Create a cluster with random number - c

I am coding to simulate the growth of a sphere in a solution environment. I am doing in this way.
Create of space and put a cell in the center as a seed.
pSpace = new char[nXRange * nYRange * nZRange];
for (int i = 0; i < nZRange; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < nYRange; j++)
for (int k = 0; k < nXRange; k++)
pSpace[i * nXRange * nYRange + j * nXRange + k] = 0;
pSpace[nXRange * nYRange * nZRange / 2 + nXRange * nYRange / 2 + nXRange/2] = 1;
Create a cell in the solution. The position of the cell is created by a random number.
int nXPostion = (int)(((float)rand()/RAND_MAX) * (nXRange - 1));
int nYPostion = (int)(((float)rand()/RAND_MAX) * (nYRange - 1));
int nZPostion = (int)(((float)rand()/RAND_MAX) * (nZRange - 1));
Calculate the change of the potential for creation of the cell.Six neighbors of the new cell are checked as left (L), Right (R), Front (F), Behind(B), Top (T), and Bottom (B*). If the neighbors of the new cell is an old cell as L in the figure, the change of the potential is PA2A, else, if it is not an old cell but solution, as R, F, B, T, and B * in the figure, it is PA2S. The creation of the new cell change the potential with PCREATE. So, the change of the potential is
fPotential = PCREATE + P(Left) + p(Right) + p(Front) + p(Behind) + p(Top) + p(Bottom);
Use a random number to compare the change of the potential as following. If the random number is larger than the exponential of change of the potential, than create a new cell, else cancel.
Theoretically, a sphere will growth around the seed. However, in my experiment, the shape of the cluster is irregular. The attached image is a cluster of 50000 cells. Could anyone give me some comments. Is it related with the generation of the random number? Thanks.

I have two thoughts regarding this.
First: the rectilinear grid you are using presents a difficulty. That is, without looking too deeply at your code, growth along an x-, y-, or z-axis is likely proceed at a different rate than growth along a diagonal axis.
This problem is difficult to work around. If you allow d-26 connectivity (central cell connects to the cube of all cells around it), then how do you account for the (slightly) longer distance to diagonal cells? If you only allow growth along x-, y-, and z-axes, how do you account for the fact that cell in a diagonal direction now takes longer to get to than it should?
This may account for some of the fuzziness.
Second: Right now we are using the metric of "it looks irregular". But is it really? What we need is a good statistical test of how irregular it is versus how irregular we would expect it to be. Certainly it is the case that you wouldn't expect the edge of your blob to be completely spherical, since this is, after all, a random process.


How could I set loop bounds for a 2D array to split work by thread

My goal is to create a multithreaded application using pthreads which accomplishes some task. The task and pthreads themselves are functioning correctly so I will not flood the screen with the several hundreds of lines of code and just show this important bit. Apologies if you wanted to test the code and this makes it difficult.
I unfortunately cannot figure out how to split up a 2D array to do the work in blocks by thread, as I am intended to do by this figure:
for(int i=(t_id%x)*(height/x); i<(t_id%x + 1)*(height/x); i++){
for(int j=(t_id%x)*(length/x); j<(t_id%x + 1)*(length/x); j++){
//some work is done
//t_id -> thread id
//x -> 2^x = number of threads, so in this ex, x=4
//i -> y axis, j -> x-axis
//height -> bound on y-axis of array
//length -> bound on x-axis of array
Upon testing and inspection, it is obvious that this solution has a flaw in that all threads are placed along the diagonal. I can't quite figure out how to build a solution that gets around this. I would certainly appreciate any suggestions on how I could go about solving this issue.
Suppose you have to split your grid to N rows and M columns. Than the thread working with a cell in the row I and column J would be working with data in range H / N * I to H / N * (I + 1) and W / M * J to W / M * (J + 1), where I and J starts from 0.

