How to configure a non-standard linker for an autotooled build? - linker

I wanted to configure an autotooled project to invoke a non-standard
linker (the gold linker),
using the stock autotools of Linux Mint 16/Ubuntu 13.10
I believed I would achieve this by:
libtoolize-ing the project
Running ./configure LD=/path/to/my/linker ... etc.
However this has been ineffective. libtoolize has been successful. After
a standard ./configure; make I now see that libtool is doing the
/bin/bash ./libtool --tag=CXX --mode=link g++ -g -O2 -o helloworld helloworld.o
But passing LD=/path/to/my/linker to configure makes no difference. Experimentally,
I even ran:
./configure LD=/does/not/exist
expecting to provoke an error, but I didn't. The output contains:
checking if the linker (/does/not/exist -m elf_x86_64) is GNU ld... no
checking whether the g++ linker (/does/not/exist -m elf_x86_64) supports shared libraries... yes
And thereafter a make continues to link, successfully, invoking g++ exactly as before.
What is the right way to configure a non-standard linker?

But passing LD=/path/to/my/linker to configure makes no difference
This is because LD is almost never and should almost never be used to link any user-space program. Correct links are performed by using the appropriate compiler driver (gcc, g++, etc) instead.
What is the right way to configure a non-standard linker?
If you have /some/path/ld and you want gcc to use that ld, pass -B/some/path flag to gcc.
It then follows that you likely want:
./configure CC='gcc -B/some/path' CXX='g++ -B/some/path' ...

I landed on this via a Google search, though my scenario is a bit different from yours; there was no libtool involved. An old open source program's Makefile was hard-coding ld to create an object file with a symbol from binary data.
This is what I ended up doing to work around the lack of $(LD) being recognized when passed to configure:
Basically I added to
Leaving this answer here for if someone else lands via a google search.


How can I use libc_nano with Clang?

I'm exploring using clang as the compiler for ARM embedded development. As clang doesn't have an equivalent of .spec files, I'm having trouble convincing clang to link against libc_nano. How could I either tell clang to not link against any libraries by default so I can specify the correct library, or rewrite the -lc command to -lc_nano?
The command I'm trying to run is:
clang -target arm-none-eabi -mcpu=cortex-a5 -mfpu=neon-vfpv4 -mfloat-abi=hard -march=armv7-a main.c
Currently I get this error message:
/usr/lib/llvm-6.0/bin/ld.lld: error: unable to find library -lc
EDIT: I've noticed that clang has a -fno-autolink which according to the help text: Disable generation of linker directives for automatic library linking. However it doesn't seem to do anything?
EDIT2: I'm aware I could abuse symlinks to achieve this. I would like to avoid symlinks in this case as it can make the build system brittle.
Upon further google-fu and grep-fu, it turns out the answer was staring at me the entire time. Clang has a -nodefaultlibs that does the trick and prevents default linker directives. Although strangely it wasn't documented in --help.
You can build fake libc.a without any functions inside and use it together with libc_nano.

