Can I cleanly use a private UUID variant/version?
I use random UUIDs which I essentially consider to be big integers. Now I have the case where I would like to generate a "private" UUID which is not based on any one of the well known 5 variants/versions.
Should I "hijack" a well known variant/version I'll never ever use?
Or should I use an unknown variant/version?
Neither the RFC nor wikipedia covers this topic.
Nobody answered so I'll offer my considerations.
We use random UUIDs to identify objects within clear system boundaries. Although UUIDs are represented by 128 bits, there can only be 2 ^ 121 random UUIDs because the version (4 bits) and the variant (3 bits) are constants. (Actually variant 4 allows to use one additional bit and for the pedantic this could be added to the 121.)
I know we will never use versions 1, 2, 3 and 5. Unfortunately there are no provisions mentioned for the remaining 11 (16 - 5) version numbers in the RFC.
What I resolved to is to claim UUIDs of version 1 and variant 0100 as private (or local) ones. I reserved 4 bits for my own sub-type which leaves me an ample 117 bits per sub-type for my own use. For a few subsystems with deterministic IDs I can now create UUIDs that fit in the structures I use.
I am fully aware that these IDs might theoretically clash with externally generated UUIDs. But as the system boundaries are clear and external IDs are considered separately, this approach suits us and is practicable.
When should one use the datatypes from stdint.h?
Is it right to always use as a convention them?
What was the purpose of the design of nonspecific size types like int and short?
When should one use the datatypes from stdint.h?
When the programming tasks specify the integer width especially to accommodate some file or communication protocol format.
When high degree of portability between platforms is required over performance.
Is it right to always use as a convention them (then)?
Things are leaning that way. The fixed width types are a more recent addition to C. Original C had char, short, int, long and that was progressive as it tried, without being too specific, to accommodate the various integer sizes available across a wide variety of processors and environments. As C is 40ish years old, it speaks to the success of that strategy. Much C code has been written and successfully copes with the soft integer specification size. With increasing needs for consistency, char, short, int, long and long long, are not enough (or at least not so easy) and so int8_t, int16_t, int32_t, int64_t are born. New languages tend to require very specific fixed integer size types and 2's complement. As they are successfully, that Darwinian pressure will push on C. My crystal ball says we will see a slow migration to increasing uses of fixed width types in C.
What was the purpose of the design of nonspecific size types like int and short?
It was a good first step to accommodate the wide variety of various integer widths (8,9,12,18,36, etc.) and encodings (2's, 1's, sign/mag). So much coding today uses power-of-2 size integers with 2's complement, that one may not realize that many other arrangements existed beforehand. See this answer also.
My work demands that I use them and I actually love using them.
I find it useful when I have to implement a protocol and use them inside a structure which can be a message that needs to be sent out or a holder of certain information.
If I have to use a sequence number that needs to be incremented, I wouldn't use int because sequence numbers aren't supposed to be negative. I use uint32_t instead. I will hence know the sequence number space and can plan/code accordingly.
The code we write will be running on 32 as well as 64 bit machine so using "int" on different bit machines results in subtle bugs which can be a pain to identify. Using unint16_t will allocate 16 bits on 32 or 64 bit architecture.
No, I would say it's never a good idea to use those for general-purpose programming.
If you really care about number of bits, then go ahead and use them but for most general use you don't care so then use the general types. The general types might be faster, and they are certainly easier to read and write.
Fixed width datatypes should be used only when really required (e.g. when implementing transfer protocols or accessing hardware or requiring a certain range of values (you should use the ..._least_... variant there)). Your program won't adapt else on changed environments (e.g. using uint32_t for filesizes might be ok 10 years ago, but off_t will adapt to recent needs). As others have pointed out, there might be a performance impact as int might be faster than uint32_t on 16 bit platforms.
int itself is very problematic due to its signedness; it is better to use e.g. size_t when variable holds result of strlen() or sizeof().
I am trying to find out if there is any API in C for calculating a 64 bit hash.
I found out that some people use top 64 bits of MD5/SHA1 etc. Is it a good approach?
