Updating ng-include from directive in Angular - angularjs

I am trying to click on a list item that is created via a repeater and update the template value that is being used by ng-inlude. The initial value that is being set in the controller is working fine (shows up in DOM), however when i change the value in the directive, it is not updating the DOM (stays as initial included DOM). When i use fire bug on the directive it looks as though the scope has changed, although I'm not sure if I am missing something, or if i should be doing this some other way.
This is my partial
<div ng-controller="menuCtrl" >
<ul class="sub-menu">
<li ng-repeat="item in menuItems.left" menu-repeater-directive>
<a class="reset-menu-btn">×</a>
<div id="lft-wrapper" class="a-wrapper">
<div ng-include="template.url" id="lft-scroller" class="a-scroller"></div>
This is my Menu Control
.controller("menuCtrl", function($scope, $element) {
$scope.menuItems = {
left: [
name: "Table of Context",
url: "static/partials/tree.html"
name: "Index",
url: "static/partials/dictionary.html"
name: "Exercises",
url: "static/partials/exercises.html"
name: "Search Results",
url: "static/partials/results.html"
right: [
name: "About Writer's Help",
url: "static/partials/about.html"
name: "Tags & Tools",
url: "static/partials/tools.html"
name: "Your Class",
url: "static/partials/class.html"
name: "Top Ten",
url: "static/partials/top10.html"
$scope.template = $scope.menuItems.left[0];
This is my directive
.directive("menuRepeaterDirective", function() {
return function(scope, element, attrs){
var self = this;
this.scope = scope;
this.element = element;
var $ele = $(element);
//angular specific
var index = $(ev.currentTarget).parent().index();
self.scope.template = self.scope.menuItems.left[index];
//end angular specific
....some other Jquery stuff

self.scope.$apply(function(){ //Use $apply to let angular aware of the changes.
var index = $(ev.currentTarget).parent().index();
self.scope.$parent.template = self.scope.menuItems.left[index]; //accessing self.scope.$parent instead of self.scope
Explanation why we have to access self.scope.$parent:
self.scope is the scope of the current item generated by ng-repeat while your ng-include is binding to menuCtrl's scope. self.scope.$parent is menuCtrl's scope in this case.


Angular ng-repeat issue

I've this controller:
app.controller('HomeController', function($scope) {
$scope.buttonList = [
href: "http://ciao.html",
cssClass: "",
iconBeforeCssClass: "",
labelCssClass: "",
labelText: "ciao",
iconAfterCssClass: "",
href: "ciao2.html",
cssClass: "",
iconBeforeCssClass: "",
labelCssClass: "",
labelText: "ciao2",
iconAfterCssClass: "",
This directive:
app.directive('widgetButtonList', function() {
var directive = {};
directive.restrict = 'E';
directive.replace = false;
directive.templateUrl = 'modules/directives/widget-button-list.html';
directive.scope = {
additionalCssClass: "#",
buttons : "#",
return directive; });
The template is the follow:
<div class="ap-block ap-button-list-block {{additionalCssClass}}">
<li ng-repeat="btn in buttons track by $index">
<a href="{{btn.href}}" class="{{btn.cssClass}}">
<i class="ap-button-list-before-icon {{btn.iconBeforeCssClass}}" ></i>
<span class="ap-button-list-label {{btn.labelCssClass}}">{{btn.labelText}}</span>
<i class="ap-button-list-after-icon {{btn.iconAfterCssClass}}" ></i>
And the view is like this:
<div ng-controller="HomeController">
<widget-button-list buttons="{{buttonList}}"></widget-button-list>
But otherwise to render two times the template button as i expected, it print 250 time the widget's template without binding nothing. Can someone help me??
You'll want to pass the buttonsList using a different isolate scope attribute instead of using text-binding. The # symbol on the directive definition object indicates you'll be passing in a string, where you're actually passing in an array of objects. Try this:
directive.scope = {
additionalCssClass: "#",
buttons : "=" //instead of #
<widget-button-list buttons="buttonList"></widget-button-list>
Plunker Demonstration
And just for the sake of completeness, you could pass in the buttonsList as a string, but you'll have to be aware that in the directive you'll be recieving a JSON string. Then you'll need to parse it inside the directive:
directive.scope = {
additionalCssClass: "#",
buttons: "#"
directive.controller = function($scope) {
$scope.btns = JSON.parse($scope.buttons);
I don't suggest this second method, but here's the Plunker Demonstration of that as well.

