Docusign Automatic Recipient List - salesforce

I have a problem that no one has been able to help with yet.
I have created a "Send Agreement" Account button in Salesforce that is linked to my default Docusign template ID using their DST command. This works, but what I need to do is to pull the signers (contacts) who need to sign the document based off of a custom field named, "Signing Role". The button should pull only those account contacts who have a signing role defined in their respective contact records.
Can anyone help?
Thanks in advance!!

You can filter out the signers based on their Contact Role by using the custom button parameters CCRM and CCTM.
Say that you have several Contact Roles in an Opportunity, but you only want to pull out those contacts with role Business User. The partial script might look something like this:
// CCTM Maps Salesforce Role with a DocuSign TYPE (Signer, Carbon Copy, etc.)
// CCRM Maps Salesforce Role with a DocuSign ROLE (Signer 1, Signer 2, etc.). Usually used with DTS to call template
CCTM=’Business User~Signer’;
CCRM=’Business User~Signer 1’;
So the code above implies that the Business User will be Signer 1 and will act to sign the document. If he is using a custom field SigningRole created in Opportunity to determine the role, it might look look something like this:
CCRM=’{!Opportunity.SigningRole}~Signer 1’;


Sending DocuSign PowerForm from Salesforce Account object

I have a Powerform that people sign online. I want users to be able to send that same Powerform from SFDC account object. How do I pass account id to the Powerform. I have added merge field, but it is throwing error saying subject doesn't exist.
Using the PowerForm URL, you can set tab values in the document and meta-data (Envelope Custom Fields) in the envelope.
Example: You have a tab in the template's document with the data name "accountID". The role name for the signer is signer.
Set the tab to be locked. This prevents any of the signers from changing it. (Makes it read-only.)
Create a PowerForm from the template. Receive back the PowerForm URL.
Program Salesforce to send the PowerForm with the accountID set to "123":
In step 3, you are programming Salesforce to dynamically create a URL that includes data from the current Account object. If you don't know how to do that, ask a new question in the Salesforce stackOverflow channel.
More information
See the Programming PowerForms video.
This previous question seems similar:
Can we use merge fields(populate data from SFDC) using DocuSign Powerforms?
Does that help?

Salesforce Custom URL Button for Docusign & Conga Composer

I'm creating a custom salesforce URL button to launch Conga Composer which generates a document to send through Docusign.
The button is working great with the exception of the Opportunity Contact Roles getting mapped to the correct role i.e. Signer vs Carbon Copy. In the current form, all contacts listed in the contact roles translate to "Signers" in Docusign even though they have a Carbon Copy role in Salesforce.
The code below is formatted with Conga Composer requirements which are slightly different than Docusign's. This isn't the full code but the important pieces for the Contact Roles & Recipients. I currently have 2 contacts listed in SF's Opp Contact Roles - 1 is a signer & 1 is a Carbon Copy. They are both coming across as Signers. In the code below, I also have a person that needs to sign so they are hardcoded as "Signer 2"
Are you using a DocuSign template for this?
If you are then you should check the recipient type for each signer in the template is correct.
If the template isn't an issue then you may want to contact conga support for assistance in mapping roles to different signer types

Seeing Emails Associated to a User in Salesforce

In Salesforce, I am using the Salesforce Gmail extension tool to associate emails to the user object (not the contact object). But in Salesforce I can only find the email if I search for it specifically; I cannot see emails associated to a user from the user screen/form similar to how you can see related activities under a contact. Question: is there a way to see emails associated to a user object on the user screen/form? Can this feature be enabled somehow? Thanks in advance.
it is not possible in a standard way because the email shows up that subsist in your user object in user object all data like username password exist but I can create logic in custom apex class to do this with some triggers .its sound like integration with Gmail

Docusign recipient ID Check/Authentication

We use Docusign within our Salesforce instance, we have a couple of different options when selecting Recipient ID verification, SMS, Knowledge based, etc..My question is where would I tell Docusign to default on a specific authentication process.
For example. Say I click a Docusign Status button on the opportunity, it automatically brings in the recipient from set as the primary contact of the opportunity, and uses the CEM ,subject etc... from Docusign. Where can I if anyplace, dictate to have an ID verification method on?
Called Docusign Support, Apparently the only parameters you can pass into the button is for the SMS Verification and the Code Verification. The KBA authentication is not supported yet.

Is Azure Active Directory extension property searchable

user story: a anonymous user should be able to create survey, paste in survey participants' email from their outlook, these participants will become valid user in AD, with their emails as primary search key as extension property in AD. User will get mail, being notified that a survey is ready for them......etc.
Since Azure Email property is only readable, I can only add the user mail as an extension property. When extension property such as "SkeypID", "Email" is added, the searchability is also available?
ex. DirectoryService.users.Where(it => it.myproperty!= null && it.myproperty.Equals('')).SingleOrDefault();
Let's assume that I want to give access to anonymous user creating user in Active directory, (Sorry, did not try this one myself before asking), does it work without using a user identity as company administrator?
Yes, extension attributes are searchable. Use a query like the one referenced at the GitHub README for my OrgChart extensions sample application. The link should look something like this:
To allow an anonymous user to create a user in ActiveDirectory you could create an application with write permissions to your directory and have that application allow anonymous access. My OrgChart extensions sample application allows you to create and delete users, but you need to provide it application credentials and a tenant where that app has write consent.