You could try SipHash in its form as a MAC (which requires key management, though). It is particularly well-suited for short input messages and aims at cryptographic strength. A C implementation is also available.
But if you really care about someone actively messing around with your files, you shouldn't restrict yourself to 64 bits of security. 64 bits can be broken even by brute force today, given enough time and resources. You should use SHA-256 or stronger for that. Or let me state it the other way round, blacklisting broken options: don't use MD5 (or MD-anything for that matter). Use SHA-1 only if you can't use SHA-256 for some reason.
Using a hash also has the advantage that you don't need to manage any keys (opposed to using a MAC). You should just keep the hashes you compute in a different place than the files you are about to monitor - otherwise somebody tampering with your files can easily tamper with the checksum, too.
Regarding whether truncating hashes is good or bad
In theory, I can't see why it should be wrong to truncate a let's say 160 bit hash value down to 64 bit, regardless of whether you take the most significant bits or the least significant bits or pick them using any arbitrary pattern. The only reason why this isn't done more often that I can think of is efficiency - why bring the big guns if there are more efficient algorithms for handling the smaller problems.
In what follows, I assume a cryptographically secure hash for this purpose, general-purpose hashes are quite a different topic - they might expose attack surfaces when truncated for all I know.
But, for a cryptographically secure hash, unless the algorithm is broken, we can assume that its output is indistinguishable from that of a uniformly distributed random variable.
If we truncate this value now, we don't offer any further insight into the inner workings of the algorithm. Still, we do weaken the security by the simple fact that brute-forcing (be it collisions or finding pre-images) now takes less time by laws of probability.
For example, finding a collision for a 64 bit hash takes roughly 2^32 attempts on average - says the Birthday Paradoxon. If you truncate your output down to the least significant 32 bits of the original 64 bit hash, then you will find collisions in time roughly 2^16, because you simply ignore the most significant 32 bits and the de-facto uniform distribution does the rest - it's like you started searching for collisions with a 32 bit value in the first place.
It's a bad idea. Hash function values are always meant to be taken as a whole.
For the implied question of "how to calculate a 64 bit hash": what's your intended use? Remember that 64 bits are too few for a crypto-strength hash function.
Use CRC to protect against random changes.
Use HMAC to protect against an attacker changing your files. HMAC uses a secret key that is necessary to generate and verify the tags. The result of an HMAC is as long as the underlying hash function (e.g. 20 bytes for an HMAC-SHA1), but it is frequently truncated. I.e. according to NIST SP 800-107 p.14 64-96 bits should be enough for most applications.
64 bits is small for a hash and usually, hashes are meant to be taken as a whole.
Now, what do you need these 64 bits for ? Answer will depend of expected usage.
Keep in mind that md5 is quite broken nowadays and 64 bits is very low security.
If you just need integrity checking against random changes, then a simple checksum as given in the other answers may be enough.
If you need cryptographic strength to ensure the original content, then 64 bit is too weak. Better use the full value of an unbroken algorithm, i.e. not MD5. SHA1 is still okay, but for longer term security better use SHA256. Or even go further with HMAC, as mentioned in the other answer.
There is nothing wrong with using the truncated value of a cryptographic hash. In fact, SHA224/384 are calculated by calculating a SHA256/512 hash with a different initialization vector and then truncating the result. However, this is only valid for cryptographic hashes. It may be a bad idea for normal checksums and table hashes.
Use OpenSSL's API for the calculations.(
In class I've been tasked with writing a C program that decompresses a text file and prints out the characters it contains. Each character in the file is represented by 2 bits (4 possible characters).
I've recently been informed that a byte is not necessarily 8 bits on all systems, and a char is not necessarily 1 byte. This then makes me wonder how on earth I'm supposed to know how many bits got loaded from a file when I loaded 1 byte. Also how am I supposed to keep the loaded data in memory when there are no data types that can guarantee a set amount of bits.
How do I work with bit data in C?
A byte is not necessarily 8 bits. That much is certainly true. A char, on the other hand, is defined to be a byte - C does not differentiate between the two things.