How should you access controller functions from other modules

I am having a hard time understanding how Modules should interact with each other in Angularjs. I would like to break the application into nice small modules, but I cannot seem to find the correct way to have these modules interact with each other.
The code shows a breadcrumb I would like to have at the top of the page. The BreadCrumb is in its own module 'bread' and included inside a parent module 'ngFSCH'.
There is a list outside BreadCrumb controller section whose actions should add breadcrumbs. However, I do not understand the correct way to access this addCrumb function. I can only make it work if it is called from inside the breadcrumb controller section in the markup.
<div ng-app="ngFSCH">
<section ng-controller="BreadCrumbsCtrl">
<span ng-repeat="crumb in crumbs" class="breadcrumbs">
<span ng-hide="isLast($index)" ng-click="selectCrumb($index)">{{crumb.text}} > </span>
<span ng-show="isLast($index)">{{crumb.text}}</span>
<h4>Add Some Crumbs</h4>
var ngFSCH = angular.module('ngFSCH', ['bread']);
(function () {
var app = angular.module('bread', []);
app.controller('BreadCrumbsCtrl', ['$scope', '$log', function ($scope, $log) {
$scope.crumbs = [{ text: "Crumb 1", url: "url1" }, { text: "Crumb 2", url: "url2" }];
$scope.isLast = function(index) {
return index === $scope.crumbs.length-1;
$scope.addCrumb = function (newCrumb) {
$scope.crumbs.push({ text: newCrumb, url: "TestURL" });
$scope.selectCrumb = function (index) {
$scope.crumbs = $scope.crumbs.slice(0, index + 1);
I would encapsulate the bread crumb functionality in a service and create a controller for the section with the links (that add the breadcrumbs). The new controller can then use the service to add and remove crumbs from the array. You can also add the crumbs array into a value.. Your controllers can then expose the add and select features to the tiny portions of html they control without polluting other sections of your page.
Here is the result. Hope it helps!
Here is the code:
var app = angular.module('bread', []);
app.value('crumbs', [
{ text: "Crumb 1", url: "url1" },
{ text: "Crumb 2", url: "url2" }
app.factory("BreadCrumbsService", ['$log', 'crumbs', function ($log, crumbs) {
var service = {
getCrumbs: getCrumbs,
addCrumb: addCrumb,
selectCrumb: selectCrumb
return service;
//I did not add a set crumbs because you can set it directly.
function getCrumbs(){
return crumbs;
function addCrumb(newCrumb) {
text: newCrumb,
url: "TestURL"
function selectCrumb(index) {
crumbs = crumbs.slice(0, index + 1);
app.controller('BreadCrumbsCtrl', ['$scope', 'BreadCrumbsService', function ($scope, BreadCrumbsService){
$scope.crumbs = BreadCrumbsService.getCrumbs;
$scope.selectCrumb = BreadCrumbsService.selectCrumb;
$scope.isLast = function (index) {
return index === BreadCrumbsService.getCrumbs().length - 1;
app.controller('AddLinksCtrl', ['$scope', 'BreadCrumbsService', function ($scope, BreadCrumbsService) {
$scope.addCrumb = BreadCrumbsService.addCrumb;
Here is the links section with the new controller:
<section ng-controller="AddLinksCtrl">
<h4>Add Some Crumbs</h4>
That is intended because you are working within the scope of the controller. How about moving the ng-controller directive to the containing div where ng-app is?
<div ng-app="ngFSCH" ng-controller="BreadCrumbsCtrl">

AngularJs decoupling page segments' nav links but maintaining one navigation system