Makefile for C code

I inherited a code which has a makefile, but so far I was unable to run it on a linux server. The main complain of the compiler is that it is unable to load : error while loading shared libraries: I know that exists on this server, but I was wondering which part of the makefile needs to be changed so the compiler looks for rather than
OPTFLAG = -O2 -Wall -fPIC -fexceptions -DNDEBUG
LDFLAGS = -O2 -Wl,-no_compact_unwind -DNDEBUG -lm -pthread
# CPLEX directory
CPLEX_HOME = /opt/ibm/ILOG/CPLEX_Studio1263/cplex
CPLEX_INC = ${CPLEX_HOME}/include/
CPLEX_LIB = ${CPLEX_HOME}/lib/x86-64_linux/static_pic/ -lcplex
# Compile the main file
code: code.c
${COMPILER} -c code.c -o code.o -I${CPLEX_INC}
${LINKER} -o code code.o -L${CPLEX_LIB}
rm -f *.o
rm -f ${LIB}/*.o
rm -f *~
rm -f ${SRC}/*~ ${INCLUDE}/*~
You need to rebuild whatever program or library uses from source code. Could you provide the exact command run by make and the error message it produces?
EDIT The problem here is that the system has installed a version of the IBM CPLEX software which comes with its own GCC binary, and that GCC binary uses The easiest way to fix this would be to upgrade the CPLEX software to a version which supports the operating system being used, or use the software on the operating system for which it was written (i.e., something really old that actually ships
The most easy way it to install libgmp-dev package, from your linux distribution. GMP is a package library to do multiple precision calculations on large integers, which is probably needed by your program. As you put in some comments, adding -L/usr/lib64/ is an error, as -L option allows to add a directory to search for libraries, and not a specific library.
If only the library is needed and no header file is missing in your compilation (this is something strange, but sometimes happen) then you can still link with only the object, but you have to do in a something nasty way. Just add /usr/lib64/ as an object file (not a library, with -l option) to your link command.
From looking more closely your Makefile I see no reference to the library, so I only can assume this is a indirect reference from some other already compiled library that comes from outside with your package. Just use
ldd lib<nameOfLibrary>.so.x.x
with all the libraries needed by your final executable, so see which shared objetc is the one that requests soname, and then recompile it, reinstall it, or use your system's libraries ONLY, and not mesh anymore with libraries coming from another system. For example you can try (this is an expensive command, but it will get the answer)
find / -name "lib*.so.*" -print | xargs ldd > all_libs.lddout
and then find all_libs.lddout to see which library uses (this will be the outdated library) You'll need to deinstall it or upgrade it, to be able to continue.
Linux systems have a library version system that allows an executable to be able to load different versions of the same library and allow them to live together in the same system. One of two: or you are able to locate the sources of version 3 of the shared library and install it on your system, or you'll need to update the libraries your program uses to be able to link with the already installed on your system.
As I see in the comments, you have changed the default compiler on your system by another coming possibly from other linux distribution (as your installed library is while the one cc1 requests is, which is not installed on your system.
Installing a different compiler from the one you have installed, and doing that without previously deinstalling the other compiler, can lead you to this kind of problems.
The most reliable thing you can do is to reinstall the compiler from your distribution, or better, reinstall the whole linux system, as you have probably broken many things that will be emerging as you use your system. There's very poor info on what you have done to go further in your problem. Anyway, my recommendation is to not use the comment parts to add new information about your problem, just edit your question and add all those new information to it.

gcc and liboauth - linker can't find oauth.h

I'm trying to use liboauth with a C program, using gcc as my compiler, and no matter what I've tried I keep getting the error "ld: library not found for -loauth" and "clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1".
I'm including the header via "#include <oauth.h>", and my most-recent call to gcc looked like this:
gcc -Wall -lcurl -loauth -I /usr/local/include -v -o api api.c
Now, oauth.h does exist in /usr/local/include, and there are a handful of liboauth files (including liboauth.a) located in /usr/local/bin, which I'm assuming were placed there when I ran the install. I will admit that I'm not very familiar with gcc and compiling non-trivial C programs, but I was able to get libcurl working on a fresh download in just a few minutes. I just can't figure out what's going on with liboauth.
Thanks in advance
If you are sure liboauth's located in /usr/local/bin use
gcc -Wall -L/usr/local/bin -I /usr/local/include -v -o api api.c -lcurl -loauth
It'd also be better to place libraries in the end of the command as there is some important stuff with them (they may depend on each other, etc).
By the way, it's pretty strange your libraries are in /usr/local/bin as libraries are almost always stored in some path like /usr/*/lib.

