We, on rare occasion, have to borrow a temporary JProfiler license from our floating license server, to use on a machine that is going to be outside of our LAN. this process used to work fine before we upgrade to use JProfiler 8 server.
Since we did the upgrade, my client said that he was unable to use the temporary license on JProfiler 8 client and JProfiler 6.2.3 client.
Here is the error message: "This license is for an earlier version of JProfiler".
My client said the process asks for 3 things:
Name: My client entered his name as he had done in the past
Company: He entered our company's name, with the first letter being upper case
License Key: He entered the license key that I had copied out of the server for him.
Please help!
This was a bug in the license server. The version 10.1.2 of the license server fixes this issue.
I have to install DB2 PHP driver on Centos 8 for make requests to IBMi (AS400) with PHP 7 and nginx, I try to find a guide but unfortunately i can't find anything.
So I ask you, do you have a link or tips for this ?
You will most likely want to use the IBM i Access ODBC driver.
IBM i Access for Linux: Open Database Connectivity
There are a few options depending on how much you want to spend.
ODBC - This is likely going to be your least expensive option. You can get the drivers from the IBM i Access product mentioned by jamesallman. The IBM customer likely already has IBM i Access Client Solutions, and would already be licensed to use the driver. If you don't have the Linux drivers, here is a starting point.
IBM_DB2 / PDO_DB2 - both of these need a DB2 client. The client required by IBM i is provided with the DB2 Connect product. If you don't already have a license for that, it is also available from IBM, but it is in the "If you have to ask, it's too expensive" category.
Machine 1
Windows Server 2008
SQL Server 2008
The database. Contains all the information our sites use.
Machine 2
Windows Server 2012
The webserver. Uses IIS to host two sites:
Production site: (default) Has the most up-to-date UI and features
Backup site: Older UI, but still using the latest data from Machine 1
Here's how it works:
User goes to one of the sites hosted on Machine 2 and enters their company information
Machine 1 is queried for that company's connection string.
The site uses the connection string to connect to the correct database on Machine 1.
The problem is that about 1/3 of the connection strings use the network name (e.g. "Data Source='Machine1';") while the other 2/3 use the IP address (e.g. "Data Source=;"). When connecting via the Production site, a timeout occurs if uses a connection string with a network name. However if the same user, using the same credentials, logs in to the Backup site, everything works fine regardless of which 'Data Source' is used.
I created a simple Powershell script to test the connection from Machine 2; network names and ip addresses both work, which makes me suspect it is an IIS or web.config issue. I've gone through both extensively, and these are the only differences I've noted:
Different Application Pools in IIS: However when I ran "Get-CimInstance Win32_Process" it showed both instances of w3wp.exe had been started with the same command and arguments (with the exception of different pipes)
Slightly different web.config. The Backup site has an entirely self-contained web.config, while the Production on stores its connection strings is a separate file.
Been banging my head against this for several days. Very limited in the steps I can take considering this a production website and
Database. Any advice is appreciated.
Try putting the network-library in the connection string to force tcp.
see connectionstrings.com/define-sql-server-network-protocol
;Network Library=DBMSSOCN;
Yep. Been there, done that. 4 days of "on site" client visit.......and it was the protocol.. Thus how I learned to force it via the connection string. You can also try this:
Create a (temporary) System DSN (ODBC in Control Panel) with a weird name like "peanutbutter". There is a client connection button in there somewhere. Force it to tcp. Then search your registry for peanut butter and find out how the network library gets stored.
A picture is worth a thousand words. See left side of image below. (a random image from the old interweb)
When I want to create the tables to after see the preview of my job appears this error:
error: GeneXus C# Generator:
local protection:
Not authorized
Default (C# Web) Generation Failed
error: Error in reorganization
Run Developer Menu Failed
It appears that you donĀ“t have an authorization for the .NET (C#) generator.
If you look at GeneXus License Manager, is it authorized or not?
Check out this page for more information.
The message speaks of local license so another possibility would be that you have installed your licenses remotely and the License Manager pointing locally as you see in http://www.gxopen.com/forumsr/servlet/viewthread?ARTECH,3,158064
If this is the case proceed as follows:
Open the Genexus License Manager and set there the license of the c # generator pointing to the remote machine by name or IP.-
It should also take into account a series of requirements which I do not detail in depth as it would be too long.
