Open source ANSI C99 parser? [closed] - c

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm interested in playing around with adding some language features on top of C and I'm trying to find a good open source parser that I could fork to play with making grammar changes, but I'm not having any lucky just yet. Does anyone know of a good "standalone" parser that would be amenable to modification in this way?

If you're writing it in Python, you can use pycparser. It's a fully compliant C99 parser licensed under the 3-clause BSD license.


Example code for blowfish encryption [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I need to encrypt a char* string in C using blowfish or twofish in Windows.
I can't find a straight forward solution for that.
I don't want to install something like OpenSSL; I need it be a standalone as possible.
Unfortunately Googling for C code results in C# and C++ code.
Can anyone give me a straightforward function for encryption/decryption?
Have you taken a look at "" on Bruce Schneier web site? He has reference implementations, as well as optimized implementations of the algorithm. It's been a few years since I looked at it, but you might find it useful.

Reference to compiler design [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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What is the best book take it as a reference in compiler design
I have some knowledge in Compiler and I designed my own one once. but I need a reference because I'm going to be the teacher of a compiler course (practical, project) in C language.
Compilers Principles,Techniques and Tools By A.V Aho,Ravi Sethi and J.D.Ullman - Pearson Education. First Refer old edition then jump on to new one
This is best and must read book for Compilers
Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools best as far as i know

What are some common C libraries in Linux to use a CD burning device? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am interested in creating software that uses a CD burning device. I will be writing this code in C under Linux and compiling using GCC.
libburn as the name suggests ;) (and other friend-libraries from the same site). It's used in brasero (GNOME), xfburn (xfce) and cdw.
And well, that's it. Really, I'm not aware of any more libraries.
In fact, it was more common to wrap command-line cdrecord (from cdrtools or cdrkit) but they never provided a shared library; it was just an old unix practice on running external executables (and then parsing their output, ugly). AFAIK it's still used in k3b and a few minor tools but the general trend is migration towards libburn.

Where to download the open source language of C? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I want to learn how C is interpreted,
anyone knows where to download it?
I found that in about 10 seconds using Google. You can too.
A good basic compiler suitable for getting an intro to the subject and including sources is tinyc. It is capable of being used in a similar manner as an interpreter, too (unlike GCC et al).
Try this:
and this:

excellent setjmp/longjmp tutorials [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Hi I'd like to read good tutorials on setjmp/longjmp in C. It'd be better if there're examples which are real rather than artificial.
It's not really a tutorial as such, but the libpng documentation describes how the library uses setjmp/longjmp to do error handling.
The book "C interfaces and implementation" explains the concept well and implements a usable "exception" simulation in C using these constructs. The code for it (chapter 4) is freely available online here.
Edit: also see this SO thread
Then you should read Advanced Programming in the UNIX(R) Environment (2nd Edition) Here's the sample you're looking for (just a preview)
