ExtJS Uncaught Type Error - need a simple solution re. a workaround for known issue - extjs

Seems to be a problem adding a component to a viewport in extjs due to some known issue
The ideal would be:
var paneltab = Ext.create('ROMLProjectAdmin.view.MainTabPanel');
An error occurs:
Uncaught TypeError: Object function constructor(){
// Opera has some problems returning from a constructor when Dragonfly isn't running. The || null seems to
// be sufficient to stop in misbehaving. Known to be required against 10.53, 11.51 and 11.61.
return this.constructor.apply(this, arguments) || null;
} has no method 'add'
Found this on the web which explains what's going on but I don't fully understand how to implement the proposed solution using 'refs' as I'm a newbie. I wondered if someone could give me a simpler explanation.
Or, based on the failing code above, can someone please give me an alternative way to launch a tab panel (in this case user logged in and so that screen is done with and now to open the main tabs).
Thanks in advance.

Ext.Viewport is just the class, you need an instance of that class in order to add components to it:
Ext.create('Ext.container.Viewport', {
id: 'myviewport'
var paneltab = Ext.create('ROMLProjectAdmin.view.MainTabPanel');


Non-angular page opened with click - angular not defined using ignoreSynchronization or waiting for Angular without

After a lot of research, and tinkering, I can't seem to actually get my Protractor test to do anything else other than have an Angular related error, even though I am using browser to avoid Angular being detected at all.
The test involves an Angular app, opening a dropdown in it, and clicking on the link for the console; the console opens a non-Angular admin page in a separate window.
So based on the many informative SO posts I found, I first used this...
browser.driver.getAllWindowHandles().then(function(handles) {
browser.driver.switchTo().window(handles[1]).then(function() {
//expect for new window here
Which appeared to work, as I could get to the window through repl pretty easily.
The issue is when either of the following were added...
browser.driver.getAllWindowHandles().then(function(handles) {
browser.driver.switchTo().window(handles[1]).then(function() {
One expect check the URL and the other checks for the header element on the page, which is a table header. When I run this, I get the following:
Error while waiting for Protractor to sync with the page: "angular could not be found on the window"
When I decide to use browser.ignoreSynchronization = true, both in the function, or in a beforeEach, with or without a following afterEach setting it to false, I get the following:
JavascriptError: angular is not defined
I can't seem to get any "useful" errors to help me debug it, and trying it in repl does not help, as I get the same issue.
To be comprehensive, trying my URL expect without getting the second window will give me the root, and the other will fail.
Just doing one or the other will cause the same problem.
Changing to regular syntax (element(by.css...)) does not change things.
So much for my first question...
It appears that my use of browser.getLocationAbsUrl() is meant to be used for an Angular page, and was causing my issue...
Essentially, even though I believed I was using pure Webdriver calls, that call still required Angular on the page to work...
As stated in another post, the use of browser.driver.getCurrentUrl() is a non-Angular call using Webdriver, and fixed the problem. Thus, the final code is the following...
browser.sleep(1000); //to wait for the page to load
browser.driver.getAllWindowHandles().then(function(handles) {
browser.driver.switchTo().window(handles[1]).then(function() {
This works without setting ignoreSynchronization, BTW.
I realized it would probably be something relatively simple to fix it, just didn't expect I'd get it that quickly (I intended on submitting the question last night, but posted it this morning instead).
In any case, I hope this will at least be a good reference for anyone else facing the same issue.
Seems like getLocationAbsUrl is angular abs url.
Try using the native driver getCurrentUrl instead.
-- expect(browser.getLocationAbsUrl()).toContain('/console/login.jsp');
++ expect(browser.driver.getCurrentUrl() ...

TypeError: Attempted to assign to readonly property. in Angularjs application on iOS8 Safari

Our Mobile App is getting "TypeError: Attempted to assign to readonly property." only on IOS 8 and the stack traces are not helpful and seem to be in Angular code.
This might be happening because of the "use strict" on top level of Angularjs code.
My questions are (1) why did it start happening only on IOS8? is this an IOS8 bug?
(2) or is this an angular bug surfaced on IOS8? (3) Or maybe we are violating strict mode rules but only IOS8 started to catch them! I am skeptical about the third option because strict mode is supported by other major browsers.
I have found one similar reported issue here.
Looks like this is an IOS8 bug
At least the guys at ember.js will temporarily strip the 'use strict' from their code until it's fixed.
Ember.js issue
angular.copy didn't work for me
lodash cloneDeep didn't work either.
removing "use strict"; didn't help - It just removed the error being logged in a try/catch arround the "erroneous" assignment to a readonly value
For us, the value that was being passed back from the SQL promise value was an array of objects.
The values that we were getting "read only" error on were strings, bools, and numbers.
console.log('this will log');
sqlReturnArray[0].name = "Bob"; // read only error here
console.log('wouldnt get to here to log');
I figured, well, if I can't assign values to properties on THOSE objects within the array, why can't I just copy over all the objects' values? Assignment of objects is by reference so just doing a loop over the array won't help. You need to loop over the keys and values.
This solved our problem
// where sqlReturnArray is the object given from the SQL promise
var newArrayOfObjects = [];
angular.forEach(sqlReturnArray, function (obj) {
var newObj = {};
angular.forEach(obj, function (val, key) {
newObj[key] = val;
I just had this error and the fix was pretty simple.
My Code was-
$scope.data.somedata = result.data.list;
I get the TypeError in the assign. Because I haven't defined $scope.data.somedata anywhere and it got $scope.data undefined and trying to assign some property to it initiated the error.
I simply put $scope.data = {somedata : [] } in the top of the controller. I can also get rid of this error by changing $scope.data.somedata to $scope.somedata because any property of the $scope object that is undefined will end up to the $rootscope and won't give any error. I found this is pretty hard to debug my view-model. And also for this TypeError I can find out what exactly is wrong.
I had it with a form.
my issue was because of binding an SQL Return Object to an input.
after coping with angular.copy() problem resolved.
try to copy your return values and retry.
$scope.yourFunc= function(result) {
var item = angular.copy(result.rows.item(0));

