution would be to handle the high and low halves differently. For the high half of x, shift right 3 first, then multiply by 3. For the low half, multiply by 3 and then shift right by 3. Then add the two results together. That should work for the positive case. For negative numbers, you will need to tweak this a bit.

Need Floating Point Precision Using Unsigned Int

I'm working with a microchip that doesn't have room for floating point precision, however. I need to account for fractional values during some equations. So far I've had good luck using the old *100 -> /100 method like so:
increment = (short int)(((value1 - value2)*100 / totalSteps));
// later in the code I loop through the number of totolSteps
// adding back the increment to arrive at the total I want at the precise time
// time I need it.
newValue = oldValue + (increment / 100);
This works great for values from 0-255 divided by a totalSteps of up to 300. After 300, the fractional values to the right of the decimal place, become important, because they add up over time of course.
I'm curious if anyone has a better way to save decimal accuracy within an integer paradigm? I tried using *1000 /1000, but that didn't work at all.
Thank you in advance.
Fractions with integers is called fixed point math.
Try Googling "fixed point".
Fixed point tips and tricks are out of the scope of SO answer...
Example: 5 tap FIR filter
// C is the filter coefficients using 2.8 fixed precision.
// 2 MSB (of 10) is for integer part and 8 LSB (of 10) is the fraction part.
// Actual fraction precision here is 1/256.
int FIR_5(int* in, // input samples
int inPrec, // sample fraction precision
int* c, // filter coefficients
int cPrec) // coefficients fraction precision
const int coefHalf = (cPrec > 0) ? 1 << (cPrec - 1) : 0; // value of 0.5 using cPrec
int sum = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < 5; ++i )
sum += in[i] * c[i];
// sum's precision is X.N. where N = inPrec + cPrec;
// return to original precision (inPrec)
sum = (sum + coefHalf) >> cPrec; // adding coefHalf for rounding
return sum;
int main()
const int filterPrec = 8;
int C[5] = { 8, 16, 208, 16, 8 }; // 1.0 == 256 in 2.8 fixed point. Filter value are 8/256, 16/256, 208/256, etc.
int W[5] = { 10, 203, 40, 50, 72}; // A sampling window (example)
int res = FIR_5(W, 0, C, filterPrec);
return 0;
In the above example:
the samples are integers (no fraction)
the coefs have fractions of 8 bit.
8 bit fractions mean that each change of 1 is treated as 1/256. 1 << 8 == 256.
Useful notation is Y.Xu or Y.Xs. where Y is how many bits are allocated for the integer part and X for he fraction. u/s denote signed/unsigned.
when multiplying 2 fixed point numbers, their precision (size of fraction bits) are added to each other.
Example A is 0.8u, B is 0.2U. C=A*B. C is 0.10u
when dividing, use a shift operation to lower the result precision. Amount of shifting is up to you. Before lowering precision it's better to add a half to lower the error.
Example: A=129 in 0.8u which is a little over 0.5 (129/256). We want the integer part so we right shift it by 8. Before that we want to add a half which is 128 (1<<7). So A = (A + 128) >> 8 --> 1.
Without adding a half you'll get a larger error in the final result.
Don't use this approach.
New paradigm: Do not accumulate using FP math or fixed point math. Do your accumulation and other equations with integer math. Anytime you need to get some scaled value, divide by your scale factor (100), but do the "add up" part with the raw, unscaled values.
Here's a quick attempt at a precise rational (Bresenham-esque) version of the interpolation if you truly cannot afford to directly interpolate at each step.
div_t frac_step = div(target - source, num_steps);
if(frac_step.rem < 0) {
// Annoying special case to deal with rounding towards zero.
// Alternatively check for the error term slipping to < -num_steps as well
frac_step.rem = -frac_step.rem;
unsigned int error = 0;
do {
// Add the integer term plus an accumulated fraction
error += frac_step.rem;
if(error >= num_steps) {
// Time to carry
error -= num_steps;
source += frac_step.quot;
} while(--num_steps);
A major drawback compared to the fixed-point solution is that the fractional term gets rounded off between iterations if you are using the function to continually walk towards a moving target at differing step lengths.
Oh, and for the record your original code does not seem to be properly accumulating the fractions when stepping, e.g. a 1/100 increment will always be truncated to 0 in the addition no matter how many times the step is taken. Instead you really want to add the increment to a higher-precision fixed-point accumulator and then divide it by 100 (or preferably right shift to divide by a power-of-two) each iteration in order to compute the integer "position".
Do take care with the different integer types and ranges required in your calculations. A multiplication by 1000 will overflow a 16-bit integer unless one term is a long. Go through you calculations and keep track of input ranges and the headroom at each step, then select your integer types to match.
Maybe you can simulate floating point behaviour by saving
it using the IEEE 754 specification
So you save mantisse, exponent, and sign as unsigned int values.
For calculation you use then bitwise addition of mantisse and exponent and so on.
Multiplication and Division you can replace by bitwise addition operations.
I think it is a lot of programming staff to emulate that but it should work.
Your choice of type is the problem: short int is likely to be 16 bits wide. That's why large multipliers don't work - you're limited to +/-32767. Use a 32 bit long int, assuming that your compiler supports it. What chip is it, by the way, and what compiler?

