cakePHP Paginator::numbers() function does not include a page:1 parameter in the link for the first page - cakephp

I have been trying to create a component like the Bakery's Paginator Recall that would allow me to save pagination data for CakePHP 2.4 and run into the following issue.
All solutions involve saving the Paginator parameters in the session and then retrieving and applying them upon returning to that same page without specifying any.
This approach would have worked if only the Paginator helper functions like numbers(), first() and previous() would include the page:1 named parameter in the links that they generate for moving to the first page like the corresponding function of the 1.3 version.
Unfortunately all of these functions create URLs without the page parameter when they refer to the first page, so when users click on the first page link, the component does not find any paging info and hence it returns them to the previous position.
There must be some way to work around this, but for the moment I am completely stuck.

NOT including the page number in the link to the first page is by design.
Read the reason on the CakePHP 2.4 Migration guide.
I would suggest to use the same convention. When you do not have pagination information assume is page one, and do not add it to your URLs.
So all you have to do is code this special case when then pagination is missing. And in this special case your "recall" component will simply not add that page.

I believe that I have managed to create a working solution. Thanks to the advice I have received I have now created a working component like the original PaginationRecallCompoent.
I have written all the details in the following blog post.


SuiteCommerce Advanced - Show a custom record on the PDP

I am looking to create a feature whereby a User can download any available documents related to the item from a tab on the PDP.
So far I have created a custom record called Documentation (customrecord_documentation) containing the following fields:
Related item : custrecord_documentation_related_item
Type : custrecord_documentation_type
Document : custrecord_documentation_document
Description : custrecord_documentation_description
Related Item ID : custrecord_documentation_related_item_id
The functionality works fine on the backend of NetSuite where I can assign documents to an Inventory item. The stumbling block is trying to fetch the data to the front end of the SCA webstore.
Any help on the above would be much appreciated.
I've come at this a number of ways.
One way is to create a Suitelet that returns JSON of the document names and urls. The urls can be the real Netsuite urls or they can be the urls of your suitelet where you set up the suitelet to return the doc when accessed with action=doc&id=_docid_ query params.
Add a target <div id="relatedDocs"></div> to the item_details.tpl
In your ItemDetailsView's init_Plugins add
var asHtml = format(data); //however you like
You can also go the whole module route. If you created a third party module DocsView then you would add DocsView as a child view to ItemDetailsView.
That's a little more involved so try the option above first to see if it fits your needs. The nice thing is you can just about ignore Backbone with this approach. You can make this a little more portable by using a instead of the suitelet. You can create your own ssp app for the function so you don't have to deal with SCAs url structure.
It's been a while, but you should be able to access the JSON data from within the related Backbone View class. From there, within the return context, output the value you're wanting to the PDP. Hopefully you're extending the original class and not overwriting / altering the core code :P.
The model associated with the PDP should hold all the JSON data you're looking for. Model.get('...') sort of syntax.
I'd recommend against Suitelets for this, as that's extra execution time, and is a bit slower.
I'm sure you know, but you need to set the documents to be available as public as well.
Hope this helps, thanks.

Nested CakePHP Routing

I'm working on a CMS and would like to configure cake to automatically find the proper page to use based upon the URL. I don't want to have to manually set this and want it to automatically work if I create new pages (based upon slugs).
Let's say I have the following "page layout":
So: would load "Article1". If I added a page under article1 titled "photos", then: would work. Also, would work, etc. Any page I add to the site should be available (it should use a parent/child method). Any tips on making this happen with CakePHP?

Edit content of a field from another Visualforce page on Salesforce

I am trying to create a custom lookup page on Salesforce: from a first Visualforce page, I open a second one in which there are a series of available choices; then I click on one of those choices and then I expect the latter page (the custom lookup) to close and the value of my choice to appear in the first page's lookup field.
I am unsure on this very last point: how do I make my choice appear in the earlier page?
As described in this awesome Jeff Douglas post you need to call function lookupPick2 in following manner
top.window.opener.lookupPick2('{!FormTag}','{!TextBox}_lkid','{!TextBox}','{!a.Id}','{!a.Name}', false);
Please read the entire post to get the full picture.
Where is LookupPick2 documented? When I google for it all I find is code examples and blog posts. Is there any documentation for it? I'll keep looking, but wherever it may be doesn't rank very high... visualforce between 2 objects

In salesforce I need to create a visualforce page that includes the fields of 2 objects. The first object is the QUOTE object. The second objects is a custom object with several fields.
I want to create a visualforce page that shows the records of both QUOTE and the new object. Can I do this without creating a custom controller? If no any hints on the code for this new controller?
Can I do calculations between fields in a visualforce page?
Ideally I want this page to appear as soon as the QUOTE is set to ACCEPTED
1: You can't do this without a custom controller unfortunately, unless one object is related to the other and you're just happy displaying it as a related list on the parent object's page. For calculations you could use rollup summaries for some basic sums etc..
As for a custom controller, have a look at field sets for a super easy way to get fields into a VF page, you essentially configure groups of fields on your objects and then you can stick those groups onto a page with minimal markup.
2: For fields with complex calculations you'll want to do the sums in the controller and then expose the results through variables onto the page in the usual manner.
3: Not really possible without creating a custom edit page in the first place — you'd be better off having a button on the quote page to open up the Visualforce page, that page can simply display an error if the quote is not yet accepted. There are some other alternatives that might work though, like using a forumla field to generate a link to the page when the status is as you desire.
I'm happy to elaborate on any of this, but the fact that you're asking about number 2 would suggest to me that you don't have much experience developing on the platform (not a dig, just an observation), so unless you're comfortable coding in other environments you could find this quite tricky. That said, you're on stackoverflow so I'm thinking you probably know a little about coding at least!

Count number of posts in cakephp

I'm trying to create a menu in cake php where I can also know how many articles are inside the section, should I use a manual query, or does exist some existing method to do it?
My site menu:
- Works (12)
- Photos (35)
- Stuff (7)
- Contacts
My problem is also I didn't get how I can access to data like this for every view, this should be a main menu, so I should use this in every view but If i put it in default.ctp, every model deosn't exist, because I cannot access it from a view.
Does exist some page which talks about this?
Since those are separate models that are not related to each other, you'll need to do a manual count.
Ok, so looks like you are talking about different models.
If this is used in a menu, that means it will be shown in all pages.
You have two ways of doing this.
You can do it by having an AppController for you application. Basically, you can put this code in the beforeRender method so it runs everytime your a request is rendered
function beforeRender() {
App::import('Model', array('Work', 'Photo', 'Stuff'));
$work = new Work();
$workCount = $work->find('count');
//do the same for the other
$this->set('workCount', $workCount);
Have a look at this for more details on callbacks :
Secondly, you can do this via a helper. You can put the same code (that is inside the bforeRender) into a helper, and you can call the helper method.
You can look here for more info on creating a helper :
The CounterCache behavior will help you out:
