How much RealTime is Elasticsearch, Solr and DSE realtime search? - solr

From some last couple of weeks, I have been working around Elasticsearch and Solr, and trying to do OLTP processing in real time. However, what comes to me is they claims(especially ES) to be real time. The meaning of real time looks a lot fuzzy to me.
If we go deep into it, both ES and Solr, defines a refresh rate or a soft-commit rate, after which the newly indexed documents would be available for search, effectively providing only Near-Real time capabilities.
It looks like by Real time search, it is either a marketing statement to call it real time, or they make the word fuzzy by talking about Real Time Search rather than batch or analytical processing.
Am I correct, or correct me if I am wrong, and there is a real-time search possible in a typical OLTP system, where every transaction has search visibility to last document ?

Elasticsearch is a Near Real Time search engine for search. Elasticsearch is Real Time for operations like Create, Update, Delete and Get.
By default, refresh is 1 second. In some use cases, it could appear as real time. For example, I was working for a french gov service and we were producing statistics per day. So for our use case, it was somehow real time from our perspective.
For logs for example, 1 second is enough in most use cases.
You can modify this default value but it comes with a cost.
If you really need real time, then you probably want to use a SQL database.
My 2 cents.

Yes, DSE Search is indeed Near real-time and has not yet achieved the mythical goal of absolute zero latency. But... even traditional Real real-time is not real-time once you factor in the time to do the actual database update, plus the fact that a lot of traditional database updates are batch-oriented, or even if the actual update operation is not batched, there is likely to be some human process that delays the start of the database update from the original source of a data change.
Also keep in mind that the latency of a database update needs to include maintaining the required (tunable) consistency for replicating data updates in the cluster.
Rather than push you back towards SQL if you want real-time, I would challenge you to fully justify the true latency requirements of the app. For example, with complex distributed applications you need to be prepared for occasional resource outages, such as network delays, so that it is usually much better to design a modern distributed application to be a lot more flexible and asynchronous than a traditional, synchronous, fragile (think app architecture that improperly depends on a perception of zero-latency distributed operations.
Finally, we are working on enhancements to reduce the actual latency of database updates, coupled with ongoing improvements in hardware performance that further shrink the update latency window.
But ultimately, all computing real-time measures will have some non-zero latency and modern distributed apps must be designed for at least some degree of decoupling between database updates and absolute dependency on those updates.
Worst case scenario, apps that need to synchronize with database updates may need to implement a polling strategy to wait for the update to complete.

ElasticSearch has real time features for CRUD operations. On GET operations, it checks the Transaction log, to look for any uncommitted changes and return the most relevant document.
The Percolator feature enables realtime in search queries as well. It allows you to register queries (percolation), that will be used at indexing time to return matching documents to those predefined queries.
This workflow looks like this:
Register specific query (percolation) in Elasticsearch
Index new content (passing a flag to trigger percolation)
The response to the indexing operation will contain the matched percolations
A very good blog with live example that explains the Percolator concept:


When is data consistency not an issue?