Generating a connected graph and checking if it has eulerian cycle

So, I wanted to have some fun with graphs and now it's driving me crazy.
First, I generate a connected graph with a given number of edges. This is the easy part, which became my curse. Basically, it works as intended, but the results I'm getting are quite bizarre (well, maybe they're not, and I'm the issue here). The algorithm for generating the graph is fairly simple.
I have two arrays, one of them is filled with numbers from 0 to n - 1, and the other is empty.
At the beginning I shuffle the first one move its last element to the empty one.
Then, in a loop, I'm creating an edge between the last element of the first array and a random element from the second one and after that I, again, move the last element from the first array to the other one.
After that part is done, I have to create random edges between the vertexes until I get as many as I need. This is, again, very easy. I just random two numbers in the range from 0 to n - 1 and if there is no edge between these vertexes, I create one.
This is the code:
void generate(int n, double d) {
initMatrix(n); // <- creates an adjacency matrix n x n, filled with 0s
int *array1 = malloc(n * sizeof(int));
int *array2 = malloc(n * sizeof(int));
int j = n - 1, k = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
array1[i] = i;
array2[i] = 0;
shuffle(array1, 0, n); // <- Fisher-Yates shuffle
array2[k++] = array1[j--];
int edges = d * n * (n - 1) * .5;
if (edges % 2) {
while (j >= 0) {
int r = rand() % k;
createEdge(array1[j], array2[r]);
array2[k++] = array1[j--];
while (edges) {
int a = rand() % n;
int b = rand() % n;
if (a == b || checkEdge(a, b)) {
createEdge(a, b);
Now, if I print it out, it's a fine graph. Then I want to find a Hammiltonian cycle. This part works. Then I get to my bane - Eulerian cycle. What's the problem?
Well, first I check if all vertexes are even. And they are not. Always. Every single time, unless I choose to generate a complete graph.
I now feel destroyed by my own code. Is something wrong? Or is it supposed to be like this? I knew that Eulerian circuits would be rare, but not that rare. Please, help.
Let's analyze the probability for having euleran cycle, and for simplicity - let's do it for all graphs with n vertices, no matter number of edges.
Given a graph G of size n, choose one arbitrary vertex. The probability of it's degree being even is roughly 1/2 (assuming for each u1,u2, P((v,u1) exists) = P((v,u2) exists)).
Now, remove v from G, and create a new graph G' with n-1 vertices, and without all edges connected to v.
Similarly, for any arbitrary vertex v' in G' - if (v,v') was an edge on G', we need d(v') to be odd. Otherwise, we need d(v') to be even (both in G'). Either way, probability of it is still roughly ~1/2. (independent from previous degree of v).
For the ith round, let #(v) be the number of discarded edges until reaching the current graph that are connected to v. If #(v) is odd, the probability of its current degree being odd is ~1/2, and if #(v) is even, the probability of its current degree being even is also ~1/2, and we remain with current probability of ~1/2
We can now understand how it works, and make a recurrence formula for the probability of the graph being eulerian cyclic:
P(n) ~= 1/2*P(n-1)
P(1) = 1
This is going to give us P(n) ~= 2^-n, which is very unlikely for reasonable n.
Note, 1/2 is just a rough estimation (and is correct when n->infinity), probability is in fact a bit higher, but it is still exponential in -n - which makes it very unlikely for reasonable size graphs.

