Dynamic FileFormat conversion - C Programming - c

I'm a beginner in "C" programming.
I'm planning to convert the input file into a different format / output file using some kind of static configuration file.
For e.g:
Input File content:
DTLUSANZABC Private Company, Arizona 53213.
DTLMYKULJS Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur 49000 .
Output File content:
ABC Private Company, Arizona 53213.
JS Sdn Bhd, Kuala Lumpur 49000 .
The input file format is fixed length and HDR & DTL keywords are the line identifiers.
I wanted to avoid implementing the hardcoding of extracting the content, instead i wanted to have a kind of configuration file...based on the configuration file the input file content will be extracted and construct the output files.
This concept will allow me to produce additional information in the output file in future without modifying the source code.
I will be just changing the configuration file...
any thoughts will be appreciated.

why you don't use any well known data representaion format like json or xml for your input? by using this kinds of formats you will have no problems with future changes
json will be a good choice and there are implememtaions for c (libjansson etc.)
ok, then store your configuration data in file, use some format (i prefer json...)
you will need offset and len infomration:
offset: 0,
len: 10
offset: 10,
len: 10
then you can read this file in your programm and use the information to parse your input:
int offset = getOffset(0);
int len; = getLen(0);
int i;
for(i = offset; i<len; i++)


Need a little help to fix an Arduino RFID program

I just extracted the problematic part of my program, I use RFID.h and SPI.h,
I just want to know how to read on a RFID card (written with an android phone)
I only write one letter : R, G, B, Y, ... (represent color) , on an Android tool I can See at sector 04 : ?TenR? When the "R" after Ten is the string that I wanna read :
char buffer_data[8];
String myString = String(buffer_data);
I only want to know how to output => "R" (text on the RFID card at sector 04) : It output something like that :
22:05:15.885 ->
22:05:15.885 -> &⸮
22:05:15.885 -> ⸮⸮
With other cards (Y, B char inside) same output...
Screenshot with card data (Mifare classic 1k (716B writable)):
The lib RFID.h with rfid.read doest not work...
don't use this lib !
The lib https://github.com/miguelbalboa/rfid is better, up to date, and can read most of tag types !
This is the fixed code to read the first text char on NTAG215 :
if (rfid.PICC_IsNewCardPresent()) {
if ( ! rfid.PICC_ReadCardSerial()) {
String str;
byte buffer_data[18];
byte size_data = sizeof(buffer_data);
str=String((char *)buffer_data);
Ouput the first letter on the tag (if you write text data with Android NFC tools app ) only on NTAG215 (other tag = different adresses/position)!
I assume that the "square" refers to the ASCII number printed to stdout.
I would want to find out, what read_char is in HEX, so instead of printing it as a character to stdout, print the hex representation of it and see what value you get. It's difficult to give you more accurate troubleshooting steps with the limited system information available.

