Order a row or column in a table with angularJS - angularjs

I have been manually ordering columns in my table using AngularJS. Now I have the problem that I need to order the rows in a very specific way (much like the columns). Instead of making this table huge in the Html, I would rather ask around to see if there is a way that I could perhaps define an array in the .js script and have the columns/rows order themselves based on those arrays.
I have seen plenty of examples of how to sort alphabetically or by index but none so far that show how to sort by a predefined array.
Here is the table I am working with:
<select ng-init="selectedRace='Human'" ng-model="selectedRace">
<option ng-repeat="(raceName, item) in races">{{raceName}}</option>
<!--<th ng-repeat="(statGroup, item) in race.Attributes" class="{{statGroup}}">{{statGroup}}</th>-->
<!--Going to manually type the column headers until I figure out how to sort via array or something-->
<th>Starting Attribuites</th>
<th>Hero Limit</th>
<th>Epic Limit</th>
<th>Veteran Limit</th>
<tbody ng-model="race.Attributes">
<tr ng-repeat="(statName, item) in race.Attributes['Starting Attributes']">
<td class="statsDes">{{statName}}</td><!--These are not in proper order! I need to sort this via array or something-->
<td class="Starting Attributes">{{race.Attributes['Starting Attributes'] | FilterSet:statName}}</td>
<td>{{race.Attributes['Hero Limit'] | FilterSet:statName}}</td>
<td>{{race.Attributes['Epic Limit'] | FilterSet:statName}}</td>
<td>{{race.Attributes['Veteran Limit'] | FilterSet:statName}}</td>
Any ideas? Other than doing it manually?

No need to do anything manually when you have AngularJS at your disposal.
AngularJS offers the orderBy filter to order an array by expression (http://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng.filter:orderBy).
If you need some feature that is not supported by the default orderBy filter, you can write your own custom filter to manipulate (sort) the array to your liking.
You can read more about custom filters on http://docs.angularjs.org/tutorial/step_09.
Hope that helps!


angularjs NgTable ng-repeat groupby with show/hide

I can't get the 'groupBy' working.
I have a data set returned from a $http factory. The data is passed to the $scope 'territoryReq' variable.
the data set looks like:
[{"Country":"Netherlands","Name":"firstName lastName","Phone":"+12345678","Mobile":"+987654321"},{"Country":"Netherlands","Name":"firstName2 lastName2","Phone":"+12345678","Mobile":"+987654321"}]
I have a simple 'dump' of the data by using:
<table ng-table="" class="table table-condensed table-bordered table-hover">
<tr class="ng-table-group" ng-repeat="entries in territoryReq">
This is all working. No problem.
Now I want to have the results grouped by Country. Preferably by being able to click on the country which then unhides the rows with the correct country.
I was looking at the example of example of ng-table with grouping
But I can't get it working for my data..
In the example they use e.g. group in $groups but I can't figure out where $groups come from?
Anyway, I hope someone can help me in the right direction...
For straight up grouping, groupBy takes an object property as the parameter. It should be as simple as
<tr class="ng-table-group" ng-repeat="entries in territoryReq | groupBy: 'Country'">
But it sounds more like you want to filter the list based on criteria, like country.
I mocked this up to demonstrate what I think you're looking for. Please take a look and see if it helps... It has ordering via the table headers and filtering from a dynamic list of countries.

Using rowspan in table with AngularJS

I want to insert a table with two columns where the first column contains several rows and second column should contain a single row. To achieve this I wrote code like below.
<tr ng-repeat="x in data">
<td>{{ x.no }}</td>
<td ng-if="this.rowIndex === 0" rowspan='{{x.length}}'> ok </td>
Where data is an array of JSON objects containing single property called no. Using this.rowIndex is correct here or Am I making mistake here.
You have to use the variable $index from the ng-repeat directive (see the documentation).
Furthermore, you read the length of the x object; I believe you intended to do so with the data variable.
You can see the result in this codepen.