Performing arithmetic operations in binary using only bitwise operators [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
How can I multiply and divide using only bit shifting and adding?
I have to write functions to perform binary subtraction, multiplication, and division without using any arithmetic operators except for loop control. I've only written code in Java before now, so I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around this.
Starting with subtraction, I need to write a function with prototype
int bsub(int x, int y)
I know I need to convert y to two's complement in order to make it negative and add it to x, but I only know how to do this by using one's complement ~ operator and adding 1, but I can't use the + operator.
The badd function was provided, and I will be able to implement it in bsub if I can figure out how to make y a negative number. The code for badd is shown below. Thanks in advance for any tips.
int badd(int x,int y){
int i;
char sum;
char car_in=0;
char car_out;
char a,b;
unsigned int mask=0x00000001;
int result=0;
car_out=car_in & (a|b) |a&b;
if(sum) {
if(i!=31) {
} else {
if(car_in!=car_out) {
printf("Overflow occurred\n");
return result;
Well, subtracting in bitwise operations without the + or - operators is slightly tricky, but can be done. You have the basic idea with the complement, but without using + it becomes slightly tricky.
You can do it by first setting up addition with bit-wise only, then using that, you can do subtraction. Which is used for the complement, So the code looks like this:
int badd(int n1, int n2){
int carry, sum;
carry = (n1 & n2) << 1; // Find bits that are used for carry
sum = n1 ^ n2; // Add each bit, discard carry.
if (sum & carry) // If bits match, add current sum and carry.
return badd(sum, carry);
return sum ^ carry; // Return the sum.
int bsub(int n1, int n2){
// Add two's complement and return.
return badd(n1, badd(~n2, 1));
And then if we use the above code in an example:
int main(){
printf("%d\n", bsub(53, 17));
return 0;
Which ends up returning 36. And that is how subtraction works with bitwise only operations.
Afterwards multiplication and division get more complicated, but can be done; for those two operations, use shifts along with addition and/or subtraction to get the job done. You may also want to read this question and this article on how to do it.
You have to implement the binary addition first:
Example with 4 bits:
a = 1101
b = 1011
mask will range from 0001 to 1000
for (i=0;i<4;i++) {
x = a & pow(2, i); //mask, you can shift left as well
y = b & pow(2, i);
z = x ^ y; //XOR to calculate addition
z = z ^ carry; //add previous carry
carry = x & y | x ^ carry | y ^ carry; //new carry
This is pseudocode. The mask allows for operating bit by bit from left to right. You'll have to store z conveniently into another variable.
Once you have the addition, you'll be able to implement subtraction by 1'complementing and adding 1.
Multiplication goes the same way, but slightly more difficult. Basically it's the same division method you learned at school, using masks to select bits conveniently and adding the intermediate results using the addition above.
Division is a bit more complicated, it would take some more time to explain but basically it's the same principle.

