creating an AttributeStatement and AuthnStatement node with Kentor AuthServices - saml-2.0

new to Saml2, I want to use the Kentor AuthServices .net library for generating a Saml2 response, I have checked the output xml and I can't find any node for either "AttributeStatement" or "AuthnStatement".
Does anyone knows how can I deal with them on the library?

The support in the Saml2Response class in Kentor.AuthServices for sending responses is very limited at the moment, so there is no support for AttributeStatement nor for AuthnStatement. Support for sending AttributeStatement has been added.
Support might be added in a future release, but the main focus of the Kentor.AuthServices library is to be service provider that receives and parses SAML2 responses. The identity provider functionality for sending saml2 responses is of much lower priority.
If you need it, please add an issue on GitHub to get it into the backlog, or implement the features yourself and send a pull request. Pull requests are always welcome :-)


Salesforce to retry the 3rd party REST API

I have few leads in my Salesforce and when I update a lead, I want to notify the change to a third party REST API end-point-address. If the response returned from end-point-address is incorrect or the third party API server is down, I want the Salesforce to retry notifying the end-point until a proper response is received.
Can somebody please tell me, how can I configure Salesforce to retry the 3rd party REST API until a proper response is received?
Thank you,
I think it depends which tools do you want to use.
You can integrate 3rd party APIs for your declarative tools in SF using "External Services" tool. You can read and learn more about it here:
This simple solution will allow you to build flows and trigger external services for get and post methods.
In general, you wouldn't want to retry a notification to the end-point until a proper response is received, since it can cause an infinite action. It is better to receive and handle the response, according to the error message.

authentication/http headers support in forge.file module?

in the official docs there seems to be no provision for custom http headers when it comes to the forge.file module. I need this so I can download files behind an http authentication scheme. This seems like an easy thing to add, if support is not already there.
any workarounds? any chance of a quick fix in the next update? I know I could use forge.request instead, but I'd like to keep a local copy (saveURL).
Unfortunately the file module just uses simple "download url" methods rather than a full HTTP request library, which makes it a fairly big task to add support for custom headers.
I've added a task to our backlog for this, but I don't have a timeframe for it being added.
Currently on iOS you can do basic auth by using urls in the form in case that helps.
Maybe to avoid this you can configure your server differently, or have a proxy server in front that allows you to pass authentication details as get parameters?

CXF: how to access to the generated SOAP request

We have a Web Service client generated with CXF from a WSDL.
We now need to have an access to the generated SOAP requests in order to persist them.
It seems that the framework does not provide this behaviour by default.
Anyway do you guys ever tried to do such a thing?
I am thinking of building my own interceptor that can access to the fully generated message but maybe there is a better choice?
Any advice?
Thanks in advance.
By default CXF uses stax to stream your requests. If you add an interceptor, you can get access to the stax output writer and copy the events.
There is existing code in CXF to force the existence of a DOM tree; see code related to SAAJ and security.
In general, detailed CXF questions get better answers on the CXF user mailing list than here.

UTF-8 For Restful Services

Currently i enable UTF-8 as #Consumes("application/xml;charset=utf-8") in the RESTful Services for the different methods. I am interested to see if we can change this for all REST services with a single configuration change. We are using CXF, maybe there is something it provides?
The first question is are you sure you want to prevent any of your rest resources from accepting non-UTF-8 entities? Such an across the board proclamation feels like it could cause trouble down the road.
I'll admit that I haven't used CXF so I can't speak to those specifics. But I can think of one option each under the JAX-RS and Servlet APIs which might be along the lines of what you seek to accomplish.
Using the Servlet API: Depending on how you are deploying your application you might be able to create and inject a servlet filter. In the doFilter method, you can check the encoding of the request entity and continue on to the next part of the filter chain (ultimately to the rest application). If an improper entity is sent on the request, you would just set the appropriate HTTP 415 status onto the response and not invoke your rest application.
Using JAX-RS: Depending on how you parse/accept the entity body in your resources, you could create and inject a custom MessageBodyReader implementation. This reader could parse your entity, ensuring that it is UTF-8 only and throw an appropriate exception otherwise.

Silverlight and SSL Client Certificates

Can anyone point me in the right direction of how I can use SSL client-side certificates with Silverlight to access a restful web service?
I can't seem to find anything on how to handle them, or even whether they are supported.
Slipjig mentioned this:
"The browser stack does, and pretty much automatically, if you're willing to live with its other limitations (lack of support for all HTTP verbs, coercion of response status codes, etc.)."
If that is acceptable to you, look at how Microsoft themselves deal with this in some of their APIs using the custom X-HTTP-Method header, like how they do it for WCF and OData:
In MSDN, Microsoft also mentions this about using REST in conjunction with SharePoint 2010's WCF based REST API:
"In practice, many firewalls and other network intermediaries block HTTP verbs other than GET and POST. To work around this issue, WCF Data Services (and the OData standard) support a technique known as "verb tunneling." In this technique, PUT, DELETE, and MERGE requests are submitted as a POST request, and an X-HTTP-Method header specifies the actual verb that the recipient should apply to the request. For more information, see X-HTTP-Method on MSDN and OData: Operations (the Method Tunneling through POST section) on the OData Web site."
Don Box's also had some words about this, but regarding GData specifically:
"If I were building a GData client, I honestly wonder why I'd bother using DELETE and PUT methods at all given that X-HTTP-Method-Override is going to work in more cases/deployments."
There's an article about Silverlight and Java interop which also addresses this limitation of Silverlight by giving the same advice:
"Silverlight supports only the GET and POST HTTP methods. Some firewalls restrict the use of PUT and DELETE HTTP methods.
It is important to point out that true RESTful service can be created (conforming to all the REST principles listed above) only using the GET and POST HTTP methods, in other words the REST architecture does not require a specific mapping to HTTP. Google’s GData X-Http-Method-Override header is an example of this approach.
The following HTTP methods overrides may be set in the header to accomplish the PUT and DELETE actions if the web services interpret the X-HTTP-Method-Override header on a POST:
* X-HTTP-Method-Override: PUT
* X-HTTP-Method-Override: DELETE"
Hope this helps
It depends on whether you're using the browser HTTP stack or the client HTTP stack. The client stack does not support client certificates, period. The browser stack does, and pretty much automatically, if you're willing to live with its other limitations (lack of support for all HTTP verbs, coercion of response status codes, etc.).
I have however been running into a problem using the browser stack with client certificates in an OOB scenario. Prism module loading fails under these conditions - the request gets to IIS, but causes a 500 server error for no apparent reason. If I set IIS to ignore client certs, or if I run the app in-browser, it works fine :-/
take a look at this.
just change your urls to https
hope this helps
Dim url As Uri = New Uri(Application.Current.Host.Source, "../WebService.asmx")
Dim binding As New System.ServiceModel.BasicHttpBinding
If url.Scheme = "https" Then
binding.Security.Mode = ServiceModel.BasicHttpSecurityMode.Transport
End If
binding.MaxBufferSize = 2147483647 'this value set to override a bug,
binding.MaxReceivedMessageSize = 2147483647 'this value set to override a bug,
Dim proxy As New ServiceReference1.WebServiceSoapClient(binding, New ServiceModel.EndpointAddress(url))
proxy.InnerChannel.OperationTimeout = New TimeSpan(0, 10, 0)