How to avoid angular.js preemptively fetching data until certain actions

Just started out using angular.js and implemented a directive that reads from a property in the scope that's defined only when a button is clicked. The UI looks fine also because the directive part is only shown when the button is clicked. However in the console when the page is first loaded there is an error message saying "Cannot read property someProperty of undefined".
I must be violating some angular principles but I'm not sure how to fix it. Thanks for the help!
Note: Didn't do a fiddle because this is a general question.
Generally speaking, if you have code patten like
then you could see the error when myObject is undefined.
One possible way to eliminate the error the code work is make sure the object is always initialized when any property is intended to be referred.
You can put this line before the property is referred.
$scope.myObject = {};
Or do
if($scope.myObject !== undefined){
There is no rocket science here.

In backbone marionette is there a way to tell if a view is already shown in a region?

Given something like this:
View = Backbone.Marionette.ItemView.extend({ });
myView = new View();
//region already exists
//some time later this gets called again:
I can see currentView in the docs but this only seems to apply at initialisation. Once a view is shown can I query the region to see the view? Either the view instance or type would be helpful. Looking in Chrome's debugger I can't see any properties/methods on the region that would help.
The motive for wanting to do this is so I don't show a static item view in a region again if it is already displayed as this can (especially if images are involved) cause a slight flickering effect on the screen.
--Justin Wyllie
you can add a condition before calling show method:
if (myLayout.region.currentView != myView)
so if you'll try to call show with the same View it wont be shown.
if you want to call region.show(myView) once you can check in this way:
if (_.isUndefined(myLayout.region.currentView))
You can check the isClosed and $el attributes of the view. Something like
if (myView.isClosed || _.isUndefined(myView.$el)) {
This is the same way the region checks to see if the view is closed or not:
show: function(view) {
var isViewClosed = view.isClosed || _.isUndefined(view.$el);
I'm going out on a limb here and assuming that the OP's question is based on app behavior when navigating to different parts of the app via an anchor tag in the navigation or something similar.
This is how I found the question and I thought briefly that the answers would save my day. Although both answers so far are correct they do not quite solve the problem I was having. I wanted to display a persistent navigation bar. However, I did not want it to display on the login page. I was hopeful that detecting if a Region was already shown or not I'd be able to properly let the display logic take care of this.
As it turns out we were both on the right track to implement Regions as this provides granular control, but even after implementing the above I found that my nav bar would still "flicker" and essentially completely reload itself.
The answer is actually a bit ridiculous. Somehow in all the Backbone tutorials and research I've been doing the last two weeks I never came across the need to implement a javascript interface to interrupt normal link behavior. Whenever a navigation item was clicked the entire app was reloading. The routing was functioning so the content was correct, but the flicker was maddening.
I added the following to my app.js file right after the Backbone.history.start({pushState: true}); code:
// Holy crap this is SOOO important!
$(document).on("click", "a[href^='/']", function(event) {
if (!event.altKey && !event.ctrlKey && !event.metaKey && !event.shiftKey) {
var url = $(event.currentTarget).attr("href").replace(/^\//, "");
Backbone.history.navigate(url, { trigger: true });
Check out this article for some explanation about the keyPress detection stuff. http://dev.tenfarms.com/posts/proper-link-handling
Boom! After adding this stuff in my app no longer completely reloads!
Disclaimer: I am very new to Backbone and the fact that the above was such a revelation for me makes me think that I may be doing something wrong elsewhere and this behavior should already exist in Backbone. If I've made a giant error here please comment and help me correct it.

Backbone.js model not defined in view?

I've decided that I am going to try and learn backbone.js by making a web app. This is the first time I have done anything extensive in javascript, so the answer to my problem may be right in front of my face.
I have the web app on github, along with a running version that doesn't work. The javascript console just says that something is undefined when I don't think it should be. Here's the error that chrome gives for line 30 of app.js:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'el' of undefined
I've sort of been referencing the backbone-fundamentals example modular to-do app, and it doesn't seem to have any issues with a similar thing.
If anyone could point out what I am doing wrong, I would be most appreciative!
Thanks in advance!
Your Machine view render method was missing return this and by default all methods return undefined - that's why chaining didn't work
Edit: and a small tip:
jQuery, Underscore and Backbone register globally - and thanks to that you don't have to define them as dependencies every time - it's enough if you require them in your main script once and after that you can access them from the global scope as you normally would
In my case i was returning this without the return keyword. As i was using javascript and not coffeescript it failed on me. So, if you are using javascript use return this; instead of just this in the last line of the render() function.
I also had a problem when using this.collection.on('reset', this.render(), this). I instead had to use this.collection.on('reset', this.render.bind(this));