Feasibility of non-self-intersecting path according to array constraints

I have two arrays, each containing a different ordering of the same set of integers. Each integer is a label for a point in which two closed paths intersect in the plane. The two arrays are interpreted as giving the circular ordering (in clockwise order) of points along each of two closed paths in the plane, with no particular starting point. The two paths intersect with each other as many times as there are points in the arrays, but a path may not self-intersect at all. How do I determine, from these two arrays, whether it is possible to draw the two paths in the plane without self-crossings? (The integer labels have no inherent meaning.)
Example 1: A = {3,4,2,1,10,7} and B = {1,2,4,10,7,3}: it is possible
Example 2: A = {2,3,0,10,8,11} and B = {10,2,3,8,11,0}: it is not possible.
Try it by drawing a circle, with 6 points labelled around it according to A, then attempt to connect the 6 points in a second closed path, according to the ordering in B, without crossing the new line you are drawing. (I believe it makes no difference to the possibility/impossibility of drawing the line whether you start by exiting or entering the first loop.) You will be able to do it for example 1, but not for example 2.
I am currently using a very elaborate method where I look at adjacent pairs in one array, e.g. in Example 1, array A is divided into {3,4}, {2,1}, {10,7}, then I find the groupings in the array B as partitioned by the two members listed in each case:
{3,4} --> {{1,2}, {10,7}}
{2,1} --> {{4,10,7,3}, {}}
{10,7} --> {{3,1,2,4}, {}}
and check that each pair on the left-hand-side finds itself in the same grouping of the right-hand-side partition in each of the other 2 rows. Then I do the same, offset by one position:
{4,2} --> {{10,7,3,1}, {}}
{1,10} --> {{2,4}, {7,3}}
{7,3} --> {{1,2,4,10}, {}}
Everything checks out here.
In Example 2, though, the method shows that it is impossible to draw the path. Among the "offset by 1" pairs from array A we find {10,8} causes a partition of array B into {{2,3}, {11,0}}. But we need 11 and 2 to be in the same grouping, as they are the next pair of points in array A.
This idea is unwieldy, and my implementation is even more unwieldy. I'm not even 100% convinced it always works. Could anyone suggest an algorithm for deciding? Target language is C, if that matters.
EDIT: I've added an illustration here: Here the paths to be reconciled share points 0, 1, 2 and 3. On the black path they are visited in order (A = {0,1,2,3}). On the blue path we have B = {0,2,1,3}. You can see on the left-hand side that this is impossible--the blue path will have to self-intersect in order to do it (or have additional intersections with the black path, which is also not allowed).
On the right-hand side is an illustration of the same problem interpreted as a graph with edges, responding to the suggestion that the problem boils down to a check for planarity. Well, as you can see, it's quite possible to form a planar graph from this collection of edges, but we cannot read the graph as two closed paths with n intersections--the blue path has "intersections" with the other path that don't actually cross. The paths are required to cross from inside to outside or vice-versa at each node, they cannot simply kiss and turn back.
I hope this clarifies the problem and I apologise for any lack of clarity the first time around.
By the way introducing coordinates would be a complete red herring: any point can be given any coordinates, and the problem remains the same. In a sense it is topological more than geometrical. Thanks for any additional suggestions on how to accomplish this feasibility check.
SECOND EDIT to show my current code. Like in the suggestion below by svinja, I first reduced the two arrays to a permutation of 0..2n-1. The input to the function is two arrays (which contain different orderings of the same 2n integers) and the length of these arrays. I am a hobbyist with no training in programming so I expect you will find several infelicities in the approach to coding. The idea is to return 1 if the arrays A and B are in a permutational relationship that allows the path to be drawn, and 0 if not.
int isGoodPerm(int A[], int B[], int len)
int i,j,a,b;
int P[max_len];
for (i=0; i<len; i++)
for (j=0; j<len; j++)
if (B[j] == A[i])
P[i] = j;
for (i=0; i<len; i++)
