Exact command for starting a batch file by using powershell - batch-file

I know this question has been asked before and I found a thread on here which almost gives me the solution I need.
Here is the link: How to run batch file using powershell
But this only works when I write out the full path. For example:
c:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\dcp_bearbeitet\start.bat -p c:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\dcp_bearbeitet\start.prop
What I want to reach is a solution which accepts a path with parameters, like this one here:
c:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\dcp_bearbeitet\$title\start.bat -p c:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\dcp_bearbeitet\$title\start.prop
Whereas $title contains the name of my file which I am using in this case. I know that I can create another parameter for the -p command and I know that this works, but unfortunately when I try the same method for the first command I always get an error message.
I hope you guys know a way to solve this problem.

I think Invoke-Expression could help here.
Just construct your path like you want it to be, for example:
$title = "file"
$path = "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\dcp_bearbeitet\$title\start.bat -p c:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\dcp_bearbeitet\$title\start.prop"
and then invoke it:
Invoke-Expression $path
Regards Paul


Accessing Variable effectively from shell script

I have one ini configuration file, I need to create a shell script using this configuration. What is the easiest method to access all variable, Can be used effectively from the shell script.
Can I use an array or something? Now planing to find the count of [] brackets then through awk get all variables one by one. Please suggest if any easiest way to effectively
cat app.ini
Below the output of my sample configuration file. Can be N no of Blocks.
Consider using a library like bash-ini-parser https://github.com/albfan/bash-ini-parser. It covers a lot of nuances like indentation, whitespaces, comments etc.
The example for your case may look like this:
. bash-ini-parser
cfg_parser app.ini
echo $name
echo $logdir
echo $logdir
Below line help us to locate particular values in each section.
sed -nr "/^\[APP1\]/ { :l /^name[ ]*=/ { s/.*=[ ]*//; p; q;}; n; b l;}" app.ini

Powershell redirection of an array to a file

I'm using this site for a some time without ever finding the need to ask a question myself as most of the time I find the answer fairly easily
But my next question is kinda hard to search for with keywords, so here I am asking.
I am trying to take an output of an array, and redirect it to a batch file.
For example:
PS C:\Users\Administrator> $Exmpl = "echo one","echo two"
PS C:\Users\Administrator> $Exmpl
echo one
echo two
PS C:\Users\Administrator> $Exmpl > ExmplFile.bat
So far so good. The problem begins when I want to execute this new script
(In this example I'm using the same shell but it works the same in a CMD shell).
PS C:\Users\Administrator> .\ExmplFile.bat
'■e' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
After a little exploring, I found:
It acts the same even if I create the file with no extentions and later on add the .bat extension.
If I open the file, and change the entire content to something else like "cd .." - the same error occurs. Like the whole file is damaged from its' creation.
The "e" in the string in the error ■e refers to the first letter in the file. For example after I've changed the content to the command "cd .." - the string in the execution error was ■c. Like it detects an unknown character before the first letter, and after the first letter it detects some sort of a line break.
Can you guys please share your knowledge as I assume it's not a hard question for those of you who know how the redirection to a file in powershell works?
Thanks in advance.
Sounds like an encoding problem. Output redirection is probably using multibyte characters, e.g., UTF-16 or what .Net calls "Unicode". Alternately, it's UTF-8 with a byte order mark.
Set-Content -Path 'ExmplFile.bat' -Value $Exmpl -Encoding Ascii
$Exmpl | Out-File -FilePath 'ExmplFile.bat' -Encoding ascii

Run C program from shell script [duplicate]

I have a script in unix that looks like this:
gcc -osign sign.c
./sign < /usr/share/dict/words | sort | squash > out
Whenever I try to run this script it gives me an error saying that squash is not a valid command. squash is a shell script stored in the same directory as this script and looks like this:
awk -f squash.awk
I have execute permissions set correctly but for some reason it doesn't run. Is there something else I have to do to make it able to run like shown? I am rather new to scripting so any help would be greatly appreciated!
As mentioned in #Biffen's comment, unless . is in your $PATH variable, you need to specify ./squash for the same reason you need to specify ./sign.
When parsing a bare word on the command line, bash checks all the directories listed in $PATH to see if said word is an executable file living inside any of them. Unless . is in $PATH, bash won't find squash.
To avoid this problem, you can tell bash not to go looking for squash by giving bash the complete path to it, namely ./squash.

How to query Maya in script for supported file translator plugins?

I'm trying to specify an FBX file in MEL using the command
file -f -pmt 0 -options "v=0;" -typ "FBX" -o
on one computer this works great. On another, it fails but DOES work if I use
-typ "Fbx"
I think I'd like to query for the supported translators in my script, then either select the correct one or report an error. Is this possible? Am I mis-diagnosing the problem?
MEL has a command called pluginInfo. You could write a simple function that will return the proper spelling based on that. pluginInfo -v -query "fbxmaya"; will provide the version of the fbx plugin. I haven't used MEL in a while so I'm not gonna try to make this perfect but maybe something like if(pluginInfo -v -query "fbxmaya") ) string fbxType = "FBX" else( string fbxType = "Fbx"). Then just plug that var into file -f -pmt 0 -options "v=0;" -typ $fbxType -o.
It might be a different version of fbx. You'd have to provide another line which determines the version of fbx on that particular machine and pipes in the correct spelling.

Using wildcard character in bash scripting

I'm creating a bash script that will load CSV files using SQL*Loader. Please refer to the code below:
FILENAME = '/u02/logs/$(date -d '2 days ago' +%Y-%m-%d)*.csv'
sqlldr username/password#localhost control=control.ctl data=$FILENAME
However, when I try to run this script, I recieved the following error: SQL*Loader-500: Unable to open file (/u02/logs/*2011-11-06*.csv). I figure out that the problem is my * wildcard which is being interpreted as a string instead of a wildcard in bash.
Is there a way to tell the bash that my asterisk (*) is a wildcard and not a string?
Thank you for your support.
i dont know about sqlldr, but i think you can try:
FILENAME = '/u02/logs/$(date -d '2 days ago' +%Y-%m-%d)*.csv'
for fname in $(ls $FILENAME); do
sqlldr username/password#localhost control=control.ctl data=$fname
hope it helps
Your use of single ticks is the problem. Also, I'm not used to seeing bash code have spaces surrounding the equals sign. Then again, I'm old skool. So this is what I'd do:
FILENAME=/u02/logs/"$(date -d '2 days ago' +%Y-%m-%d)*.csv"
That should do it. You don't need quotes around the first part since they're literal. Only use double quotes when you need the interpreter to do do some interpolation. Use single quotes when you don't want the interpreter to touch it.
Just use
FILE=/u02/logs/$(date -d '2 days ago' +%Y-%m-%d)*.csv
I also note additional * after the logs/ in your error message, but not in your code. Adjust accordingly.
The * will stay in the filename if there is no file matching the wildcard pattern. Also, be careful where more than one matching file exists.
Maybe you can try:
sqlldr username/password#localhost control=control.ctl data="$FILENAME"