C language / How to read input from one file and write an output to another file

I am having a problem with reading input from one file and write an output to another file.
here is my code
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
//Variables declarations
FILE *reportfile;
FILE *inputfile;
char ratioName[20];
char nameorganization[25];
int asset1,asset2,asset3;
int lia1,lia2,lia3;
float asset;
float liabilites;
float ratio;
int ave_asset;
int ave_liabilites;
float ave_ratio;
char year[5]
//char currentasset[15];
//char currentLia[30];
//char tekstRatio[45];
void ReadingData(void);
void DoCalcs(void);
void Report(void);
int main(void) {
return 0;
void ReadingData(void){
inputfile = fopen("c:\\class\\current.txt" , "r");
fgets(nameorganization,25, inputfile);
fscanf(inputfile,"%d%d\n", &asset1, &lia1);
fscanf(inputfile,"%d%d\n", &asset2, &lia2);
fscanf(inputfile,"%d%d", &asset3, &lia3);
void DoCalcs(void){
ratio = asset / liabilites;
ave_asset = (asset1 + asset2 + asset3) / 3;
ave_liabilites = (lia1 + lia2 + lia3) / 3;
ave_ratio = ratio / 3;
void Report(void){
reportfile = fopen("c:\\class\\alimbetm_cr.txt","w");
fprintf(reportfile,"Current Ratio Report",ratioName);
//fprintf(reportfile,"Current Asset",currentasset);
//void GettingInfo(void){
//printf("Please type ratio: ");
when I run it , it saves file to new disk but removes old data, that is NOT what I want.
What I want is read input/data from one file and write bot input/output to another file without removing input.
This is input file data (current.txt)
Hi-Tech Leisure Products
47900 31007
34500 9100
57984 14822
This how it should be on a new file
Hi-Tech Leisure Products
Current Ratio Report
Current Current Current
Year Assets Liabilities Ratio
2010 47900 31007 1.54
2011 34500 9100 3.79
2012 57984 14822 3.91
Average 46795 18310 3.08
This report produced by Raul Jimenez.
please help
In this case, you need to use "a" instead of "w" because write function is used to clear the old data and write the new one
The posted code does not compile! The first problem is this statement:
char year[5]
which is missing the trailing semicolon ;.
#include <math.h>
None of the 'features' of math.h are being used in the posted code. It is a very poor programming practice to include header files those contents are not being used. Suggest removing that statement.
reportfile = fopen("c:\\class\\alimbetm_cr.txt","w");
The mode w causes the output file to be truncated to 0 length.
Since you want to keep the old contents of the output file and simply add more data. Strongly suggest using;
reportfile = fopen("c:\\class\\alimbetm_cr.txt","a");
where the mode a will open the output file in append mode so the new data is added to the end of the existing file.
Of course, always check reportfile to assure it is not NULL (I.E. the call to fopen() was successful.
Note this statement does not compile:
fprintf(reportfile,"Current Ratio Report",ratioName);
because it has a parameter but no matching 'output format conversion' specifier. Suggest (in this case) dropping the parameter: ratioName
the calls to fopen() and fclose() are scattered all over the code. As it is currently written, only one record will be read from the input file and only one record will be written to the output file. This will be a major problem when the input file contains multiple records.
the 'desired output' indicates that the first thing should be: "Hi-Tech Leisure Products" then: "Current Ratio Report" however, there is no statement (in Report()) to actually output that second statement AND the char array ratioName[] is never set to any specific value.
the 'desired output' indicates 2 lines of column headers, etc but there is no code to actually output those column headers ( other than year ). Similar considerations exist for the data lines, the Average: line, the author line. Each datum of each line needs to be specifically output by the code, they will not 'magically' appear in the output file.
ratio = asset / liabilites;
Neither asset nor liabilites is ever set to any specific value so they will be (due to where they are declared) containing the value(s) 0.0f. So this division will result in a DIVIDE BY ZERO crash of the code.
There are plenty more problems, but the above should get you started in the right direction.

How do I continuously generate a name for a file which is increasing ? For example: book1.txt, book2.txt etc

So I am trying to write a begginers program in which it is necessary to create a series of files, depending on the users choosing option, and where the first file created should be name by for example "book1.txt" and second one "book2.txt" etc...
FILE *fnew;
int num; //i do have a lot of code before to get the 'num' value from where I want, don't bother it;
char filename[]= "bookX.txt";
fnew = fopen(filename,"w");
You can use sprintf to build the filename:
sprintf(filename, "book%03d.txt", num);
This will create files named booknnn.txt, where nnn is the number in question padded with 0's, ex. book001.txt, book002.txt.

