Xpages Mobile Categorized View - mobile

I have an xPage for mobile with the following Code
<xe:viewCategoryColumn columnName="DC_SalesRep">
<xe:viewExtraColumn columnName="DC_CustomerName"
The column DC_SalesRep is categorized.
How can I hide the category title in the detail rows?

I notice that you haven't listed a Summary column. This is a required column. I would recommend using your extra column as the summary column and then if you want to provide a detail column, use the details facet. This should give you the outcome you're looking for. As for how this is all structured:
DC_SalesRep (CategoryColumn - collapsible)
DC_CustomerName (SummaryColumn)
Any detail column you add as either a column or a facet should show up as a div of text in the same row as the summary


Is it possible to nest values based on key column in AppSheet?

I have a table connected to AppSheet that has a column called "Names" there are many values that have the same name with different information. Is there anyway in AppSheet to have the user tap on one name and have all of the values show up that have the same Customer name. Essentially grouping.
I know there is a community on Google Plus for AppSheet but it doesn't seem very active my question has been sitting on the site for weeks. If anyone needs more clarification please ask.
Not very clear what you are trying to achieve, but you can correct me if I'm wrong.
You want in the Inline view of any given Customer, to have a list of referenced values.
You can do this with a SELECT() function. In Data > Columns > + "Virtual column"
In the "App formula" input add your function.
For example: SELECT( myTable[myColumn], [Name] = [_THISROW].[Name])
What this does:
List all values from column named "myColumn" in table "myTable"
where "Name" has the same "Name" as this row,
If you want to list not only values but a list of referenced rows from another table, you should use REF_ROWS.
For example REF_ROWS("myOrdersTable", "orderCustomer")
What this does: list all rows from table named "myOrdersTable" where column named "orderCustomer" has the same value as the unique KEY of this row.
REF_ROW virtual columns are generated automatically when you give a "REF" type to any column. In this example if you go to Data > Columns > "myOrdersTable" and change the type of "orderCustomer" to "REF" with "ReferencedTableName" to "myCustumerTable", a virtual column with list of referenced rows will be generated in "myCustumerTable" table after you save.

ShieldUI Grid - Hide Columns by index?

Is it possible to hide columns by index? The hideColumn() function uses the field NAME:
I guess I'll have to create an array of fieldnames and do it that way?
You can take the name of the data field in a certain column, specifying its index like this:
$("#grid .sui-gridheader th.sui-headercell:eq(0)").attr("data-field")
However, you will have to take into account things such as whether it is hidden or not.

How to create a table in adf with variable no of columns

Hello I am developing a web application using ADF (jdeve11.1.2.4). I know how to populate a table programatically from this post Programmatic ADF Table
But in the above post the no of columns are fixed (It is bean structure). But I cannot use the above post. Because I need to create a table with 'n' no-of columns. Means Columns are not fixed. Some times the columns may be 4 or some times the columns may be 7 and what ever it may be. Suppose I have two sqls and both contains differnt no of columns.
Ex: (suppose student is a table)
select id from student
select id,name from student
so in the above two sqls no of columns are diffent. I need to show the resul set of the above queries in a tablular format.
Please help me how I can achieve this.
Thanks in advance.
I wonder if declarative mode view objects would help? Blog here. So the query is not built until the UI is gen'd. You could dynamically generate the table and insert columns and then bind to the VO.
That's quite complex to do and it may require some extra study:
create a programatic view object by passing your sql statement using:
ApplicationModuleImpl.createViewObjectFromQueryStmt(java.lang.String voName,java.lang.String query)
try to construct af:columns in a loop:
<af:table value="#{bindings.EmployeesView1.collectionModel}" .. id="t1">
<af:iterator id="i1" value="#{bindings.EmployeesView1.attributesModel.attributes}" var="column" rows="0">
<af:column headerText="#{column.label}" id="c1">
<af:outputText id="d1" attributeModel="#{column}" value="#{row.bindings[column.name].inputValue}" />

Ability to click through salesforce reports

I want to perform the following. I have a report of summary type with four fields say name type date and status. Report is generated based on the filter. When the report is run, it displays the list of records for that report. I want some of the field values in the report to be a hyperlink.i.e., want that to be navigated to the record detail page if i click a particular field value. Please let me know what are the options available. Here is the screenshot attached for reference.
Mostly name fields in salesforce will have hyperlink by default. For other fields if we want to have we need to have custom formula field for the object. I created a custom formula field with the HYPERLINK function.
Here is the formula
CONTAINS($Api.Partner_Server_URL_260, 'visual'),
MID($Api.Partner_Server_URL_260, FIND( 'visual', $Api.Partner_Server_URL_260)-4,4)
LEFT($Api.Partner_Server_URL_260, FIND( '/pagename', $Api.Partner_Server_URL_260))
) + Id ,
custom field name/ or any string

SSRS 2008:How to hide a table row (Conditionally) based on category field

I am new to Sql Server Reporting Services. I have created my following report.
I want to remove/hide rows of Brand Total whenever it does not exist in Brand list. Like in following picture i want to remove/hide "Ethnic Total" whereas "Ethnic" Brand does not exist in "Sample Store 1".
Similary i want to reomve/hide rows of "Outfitters Total" and "Junior Total" from Section Two whereas "Outfitters" and "Junior" don't exist in "Sample Store 2".
This is the structure of my report.
And following is the expression for Net Qty of a Single Brand total.
=Sum(IIf(Fields!Brand.Value = "Outfitters", Fields!Quantity.Value, Nothing))
What should i do?
What condition should i write in expression for Row Visibility?
Thanks in Advance for help.
i hope the below comments you are looking for.
Step 1: select that particular row (Outfitlers Total, Junior Total,Ethnic Total,Store Total)
One at a time and right click and select Row Visibility Option.
Step 2 :
A Dialog box appears with 3 options
3. Show or hide based on expression
Select option 3 and copy the below expression in the Expression dialog box.
=iif((Sum(IIf(Fields!Brand.Value = "Outfitters", Fields!Quantity.Value, Nothing))) is nothing ,True,False)
i hope So this will be helpful.
=IIF(Fields!TotalRems.Value=0, True, False)
Replace TotalRems with your correct field name
You can do this way:
=IIF(Fields!YourField.Value like "YourValue",false,true)
Replace "YourField" with your own one and also change "YourValue" to whatever you need.
NB, " " or '' not treated as NOTHING,
For more explanation:
SSRS – Hide Rows in a Group based on a Value
another possibility for the hiding expression is, to use a text box reference. In place of "Textbox1" in the expression below, you can use the name of the text box, which is in the crossing of column "Net Qty" and row "Ethnic Total" (or one of the other total rows you mentioned)
