Best practice for managing allocated variables when writing a small library - c

I'm currently writing a little library of secure char and secure list (just .c/.h files that I will add to future projects) and something is bothering me, I know that some of you will think it is subjective but I think there is a "real" best way to do it. I've searched but there is nothing that give me a close answer. Here is a sample of my code.
The struct and functions used :
typedef struct _secure_list
cookie secret; // MUST be set to Cookie
secure_char * schar;
struct _secure_list * next;
} secure_list;
typedef struct _secure_char
int length; // number of characters in the string
char * str; // the string (no \0 byte at the end of the string)
} secure_char;
* Create a secure list with schar
* Initialize Cookie on first use
ret_value createSecureList( secure_char * scIn, secure_list ** slist )
I think there is two possible ways to write the createSecureList function :
ret_value createSecureList( secure_char * scIn, secure_list ** slist )
(*slist) = NULL;
(*slist) = (secure_list *) malloc( sizeof(secure_list) );
// we copy the secure_char so it can be freed in the caller
concat2SecureChar(&((*slist)->schar), scIn);
ret_value createSecureList( secure_char * scIn, secure_list ** slist )
(*slist) = NULL;
(*slist) = (secure_list *) malloc( sizeof(secure_list) );
(*slist)->schar = scIn;
In my main() I have :
void main()
secure_list * slist_Test;
secure_char * schar_Test;
createSecureChar("test test",&schar_test);
My problem is that despite the fact the second way is easier to code and understand, the secure list which is a linked list will point to the same memory space as schar_Test, so if we free one of them, we free both. The first way basically create a copy of schar_Test so it can be freed in the calling function.
Can someone tell me which is the "right" way ?