I have a side menu directive that populates itself from a Sidebar Controller but the routing for all click events on the entire website comes from the page's parent Route Controller.
The Container main page
<body data-ng-controller ="RouteCtrl as vm">
<div data-header=""></div>
<div data-ng-controller="SidebarCtrl">
<div data-side-bar=""></div>
<div data-ng-view=""></div>
The SidebarCtrl
(function () {
'use strict';
var controllerId = 'SidebarCtrl';
['$scope', SidebarCtrl]);
function SidebarCtrl($scope) {
var vm = this;
vm.title = 'SidebarCtrl';
vm.toggleMenu = function () {
vm.minifyMe = !vm.minifyMe;
vm.expandNav = function (item) {
if (item !== vm.expandedItem) {
vm.expandedItem = item;
} else {
//vm.expandedItem = null;
vm.menuItems = [
name: "Parent", subMenu:
{ name: "Sub 1", module: "Mod1", url: "rootPage" },
{ name: "Sub 2", module: "Mod2", url: "mod2Sub1/somePage" },
{ name: "Sub 3", module: "Mod3", url: "folder2/mod3Sub2/somePage" },
{ name: "Sub 4", module: "Mod4", url: "folder3/subFoler/somePage" }
.directive('sideBar', function () {
return {
restrict: "A",
replace: true,
templateUrl: '/app/html/common/sidebar.html'
The sidebar html
<aside id="left-panel" data-ng-controller="SidebarCtrl as vm">
<li data-ng-repeat="menuItem in vm.menuItems" ....>
<span class="menu-item-parent">{{menuItem.name}}</span>
<ul ....>
<li data-ng-repeat="subItem in menuItem.subMenu">
<a style="cursor: pointer;" data-ng-click="vm.changeView('{{subItem.module}}','{{subItem.url}}')">{{subItem.name}}</a>
The Route Controller
// Route navigation for entire app
vm.changeView = function (moduleView, dashboardView) {
$rootScope.event = { viewUrl: dashboardView, moduleUrl: moduleView };
var newRoute = $routeParams.primaryNav;
if ($routeParams.secondaryNav != "" && $routeParams.secondaryNav != undefined) {
newRoute = newRoute + '/' + $routeParams.secondaryNav;
if ($routeParams.tertiaryNav != "" && $routeParams.tertiaryNav != undefined) {
newRoute = newRoute + '/' + $routeParams.tertiaryNav;
$scope.templateUrl = '/app/html/' + newRoute + '.html';
As show above, the side bar populates but the routing does not work
If I made the sidebar nav static [which I do not want], and the sidebar page's controller the RouteCtrl the side bar navigation responds properly.
How can I maintain the entire navigation of the website in the route controller, yet decouple the various segments of the website, eg. the sidebar nav, the headernav, the footernav, etc ?
To solve this problem, I did several things:
I removed vm as a pattern, I cannot see any value in using it so I reverted back to the prior pattern of $scope.
Although the parent controller's function changeView is now accessible to the child [again, once ALL 'vm' is replaced with $scope in the project, I opted for $emit] :
1. Index.html
<body data-ng-controller ="RouteCtrl">
<div data-header=""></div>
<div data-ng-controller="SidebarCtrl">
<div data-side-bar=""></div>
<div data-ng-view=""></div>
2. Sidebar.html
< a style="cursor: pointer;" data-ng-click="handleNav(subItem.module,subItem.url)">{{subItem.name}}</a>
3. Side Crtl:
$scope.handleNav = function (args1, args2) {
$scope.$emit('handleNewView', (args1, args2));
4. Parent Crtl:
$scope.$on('handleNewView', function (args1, args2) {
$scope.changeView(args1, args2);
$scope.changeView = function (moduleView, dashboardView) {
$rootScope.event = { viewUrl: dashboardView, moduleUrl: moduleView };
In conclusion, I cannot see any value in adopting "Controller as vm" as a pattern.

The "with" binding of KnockoutJS in AngularJS?

