Comparing sencha touch 2.3.0 with 2.2.1 - extjs

I build my application using sencha command 3.1.2 using sencha lib 2.2.1. Now i like to update the my application to 2.3.1. I like to know what are the advancements are made is 2.3.1. Sencha documentation is not clear. There is any performance up-gradation in 2.3 not in UI? If there is any improvement in 2.3 so i will revert my app to latest version. Any suggestion techies

I think the biggest change is PhoneGap direct support. There are also a lot of bug fixes, but regarding the performance, I personally feel there's no big difference.
Please read the release notes for detailed information:
Hope this helps.


How to upgrade Ext-4 to Ext-6 library

I want to upgrade Ext-4 to Ext-6 library and We want to change the theme of the form to Triton in project.
Here is official Sencha's guide on migration from ExtJS4 to ExtJS5, using Sencha CMD:
And from ExtJS5 to ExtJS6:
Also, get to know what is Microloader, which is one of the major changes in ExtJS5:
From my personal experience migrating from ExtJS5 to ExtJS6 was very painful. There's a lot of small caveats like,, in ExtJS6, starts loading data with delay, if config asynchronousLoad: false not specified. Generally, I would recommend you to look at release notes for every version of ExtJS, that was released after the version you currently use, although not every change will be specified there.

what are best references to learn ExtJS 3.4?

I need to learn ExtJS 3.4 ( pretty older version) and could you please give me some document links. I searched in Google but I am getting most of the links to 4.0 version and above.
If any one having PDFs please share it with me.
Since you mention the 3.4 version I assume you work with AEM which is built upon the ExtJS 3.4 version.
Check out this AEM ExtJS tutorial which is pretty old but quite useful.

CakePHP LTS Version Strategy

The CakePHP community has frequent minor release cycles. Can anyone suggest a strategy for selecting an LTS version - specifically a minor version.
Or would the best strategy be to upgrade as frequently as the minor versions are released?
We can assume that the 2.x and 3.x branches get updates for the next few years (i'm not sure, but i think even 1.3 still get security updates if leaks are found)...
So your choice is between 2.x and 3.x where 3.x is cleaner/faster and easier extendible in form of 3th party libraries and 2.x is more wide spread(plugins, tutorials,... ). I would definitely recommend you to go with 3.x due to a higher php version(it's sooo much faster).
Cakephp releases in minor versions (3.0.x) are bug and security fixes. So if you select:
"require": {
"cakephp/cakephp": "3.0.*"
you should be just fine for the next few years.
If you than feel like a feature is missing which is present in a newer 3.x release you can always find a migration guide for the newest version in the cookbook: as you can see from 2.x to 3.x there are a lot of breaking changes and an update is most likely really time consuming.
In comparison a update from 2.x to 2.6 is less complex as there are primary smaller feature improvements, renaming of functions and stuff like that:
CakePHP 3.0.x is the most current branch of CakePHP and if you're starting out with Cake is the best place to start (CakePHP 2.6.x is still being supported for the foreseeable future, but will eventually get dropped).
The recommended way of installing CakePHP is using Composer. If you want to install the current stable release then you want the following in your composer.json file:-
"require": {
"cakephp/cakephp": "3.0.*"
This will insure that every time you do a composer update you'll only get bug fixes and minor changes that shouldn't break your app. Ideally you want to ensure your app is bug free so it is a good idea to periodically update Cake with these minor version changes.
When CakePHP 3.1.x is released in the future it is likely to introduce new features that have the potentially to break an app's existing functionality. In this case upgrading needs to be done with caution. You will easily be able to update by modifying your Composer requirement, but the app will need thorough testing. This can potentially be time consuming, so unless you really need the new features is unnecessary.
I would highly recommend CakePHP 3.x if you are starting a new project. However, I was just at the CakePHP Conference in New York and the CakePHP Core Developers indicated they would be supporting 2.x for 2-3 years. That time period greatly hinges upon the community to some degree, they are not just going to stop supporting 2.x. any time soon. They are actually going to backport some of the 3.x features into 2.x. They tentatively plan to Release CakePHP 2.7 and CakePHP 3.1 sometime this summer.
I would also ask have you been using 2.x and what is your comfort level with CakePHP? Depends on the size of the project. I haven't made the jump to 3.x yet, haven't had a new project to try it on yet. I have a ton of code for 2.x like bake scripts and plugins that I have customized, so for profitability on a project I still might consider using 2.x.
There will be some learning with CakePHP 3.x especially if you are coming from 2.x, the ORM is awesome, but it much different than 2.x. So you have to weigh your options. They mentioned tools for upgrading from 2.x to 3.x that might help if you start with 2.x and jump to 3.x later. I don't think at this point I would do that, that is more for people upgrading from 2.x to 3.x. that have existing 2.x projects. I would pick a version and run with it.
The the other answers suggest use composer to install CakePHP. I started using composer about 8 months ago with CakePHP 2.x and love it. With CakePHP 3.x, I recommend using composer, like this if it is installed globally: composer create-project --prefer-dist cakephp/app [app_name]

extjs 2.3 application using MVC Architecture

Iam trying to implement my applicaion in ext js 2.3 using mvc architecture.
Can someone suggest me the classes available in ext 2.3 version to implement MVC.
Any links to extjs 2.3 tutorials will be highly useful.
Thanks in advance.
MVC has never been implemented in Ext 2.3, as far as I know. I also think that it is not worth the effort as 2.3 is three versions back and it is really outdated today.
If you have a motivation and resources to upgrade the existing app then opt to update the app to Ext 5.x. It would be much better spent development time.
In Extjs4.x, the MVC appears for the first time. So it can't be used in previous versions. It becomes mvvm in Extjs5.x. I recommend you to learn Extjs4.x or Extjs5.x.

ExtJs 4.2 Themes

We are working with Sechnca's extjs
On the recent version 4.2 - they release the option to build a theme and compile it using their own CMD.
We are looking for a method to create a new theme but instead of using Sechnca CMD use Compass.
Has anyone been successful in doing that?
Short answer, "no".
I was using compass with extjs 4.1. While you might be successful in trying to do it with 4.2, I spent about 2 days trying to get it to work. Eventually I gave up and started to use the sencha command line utility. I would really suggest sticking with the methods they outline in the documentation. The sencha command does a lot of the heavy lifting for you, error checking, validation, it even slices up the CSS3 gradients into images for you.
