AngularJS: avoid url encoding with $location - angularjs

I notice that when I passed a parameter that is an array to $, it was encoded as in the following example
$location.path('/somePath').search('ids[]=', [1, 2, 3]);
Is there a way to avoid the url encoding?

Excuse the late reply, but I struck a similar predicament myself and thought I'd offer advice.
In short, if you intend on using $ you cannot avoid the URL being encoded.
If you take a look at the Angular source, location.js specifically, you'll notice that the functions return composed URLs (i.e. LocationHtml5Url) all rely on another function call named toKeyValue, which will encode all key-value pairs whenever they are set.
Furthermore, in the example use case you've provided, you don't need the equals inside your key. When $ is called with two parameters, they are treated as a key-value pair by Angular.
If you need to make use of the location URL after it has been encoded, you could always call decodeURIComponent.

Some years late, but I have found a way to bypass the URI encode made by the $location service: just rewrite the window.encodeURIComponent
var original = window.encodeURIComponent;
window.encodeURIComponent = function (str) {
return decodeURI(str);
window.encodeURIComponent = original;
It is not the best solution, but it works as intended.


How to loop through and edit a JsonArray of objects in Scala

I have a variable descriptions that is an Option[JsonArray] (JsonArray results from calling getJsonArray on a JsonObject). descriptions is a list of objects that I'm getting back as a response from a server. Each object has a structure like so:
{age: String,
number: Long,
link: String}
I'd like to loop through this JsonArray and edit the link field to a certain value that is returned from a function. I don't even need to edit it in place and can take a new array of objects. In JS, it might be as simple as => ({...d, link: someValue})) but I'm not sure how I need to transform the JsonArray to get this working in Scala. Any help is appreciated!
#mysl didn't provide necessary details as mentioned in the comments. So I'm going to speculate that the approach you've proposed didn't work and you want to understand why.
Most probably you've assumed that JsonArray would be mutated when you .map a lambda over it (which is the case for Javascript I guess). That's not true in Scala case. I.e. when you map a list over you've got another list. I.e. .map, as the name assumes, is just a way to map one collection to another.
So what you need to do is:
val originalJsonArray = ...
val updatedJsonArray = { description =>
description.copy(link ="foo","bar"))
println(s"originalJsonArray=$originalJsonArray, updatedJsonArray=$updatedJsonArray")
I hope that helps, though I'm not sure I guessed your problem correctly.

setState of parent from child component with key value pairs in React? [duplicate]