static initialization of queue

I'm working on a high-reliance implementation of an algorithm for an embedded system.
in main.c:
//.. in main()
int queue_buffer[QUEUE_LEN + 1] = { 0 };
Queue queue;
queue_init(&queue, QUEUE_LEN, queue_buffer);
//.. in main()
in queue.c:
void queue_init(Queue *q, int len, int *data) {
q->head = 0;
q->tail = 0;
q->len = len;
q->data = data; // an array of length `len + 1`
in queue.h:
typedef struct queue {
int head;
int tail;
int len;
int *data;
} Queue;
I would like to 1. have main.c to not know about Queue; and 2. not use malloc for intializing queue_buffer_ but rather do it statically.
this implies that ideally main.c would be:
//.. in some function
Queue *queue = queue_init(something_eventually);
//.. in some function
Is it possible to modify queue_init in queue.cto achieve this in C99? If so, what's the best approach?
Tentative Solutions
I am aware of the technique discussed in this post yet they seems unfeasible without using malloc. I know for sure that I will simultaneously have 4 queues at most. This makes me think that I could declare a memory pool for the queues as a static global array of queues of size 4. Is it ok to use global variables in this case?
#KamilKuk suggested to just have queue_init to return the structure itself since QUEUE_LEN is known at compile time. This requires the following:
in queue.c:
Queue queue_init(void) {
Queue q;
q.head = 0;
q.tail = 0;
q.len = QUEUE_LEN;
for (int i=0; i < QUEUE_LEN; i++)[i] = 0;
return q;
in queue.h:
typedef struct queue {
int head;
int tail;
int len;
int data[QUEUE_LEN];
} Queue;
Queue queue_init(void);
This appears to greatly simplify the structure initialization.
However this does not solve the privacy problem, since main.c should know about Queue to initialize this struct.
Thank you.
I would like to 1. have main.c to not know about Queue; and 2. not use
malloc for intializing queue_buffer_ but rather do it statically.
this implies that ideally main.c would be:
//.. in some function
Queue queue = queue_init(something_eventually);
//.. in some function
No, your objectives do not imply a solution as described. You cannot declare or use an object of type Queue anywhere that the definition of that type is not visible. That follows directly from the language's rules, but if you want a more meaningful justification then consider that even if main does not access any of the members of Queue, it still needs the definition simply to know how much space to reserve for one.
It's not obvious to me that it serves a useful purpose to make type Queue opaque in main.c (or anywhere), but if that's what you want then in that scope you can forward declare it, never define it, and work only with pointers to it:
typedef struct queue Queue;
// ...
Queue *queue = queue_init(something_eventually);
For that to work without dynamic memory allocation, the pointed-to Queue objects must have static storage duration, but that does not mean that they need to be globals -- either in the sense of being accessible via a name with external linkage, or in the sense of being declared at file scope.
Additionally, you have the option of allocating the data arrays automatically, as in your example code, so as to not tie up that memory in queues when they are not in use. If you prefer, you can wrap that up in a macro or two for a bit of additional ease of use (left as an exercise).
For example,
typedef struct queue Queue;
Queue *queue_init(int queue_size, int queue_data[]);
void queue_release(Queue *queue);
#include "queue.h"
struct queue {
int head;
int tail;
int len;
int *data;
Queue *queue_init(int queue_len, int queue_data[]) {
// queue_pool has static storage duration and no linkage
static Queue queue_pool[4] = {{0}};
// Find an available Queue, judging by the data pointers
for (Queue *queue = queue_pool;
queue < queue_pool + sizeof(queue_pool) / sizeof(*queue_pool);
queue++) {
if (queue->data == NULL) {
// This one will do. Initialize it and return a pointer to it.
queue->head = 0;
queue->tail = 0;
queue->len = queue_len;
queue->data = queue_data;
return queue;
// no available Queue
return NULL;
void queue_release(Queue *queue) {
if (queue) {
queue->data = NULL;
// ... in some function
int queue_data[SOME_QUEUE_LENGTH];
Queue *queue = queue_init(SOME_QUEUE_LENGTH, queue_data);
// ...
Of course, if you prefer, you can put the queue data directly into the queue structure, as in your tentative solution, and maybe provide a flag there to indicate whether the queue is presently in use. That would relieve users of any need to provide storage, at the cost of tying up the storage for all the elements of all the queues for the whole duration of the program.
The best way to do this is to pass a buffer and its size to the init function, exactly as you already have.
It is a very bad idea to worry about calling a function versus having the data fixed at compile time. Both the execution time and code size for a tiny initialization like this is negligible. Making your code interface awkward just to save a few instructions at startup is not just a waste of effort, it makes the code hard to maintain and risks introducing bugs.
There are a number of embedded systems or libraries that provide a macro which declares both the storage array and the control structure in one go and gives them a name which is known only to the library, and then you have to use a macro to generate the name every time you access the item. For an example of this you might look at osMailQDef in CMSIS-OS. I don't really recommend this method though. It is too easy to get wrong, whereas doing it the usual way is easy to read and any reviewer will be able to spot a mistake straight away.
I would typically do:
// queue.h
#define QUEUE_INIT(data, len) { .len = len, .data = data }
#define QUEUE_INIT_ON_STACK(len) QUEUE_INIT((char[len]){0}, len)
// main.c
static Queue queue = QUEUE_INIT_ON_STACK(QUEUE_LEN + 1);
As for PIMPL idiom, it's easy to implement with descriptors just like file descriptors in LINUX, especially when the count is static.
// queue.h
typedef Queue int;
void do_things_with_queue(Queue);
// queue.c
struct RealQueue { stuff; };
static struct RealQeueue arr[4] = { stuff };
static struct RealQeueue *get_RealQueue(Queue i) {
assert(0 <= i && i < sizeof(arr)/sizeof(*arr));
return &arr[i];
void do_things_with_queue(Queue i) {
struct RealQueue *queue = get_RealQueue(i);
// main.c
static Queue queue = 1;
// etc.
Or you can break all hell and synchronize alignment between source and header file:
// queue.h
struct Queue {
// This has to be adjusted __for each compiler and environment__
alignas(60) char data[123];
#define QUEUE_INIT() { 0xAA, 0xBB, etc.. constant precomputed data }
// queue.c
struct RealQeueue { stuff; };
static_assert(alingof(struct RealQueue) == alignof(struct Queue), "");
static_assert(sizeof(struct RealQueue) == sizeof(struct Queue), "");
void do_things_with_queue(Queue *i) {
struct RealQueue *queue = (struct RealQueue*)i->data;