if (P[i] < P[(i+1)%len])
a = P[i];
b = P[(i+1)%len];
a = P[(i+1)%len];
b = P[i];
for (j=i+2; j<i+len; j+=2)
if ((P[j%len] > a && P[j%len] < b) != (P[(j+1)%len] > a && P[(j+1)%len] < b))
return 0;
return 1;
I'm actually still testing another part of this project, and have only tested this part in isolation. I tweaked a couple of things when pasting it into the larger codebase and have copied that version--I hope I didn't introduce any errors.
I think the long question is hiding the true intent. I might be missing something, but it looks like the only thing you really need to check is if the points in an array can be drawn without self-intersecting. I'm assuming you can map the integers to the actual coordinates. If so, you might find the solution posed by the related math.statckexchange site here describing either the determinant-based method or the Bentley-Ottman algorithm for crossings to be helpful.
I am not sure if this is correct, but as nobody is posting an answer, here it is:
We can convert any instance of this problem to one where the first path is (0, 1, 2, ... N). In your example 2, this would be (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) and (3, 0, 1, 4, 5, 2). I only mention this because I do this conversion in my code to simplify further code.
Now, imagine the first path are points on a circle. I think we can assume this without loss of generality. I also assume we can start the second path either inside or outside of the circle, if one works the other should, too. If I am wrong about either, the algorithm is certainly wrong.
So we always start by connecting the first and second point of the second path on the, let's say, outside. If we connect 2 points X and Y which are not right next to each other on the circle, we divide the remaining points into group A - the ones from X to Y clockwise, and group B - the ones from Y to X clockwise. Now we remember that points from group A can no longer be connected to points from group B on the outside part.
After this, we continue connecting the second and third point of the second path, but we are now on the inside. So we check "can we connect X and Y on the inside?" if we can't, we return false. If we can, we again find groups A and B and remember that none of them can be connected to each other, but now on the inside.
Now we're back on the outside, and we connect the third and fourth point of the second path... And so on.
Here is an image that shows how it works, for your examples 1 and 2:
And here is the code (in C#, but should be easy to translate):
static bool Check(List<int> path1, List<int> path2)
// Translate into a problem where the first path is (0, 1, 2, ... N}
var path = new List<int>();
foreach (var path2Element in path2)
var N = path.Count;
var blocked = new bool[N, N, 2];
var subspace = 0;
var currentElementIndex = 0;
var nextElementIndex = 1;
for (int step = 1; step <= N; step++)
var currentElement = path[currentElementIndex];
var nextElement = path[nextElementIndex];
// If we're blocked before finishing, return false
if (blocked[currentElement, nextElement, subspace])
return false;
// Mark appropriate pairs as blocked
for (int i = (currentElement + 1) % N; i != nextElement; i = (i + 1) % N)
for (int j = (nextElement + 1) % N; j != currentElement; j = (j + 1) % N)
blocked[i, j, subspace] = blocked[j, i, subspace] = true;
// Move to the next edge
currentElementIndex = (currentElementIndex + 1) % N;
nextElementIndex = (nextElementIndex + 1) % N;
// Outside -> Inside, or Inside -> Outside
subspace = (2 - subspace) / 2;
return true;
Old answer:
I am not sure I understood this problem correctly, but if I have, I think this can be reduced to planarity testing. I will use your example 2 for the numbers:
Create graph G1 from the first array; it has edges 2-3, 3-0, 10-8, 8-11, 11-2
Create graph G2 from the second array; 10-2, 2-3, 3-8, 8-11, 11-0, 0-10
Create graph G whose set of edges is the union of the sets of edges of G1 and G2: 2-3, 3-0, 10-8, 8-11, 11-2, 10-2, 3-8, 11-0, 0-10
Check if G is planar.
This is if I correctly interpreted the question in the sense that the second path must not cross itself but must not cross the first path either (except for the unavoidable 1 intersection per vertex due to shared vertices). If this is not the case, then Example 2 does have solutions (note how the 11-2 and 8-10 edges are crossed by the second path).