When creating a JavaScript function with multiple arguments, I am always confronted with this choice: pass a list of arguments vs. pass an options object.
For example I am writing a function to map a nodeList to an array:
function map(nodeList, callback, thisObject, fromIndex, toIndex){
I could instead use this:
function map(options){
where options is an object:
Which one is the recommended way? Are there guidelines for when to use one vs. the other?
[Update] There seems to be a consensus in favor of the options object, so I'd like to add a comment: one reason why I was tempted to use the list of arguments in my case was to have a behavior consistent with the JavaScript built in method.
Like many of the others, I often prefer passing an options object to a function instead of passing a long list of parameters, but it really depends on the exact context.
I use code readability as the litmus test.
For instance, if I have this function call:
checkStringLength(inputStr, 10);
I think that code is quite readable the way it is and passing individual parameters is just fine.
On the other hand, there are functions with calls like this:
initiateTransferProtocol("http", false, 150, 90, null, true, 18);
Completely unreadable unless you do some research. On the other hand, this code reads well:
"protocol": "http",
"sync": false,
"delayBetweenRetries": 150,
"randomVarianceBetweenRetries": 90,
"retryCallback": null,
"log": true,
"maxRetries": 18
It is more of an art than a science, but if I had to name rules of thumb:
Use an options parameter if:
You have more than four parameters
Any of the parameters are optional
You've ever had to look up the function to figure out what parameters it takes
If someone ever tries to strangle you while screaming "ARRRRRG!"
Multiple arguments are mostly for obligatory parameters. There's nothing wrong with them.
If you have optional parameters, it gets complicated. If one of them relies on the others, so that they have a certain order (e.g. the fourth one needs the third one), you still should use multiple arguments. Nearly all native EcmaScript and DOM-methods work like this. A good example is the open method of XMLHTTPrequests, where the last 3 arguments are optional - the rule is like "no password without a user" (see also MDN docs).
Option objects come in handy in two cases:
You've got so many parameters that it gets confusing: The "naming" will help you, you don't have to worry about the order of them (especially if they may change)
You've got optional parameters. The objects are very flexible, and without any ordering you just pass the things you need and nothing else (or undefineds).
In your case, I'd recommend map(nodeList, callback, options). nodelist and callback are required, the other three arguments come in only occasionally and have reasonable defaults.
Another example is JSON.stringify. You might want to use the space parameter without passing a replacer function - then you have to call …, null, 4). An arguments object might have been better, although its not really reasonable for only 2 parameters.
Using the 'options as an object' approach is going to be best. You don't have to worry about the order of the properties and there's more flexibility in what data gets passed (optional parameters for example)
Creating an object also means the options could be easily used on multiple functions:
It can be good to use both. If your function has one or two required parameters and a bunch of optional ones, make the first two parameters required and the third an optional options hash.
In your example, I'd do map(nodeList, callback, options). Nodelist and callback are required, it's fairly easy to tell what's happening just by reading a call to it, and it's like existing map functions. Any other options can be passed as an optional third parameter.
I may be a little late to the party with this response, but I was searching for other developers' opinions on this very topic and came across this thread.
I very much disagree with most of the responders, and side with the 'multiple arguments' approach. My main argument being that it discourages other anti-patterns like "mutating and returning the param object", or "passing the same param object on to other functions". I've worked in codebases which have extensively abused this anti-pattern, and debugging code which does this quickly becomes impossible. I think this is a very Javascript-specific rule of thumb, since Javascript is not strongly typed and allows for such arbitrarily structured objects.
My personal opinion is that developers should be explicit when calling functions, avoid passing around redundant data and avoid modify-by-reference. It's not that this patterns precludes writing concise, correct code. I just feel it makes it much easier for your project to fall into bad development practices.
Consider the following terrible code:
function main() {
const x = foo({
param1: "something",
param2: "something else",
param3: "more variables"
return x;
function foo(params) {
params.param1 = "Something new";
return params;
function bar(params) {
params.param2 = "Something else entirely";
const y = baz(params);
return params.param2;
function baz(params) {
params.params3 = "Changed my mind";
return params;
Not only does this kind of require more explicit documentation to specify intent, but it also leaves room for vague errors.
What if a developer modifies param1 in bar()? How long do you think it would take looking through a codebase of sufficident size to catch this?
Admittedly, this is example is slightly disingenuous because it assumes developers have already committed several anti-patterns by this point. But it shows how passing objects containing parameters allows greater room for error and ambiguity, requiring a greater degree of conscientiousness and observance of const correctness.
Just my two-cents on the issue!
Your comment on the question:
in my example the last three are optional.
So why not do this? (Note: This is fairly raw Javascript. Normally I'd use a default hash and update it with the options passed in by using Object.extend or JQuery.extend or similar..)
function map(nodeList, callback, options) {
options = options || {};
var thisObject = options.thisObject || {};
var fromIndex = options.fromIndex || 0;
var toIndex = options.toIndex || 0;
So, now since it's now much more obvious what's optional and what's not, all of these are valid uses of the function:
map(nodeList, callback);
map(nodeList, callback, {});
map(nodeList, callback, null);
map(nodeList, callback, {
thisObject: {some: 'object'},
map(nodeList, callback, {
toIndex: 100,
map(nodeList, callback, {
thisObject: {some: 'object'},
fromIndex: 0,
toIndex: 100,
It depends.
Based on my observation on those popular libraries design, here are the scenarios we should use option object:
The parameter list is long (>4).
Some or all parameters are optional and they don’t rely on a certain
The parameter list might grow in future API update.
The API will be called from other code and the API name is not clear
enough to tell the parameters’ meaning. So it might need strong
parameter name for readability.
And scenarios to use parameter list:
Parameter list is short (<= 4).
Most of or all of the parameters are required.
Optional parameters are in a certain order. (i.e.: $.get )
Easy to tell the parameters meaning by API name.
Object is more preferable, because if you pass an object its easy to extend number of properties in that objects and you don't have to watch for order in which your arguments has been passed.
For a function that usually uses some predefined arguments you would better use option object. The opposite example will be something like a function that is getting infinite number of arguments like: setCSS({height:100},{width:200},{background:"#000"}).
I would look at large javascript projects.
Things like google map you will frequently see that instantiated objects require an object but functions require parameters. I would think this has to do with OPTION argumemnts.
If you need default arguments or optional arguments an object would probably be better because it is more flexible. But if you don't normal functional arguments are more explicit.
Javascript has an arguments object too.