Allocating memory for struct within a struct in cycle

I'm working on INI-style configuration parser for some project, and I gets next trouble.
I have 3 structures:
typedef struct {
const char* name;
unsigned tract;
int channel;
const char* imitation_type;
} module_config;
typedef struct {
int channel_number;
int isWorking;
int frequency;
int moduleCount;
} channel_config;
typedef struct {
int mode;
module_config* module;
channel_config* channel;
} settings;
And I have function for handling data in my INI-file (I working under inih parser): [pasted to pastebin cause too long]. Finally, in main(), I did the next:
settings* main_settings;
main_settings = (settings*)malloc(sizeof(settings));
main_settings->module = (module_config*)malloc(sizeof(module_config));
main_settings->channel = (channel_config*)malloc(sizeof(channel_config));
if (ini_parse("test.ini", handler, &main_settings) < 0) {
printf("Can't load 'test.ini'\n");
return 1;
In result, binary crashes with memory fault. I think (no, I KNOW), what I'm incorrectly allocating the memory in handler(), but I does not understand, where I do it wrong. I spent all night long trying to understand memory allocating, and I'm very tired, but now me simply interestingly, what I'm doing wrong, and HOW to force this working fine.
P.S. Sorry for ugly english
The problem seems to be related to the reallocation of your structs:
pconfig = (settings *) realloc(pconfig, (module_count + channel_count) * sizeof(channel_config));
pconfig->module = (module_config *) realloc(pconfig->module, module_count * sizeof(module_config));
pconfig->channel = (channel_config *) realloc(pconfig->channel, channel_count * sizeof(channel_config));
First of all, you must not reallocate the main settings struct. Since your handler will always be called with the original pconfig value, the reallocation of the module and channel arrays has no effect, and you'll access freed memory.
Also when reallocating the module and channel arrays you should allocate count + 1 elements, since the next invocation of handler might assign to the [count] slot.
So try to replace the three lines above with:
pconfig->module = (module_config *) realloc(pconfig->module, (module_count + 1) * sizeof(module_config));
pconfig->channel = (channel_config *) realloc(pconfig->channel, (channel_count + 1) * sizeof(channel_config));

Assignment of a pointer within a struct NOT WORKING, why is the value not changing?

