Database Diff Script without table drops - sql-server

I need to move my teams database changes from our development environment to our test environment.
I know that Visual Studio can diff two databases and output a script. But for tables that we have added columns it is dropping the table and re-inserting in with the new columns.
It tries to keep the data, but it is not going to work. It will cause FK issues, and when I try to move this to production, I will lose all the statistics on the table.
Is there a way to get it to script the table with an alter script? (So that it alters the table to add the new column?)

I see this happen when columns are added to the middle of a table. If you're doing that, don't.


Delete database and drop tables SSIS

I have a scheduled SSIS package where it loads the data overnight into the data warehouse. Before loading, it drops the entire database and drops all the tables. But now I had a situation where I don't want to drop one table and want to do an incremental load using merge SQL statement. Because it is dropping the entire database, I won't be able to do that in the current scenario. If I change drop database to delete database, I think, I should be able to do incremental load on the table I want. Are there any possible complications of doing that. Can you foresee any problems if I change drop database to delete database, will I be missing something. Any thoughts highly appreciated. Thanks for your time.
As far as I know with delete database you only delete the rows whereas with drop database you delete all tables incl. the rows. If your logic works, you could do a delete database, then drop all tables except the one you want to keep.
A drop/delete of the database will remove all of the contents of the database. If the requirement is to retain a single table, you'll need to retain the schema and database that holds it as well.
If I'm understanding correctly, you're dropping the target database. Is this a STAGE database for the data warehouse? If so, you'll also have a TARGET (the main tables of the warehouse) that are loaded from STAGE. If this is the case, you should be able to run a MERGE statement from the newly STAGED table to the TARGET table.

How to copy/recreate indexes, constraints, triggers etc in SQL server?

Background:I needed to copy 2 tables from a backup to a production SQL Server database. Being new to SQL, I thought that I could just drop and insert into and it would work. So naive.
Is there any simple way to copy everything about the good tables (I restored them into a separate backup) into the tables I created in the production DB? I know how to view constraints using "right click on table - tasks - create script - create script using CREATE", but I don't know what to do with this information.
As far as I understood correctly, go to database and:
1. Script Table As -> Create to... Now you got your table with all indexes and other stuff which in the table.
2. Create these table in your new database
3. Copy your data from backup tables to the new.
You can do this with (tablock) for example. Before copying info drop constraints and indexes in new table and then copy your data.
Or without dropping any objects update your index and stats with ALTER

Truncate all relational tables in SQL Server

I have a relational database in my server where I've used for developing a system. Now I want to make it live and truncate all data from the tables. I've manually deleted data from tables and after that I've run the truncate command, but it show this error :
Cannot truncate table 'dbo.Building' because it is being referenced by a FOREIGN KEY constraint.
Is there any way to empty my database by using a single command? I've searched google, all of them told to use truncate command. But I can not use it for all the tables because the error occurred.
I want to entry data from the ID no 1 in all tables.
Please give me a guideline to truncate all the data from my database.
Now I want to make it live and truncate all data from the tables
You are approaching this completely wrong. Even if you succeed, you will deploy a system which will be impossible to upgrade. As you continue to develop you will modify the development database and then when you have to deploy your next version of your application you'll realize you need to modify the production database and keep all of its data.
Stop the deployment right now and go back to the drawing board to design a proper deployment strategy. I recommend migrations. Another alternative is using diff tools.
Truncating tables is completely irrelevant for what you're actually trying to achieve.
There are two options I could think off..
You need to drop (not just disable ) all foreign keys, then finally run truncate to delete all table data using any method.. and finally recreate all foreign keys
You also can script out only DDL and deploy database using that script instead of providing database to deployment team..

Message: This row was successfully committed to the database. However, a problem occurred

I have a table in SQL Server 2005 whose primary key is an identity column (increment 1), and I also have a default value set for one of the other columns.
When I open the table in SQL Server Management Studio and type in a new record into the table, the inserted values are not displayed, and I get the following message on save:
However, if the table has either an identity column, or one or more columns with a default value specified, the inserted value(s) will be displayed in the table after a save. And can be edited.
I frequently create test data in ssms this way and this issue makes it cumbersome to do some things I would like to.
Is there any way around this?
Right click on it and say Execute should not display it(error)..its just sql server way of doing things..since it inserts the identity column later..You should not add records in that way in the first place.
You should not add records to a database that way! It can have unfortunate side effects (especially on large tables) as you have discovered.
Records for lookup tables should be added through rerunable scripts. Those scripts should in source control. This makes them easy to promote from dev to Qa to staging to prod.
Test records should also be done in scripts (including scripts to remove the test records) so that you can run thenm on other environments as well as being able to delete and recreate them if some process you are testing went bad. These too should eb in source control (as should all database changes which also should not be done through the GUI).

SQL Server Management Studio - Adding/Moving Columns require drop and re-create?

Why do I get message that the table needs to dropped and re-created when I add/move columns?
I believe this happens after adding foreign key constraints.
What can I do to add new columns without dropping table?
If you're more interested in simply getting SSMS to stop nagging, you can uncheck the "Prevent saving changes that require table re-creation" setting in Options->Designers->Table And Database Designers. The table(s) will still be dropped and re-created, but at least SSMS won't pester you quite as much about it.
(This assumes you're working in an dev/test environment or in a production environment where a brief lapse in the existence of the table won't screw anything up)
Because that's how SQL Server Management Studio does it (sometimes)!
Use TSQL's ALTER TABLE instead:
ADD myCol int NOT NULL
SQL Server (and any other RDBMS, really) doesn't have any notion of "column order" - e.g. if you move columns around, the only way to achieve that new table structure is be issuing a new CREATE TABLE statement. You cannot order your columns any other way - nor should you, really, since in the relational theory, the order of the columns in a tuple is irrelevant.
So the only thing SQL Server Management Studio can do (and has done all along) is:
rename the old table
create the new table in your new layout you wish to have
copy the data over from the old table
drop the old table
The only way to get around this is:
not reordering any columns - only add new columns at the end of your table
use ALTER TABLE SQL statements instead of the interactive table designer for your work
When you edit a table definition in the designer, you are saying "here's what I want the table to look like, now work out what SQL statements to issue to make my wishes come true". This works fine for simple changes, but the software can't read your mind, and sometimes it will try to do things in a more complicated way for safety.
When this happens, I suggest that, instead of just clicking OK, click the "Script" button at the top of the dialog, and let it generate the SQL statements into a query window. You can then edit and simplify the generated code before executing it.
There are bugs in SSMS 2008 R2 (and older) that are useful to know:
when the table data is changed, ерушк rendering in SSMS is autorefreshed by SSMS in its already opened tabs (windows) - one should press Ctrl+R to refresh. The options to force refreshing do not appear in SSMS GUI - through buttons, menus or context-sensitive options (on right-clicking)
when a (table or database) schema is modified, like adding/deleting/removing a column in a table, SSMS does not reflect these changes in already opened tabs(windows) even through Ctrl+R, one should close and reopen tabs(windows)
I reported it few years ago through Microsoft Connect feedback, but bugs were closed due to it is "by design"
This is strange and irritating to see in desktop product developed during 2 decades, while this (autorefreshing) is being done by most webapplications in any browser