I have just switched from KnockoutJS to AngularJS and I am not able to find the KnockoutJS's "with" data-bind in AngularJS.
Here is the piece of code in KnockoutJS. The "with" binding creates a new binding context, so that descendant elements are bound in the context of a specified object.
<h1 data-bind="text: city"> </h1>
<p data-bind="with: coords">
Latitude: <span data-bind="text: latitude"> </span>,
Longitude: <span data-bind="text: longitude"> </span>
<script type="text/javascript">
city: "London",
coords: {
latitude: 51.5001524,
longitude: -0.1262362
Does AngularJS have anything like context?
Nothing like with that I know of.. this is the best I could do:
<p ng-repeat="c in [coords.or.possibly.deeper.in.tree]">
Latitude: {{c.latitude}},
Longitude: {{c.longitude}}
Create a custom directive that loops through the source object and creates corresponding properties on the directive's scope that are getter/setter references to the source object.
Check out this plunker.
directive module:
angular.module('koWith', [])
.directive('koWith', function () {
return {
controller: function ($scope, $attrs) {
var withObj = $scope.$parent[$attrs.ngWith];
function getter(prop) {
return this[prop];
function setter(val, prop) {
this[prop] = val;
for (var prop in withObj) {
if (withObj.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
Object.defineProperty($scope, prop, {
enumerable: true,
configurable: true,
get: getter.bind(withObj, prop),
set: setter.bind(withObj, prop)
restrict: 'A',
scope: true
app module:
angular.module('myApp', [])
.controller('myController', function ($scope) {
$scope.customer = {
name: "Timmeh",
address: {
address1: "12 S Street",
address2: "",
city: "South Park",
state: "CO",
zipCode: "80440"
<div ko-with="customer">
<div ko-with="address">
{{city}}, {{state}} {{zipCode}}
In KnockoutJS, bindings keep the bindingContext and data separated so creating the with binding is trivial since it only needs to create a new child bindingContext from the current one and use the with object as its data value.
In AngularJS, a directive's scope is basically the bindingContext and data object rolled into one. When a new scope is created, in order to get the with-like behavior, the properties of the with object have to be referenced onto the newly created scope object.
Here is solution based on #nwayve, but it supports expressions in koWith and also it watches for updating property/expression specified in koWith:
.directive('koWith', function () {
return {
restrict: 'A',
scope: true,
controller: function ($scope, $attrs, $parse) {
var ScopePropertyDesc = function (prop) {
var self = this;
self.propName = prop;
self.parsed = $parse(prop);
self.enumerable = true;
self.configurable = true;
//self.writable = true;
self.get = function () {
var withObj = $scope.$parent[$attrs.koWith];
var res = self.parsed($scope.$parent, withObj);
return res;
self.set = function (newValue) {
var withObj = $scope.$parent[$attrs.koWith];
self.parsed.assign(withObj, newValue);
$scope.$parent.$watch($attrs.koWith, function (oldVal, newVal) {
var withObj = $scope.$parent[$attrs.koWith];
(function copyPropertiesToScope(withObj) {
for (var prop in withObj) {
if (withObj.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
Object.defineProperty($scope, prop, new ScopePropertyDesc(prop));