Custom compile of binutils/ld doesn't find symbols in archives

I'm currently trying to compile Clang/LLVM for a bare metal aarch64 target. Compiling Clang was straightforward - in fact I have compiled to target multiple architectures including arm and aarch64. For the backend I'm using binutils. Since binutils can only target one architecture I've built both aarch64 and arm versions of this. Again building seemed to be straightforward. I built binutils for aarch64 using:
mkdir build
cd build
../configure --target=aarch64-none-elf
from an unpacked source package of binutils 2.24.
The problem I'm having is that I can't get my custom build of ld to handle archive files properly. It seems to find and open archive files without a problem but fails to search it for undefined symbols when compiling the final binary. Here's some more concrete details via an example:
Create a simple main.s file by compiling:
int foo();
int main() { return foo(); }
with Clang and using --target=aarch64 -S, i.e. to emit an architecture specific assembly file.
Do the same to create foo.s by compiling:
int foo() { return 0; }
Assemble both .s files to .o files using custom gas build from binutils.
Create an archive libfoo.a by running custom ar and ranlib builds from binutils using ar cr foo.a foo.s and ranlib libfoo.a.
Try to link the two files together using ld -L. -lfoo -o main.elf main.o.
The output shows an undefined reference to foo.
bar.cpp:(.text+0x14): undefined reference to `foo()'
I can run readelf on foo.a and it seems perfectly well formed. In particular I can see the public symbol for foo. If I run ld with --verbose then I see
attempt to open ./libfoo.a succeeded
but no indication that it's found any symbols.
If I link directly with the object files, i.e. using ld -o main.elf foo.o main.o then I get a well formed elf file. Furthermore, if I extract foo.o back out of libfoo.a then I can also link succesfully with the extracted foo.o.
Does anyone have any ideas why this might be happening? I'm pretty sure my clang build is okay as the emitted assembly files effectively decouple the problem from clang. I'd guess also that the assembled .o files are fine. So this only leaves ar/ranlib or ld as the culprit.
To try to eliminate ar/ranlib as the culprits I rebuilt binutils for arm (same steps but using --target=arm-none-eabi). If I integrate the built ar/ranlib binaries into a known good arm-eabi-none GCC toolchain then they seem to work correctly. My suspicions thus point to ld at the moment. Note that I get the same problem with the main/foo example as above if I use my Clang build with the arm build of binutils.
I also tried integrating the arm version of ld into the existing known good GCC toolchain, but got:
this linker was not configured to use sysroots
Need to figure that out. That's still a bit cryptic for me right now. It prevents me from sanity checking the arm ld build.
It might well be that I'm doing something obviously wrong, but right now I don't see it.
I had to hack the make script for binutils to add a couple of -Wno-xxx flags. I need to do this the "correct" way, but I don't think this hack should affect the output.
I'm building/hosting all tools on OSX 10.9.4 64-bit.
The error about sysroots is simple. The pre-existing toolchain was configured with flags:
--with-prefix $SOME_INSTALL_DIR
--with-sysroot $SOME_INSTALL_DIR/arm-none-eabi
If I rebuild with these then I can slot in my ld version without a problem and it works. I got excited thinking that this might have been my mistake. Previously I wasn't running make install as I didn't really care about installing at this stage. I thought perhaps my new build of ld was referencing OSX system libs/exes somehow (although I'm not sure exactly what it could reference, other than perhaps ar, i.e. if it runs ar to handle archives). However I still have the same problem with both the arm and arrach64 versions of binutils even when configured like this.
Looks like I was dramatically overthinking the problem and also missing something I'd never quite realised about ld. The issue was with the line:
ld -L. -lfoo -o main.elf main.o
I hadn't realise that ld is sensitive to object file/library ordering. The undefined reference to foo() was in main.o. I specified the library libfoo.a as input before main.o is parsed. This means that the linker doesn't bother searching libfoo.a for the symbol as it's already processed this library. main.o must be specified before, e.g.
ld -L. main.o -lfoo -o main.elf
Even wrapping -lfoo with --start-group ... --end-group doesn't fix this.
I'm still feeling somewhat surprised by this. And I've yet to convince myself it's a good feature of ld. Seems like the only use case I can think of right now is to sneakily allow duplicate symbols.
Time for a cup of tea!

Autoconf ignores compiler flags

I'm trying to build a C library with a non-native architecture. I'm running OSX 10.6 (which is x86_64) but I need the library compiled for i386. Normally, you can just add the compiler flag: -arch i386. But I'm using Autoconf and it ignores this in the configure file and it also ignores it if I try running: ./configure CC="gcc -arch i386".
I know its building x86_64 object files because I've looked at the header using otool. The real kicker is that when autoconf writes out the configuration summary, it lists -arch i386 in the cc flags. What's going on here??
OSX 10.6.2
gcc 4.2.1
autoconf 2.64
make 3.81
Assuming that "CFLAGS='-arch i386' is what you meant when you said "normally, you can just add the compiler flag", my best guess is that the maintainer of the code has done something wrong in the and overwritten CFLAGS. Check through the (or if the project is old) and see if they've explicitly assigned to CC or CFLAGS. Also check the for assignments. Chances are something is wrong. What you've done should work.
You want to set it in the CFLAGS environmental variable, autoconf should append it to whatever it decides CFLAGS should be. If you type ./configure --help, you should get a list of all influential environmental variables.