However, the systems you will write for will almost certainly have 8-bit bytes. Bytes of different sizes are essentially non-existant outside of really, really old systems, or certain embedded systems.
If you have to write your code to work for multiple platforms, and one or more of those have differently sized chars, then you write code specifically to handle that platform - using e.g. CHAR_BIT to determine how many bits each byte contains.
Given that this is for a class, assume 8-bit bytes, unless told otherwise. The point is not going to be extreme platform independence, the point is to teach you something about bit fiddling (or possibly bit fields, but that depends on what you've covered in class).
This then makes me wonder how on earth I'm supposed to know how many
bits got loaded from a file when I loaded 1 byte.
You'll be hard pressed to find a platform where a byte is not 8 bits. (though as noted above CHAR_BIT can be used to verify that). Also clarify the portability requirements with your instructor or state your assumptions.
Usually bits are extracted using shifts and bitwise operations, e.g. (x & 3) are the rightmost 2 bits of x. ((x>>2) & 3) are the next two bits. Pick the right data type for the platforms you are targettiing or as others say use something like uint8_t if available for your compiler.
Also see:
Type to use to represent a byte in ANSI (C89/90) C?
I would recommend not using bit fields. Also see here:
When is it worthwhile to use bit fields?
You can use bit fields in C. These indices explicitly let you specify the number of bits in each part of the field, if you are truly concerned about width. This page gives a discussion:
As an example, check out the ieee754.h for usage in the context of implementing IEEE754 floats
I don't understand GUID's. I mean, I understand that they're a big random number with trivially small likelihood of duplication, but why do they have such a strictly defined format? (I am referencing most of my information from
Why not just make GUID's a completely random 128bit integer and call it a day? It seems that all the restrictions and rules put upon generating them would reduce the entropy in some ways. Why have some of the bits reserved for format and variant specification? Why specify endianness?
The variant and format specifications are what really puzzle me. If its just a random identifier, why would a consumer of the GUID care about what format it was in? It's a 128bit random identifier. Isn't that enough?
Don't confuse randomness and uniqueness.
Without the strict formatting on where, for instance, the MAC address is incorporated, then two machines could potentially generate the same random identifier at the same time. At this point, it's no longer "globally unique".
Is there a historical reason or something ? I've seen quite a few times something like char foo[256]; or #define BUF_SIZE 1024. Even I do mostly only use 2n sized buffers, mostly because I think it looks more elegant and that way I don't have to think of a specific number. But I'm not quite sure if that's the reason most people use them, more information would be appreciated.
There may be a number of reasons, although many people will as you say just do it out of habit.
One place where it is very useful is in the efficient implementation of circular buffers, especially on architectures where the % operator is expensive (those without a hardware divide - primarily 8 bit micro-controllers). By using a 2^n buffer in this case, the modulo, is simply a case of bit-masking the upper bits, or in the case of say a 256 byte buffer, simply using an 8-bit index and letting it wraparound.
In other cases alignment with page boundaries, caches etc. may provide opportunities for optimisation on some architectures - but that would be very architecture specific. But it may just be that such buffers provide the compiler with optimisation possibilities, so all other things being equal, why not?
Cache lines are usually some multiple of 2 (often 32 or 64). Data that is an integral multiple of that number would be able to fit into (and fully utilize) the corresponding number of cache lines. The more data you can pack into your cache, the better the performance.. so I think people who design their structures in that way are optimizing for that.
Another reason in addition to what everyone else has mentioned is, SSE instructions take multiple elements, and the number of elements input is always some power of two. Making the buffer a power of two guarantees you won't be reading unallocated memory. This only applies if you're actually using SSE instructions though.
I think in the end though, the overwhelming reason in most cases is that programmers like powers of two.
Hash Tables, Allocation by Pages
This really helps for hash tables, because you compute the index modulo the size, and if that size is a power of two, the modulus can be computed with a simple bitwise-and or & rather than using a much slower divide-class instruction implementing the % operator.