$httpBackend.whenGET with more than one parameter

I have this URL to match:
The problem is that 1121212156 is a tick so it can be different every time. Does someone know how to create a regex to do that?
The docs for $httpBackend.whenGET say that you can can pass in a regex object in place of a URL. I just did a quick test on to see if this regex works, and it says it does, although I didn't actually test it through whenGET.
var urlRegex = /\/api\/alerts\/[\d]+\/0\/4\/0/;
urlRegex.test('/api/alerts/1121212156/0/4/0'); // returns true
Hope that helps.

quering for objects with angularFireCollection?

I used the implicit method for retrieving data objects:
setData = function(segment){
var url = '';
var rawData = angularFire(url+segment,$rootScope,'data',{});
// sorting and adjusting data, and then broadcasting and/or assinging
This code is located inside a service that gets called from different locations, by development stages it'll probably be around 100 - 150 so I got out of the controllers and into a service, but now firebase data-binding would obviously over-write the different segments so I turned back to explicit methid, to have the different firebases only sending the data to site instead of data-binding and over-writing each other:
var rawData = angularFireCollection(url+segment);
And right there I discovered why I chose the implicit in the first place: There's an argument for the typeof, i could tell firebase if I'm calling a string, an array, an object etc. I even looked at the angularfire.js and saw that if the argument is not given, if falls back to identifying it as an array by default.
Now, I'm definitely going to move to the explicit method (that is, if no salvation comes with angular2.0), and reconstructing my firebase jsons to fit the array-only policy is not that big of a deal, but surely there's an option to explicitly call objects, or am I missing something?
I'm not totally clear on what the question is - with angularFireCollection, you can certainly retrieve objects just fine. For example, in the bundled chat app (
$scope.messages = angularFireCollection(new Firebase(url).limit(50));
Each message is stored as an object, with its own unique key as generated by push().
I'm also curious about what problems you found while using the implicit method as your app grew. We're really looking to address problems like these for the next iteration of angularFire!

CakePHP/Croogo: Searching for strings with some special chars returns no results

I noticed there is a bug in Croogo's NodesController::search() when searching for words with some non-ascii chars on them e.g. 'üäö'. If I search for example for 'Steuergeräte' (german) I get no results, even though I should. If I search for 'Steuergerate' (which would be misspelled in german) I get the desired results. Which is totally weird.
A direct query on the db I works fine:
"SELECT * FROM i18n WHERE content LIKE '%Steuergeräte%';"
Which returns the expected records.
But it's not a general problem with unicode-chars, as for example, searching for a japanese word worked as expected. So this only affect some chars.
Cakephp: 2.4.0, Croogo: 1.4.5
Ok, I found the cause of the problem.
On the search-view, the string to be searched for is cleaned with:
$q = Sanitize::clean($this->request->params['named']['q']);
Which among other things runs html_entities on the string as default, when 'encode' => true is set (default). This would turn e.g. ö into ö and then search for words with html-entities on them.
I got a workaround by doing:
$q = $this->request->params['named']['q'];
// Use encode=false on Sanitize::clean to prevent äüöß etc. getting
// replaced by html entities. And strip tags manually first to prevent
// html injected strings.
$q = strip_tags($q);
$q = Sanitize::clean($q, array('encode' => false));
Note: If like in my case, TinyMCE is set with 'entity_encoding' => 'raw' then the body field in the nodes table would contain äöü instead of htmlentities as well, which IMO is a far better practice as replacing them with htmlentities. Per default though, tinymce replaces chars with htmlentities, so the body field would work with the default search behaviour of Croogo/Cakephp. But searching, for example, in the title-field wouldn't.
Ok, as mark comments suggested, sanitizing and using cake's paginate method, is not necessary, so the Sanitize part can be skipped. I also found using htmlspecialchars even better as strip_tags, as strip_tags wouldn't take care of e.g. '&', and on the body, tinyMCE saves those as html_entities. So the updated code would look like this:
$q = htmlspecialchars($this->request->params['named']['q']);
// go on with searching for nodes on paginate-method