I am new in learning distributed systems and I read about the CAP theorem, I am interested in an AP system such as Cassandra.
My question is in what cases can you actually sacrifice consistency? Effectively what I am saying is sacrificing consistency means serving inaccurate data. In what cases would then you actually use an AP datastore like Cassandra? I can't think of any case where I wouldn't want my reads to be consistent.
By AP system, I assume you will at least target to ensure eventual consistency.
Imagine you're developing a social network where users have friends and their own news feeds. It doesn't matter if a particular user's feed has occasional five minutes lag (his feed list has eventual consistency). Missing 2/3 very recent updates in the news feed is okay in this scenario as long as those feeds will eventually appear. And in fact, Facebook built it's news feed using Cassandra.
Imagine a distributed key-value store cache system where update is very rare. If there is almost no update operations, ensuring strong consistency is un-necessary, so you can focus on availability. Occasional cache miss (the key-value entry is not populated yet) and request to database due to eventual consistency should be okay.
My question is in what cases can you actually sacrifice consistency?
One case would be when building a recommendation engine data set and serving it with Cassandra. These data sets are essentially the aggregation of many, many users to determine purchasing/viewing patterns.
For example: If I add a Rey Star Wars action figure to my shopping cart, the underlying recommendation engine runs a query for similar resulting purchasing patterns based on others who have also purchased an action figure of Rey. The query returns the top 5 product results, and puts them at the bottom of the page.
Those 5 products returned are the result of analysis and aggregation of several thousand prior purchases. Let's assume that some of that data isn't consistent, causing a variance in the 5 products returned. Is that really a big deal?
tl;dr; The real question to ask; is whether or not getting a somewhat-accurate list of 5 product recommendations in less than 10ms, is better than getting a 100% accurate list of 5 product recommendations in 100ms?
Both result sets will help drive sales. But the one which is returned fast enough that it doesn't hinder the user experience is much more preferred.
'C' in CAP refers to linearizability which is a very strong form of consistancy that you don't need most of the time.
Linearizability is a recency guarantee which makes it appear that there is a single copy of data. As soon as you make a change in the data, all subsequent reads will return the changed data. Such a level of consistency is expensive and doesn't scale well. Yet in certain scenarios we need linearizability, viz.
Leader election
Allowing end users to create their unique user id
Distributed locking etc.
When you have these usecases, you'd use something like ZooKeeper, etcd etc. Cassandra also has Light Weight Transaction (LWT) which uses an extension of the classic Paxos algorithm to implement linearizability. This feature can be used to address those rare use cases where you must have linearizability and serializability, but it is expensive. And in vast majority of cases you are just fine with a little weaker consistency to get better scalability and performance. You trade a little bit of consistency with scalability and performance.
Some eCommerce websites send apology letter to customers for not being able to fulfill their orders. That is because the last copy of the product has been sold to more than one customers due to lack and linearizability. They prefer to deal with that over not being able to scale with the customer base and not being able to respond to their requests within stringent SLAs.
Cassandra is said to have a tuneable consistency. You may want to record user clicks or activities for analysis. You are okay if some data are lost, but you cannot compromise with the performance. You'd probably use a write consistency level of ANY with hints enabled (sloppy quorum).
If you want a little more consistency, you'd use a QUORUM consistency level to read and write along with hints and read repair. In vast majority of case all nodes are updated instantaneously. Even if one or two nodes go down, a majority of nodes will have the data and failed nodes would be repaired when they come back using hints, read repair, anti entropy repair.
Cassandra is particularly useful for cases where you'd not have many concurrent updates on same data. The reason is, unlike the dynamo architecture, it does not use vector clocks for conflict resolution between replicas. Instead it uses Last Write Wins (LWW) based on timestamp. If timestamps are same, it uses lexicographical order. Since the time on nodes cannot be accurate even in the presence of NTPD, there is a possibility of data loss, although Cassandra has taken some steps to avoid that - for e.g. client side timestamp instead of server side timestamp.
The CAP theorem says that given partition tolerence, you can either choose availability or consistency in a distributed database (no one would want to give up partition tolerence in any case). So if you want to have maximum availability, you'll have to give up on the consistency. This depends of course, on how critical the business is.
You answered something on SO but the answer doesn't show up when you visit the page? Can be tolerated. SO being down? Can't be. Critical financial systems would rather have strong consistency than availability. Every once-in-a-while, my bank's servers would go offline when I try to make a payment.
Normally, you choose availability and eventual consistency. The answer you wrote into SO would eventually show up.
Apart from the above mentioned cases where inconsistent data is tolerable, there are also scenarios where we can defer to the user to solve the inconsistency.
For example, if we found two different versions of someone's address in the database, we can prompt the user to identity the correct address.

Best DB architecture to maintain/update counters in near real time

I am at the beginning of a project where we will need to manage a near real-time flow of messages containing some ids (e.g. sender's id, receiver's id, etc.). We expect a throughput of about 100 messages per second.
What we will need to do is to keep track of the number of times these ids appeared in a specific time frame (e.g. last hour or last day) and store these values somewhere.
We will use the values to perform some real time analysis (i.e. apply a predictive model) and update them when needed while parsing the messages.
Considering the high throughput and the need to be in real time what DB solution would be the better choice?
I was thinking about a key-value in memory DB that will persist data on disk periodically (like Redis).
Thanks in advance for the help.
The best choice depends on many factors we don’t know, like what tech stack is your team already using, how open are they to learning new things, how much operational burden are you willing to take on, etc.
That being said, I would build a counter on top of DynamoDB. Since DynamoDB is fully managed, you have no operational burden (no database server upgrades, etc.). It can handle very high throughput, and it has single-digit millisecond latency for writes and reads to a single row. AWS even has documentation describing how to use DynamoDB as a counter.
I’m not as familiar with other cloud platforms, but you can probably find something in Azure or GCP that offers similar functionality.

How expensive is access to database? How often do we access to it?