Angularjs: How to sort array of arrays by nth value?

I have two groups of arrays.
First contains header fields =>
$scope.fields=[field0, field1, field2,...,field20];
Second has multiple arrays of data with respect to above field =>
Values of fields are shown in a drop down
<select ng-model="filteredOption" ng-options="option.label for option in fields"></select>
The same field values are used as table header.
<th ng-repeat="f in fields">{{f.label}}</th>
And the data as
<tr ng-repeat="d in data">
<td ng-repeat="i in d track by $index">{{i}}</td>
Question is
How do I sort (ascending) the data based on the 'nth' field (which user selects from drop down)?
Its confusing because header and data are two distinct arrays, and data is not in key,value format.
Plunkr here
Column Header - ColumnName in you case it is field0
<a href="#" ng-click="sortType = 'field0'; sortReverse = !sortReverse">
On Column header click it sets the properties of sortType and sortReverse
<tr ng-repeat="d in data | orderBy:sortType:sortReverse"">
<td ng-repeat="i in d track by $index">{{i}}</td>
useful link for sorting https://scotch.io/tutorials/sort-and-filter-a-table-using-angular
Thanks to this answer, I've found working solution.
I tracked the selected field's position ($scope.sorter set to that $index). And used it as orderBy:sorter
Still, keeping this question open for others to suggest more acceptable solution.

smart-table actions empties my table

I followed all the steps described in the docs, I installed smart-table via bower, then I ref the script at index.html, then I added the module to one of my sub-modules, and I created my table:
<table st-table="vm.product_conditions" class="table">
<th st-sort="name">Nombre</th>
<th st-sort="description">Descripcion</th>
<th st-sort="status">Estado</th>
<tr ng-repeat="condition in vm.product_conditions track by condition.id"
ng-click="vm.detailProductCondition(condition.id, condition.name)">
<td>{{ condition.name }}</td>
<td>{{ condition.description }}</td>
<td>{{ condition.status ? 'Activa' : 'Inactiva' }}</td>
The table gets populated, but whenever I click on the column in order to sort it, the table gets empty, I also tried to implement the global search, and the same result, empty table...
Also, I get no error output, I tried to reproduce the error in a plunker, but to my surprise It worked there...
Is there any way to debug it?
Are you loading data asynchronous? If you are, you will need to have two collections, one that is the displayed collection and the other that contains all the items for the table.
Smart Table has a data attribute for st-safe-src.
The only way that I believe your tables would return a blank result, is if the product_conditions collection is somehow being interpreted as blank or undefined.
I would attempt to log out the collection to the console, before and after sorting the table and confirm if the collection is the same.
Reason why (from the documentation):
smart-table first creates a safe copy of your displayed collection: it
creates an other array by copying the references of the items. It will
then modify the displayed collection (when sorting, filtering etc)
based on its safe copy. So if you don't intend to modify the
collection outside of the table, it will be all fine. However, if you
want to modify the collection (add item, remove item), or if you load
your data asynchronously (via AJAX-Call, timeout, etc) you will have
to tell smart-table to watch the original collection so it can update
its safe copy. This is were you use the stSafeSrc attribute

Angular JS Skip OrderBy Value

I have the following code
<th ng-click="predicate='-name'; reverse=false;">Name</th>
<th ng-click="predicate='age'; reverse=true;">Age<th>
<tr ng-repeat="user in users | orderBy:predicate:reverse">
My aim here is whenever i click on the table header, then the corresponding column has to be sorted based on particular predicate and reverse. And that is happening perfectly. But I have a scenario where, when i click on an external object, then my age value in table changes here and hence as a result the table sort order is getting disturbed. But i don't want sort to get disturbed. How can i skip table to not obey sort on other actions and have it only on click of table column headers? Can anyone help me with this?
I don't think this is possible. Whenever "users" changes, Angular will notice (since that scope property (i.e., "users") is bound (one-way data binding) to the ng-repeat directive), and Angular will update the view.
