Angular seed or yeoman with generator-angular-fullstack - angularjs

Should I still use angular seed or is better to use something like yeoman with generator-angular-fullstack?
Thank you!
Regards, Sandor

I think it depends entirely on the scope of your application. Angular Seed is good (though a bit outdated) because it gives you a pretty minimal structure to work with (if that's what you need). Yeoman can be nice because it gives you a ton of stuff already built in like structure, grunt, bower, etc etc.

According to the Angular.JS team, Angular Seed was conceived on a plane ride and does not reflect best practices.
I made this comparison of things you can use to start an application with Angular.JS. I would recommend picking one of those.


What do Yeoman Generator's add "really" to Ionic Projects

I don't understand why the generator-ionic (along with other ionic + Yeoman project)s are so popular.
I don't see what the advantages are in using a yeomen generator in this case, this is.
I understand why the Ionic framework is useful in a Cordova project (as we all know, the UI, ngCordova plugins, it uses AngularJS, ect) but what specifically does the Yeoman component add that a basic Ionic project doesn't already have or that cannot be easily added with a bower install.
It seems to me that the Yeoman ionic projects just seem to be unnecessary bloat and can lead to more errors and library issues. I just do not see how components like karma and grunt (as opposed to ionic using gulp) fit into help with development.
True, you can set all this up by yourself. However, imagine setting this up on each and every project that you start. Kind of cumbersome, don't you think?
That's why some people tend to create these generators - to save you (if you like) the time of having to scaffold your application every time from beginning. Usually they provide some features (about which you can read on the Github pages) or they may even enforce some kind of project directory layout (which may help with big projects).
All in all, you don't have to use them, or stress about them. For instance, I personally don't use them on every project, but I appreciate the community effort and when I want to try something quick I tend to test them from time to time to see how they've evolved.
Don't hate, donate ;) (Sure sure, I know you're not hating, the statement just seemed appropriate).

Is there any angular test skeleton generators?

I'm searching some similar to PHPUnit Skeleton Generator just for Angular, maybe you could help me to find one ?
I'd recommend looking into the ng-boilerplate project. It sets you up with a sane structure, including where to put tests and running them.
You should familiarize yourself with yeoman which is a very nice scaffolding tool for JS projects.
It works around the concept of generators, different generators can generate different files for you. For example the angular-generator will help you with setting up an angular project and also add controllers, services and such.

polymer and angular use together

I start learning recently polymer.
I want to hear yours opinion if its make sense to use both frameworks polymer and angular together or not and if polymer is really ready for production and what is your choice?
Polymer and Angular Together
Yes, of-course they both can be used independently as well as together. Actually they both are two different things and to serve two different purposes, Though they have some common features to offer.
Please refer to this answer for a detailed explanation. It covers more things and tells about how Polymer & Angular both can be used as part of the same project.
Polymer for Production
With the release of Polymer 1.0, they claim it to be the production ready and as per them they have focussed more on the speed and efficiency this time. As a major change of this release they have replaced the shadow dom with shady dom.
Finger Crossed, I am also intending to use it in my project. Though I have heard very little of it being used in Production by others.
I think Yes, is not a bad choice ! For example i try to use Angular for the little bit complex Service like the Auth Token Authentication, and Polymer for the others ! I want to use Material Design and the right choice is Polymer throught the Paper Element, i tried ngMaterial but is not so good like the Material in Polymer .... so my Answer for the Moment is Yes !

Given the convergence of DurandalJS & AngularJS which should be chosen for a new project?

The owner of the DurandalJS project is now working at Google on AngularJS Next (v2?) in addition to keeping the current version of DurandalJS maintained. The two frameworks are converging.
For a new mini-SPA project, which framework would be the best choice specifically with regard to the upgrade path?
I note that Rob Eisenberg has listed a number of tips to help existing DurandalJS users get ready for the next version, so it appears there will be an upgrade path available, but I'm wondering if the upgrade from AngularJS to the next generation framework would be simpler.
To be clear - I'm more concerned in making the right choice for the future (large SPA, split into multiple mini-SPAs) than for my current needs.
I'm not sure which one would be the best choice for now ... actually I'd say none of them is future save enough. Angular 2.0 is going to be definitely different from 1.0 and of course also from Durandal.
Nevertheless the framework itself maybe not that important. I think you should focus on separating code in reusable components. Whether it is a Angular Service/Factory/Provider or a clean Require Module in Durandal it actually doesn't matter. Getting it into the "NEW" Framework should be just a matter of adding the proper wrappers. As for 2-way-binding use the oberserver plugin to maintain clean POJOs.
The most important change from my perspective in NG2 will be the support of Lifecycle events, so even using those in Durandal now will be somehow supported in NG2. As for composition there for sure will be a way to simulate that easily in NG2 as well.
For current work the only two things important for the decision of the currently used Framework in my opinion are the use of RequireJS and Framework simplicity. Sure you can add it to Angular as well, there are several guides on that, but Durandal was built from ground up with RequireJS in mind. Especially in bigger projects this can save you a lot of headache from missing or wrong dependencies. As of the second argument -> porting Durandal to Angular is not that of a big deal because it's written in an easy and understandable way. Vice-versa may be a totally different story. Getting your custom Directives implemented as a combination of templating and ko-bindings can get pretty hard :)
So as a closing statement, if it's going to be a small project, but with the need for continuous support as well as update to NG2 in future, I'd go with Durandal. Besides RequireJS everything is exchangeable and adaptable. In the case of Angular I'm not sure how drastically the new DI system will change the way of development so that would be a show-stopper for me.
Btw. here is the design-document for NG2. So as you see there kinda everything that is important is gonna change:
Modularization (maybe we finally see RequireJS :) )

Angular.js beginner: Is Yeoman scaffolding the wrong way to go?

I am trying to add Angular to my arsenal and just started playing around with it this weekend. Looks cool!
In one of the videos done by Google, the guy recommended Yeoman. I'm watching another tutorial video on it now as well:
However, it looks like it generates everything (even writes tests for you??). In the video above, to generate a route he ran yo angular:route myroute which generated the controller, route, view, and test. I mean it's great that I get to see the structure, but I wrote like 0 lines of code.
Perhaps I should just start off with something like this where the file structure is way simpler but at least I have to write more lines of code?
For a beginner, which do you recommend for a first project?
For a beginner to AngularJS, don't check out Yeoman. It's a very useful tool remember, but before you use it, understand why it was built.
Start off with AngularJS's tutorial - it is one of the best tutorials out there. It tells you all that you need to know to explore off on your own. I started out with that and at the end of it, I just loved the entire framework.
I did not start off with Yeoman until building 2-3 applications using AngularJS. Once you do this, you figure out some common tasks that you carry out for every AngularJS application.
That's where Yeoman comes in. Rather than doing the same thing again and again for each application you use Yeoman to automate a lot of stuff. Once you know the why of using Yeoman, you will understand the how of using it.
Without having worked in AngularJS sufficiently, do not try to use Yeoman. You will enjoy the tool but then you will be left wondering how to work with AngularJS without it.
My 2 cents.
To smalls app, Yeoman is awesome. But you will know his limits when you will want to split your app into modules.
with yeoman, you will have a structure like that:
But In large app you probably want to have:
And for that, you need to create manually all the files.
My advice is to always start with yeoman but use their route/directive/etc generator only at the begining of your project.
For the tests, it only generate a file and a very simple test, ofcourse you need to modify it, to cover your whole app.
In addition Yeoman provide you a lot of tools with grunt like minifications of your assets, a jshint to use the best coding practices, etc.
