Cache models in Promela - c

I am looking to model cache for multicore processors, including cache coherence. Do such PROMELA implementations already exist. I tried to search for it, but couldn't find any. Secondly, if I have to implement it myself, is it feasible in PROMELA to declare very large arrays as in to represent cache structures?

I personally don't know of such existing Promela models. Moreover, large array structures sounds like a serious state blow-up.
Depending on what properties you want to show, I would suggest to abstract from reality as much as possible. Modeling things with a high precision compared to the real world is typically nothing one should do in Promela.
Two alternative suggestions:
Model your cache in Java and prove first-order assertions with the KeY proof system
Model your cache in a mathematical fashion using the Coq proof assistant and prove the desired theorems with Coq

[This is the type of question that would be closed… but there aren't many people answering Promela/SPIN questions so you won't get 5 close votes.]
Google Search for 'formal verification cache coherence spin' notes SPIN use a couple of times.
There is a yearly SPIN Workshop; full papers are listed for the last 14 years.


How should a training dataset be distributed?

Apologies if this is a beginner question. I’m building a text-to-speech model. I was wondering if my training dataset should be “realistically” distributed (i.e. same distribution as the data it will be used on), or should it be uniformly distributed to make sure it performs well on all kinds of sentences. Thanks.
I’d say that this depends on the dataset size. If you have a really, really small dataset, which is common in some domains and rare in others, then you’d want to ensure that all the “important kinds of data” (whatever that means for your task) would be represented there even if they’re relatively rare, but a realistic distribution is better if you have a large enough dataset that all the key scenarios would be adequately represented anyway.
Also, if mistakes on certain data items are more important than others (which is likely in some domains), then it may make sense to overrepresent them, as you’re not optimizing for the average case of the real distribution.
There’s also the case of the targeted annotation where you look at the errors your model is making and specifically annotate extra data to overrepresent those cases - because there are scenarios where some types of data happen to be both very common and trivial to solve, so adding extra training data for them takes effort but doesn’t change the results in any way.

Does a Decision Network / Decision Forest take into account relationships between inputs

I have experience dealing with Neural Networks, specifically ones of the Back-Propagating nature, and I know that of the inputs passed to the trainer, dependencies between inputs are part of the resulting models knowledge when a hidden layer is introduced.
Is the same true for decision networks?
I have found that information around these algorithms (ID3) etc somewhat hard to find. I have been able to find the actual algorithms, but information such as expected/optimal dataset formats and other overviews are rare.
Decision Trees are actually very easy to provide data to because all they need is a table of data, and which column out of that data what feature (or column) you want to predict on. That data can be discrete or continuous for any feature. Now there are several flavors of decision trees with different support for continuous and discrete values. And they work differently so understanding how each one works can be challenging.
Different decision tree algorithms with comparison of complexity or performance
Depending on the type of algorithm you are interested in it can be hard to find information without reading the actual papers if you want to try and implement it. I've implemented the CART algorithm, and the only option for that was to find the original 200 page book about it. Most of other treatments only discuss ideas like splitting with enough detail, but fail to discuss any other aspect at more than a high level.
As for if they take into account the dependencies between things. I believe it only assumes dependence between each input feature and the prediction feature. If the input was independent from the prediction feature you couldn't use it as a split criteria. But, between other input features I believe they must be independent of each other. I'd have to check the book to ensure that was true or not, but off the top of my head I think that's true.

Feature selection and unsupervised learning for multilingual data + machine learning algorithm selection