I'm about to write an application for Android, and it will use Mysql.
I know that access to DB is really expensive in terms of time, and would like to know how often do applications like instant messaging, online gaming access to databases?
For example in a game, we would like to save the positions of a player in the world, when he's moving all the time.
Is the database access actually not expensive, and there is a way to be connected to it all the time and just do request that are actually not expensive?
Or is IT really expensive in anyway, and there are techniques to access to it for example every X interval of time, and saving it locally in the meantime?
I Know that my question is really general, and it depends always on what we need and want.
My question came out because i made a really simple login application that connects and does 1 request to database, and it takes 1 second (a lot!!) to get the result, so how online applications can be so fast?
Thank you
Before answering this I would recommend simulating the process as much as possible, benchmarking and you can work towards the best solution for your use case.
e.g. If I have an application submitting data to a database simulate the submission so I can easily run multiple submissions at the same time and see what the bottle neck is...and see how it compares when I using caching, replication, indexes, etc.
Also reading company blogs can be helpful as they often share success stories that support the usage of a particular approach
How expensive is access to database?
Accessing a database can be a pretty quick operation
SELECT 1; // 0.005 Secs :D
However there are situations that can lead to poor performance (slow reads, writes and updates) but there are some relatively simple ways to combat this
The best way to improve the performance of SELECT operations is to
create indexes on one or more of the columns that are tested in the
query. The index entries act like pointers to the table rows, allowing
the query to quickly determine which rows match a condition in the
WHERE clause, and retrieve the other column values for those rows.
spreading the load among multiple slaves to improve performance. In
this environment, all writes and updates must take place on the master
server. Reads, however, may take place on one or more slaves. This
model can improve the performance of writes (since the master is
dedicated to updates), while dramatically increasing read speed across
an increasing number of slaves.
How often do we access to it?
If you are solely using a database you will access it every time you n position and every time you need to find out their position.
This is where you would explore options to prevent accessing the database.
Memory caches such as redis or memcache
Replication - Only read from slaves
It depends on your design and requirement.
1) Most of the applications manage Connection Pools to minimize the initialization time.
2) Most of the ORM frameworks have external Cache to improve the reading performance. So if you do heavy data reading in your application then don't worry about storing it in locally. The Cache will be effective in this case.
3) When you store locally either in File (or) some format, then it will also add extra performance delay.
4) If you keep the data in primary memory, then obviously Game performance would be better. That's why Gamers prefer high end graphics card, and huge RAM.
For most databases there is the option of batch insertions. Obviously even a small overhead will accumulate if you have to many connections over time. And performing single insertions will have a greater overhead than on batch. The only issue is how often?.... And you should test how often you wan't to insert and how much information you should store locally before doing a batch insertion.

AWS ElastiCache vs RDS ReadReplica

My app currently connects to a RDS Multi-AZ database. I also have a Single-AZ Read Replica used to serve my analytics portal.
Recently there have been an increasing load on my master database, and I am thinking of how to resolve this situation without having to scale up my database again. The two ways I have in mind are
Move all the read queries from my app to the read-replica, and just scale up the read-replica, if necessary.
Implement ElastiCache Memcached.
To me these two options seem to achieve the same outcome for me - which is to reduce load on my master database, but I am thinking I may have understood some fundamentals wrongly because Google doesnt seem to return any results on a comparison between them.
In terms of load, they have the same goal, but they differ in other areas:
Up-to-dateness of data:
A read replica will continuously sync from the master. So your results will probably lag 0 - 3s (depending on the load) behind the master.
A cache takes the query result at a specific point in time and stores it for a certain amount of time. The longer your queries are being cached, the more lag you'll have; but your master database will experience less load. It's a trade-off you'll need to choose wisely depending on your application.
Performance / query features:
A cache can only return results for queries it has already seen. So if you run the same queries over and over again, it's a good match. Note that queries must not contain changing parts like NOW(), but must be equal in terms of the actual data to be fetched.
If you have many different, frequently changing, or dynamic (NOW(),...) queries, a read replica will be a better match.
ElastiCache should be much faster, since it's returning values directly from RAM. However, this also limits the number of results you can store.
So you'll first need to evaluate how outdated your data can be and how cacheable your queries are. If you're using ElastiCache, you might be able to cache more than queries — like caching whole sections of a website instead of the underlying queries only, which should improve the overall load of your application.
PS: Have you tuned your indexes? If your main problems are writes that won't help. But if you are fighting reads, indexes are the #1 thing to check and they do make a huge difference.

storing + evaluating performance data

since we suffer from creeping degradation in our web application we decided to monitor our application performance and measure individual actions.
for example we will measure the duration of each request, the duration of individual actions like editing a customer or creating an appointment, searching for a contract.
in most cases the database is the bottleneck for these actions.
i expect that the culminated data will be quite large, since we will gather 1-5 individual actions per request.
of course it would be nonsense to insert each an every element to the database, since this would slow down every request even more.
what is a good strategy for storing and evaluating those per-request data.
i thought about having a global Queue object which is appended and a seperate thread that empties the queue and handles the persistent storage/file. but where to store such data? are there any prebuilt tools for such a visualisation?
we use java, spring, mixed hibernate+jdbc+pl/sql, oracle.
the question should be language-agnostic, though.
edit: the measurement will be taken in production over a large period of time.
It seems like your archive strategy will be at least partially dependent on the scope of your tests:
How long do you intend to collect performance data?
What are you trying to demonstrate? Performance improvements over time? Improvements associated with specific changes? (Like perf issues for a specific set of releases)
As for visualization tools, I've found excel to be pretty useful for small to moderate amounts of data.