What sort of indexing method can I use to store the distances between X^2 vectors in an array without redundancy?

I'm working on a demo that requires a lot of vector math, and in profiling, I've found that it spends the most time finding the distances between given vectors.
Right now, it loops through an array of X^2 vectors, and finds the distance between each one, meaning it runs the distance function X^4 times, even though (I think) there are only (X^2)/2 unique distances.
It works something like this: (pseudo c)
#define MATRIX_WIDTH 8
typedef float vec2_t[2];
for(int i = 0; i < MATRIX_WIDTH; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < MATRIX_WIDTH; j++)
float xd, yd;
float distance;
for(int k = 0; k < MATRIX_WIDTH; k++)
for(int l = 0; l < MATRIX_WIDTH; l++)
int index_a = (i * MATRIX_LENGTH) + j;
int index_b = (k * MATRIX_LENGTH) + l;
xd = matrix[index_a][0] - matrix[index_b][0];
yd = matrix[index_a][1] - matrix[index_b][1];
distance = sqrtf(powf(xd, 2) + powf(yd, 2));
// More code that uses the distances between each vector
What I'd like to do is create and populate an array of (X^2) / 2 distances without redundancy, then reference that array when I finally need it. However, I'm drawing a blank on how to index this array in a way that would work. A hash table would do it, but I think it's much too complicated and slow for a problem that seems like it could be solved by a clever indexing method.
EDIT: This is for a flocking simulation.
performance ideas:
a) if possible work with the squared distance, to avoid root calculation
b) never use pow for constant, integer powers - instead use xd*xd
I would consider changing your algorithm - O(n^4) is really bad. When dealing with interactions in physics (also O(n^4) for distances in 2d field) one would implement b-trees etc and neglect particle interactions with a low impact. But it will depend on what "more code that uses the distance..." really does.
just did some considerations: the number of unique distances is 0.5*n*n(+1) with n = w*h.
If you write down when unique distances occur, you will see that both inner loops can be reduced, by starting at i and j.
Additionally if you only need to access those distances via the matrix index, you can set up a 4D-distance matrix.
If memory is limited we can save up nearly 50%, as mentioned above, with a lookup function that will access a triangluar matrix, as Code-Guru said. We would probably precalculate the line index to avoid summing up on access
float distanceArray[(H*W+1)*H*W/2];
int lineIndices[H];
searchDistance(int i, int j)
return i<j?distanceArray[i+lineIndices[j]]:distanceArray[j+lineIndices[i]];

How to calculate where bullet hits

I have been trying to write an FPS in C/X11/OpenGL, but the issue that I have encountered is with calculating where the bullet hits. I have used a horrible technique, and it only sometimes works:
pos size, p;
size.x = 0.1;
size.z = 0.1; // Since the game is technically top-down (but in a 3D perspective)
// Positions are in X/Z, no Y
float f; // Counter
float d = FIRE_MAX + 1 /* Shortest Distance */, d1 /* Distance being calculated */;
x = 0; // Index of object to hit
for (f = 0.0; f < FIRE_MAX; f += .01) {
// Go forwards
p.x = player->pos.x + f * sin(toRadians(player->rot.x));
p.z = player->pos.z - f * cos(toRadians(player->rot.x));
// Get all objects that collide with the current position of the bullet
short* objs = _colDetectGetObjects(p, size, objects);
for (i = 0; i < MAX_OBJECTS; i++) {
if (objs[i] == -1) {
// Check the distance between the object and the player
d1 = sqrt(
pow((objects[i].pos.x - player->pos.x), 2)
+ pow((objects[i].pos.z - player->pos.z),
// If it's closer, set it as the object to hit
if (d1 < d) {
x = i;
d = d1;
// If there was an object, hit it
if (x > 0) {
hit(&objects[x], FIRE_DAMAGE, explosions, currtime);
It just works by making a for-loop and calculating any objects that might collide with where the bullet currently is. This, of course, is very slow, and sometimes doesn't even work.
What would be the preferred way to calculate where the bullet hits? I have thought of making a line and seeing if any objects collide with that line, but I have no idea how to do that kind of collision detection.
EDIT: I guess my question is this: How do I calculate the nearest object colliding in a line (that might not be a straight 45/90 degree angle)? Or are there any simpler methods of calculating where the bullet hits? The bullet is sort of like a laser, in the sense that gravity does not affect it (writing an old-school game, so I don't want it to be too realistic)
For every object you want to be hit-able, define a bounding object.
Simple examples would be a sphere or a box.
Then you have to implement a ray-sphere or ray-box intersection.
For exaple have a look at line-sphere intersection.
For boxes, you can either test aginast the four bounding lines, but there are algorithms optimsed for axis aligned boxes.
With this, proceed as you already do. For every object in the scene, check for intersection, if intersects, compare distance to previous intersected objects, take the one that is hit first.
The intersection algorithems give you the ray parameter as a result (the value t for which hit_position = ray_origin + t * ray_direction) which you can use to compare the distances.
You can organise all scene objects in the BSP tree then hit\collide detection will be pretty easy to implement. Also you can use BSP to detect invisible objects and discard them before rendering.