I want to classify/categorize/cluster/group together a set of several thousand websites. There's data that we can train on, so we can do supervised learning, but it's not data that we've gathered and we're not adamant about using it -- so we're also considering unsupervised learning.
What features can I use in a machine learning algorithm to deal with multilingual data? Note that some of these languages might not have been dealt with in the Natural Language Processing field.
If I were to use an unsupervised learning algorithm, should I just partition the data by language and deal with each language differently? Different languages might have different relevant categories (or not, depending on your psycholinguistic theoretical tendencies), which might affect the decision to partition.
I was thinking of using decision trees, or maybe Support Vector Machines (SVMs) to allow for more features (from my understanding of them). This post suggests random forests instead of SVMs. Any thoughts?
Pragmatical approaches are welcome! (Theoretical ones, too, but those might be saved for later fun.)
Some context
We are trying to classify a corpus of many thousands of websites in 3 to 5 languages (maybe up to 10, but we're not sure).
We have training data in the form of hundreds of websites already classified. However, we may choose to use that data set or not -- if other categories make more sense, we're open to not using the training data that we have, since it is not something we gathered in the first place. We are on the final stages of scraping data/text from websites.
Now we must decide on the issues above. I have done some work with the Brown Corpus and the Brill tagger, but this will not work because of the multiple-languages issue.
We intend to use the Orange machine learning package.
According to the context you have provided, this is a supervised learning problem.
Therefore, you are doing classification, not clustering. If I misunderstood, please update your question to say so.
I would start with the simplest features, namely tokenize the unicode text of the pages, and use a dictionary to translate every new token to a number, and simply consider the existence of a token as a feature.
Next, I would use the simplest algorithm I can - I tend to go with Naive Bayes, but if you have an easy way to run SVM this is also nice.
Compare your results with some baseline - say assigning the most frequent class to all the pages.
Is the simplest approach good enough? If not, start iterating over algorithms and features.
If you go the supervised route, then the fact that the web pages are in multiple languages shouldn't make a difference. If you go with, say lexical features (bag-o'-words style) then each language will end up yielding disjoint sets of features, but that's okay. All of the standard algorithms will likely give comparable results, so just pick one and go with it. I agree with Yuval that Naive Bayes is a good place to start, and only if that doesn't meet your needs that try something like SVMs or random forests.
If you go the unsupervised route, though, the fact that the texts aren't all in the same language might be a big problem. Any reasonable clustering algorithm will first group the texts by language, and then within each language cluster by something like topic (if you're using content words as features). Whether that's a bug or a feature will depend entirely on why you want to classify these texts. If the point is to group documents by topic, irrespective of language, then it's no good. But if you're okay with having different categories for each language, then yeah, you've just got as many separate classification problems as you have languages.
If you do want a unified set of classes, then you'll need some way to link similar documents across languages. Are there any documents in more that one language? If so, you could use them as a kind of statistical Rosetta Stone, to link words in different languages. Then, using something like Latent Semantic Analysis, you could extend that to second-order relations: words in different languages that don't ever occur in the same document, but which tend to co-occur with words which do. Or maybe you could use something like anchor text or properties of the URLs to assign a rough classification to documents in a language-independent manner and use that as a way to get started.
But, honestly, it seems strange to go into a classification problem without a clear idea of what the classes are (or at least what would count as a good classification). Coming up with the classes is the hard part, and it's the part that'll determine whether the project is a success or failure. The actual algorithmic part is fairly rote.
Main answer is: try different approaches. Without actual testing it's very hard to predict what method will give best results. So, I'll just suggest some methods that I would try first and describe their pros and cons.
First of all, I would recommend supervised learning. Even if the data classification is not very accurate, it may still give better results than unsupervised clustering. One of the reasons for it is a number of random factors that are used during clustering. For example, k-means algorithm relies on randomly selected points when starting the process, which can lead to a very different results for different program runnings (though x-means modifications seems to normalize this behavior). Clustering will give good results only if underlying elements produce well separated areas in the feature space.
One of approaches to treating multilingual data is to use multilingual resources as support points. For example, you can index some Wikipedia's articles and create "bridges" between same topics in different languages. Alternatively, you can create multilingual association dictionary like this paper describes.
As for methods, the first thing that comes to mind is instance-based semantic methods like LSI. It uses vector space model to calculate distance between words and/or documents. In contrast to other methods it can efficiently treat synonymy and polysemy. Disadvantage of this method is a computational inefficiency and leak of implementations. One of the phases of LSI makes use of a very big cooccurrence matrix, which for large corpus of documents will require distributed computing and other special treatment. There's modification of LSA called Random Indexing which do not construct full coocurrence matrix, but you'll hardly find appropriate implementation for it. Some time ago I created library in Clojure for this method, but it is pre-alpha now, so I can't recommend using it. Nevertheless, if you decide to give it a try, you can find project 'Clinch' of a user 'faithlessfriend' on github (I'll not post direct link to avoid unnecessary advertisement).
Beyond special semantic methods the rule "simplicity first" must be used. From this point, Naive Bayes is a right point to start from. The only note here is that multinomial version of Naive Bayes is preferable: my experience tells that count of words really does matter.
SVM is a technique for classifying linearly separable data, and text data is almost always not linearly separable (at least several common words appear in any pair of documents). It doesn't mean, that SVM cannot be used for text classification - you still should try it, but results may be much lower than for other machine learning tasks.
I haven't enough experience with decision trees, but using it for efficient text classification seems strange to me. I have seen some examples where they gave excellent results, but when I tried to use C4.5 algorithm for this task, the results were terrible. I believe you should get some software where decision trees are implemented and test them by yourself. It is always better to know then to suggest.
There's much more to say on every topic, so feel free to ask more questions on specific topic.