Looking at an old Intel i386 book, and is 2 cycles and div is 40 cycles. A disparity persists today due to the much greater fundamental complexity of division, even though the 1000x faster overall cycle times tend to hide the impact of even the slowest machine ops.
There was also a time when malloc overhead was occasionally avoided at great length. Allocation's available directly from the operating system would be (still are) a specific number of pages, and so a power of two would be likely to make the most use of the allocation granularity.
And, as others have noted, programmers like powers of two.
I can think of a few reasons off the top of my head:
2^n is a very common value in all of computer sizes. This is directly related to the way bits are represented in computers (2 possible values), which means variables tend to have ranges of values whose boundaries are 2^n.
Because of the point above, you'll often find the value 256 as the size of the buffer. This is because it is the largest number that can be stored in a byte. So, if you want to store a string together with a size of the string, then you'll be most efficient if you store it as: SIZE_BYTE+ARRAY, where the size byte tells you the size of the array. This means the array can be any size from 1 to 256.
Many other times, sizes are chosen based on physical things (for example, the size of the memory an operating system can choose from is related to the size of the registers of the CPU etc) and these are also going to be a specific amount of bits. Meaning, the amount of memory you can use will usually be some value of 2^n (for a 32bit system, 2^32).
There might be performance benefits/alignment issues for such values. Most processors can access a certain amount of bytes at a time, so even if you have a variable whose size is let's say) 20 bits, a 32 bit processor will still read 32 bits, no matter what. So it's often times more efficient to just make the variable 32 bits. Also, some processors require variables to be aligned to a certain amount of bytes (because they can't read memory from, for example, addresses in the memory that are odd). Of course, sometimes it's not about odd memory locations, but locations that are multiples of 4, or 6 of 8, etc. So in these cases, it's more efficient to just make buffers that will always be aligned.
Ok, those points came out a bit jumbled. Let me know if you need further explanation, especially point 4 which IMO is the most important.
Because of the simplicity (read also cost) of base 2 arithmetic in electronics: shift left (multiply by 2), shift right (divide by 2).
In the CPU domain, lots of constructs revolve around base 2 arithmetic. Busses (control & data) to access memory structure are often aligned on power 2. The cost of logic implementation in electronics (e.g. CPU) makes for arithmetics in base 2 compelling.
Of course, if we had analog computers, the story would be different.
FYI: the attributes of a system sitting at layer X is a direct consequence of the server layer attributes of the system sitting below i.e. layer < x. The reason I am stating this stems from some comments I received with regards to my posting.
E.g. the properties that can be manipulated at the "compiler" level are inherited & derived from the properties of the system below it i.e. the electronics in the CPU.
I was going to use the shift argument, but could think of a good reason to justify it.
One thing that is nice about a buffer that is a power of two is that circular buffer handling can use simple ands rather than divides:
#define BUFSIZE 1024
++index; // increment the index.
index &= BUFSIZE; // Make sure it stays in the buffer.
If it weren't a power of two, a divide would be necessary. In the olden days (and currently on small chips) that mattered.
It's also common for pagesizes to be powers of 2.
On linux I like to use getpagesize() when doing something like chunking a buffer and writing it to a socket or file descriptor.
It's makes a nice, round number in base 2. Just as 10, 100 or 1000000 are nice, round numbers in base 10.
If it wasn't a power of 2 (or something close such as 96=64+32 or 192=128+64), then you could wonder why there's the added precision. Not base 2 rounded size can come from external constraints or programmer ignorance. You'll want to know which one it is.
Other answers have pointed out a bunch of technical reasons as well that are valid in special cases. I won't repeat any of them here.
In hash tables, 2^n makes it easier to handle key collissions in a certain way. In general, when there is a key collission, you either make a substructure, e.g. a list, of all entries with the same hash value; or you find another free slot. You could just add 1 to the slot index until you find a free slot; but this strategy is not optimal, because it creates clusters of blocked places. A better strategy is to calculate a second hash number h2, so that gcd(n,h2)=1; then add h2 to the slot index until you find a free slot (with wrap around). If n is a power of 2, finding a h2 that fulfills gcd(n,h2)=1 is easy, every odd number will do.