These requirements vary depending on whether the pc server is in the same domain or in the same workgroup as the local pc.-
In particular you should keep in mind things like:
a) Firewall with its exceptions on port 135 (DCom) and for
ProtSrv.exe application
b) User with Remote Access premition for anonymous loggin
c) Updated DNS
For more information about that last point plese see http://wiki.genexus.com/commwiki/servlet/wiki?19985,Setting+user+permissions+using+remote+licenses,
I have a mssql 2005 and software (that written by visual basic 6) and the software connects to the mssql.(local)
but the problem is that the "sa" user password changes every day!
And the company that write this software does not give us the password.
And the windows authentication does not work and I think that they delete the windows user too.
I searched on the msdn and ... that i found in the LAN, packets from clients were encrypted in SSL type and sent to the mssql and in a specific packet it includes the username and password of the db, and if that user&pass is same with db user&pass it can be full access to db.
I used backtrack & metasploit but it use dictionary for attack but it did not help me .
I used wireshark for finding that specific packet , then i think i found it (99% I sure) but that packet has a lot of unclear characters and i could not find those.
do you think that if i use SSLSTRIP to make a fake certificate then use it between client and server (as a gateway) can i get that? How?
can I use single user mode to add any user to mssql? How?
You are totally approaching this from the wrong angle. You have a software package that goes at extra lengths to prevent access to your data. You problem is the vendor, ditch him. Use a different software, one that has a rational vendor behind it.
Here are the MSDN official, approved, methodology to regain access on a SQL Server that had locked out administrators: Connect to SQL Server When System Administrators Are Locked Out
Some background info, I am evaluating on Clearcase, and I have setup my environment like this:
Clearcase server (VOB and View servers) installed on my Windows XP
Clearcase client installed in the virtual machine on the same XP, with bridged network
I used Common Licensing
The problem I am facing is, I can get license on my server XP, but not on my client virtual XP, the following error is returned:
File path: C:\Program Files\IBM\RationalRLKS\common............27000#<my host name>;
FLEXnet Licensing error:-96,491
Some sources suggested about specifying the vendor daemon port, but I have no idea how to check what is the current daemon port and how to change it, anyone has idea?
More information about FLEXnet Licensing error:-18,147
cleartool: Error: License checkout error from Rational Common Licensing:
The FEATURE name RLPwCC with version 1.0 cannot be found
License server system does not support this feature.
Feature: RLPwCC
License path: C:\Program Files\IBM\RationalRLKS\common\rational_perm.dat;C:\Program Files
\IBM\RationalRLKS\common\rational_temp.dat;27000#<my host name>;
FLEXnet Licensing error:-18,147
For further information, refer to the FLEXnet Licensing documentation,
available at "www.flexerasoftware.com".
cleartool: Error: You do not have a license to run ClearCase.
For evaluation purpose, I would recommend asking IBM for a simple file for Atria licensing, instead of having to start a Flexlm server.
But if you have a FlexNet license key, you can see the technote "Resolving FLEXnet Licensing Error: -96, 491" (for Telelogic, but you can adapt it for ClearCase).
To assign a specific port to the Telelogic DAEMON, (example: 19354) add the string " PORT=19354 " at the end of the VENDOR line in the license file.
For example:
VENDOR telelogic "C:\Program Files\Telelogic\Tools\Licensing_11\Server\telelogic.exe" PORT=19354
Ensure that the port 19354 (or whichever port number you have chosen to specify) is open for bi-directional communication by the Firewall.
You can use any bi-directionally open port as a fixed port for the Telelogic vendor daemon, so long as the port is not being used by any other application.
The OP Arthas Tsang reports then having the error:
FLEXnet Licensing error:-18,147
The actual cause is generally mentioned after that part, as for example illustrated in the technote "FLEXlm error: 18,147 is reported if RLPwCC licenses are in use and ClearCase commands are run from a non-root cron job" (if your ClearCase isn't started with admin privileges)
Regarding "The FEATURE name RLPwCC with version 1.0 cannot be found", many messages state an issue with the installation of the license server (like this thread)
Problem Solved after installing the Latest Version of the License Server.
Check this technote to get just the License server.
Regarding the "System clock setback detected", this technote mentions several causes:
If there is a Server / Client setup then the most likely cause of the error is a discrepancy in the time/date between the server and the other machines in the network.
Cause 2: The system on which the licenses are set up has been Back Dated.
Cause 3: If there are files present on the OS that are dated past the current date.
(See also this technote)
And the OP Arthas Tsang does report it was indeed a time-stamp issue:
I finally found two files, neither of them related to FlexLM, with timestamps marked in 2014.
After removing those files, the license works fine.