Backbone Marionette Nested Composite View

So I am stuck. I got the great Backbone.Marionette to handle my nested childs/parents relationships and rendering(doing it with the bare backbone was a nightmare), but now i'm facing problems with my nested composite view,
I'm always getting a The specified itemViewContainer was not found: .tab-content from the parent composite view - CategoryCollectionView, although the itemViewContainer is available on the template, here is what I'm trying to do, I have a restaurant menu i need to present, so I have several categories and in each category I have several menu items, so my final html would be like this:
<div id="order-summary">Order Summary Goes here</div>
<div id="categories-content">
<ul class="nav nav-tabs" id="categories-tabs">
<div class="tab-content" >
<div class="tab-pane" id="category-1">
<div class="category-title">...</div>
<div class="category-content">..the category items goes here.</div>
Here is what I have so far:
First the templates
<div id="order-summary"></div>
<div id="categories-content"></div>
<ul class="nav nav-tabs" id="categories-tabs"></ul>
<div class="tab-content" ></div>
<div class="category-title">
<div class="category-content">
The menu items goes here
<ul class="menu-items"></ul>
Item <%= name%>
<strong>Price is <%= price%></strong>
<input type="text" value="<%= quantity %>" />
Now the script
var ItemModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
defaults: {
name: '',
price: 0,
quantity: 0
var ItemView = Backbone.Marionette.ItemView.extend({
template: '#template-menuitem',
modelEvents: {
"change": "update_quantity"
ui: {
"quantity" : "input"
events: {
"click .add": "addtoBasket"
addtoBasket: function (e) {
this.model.set({"quantity": this.ui.quantity.val() });
update_quantity: function () {
//#todo should we do a re-render here instead or is it too costy
var ItemCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: ItemModel
var CategoryModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
defaults: {
name: ''
var CategoryView = Backbone.Marionette.CompositeView.extend({
template: '#template-category',
itemViewContainer: ".menu-items",
itemView: ItemView,
className: "tab-pane",
id: function(){
return "category-" + this.model.get("id");
initialize: function () {
this.collection = new ItemCollection();
var that = this;
_(this.model.get("menu_items")).each(function (menu_item) {
that.collection.add(new ItemModel({
id: menu_item.id,
name: menu_item.name,
price: menu_item.price,
desc: menu_item.desc
var CategoryCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
url: '/api/categories',
model: CategoryModel
var CategoryCollectionView = Backbone.Marionette.CompositeView.extend({
el_tabs: '#categories-tabs',
template: '#template-menu-core',
itemViewContainer: ".tab-content", // This is where I'm getting the error
itemView: CategoryView,
onItemAdded: function (itemView) {
//this.$el.append("<li>" + tab.get("name") + "</li>");
//$(this.el_tabs).append("<li><a href='#category-" + itemView.model.get("id") + "'>"
//+ itemView.model.get("name") + "</a></li>")
I know It's a bit hard to follow but you guys are my last resort. There is no problems with the templates and the cateogry fetching and the other stuff(it was already working before converting the CategoryCollectionView from a Marionette collection to a composite view.)
Edit 1
Added App initalizer on request:
AllegroWidget = new Backbone.Marionette.Application();
AllegroWidget.addInitializer(function (options) {
// load templates and append them as scripts
{ id: "template-menuitem", path: "/js/templates/ordering-widget-menuitem.html" },
{ id: "template-category", path: "/js/templates/ordering-widget-category.html" },
{ id: "template-menu-core", path: "/js/templates/ordering-widget-menu-core.html" },
{ id: "template-skeleton", path: "/js/templates/ordering-widget-skeleton.html" }
// create app layout using the skeleton
var AppLayout = Backbone.Marionette.Layout.extend({
template: "#template-skeleton",
regions: {
order_summary: "#order-summary",
categories: "#categories-content"
AllegroWidget.layout = new AppLayout();
var layoutRender = AllegroWidget.layout.render();
// Initialize the collection and views
var _category_collection = new CategoryCollection();
var _cateogories_view = new CategoryCollectionView({ api_key: window.XApiKey, collection: _category_collection });
beforeSend: function (xhr) {
xhr.setRequestHeader("X-ApiKey", window.XApiKey);
async: false
/// mainRegion: "#allegro-ordering-widget"
AllegroWidget.start({api_key: window.XApiKey});
You are adding to the collection via fetch before you call show on the region.
Marionette.CompositeView is wired by default to append ItemViews when models are added to it's collection. This is a problem as the itemViewContainer .tab-content has not been added to the dom since show has not been called on the region.
Easy to fix, rework you code as below and it should work without overloading appendHtml.
// Initialize the collection and views
var _category_collection = new CategoryCollection();
// grab a promise from fetch, async is okay
var p = _category_collection.fetch({headers: {'X-ApiKey': window.XApiKey});
// setup a callback when fetch is done
p.done(function(data) {
var _cateogories_view = new CategoryCollectionView({ api_key: window.XApiKey, collection: _category_collection });
okay this is pretty weird but adding this in the CategoryCollectionView class:
appendHtml: function (collectionView, itemView, index) {
//#todo very weird stuff, assigning '.tab-content' to itemViewContainer should have been enough
solved the problem, however i have no idea why it works, asssigning '.tab-content' to the itemViewContainer should have been enough, any idea?
