How to force xs layout in Bootstrap 3 - mobile

I'm making a small web project with Bootstrap 3.
At the top I've put this as it was suggested in most documents:
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
It works fine on desktop but layout seems to be small on my smartphone (Galaxy Note). Because this web app will mostly be used on a smartphone I wanted to force small screen by adding this to head section of html:
<meta name="viewport" content="width=320">
It didn't work, I've got same layout as of screen resolution greater than 768px.
What I want to achieve is Bootstrap to act in xs layout in small-factor screen size, independent of screen resolution.
Here is the fiddle: Fiddle Link
Display Metrics of my phone are: density=2.0 Dpi=320 heightPixels=800
scaledDensity=2.0 widthPixels=1280
Here are two screenshots. (I'll do a fiddle later) First is from phone, second from desktop. Desktop screenshot is what I want to get on a smartphone even if its resolution is on par with desktop.
I've added this meta tag, but it didn't change anything on Android default browser or Chrome mobile:
<meta name="MobileOptimized" content="320">

What you are trying to achieve is overriding the basic premise of Bootstrap. Bootstrap uses the following scaling classes...
lg - For extra large displays
md - For standard sized displays such as desktops and laptops
sm - For tablet devices and devices with screens around the 7-11 inch range
xs - For mobile phones and devices with such small screens
The point of Bootstrap is to create a website style which will adjust itself based on the screen size automatically. You can use the md scaling class and if a smaller device is used then the elements will be collapsed and stacked on top of one another.


Media queries Not working on phones, but responsiveness works on desktop

I'm building a site with materialize css.
The default mobile nav menu on materialize breaks on mobile devices for longer entries. Basically, the words will wrap to the next line and overlap the words below it displaying encrypt-o-jumble.
I went and added specific media queries generally formatted like this.
#media screen and (max-width: 870px) {
.xp-1 {
min-height: 100px;
I tested these in the chrome browser and they are perfectly responsive.
When I view the same site on any kind of phone, or the chrome browsers phone views the media queries activate as if they were on a smaller screen. Tablets are generally big enough not to trigger the media queries.
For example: at 375px on desktop a line will wrap to the line below. With the media queries this the element will expand, pushing the element below down and creating enough space for the whole link.
When viewed on a 375px iPhone x the element will expand, but the text will get smaller leaving blank space.
I have tried adding a few different meta tags:
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0">
Here's some screenshots of the menu:
On the iPhone X Chome view (375px):
Regular Chrome browser view at 375px:
Heres a link to the live site:
How can I make this display the same on mobile as it does in the browser?
I've read through a ton of info on this site so far, and am continuing to look into this. Any help would be appreciated. :)
In this case materialize was enforcing fixed heights on nested tags within li tags as in the example for their mobile nav menu. I removed the nested ul's and li's and replaced them with divs with padding and hover properties. Now the site is responsive.

Responsive web design flaw zoom in issue

i made a website responsive but when it loads into the phone it is zoomed automatically i applied view port as well but didn't find solution.
view port
j query
these doesn't solve my problem.
any one please help to fix this out
I understand your problem as I just solved a similar problem myself.
Method 1
You can specify the amount of zoom that is applied by targeting a specific device group. try adding this to your index.html
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, minimum-scale=1, initial-scale=1, user-scalable=no">
This should keep your website from trying to scale with zoom.
If this does not work then try targeting specific devices with css
#viewport { width: 100vw ; min-zoom: 100% zoom: 100% ; }
Try playing around with the zoom and width values to find your device range.
Method 2
Open Firefox on your laptop or desktop and go to your site. and in the firefox options choose responsive view. Then press ctrl+shift+c and hover over your page to select the full page container. on the lower right hand side there will be a window with css. There you should find the element that is zooming in.
Also please update your question with your website

Drupal 7 Mobile Page Load Issue

I'm working on a pre-existing Drupal (7.28) site.
Daiya Foods
When viewing the site on mobile, the page loads on the left side of the screen, taking up about 25% of the space. Then, it snaps up to full size landing the user about half way down the page. The client would like it to be resolved (or explained) and I'm coming up empty.
Screenshot of initial load
Thanks so much, and please feel free to contact me with any questions.
EDIT: This seems to happen on the homepage less often than interior pages.
The likely issue is your mobile meta tag in your html.tpl.php doesn't tell the browser what the initial zoom level should be. It's likely taking a few seconds for the browser to figure it out. Here's what you should have:
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />
Another possible issue is your CSS is rendering your _desktop.scss styles in mobile viewports. They should be wrapped in min-width media-queries. You have a lot of fixed widths in there that are likely making the layout flicker until the mobile CSS is parsed. You should be writing CSS in a mobile first approach in which all your mobile styles are not in media queries while your desktop styles are in min-width media queries.

media queries working but not correctly

I'm having a bit of an issue. I have built a responsive site at but for some reason, while it works perfectly on the desktop and rearranges its layout properly when you resize the browser window, it isn't working right on mobile devices. On the iPhone, its sending me to the tablet site, and on windows phone 8, it is showing me the mobile site but everything looks really zoomed out. My media queries are set to use under 640px for mobile, under 960 for tablet, and over 960 for desktop. Can someone hit view source on my site and see if they can see why it's using device pixels rather than CSS pixels?
thank you.
the reason its not working properly is that you have not assigned the Viewport.
a basic viewport for your case can be:
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />

why doesn't this website scale properly on a smarthpone?

I'm busy developing a portfolio website. This website should behave responsively, ie: the website should be fully displayed when browsing on smaller screens.
I have added the meta viewport tag, but it does not seem to work. At the moment you need to scroll horizontally to view the full content. I want it to be initially scaled to the width of the viewport
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
I guess I am missing something, but no clue what..
I was having all kinds of problems with viewport. Finally I just removed all traces of that stupid thing, and everything seems to scale correctly now. It might be that current mobile browsers are smart enough to scale without use of viewport. Of course I am using media queries too.