Take the average of two signed numbers in C

Let us say we have x and y and both are signed integers in C, how do we find the most accurate mean value between the two?
I would prefer a solution that does not take advantage of any machine/compiler/toolchain specific workings.
The best I have come up with is:(a / 2) + (b / 2) + !!(a % 2) * !!(b %2) Is there a solution that is more accurate? Faster? Simpler?
What if we know if one is larger than the other a priori?
Editor's Note: Please note that the OP expects answers that are not subject to integer overflow when input values are close to the maximum absolute bounds of the C int type. This was not stated in the original question, but is important when giving an answer.
After accept answer (4 yr)
I would expect the function int average_int(int a, int b) to:
1. Work over the entire range of [INT_MIN..INT_MAX] for all combinations of a and b.
2. Have the same result as (a+b)/2, as if using wider math.
When int2x exists, #Santiago Alessandri approach works well.
int avgSS(int a, int b) {
return (int) ( ((int2x) a + b) / 2);
Otherwise a variation on #AProgrammer:
Note: wider math is not needed.
int avgC(int a, int b) {
if ((a < 0) == (b < 0)) { // a,b same sign
return a/2 + b/2 + (a%2 + b%2)/2;
return (a+b)/2;
A solution with more tests, but without %
All below solutions "worked" to within 1 of (a+b)/2 when overflow did not occur, but I was hoping to find one that matched (a+b)/2 for all int.
#Santiago Alessandri Solution works as long as the range of int is narrower than the range of long long - which is usually the case.
((long long)a + (long long)b) / 2
#AProgrammer, the accepted answer, fails about 1/4 of the time to match (a+b)/2. Example inputs like a == 1, b == -2
a/2 + b/2 + (a%2 + b%2)/2
#Guy Sirton, Solution fails about 1/8 of the time to match (a+b)/2. Example inputs like a == 1, b == 0
int sgeq = ((a<0)==(b<0));
int avg = ((!sgeq)*(a+b)+sgeq*(b-a))/2 + sgeq*a;
#R.., Solution fails about 1/4 of the time to match (a+b)/2. Example inputs like a == 1, b == 1
return (a-(a|b)+b)/2+(a|b)/2;
#MatthewD, now deleted solution fails about 5/6 of the time to match (a+b)/2. Example inputs like a == 1, b == -2
unsigned diff;
signed mean;
if (a > b) {
diff = a - b;
mean = b + (diff >> 1);
} else {
diff = b - a;
mean = a + (diff >> 1);
If (a^b)<=0 you can just use (a+b)/2 without fear of overflow.
Otherwise, try (a-(a|b)+b)/2+(a|b)/2. -(a|b) is at least as large in magnitude as both a and b and has the opposite sign, so this avoids the overflow.
I did this quickly off the top of my head so there might be some stupid errors. Note that there are no machine-specific hacks here. All behavior is completely determined by the C standard and the fact that it requires twos-complement, ones-complement, or sign-magnitude representation of signed values and specifies that the bitwise operators work on the bit-by-bit representation. Nope, the relative magnitude of a|b depends on the representation...
Edit: You could also use a+(b-a)/2 when they have the same sign. Note that this will give a bias towards a. You can reverse it and get a bias towards b. My solution above, on the other hand, gives bias towards zero if I'm not mistaken.
Another try: One standard approach is (a&b)+(a^b)/2. In twos complement it works regardless of the signs, but I believe it also works in ones complement or sign-magnitude if a and b have the same sign. Care to check it?
Edit: version fixed by #chux - Reinstate Monica:
if ((a < 0) == (b < 0)) { // a,b same sign
return a/2 + b/2 + (a%2 + b%2)/2;
} else {
return (a+b)/2;
Original answer (I'd have deleted it if it hadn't been accepted).
a/2 + b/2 + (a%2 + b%2)/2
Seems the simplest one fitting the bill of no assumption on implementation characteristics (it has a dependency on C99 which specifying the result of / as "truncated toward 0" while it was implementation dependent for C90).
It has the advantage of having no test (and thus no costly jumps) and all divisions/remainder are by 2 so the use of bit twiddling techniques by the compiler is possible.
For unsigned integers the average is the floor of (x+y)/2. But the same fails for signed integers. This formula fails for integers whose sum is an odd -ve number as their floor is one less than their average.
You can read up more at Hacker's Delight in section 2.5
The code to calculate average of 2 signed integers without overflow is
int t = (a & b) + ((a ^ b) >> 1)
unsigned t_u = (unsigned)t
int avg = t + ( (t_u >> 31 ) & (a ^ b) )
I have checked it's correctness using Z3 SMT solver
Just a few observations that may help:
"Most accurate" isn't necessarily unique with integers. E.g. for 1 and 4, 2 and 3 are an equally "most accurate" answer. Mathematically (not C integers):
(a+b)/2 = a+(b-a)/2 = b+(a-b)/2
Let's try breaking this down:
If sign(a)!=sign(b) then a+b will will not overflow. This case can be determined by comparing the most significant bit in a two's complement representation.
If sign(a)==sign(b) then if a is greater than b, (a-b) will not overflow. Otherwise (b-a) will not overflow. EDIT: Actually neither will overflow.
What are you trying to optimize exactly? Different processor architectures may have different optimal solutions. For example, in your code replacing the multiplication with an AND may improve performance. Also in a two's complement architecture you can simply (a & b & 1).
I'm just going to throw some code out, not looking too fast but perhaps someone can use and improve:
int sgeq = ((a<0)==(b<0));
int avg = ((!sgeq)*(a+b)+sgeq*(b-a))/2 + sgeq*a
I would do this, convert both to long long(64 bit signed integers) add them up, this won't overflow and then divide the result by 2:
((long long)a + (long long)b) / 2
If you want the decimal part, store it as a double.
It is important to note that the result will fit in a 32 bit integer.
If you are using the highest-rank integer, then you can use:
((double)a + (double)b) / 2
This answer fits to any number of integers:
int[] array = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
decimal avg = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++){
avg = (array[i] - avg) / (i+1) + avg;
expects avg == 5.0 for this test
