PayPal mobile express checkout - shipping methods - mobile

I'm running into some problems regarding the usage of shipping methods in the PayPal mobile express checkout API: I submit multiple shipping methods via the API to the checkout form.
The form is rendered correctly at the PayPal side, but as soon as I select a shipping method from the list, I get redirected to my return_url.
How come? Shouldn't the checkout form be still visible and I would need to select 'Continue' at the bottom?
As requested, below is a screenshot of the PayPal form. When I click any of the shipping option buttons, I'm forwarded to the return url (with the correct shipping method, however, but without clicking the "Continue" button at the bottom).


Opening new default browser window in plain React on a Mobile while using Facebook browser

We are in a unique situation here. Our React site integrates with Signicat for identity solution. Most of our user base comes from Facebook i.e. they use the Facebook app, look at our posts and click on links we post which redirect to certain sections in our website which require identification.
So an example link posted on Facebook group is converted into[0]=AT0-5n51iPMlSYghORXW8qxYXJQEejQTAhfiDQ3P3DK_ZTZM3GWbN4zXYKf-nyD_hWJdxQccenDp-5VgphfWuD6ZQ0ikeXq4lv4bjLbSJVFP9k4IxeMBT5mDa9jNdYnYlNs-DkXOM-LiPhhl-Obra9CAbtvihe-G7-8. When users click on the link, Facebook by default opens the link in its own Facebook browser. The subsequent steps in our portal need the user to identify himself and when the identification is completed and in the final step the request to Signicat hangs forever.
We identified that this issue is only happening with Facebook browser and hence one of the workarounds was to Open the default browser with the link to our website.
Note that:
a. this is not a React-Native app, our website is built using plain React hence the WebView solution does not work.
b. Facebook browser suppresses "" with "newwindow" call and simply displays the site in the same Facebook browser instance.
So bottom line is, we need a way to Open the default OS Browser from Facebook App/Browser with the link to our site. Hope somebody can help!
Thanks in advance...

React PayPal Payment process checkout

I'm new to the react web app, I trying to create cart payment checkout process. All the modules PayPal button open in same page with POPUP. I want to redirect from my site to the PayPal site and return back to my site. Currently i'm using the below example. Is there any module to create order and redirect.
Why do you want to redirect away from your site? That's how things were done 5+ years ago.
It's much better to keep your site loaded and present in the background and show payers an in-context approval experience, instead of redirecting them over to a new and possibly unfamiliar login page.
You are asking for how to do something you shouldn't even be trying to do, and which will result in an inferior buyer experience and fewer completed checkouts, which is the opposite of what you should want.
But since you ask, the way to do it is not not use the PayPal JavaScript SDK button. Just use the /v2/checkout/orders REST API to create an order and receive an approval_url, which you can redirect to with a static "Checkout with PayPal" button from, say,
Again, full page redirects are an old integration method that give a poor buyer experience and you shouldn't use this method.

ReactJS How to prefill with details on other sites form from react component?

I have a requirement of pre-filling form on the website. Once the user clicks a button from React Component, he will be redirected to the website and form will be pre-filled for him.
How can I achieve this? Is it even possible?
It depends on how that server is implemented. One page cannot just fill in form fields of a page that it links to. However, if that server accepted request parameters consisting of your username and password, and had some code to use those parameters to set the field values, then you would send that info in the format that server requires.
Without that receiving page directly supporting this use case, you won't be able to do this as you describe.

Best options to display a popup for angularjs app based on conditions

I have an angularjs app with ASP.NET WebAPI2 REST APIs. There is a scenario where I have a display a popup for initiating a survey for end users (both authenticated and anonymous types). On clicking the popup options, the user will be redirected to another applicaiton which captures all the responses provided by the user.
There is no relation between the angularjs app and the survey application.
Now next time if the user revisits the application then in that case based on the previous action taken to fill the survey , I have to take a decision to display or hide the popup for the user.
I thought of cookies and localStorage as the options but I think are not ideal choices for this scenario.
Can anyone help me to know are there any other possible options to handle this scenario?
You can solve this using the redirection link.
For example if he finished correctly the Survey you will redirect him to:
Than in the App you can do something like: get the URL parameters, if the parameters is success store it on localStorage so next time he revisits the web-page the Popup wont show.
Otherwise direct him to:
I think the best option here is to save this information in the database using your ASP.NET WebAPI2 REST APIs. In the moment that the end user clicks the survey you can also make an Api call which will save in the database info about user's action(this will probably be sth you can do for authenticated users). For not authenticated users you can just save that information in localStorage in the moment they are clicking the survey.

Redirect to Angular app

I tried google to search the answer but may be I am not asking the correct question.
My Scneario is, I have an angular app(APP1) with a grid. The grid has a link in one of its cell which points to an external web application(APP2). When the user clicks on the link he/she will be navigated to APP2, where they will perform some actions. Once done the user will click a button on APP2 which will save the data and generate an ID and Navigate back to APP1(angular app).I need to get hold of this id that is returned from APP2 and do some operations in APP1.
Let me know if its not clear what I am trying to do.
App1(angular)->App2/someparameter( webform app)->App1/id(angular)
How can I achieve this?