Can triple stores be made scalable

Most triple stores I read about are said to be scalable to around .5 billion triples.
I am interested to know if people think there is a theoretical reason to why they have to have an upper limit, and whether you know of any particular ways to make them more scalable.
I am curious to know if existing triple stores do things like this:
Represent URIs with integers
Integers in order
Search the integers instead of the URIs which I would imagine must be faster (because you can do things like a binary search etc.)
Thoughts ...
Just to get to 500million a triple store has to do all of that and more. I have spent several years working on a triple store implementation, and I can tell you that breaking 1 billion triples is not as simple as it may seem.
The problem is that many rdf queries are 2nd or 3rd order (and higher-orders are far from unheard of). This means that you are not only querying a set of entities, but simultaneously the data about the set of entities; data about the entities schemas; data describing the schema language used to describe the entities schemas.
All of this without any of the constraints available to a relational database to allow it to make assumptions about the shape of this data/metadata/metametadata/etc.
There are ways to get beyond 500 million, but they are far from trivial, and the low hanging fruit (ie. the approaches you have mentioned) were required just to get to where we are now.
That being said, the flexibility provided by an rdf-store, combined with a denotational semantic available via its interpretation in Description Logics, makes it all worthwhile.

When do you have too many tables?

Two of my colleagues and I are building a system to do all sorts of hydrology and related stuff. It has a lot of requirements and have a good number of tables.
We are handling all sorts of sampling that it is done within this scope (hydrology) and we are trying to figure out a way to do it in a less painful way.
Sometimes we need to get all that sampling together and I'm starting to think we are over-complicating our database design.
How or when do you know that you are over-designing a database? Of course we are considering a lot of Normal Form Rules and other good practices, but when it is OK to drop one of those rules, e.g. not normalizing something?
What are your opinions on this?
Short Answer
You can't, worry about something else.
Long Answer
This sounds like yet another form of premature optimization. (YAFPO?)
You should design your schema using third normal form (3NF). Once designed, you should populate your tables with data and begin profiling.
If a particular query is deemed too costly then you should look into denormalization on a case by case basis.
Technical Answer (for the nitpickers who will inevitably object to: "you can't")
You will reach a limit at some point based on your choice of RDBMS and/or storage engine. Likely ceilings will be memory consumption or open file descriptors.
"When do you have too many tables?"
At the level of logical design, the correct answer is "never".
At the level of physical design (insofar as "having a table" really refers to some concept that pertains to the physical design), the correct answer is "if and when the queries that you need to do, given the restrictions of the DBMS you are using, are causing performance to be unacceptably low.".
We have a system with literally hundreds of tables - its no big deal, its just that a lot of different things are stored in the database.
We have a ton of tables in our system as well. What we did was normalize the database to a good point, then created a few views that encompass the most common table usage needs of our system. Something like that could help you as well.