Create shared parameter file for C and Python

I need to create a parameter file that can be managed across a Python 3.7 and a C code base. This file needs to be modifiable either by the C or the Python program with the changes being taking effect on the other software (an update function will handle reading the updated file). It's best if the file is not human readable, as it contains information that is better left obfuscated.
**Is there a recommended method to do so? **
I could create separate python and C files, but the set of parameters will change over time (for code maintenance), and the values would be changed by these programs. The list would also be very long. It would be a hassle to maintain two different files and update them over time. Also, the file may need to be exchanged between users, such that a version modified by the software ran by user1 needs to be readable by the software run by user2. The idea is that other parts of both codes could access parts of the parameter list without knowing the full contents of the list.
To clarify the example, I could have a parameter.h file containing:
struct {
double par1 =1.1;
int par 2 =2;
} par_list
And I could have a parameter.py with:
class par_list:
self.par1 = double(1.1)
self.par2 = int(2)
Then, by doing a import in Python or a include in C, I could initialize the parameter list. But in this case the parameters are being read on different files.
I'm considering using some kind of binary file to keep the values, and create a script that writes both the Python and C code that reads and updates the values. I'm concerned because the binary file would need to be interchangeable between ARM architecture running Linux, and x86 architecture running Windows.
Here is an example working with numpy:
C code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
struct Struct_format{
uint8_t the_unsigned_int8;
int32_t the_signed_int32[2];
double the_double;
typedef struct Struct_format upperStruct;
//Use separate file to define default value:
void printStruct(upperStruct test_struct){
printf("test_struct.the_unsigned_int8 = %d\n", test_struct.the_unsigned_int8);
printf("test_struct.the_signed_int32[0] = %d\n", test_struct.the_signed_int32[0]);
printf("test_struct.the_signed_int32[1] = %d\n", test_struct.the_signed_int32[1]);
printf("test_struct.the_double = %f\n", test_struct.the_double);
void main(){
//Define a "default" value:
upperStruct fromC2Python = {4U,{-3,-1},2.1};
printf("Printing fromC2Python\n");
//Save this default in a file:
FILE * fid = fopen("fromC2Python.bin","w");
fwrite((void *)&fromC2Python, sizeof(fromC2Python) ,1, fid);
//Now load the file created by Python:
upperStruct fromPython2C;
FILE * fid_py = fopen("fromPython2C.bin","r");
fread(&fromPython2C, sizeof(fromPython2C) ,1, fid_py);
printf("Printing fromPython2C\n");
Python code:
import numpy
datatype = numpy.dtype([('potato',
[('time', numpy.uint8),
('sec', numpy.int32, 2)]),
('temp', numpy.float64)],
fromPython2C = numpy.array([((5, (-6, -7)), 61.55)], dtype=datatype)
fromPython2C.tofile("fromPython2C.bin", sep="")
fromC2Python = numpy.fromfile("fromC2Python.bin", dtype=datatype, count=-1, sep="")
The ideia is that numpy allows reading and writing to structured binary files. Hence, it suffices to create the dtype specification with a text parser.

Extracting data from an unknown encoding file

We use testing equipment (1995 year manufacturing) powered by MS DOS. Analog-digital converter records information in the file.
In [picture1] is shown the structure of that file.
In [picture2] is shown the oscillogram that constructed according to the data from the file (program for opening the file on MS DOS).
Below I placed link to this file (google drive).
This file contains the data that need for me - the massive of point of oscillogram. I want have opportunities to keep, analyze and print this chart on Windows or Linux (not MS DOS). So I need to extract data from the file.
But I can't make it. And no program (known to me) can't open this file. I analyzed a few first byte and they point to program 'TRAS v4.99'. This program is on MS DOS.
But I really hope, that it is really to get data without this program.
P.S. If anyone will say it is impossible - it is will well too because I haven't found point of view yet:)
Thank you for your time! Best regards!
Here is an idea on how you can tackle this problem. Since the format is relatively well specified in the handbook you can use the Java programming language for example with something like java.io.RandomAccessFile to read arrays of bytes. These arrays of bytes can then be converted to Java primitive types OR to string according to the data type. After this conversion you can the print out the data in a human readable format.
Below you can find some sample code to give you an idea of what you could do with this approach (I have not tested the code, it is not complete, it is just to give you an idea of what you can do):
public static void readBinaryfile() throws IOException {
java.io.RandomAccessFile randomAccessFile = new RandomAccessFile("test.bin", "r");
byte[] addKenStrBytes = new byte[12];
String addKenStr = new String(addKenStrBytes, "UTF-8");
// TODO: Do something with addKenStr.
byte[] kopfSizeBytes = new byte[2];
// TODO: Do something with kopfSizeBytes
byte[] addRufNrCounterBytes = new byte[6];
long addRufNrCounter = convertToLong(addRufNrCounterBytes);
// TODO: Do something with addRufNrCounter
byte[] endAdrBytes = new byte[4];
// TODO: Do something with endAdrBytes
// Continue here and after you reached the end of the record repeat until you reached the end off the file
private static int convertToInt(byte[] bytes) {
if(bytes.length > 4) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
int buffer = 0;
for(byte b : bytes) {
buffer |= b;
buffer = buffer << 8;
return buffer;
private static long convertToLong(byte[] bytes) {
if(bytes.length > 8) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
long buffer = 0L;
for(byte b : bytes) {
buffer |= b;
buffer = buffer << 8;
return buffer;
Note that fields with more than 8 bytes need to be most probably converted to strings. This is not complete code, just an example to give you an idea on how you can tackle this problem.