For a school project I am supposed to implement a simplified version of the UNIX filesystem using only linked list structures. I am currently having a problem with my mkfs() function, which is supposed to simply initialize a filesystem.
My header file that creates the structures I am using is here:
typedef struct Lines {
char line[82];
struct Lines *next;
} Lines;
typedef struct Node {
char *name;
int id;
struct Node *parent;
struct Node *next;
union {
char line[82];
struct Node *children;
} contents;
} Node;
typedef struct Filesystem {
char *name;
struct Node *root;
struct Node *current;
} Filesystem;
Here is the method in my separate file which #includes this header file:
void mkfs(Filesystem *files) {
Node *root = NULL; /* Creates a pointer to the directory we will use as
* the root directory for this filesystem*/
files = (Filesystem *)malloc(sizeof(*files)); /* Allocates space for the the
* filesystem structure */
if(files == NULL){ /* If there is no memory available, prints error message
* and does nothing else */
printf("Memory allocation failed!\n");
} else {
root = (Node *)malloc(sizeof(*root)); /* Allocates space for the root
* directory of the filesystem. */
if(root == NULL) { /* If there is no memory available, prints error
* message and frees memory obtained thus far, but then
* does nothing else */
printf("Memory allocation failed!\n");
} else {
/* Allocates space for the root directory's name string */
root->name= (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*(strlen("/")+1));
if(root->name == NULL) { /* If there is no memory available, prints error
* message and frees memory obtained thus far,
* but then does nothing else */
printf("Memory allocation failed!\n");
} else {
root->name = "/"; /* Defines the root directory as being named by the
root->contents.children = NULL;
root->next = NULL;
files->root = root; /* The filesystems pointer to a directory is set
* to point to the root directory we just allocated
* space for and set up */
files->current = root; /* Sets the filesystems current directory to
* point to the root directory as well, because
* it is the only directory in existence for this
* filesystem at this point. */
The problem I am having is that when I run gdb and step through each line, the last two assignment lines ARE NOT CHANGING the contents of file->root and file->current.
For example, here I print the contents of files->root, run the line files->root = root, and then print again, and you can see the address has not changed. However if I just print root, the thing I am trying to assign it to, it clearly has a different value that files->root SHOULD have been set to:
(gdb) print files->root
$12 = (struct Node *) 0x400660
(gdb) step
(gdb) print files->root
$13 = (struct Node *) 0x400660
(gdb) print root
$14 = (Node *) 0x602030
Does anyone have any idea as to why an assignment might not work in this case? This is currently ruining my whole project, so any insight would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!!!
It looks like your mkfs function is accepting a pointer to an already-existing Filesystem and then you are trying to allocate memory for a new Filesystem at a new memory location. There are two common conventions for a function like this: either it accepts no parameters and returns a pointer to a struct, or it accepts a pointer to an already-allocated struct and populates that struct. The reason it appears like the data isn't changing is that you're actually creating and populating a second struct, and leaving the caller's struct unchanged.
Here's an example of the first case, simplifying the function to just the memory allocation part:
Filesystem * mkfs() {
Filesystem *files = (Filesystem *)malloc(sizeof(Filesystem));
// (error handing omitted for brevity)
// populate the files struct as appropriate...
Node *root = (Node *)malloc(sizeof(Node));
files->root = root;
// etc, etc as you currently have
return files;
// In this case you should also provide a way for the caller to free a filesystem,
// which will free everything you allocated during mkfs:
void freefs(Filessystem *files) {
// first free any buffers you allocated inside the struct. For example:
// then free the main filesystem struct
The caller then deals with this object using these two functions. For example:
int main() {
Filesystem *files = mkfs();
// now "files" is ready to use
freefs(files); // free the objects when we're done with them.
Here's an example of the second case, which assumes that the caller already allocated an appropriate buffer, and it just needs to be populated:
void mkfs(Filesystem *files) {
// populate the files struct as appropriate...
Node *root = (Node *)malloc(sizeof(Node));
files->root = root;
// etc, etc as you currently have
void freefs(Filesystem *files) {
// still need to clean up all of the ancillary objects
// etc, etc
In this case the calling function has some more work to do. For example:
int main() {
Filesystem *files = (Filesystem *)malloc(sizeof(Filesystem));
// now "files" is ready to use
freefs(files); // free the objects when we're done with them.
Both patterns are valid; the former is useful if you expect that the caller will need to be able to control how memory is allocated. For example, the caller might decide to allocate the filesystem on the stack rather than the heap:
int main() {
Filesystem files;
// now "files" is ready to use
freefs(&files); // free the ancillary objects when we're done with them.
// "files" is still allocated here, but it's no longer valid
The latter takes care of the allocation on behalf of the caller. Since your function allocates further structures on the heap it's necessary to include a cleanup function in both cases.

Binary Tree of Strings returning wrong order

I am fairly new to C and have been learning from K&R's book The C Programming Language.
After doing the exercises on Binary trees I wanted to make a header for binary trees for
char*, long and double.
There is a function in the following code that has been giving me grief - it should fill an array of character pointers with the values stored in the tree in lexicographical order however it has a bug somewhere. Here's the code for the String Tree Header btree.h:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
/************** TYPES **************/
typedef struct ctree
char *name;
ctree *left;
ctree *right;
/************** Globals **************/
static int c_inc = 0;
/************** Function Prototypes **************/
ctree *add_to_c_tree (ctree *cnode, char *name);
void print_c_tree (ctree *cnode);
ctree *c_tree_alloc (void);
void c_tree_free (ctree *cnode);
void return_c_tree (ctree *cnode, char **array);
/************** Function Definitions **************/
/* add_to_c_tree() : Adds a new node to a *character binary tree */
ctree *add_to_c_tree (ctree *cnode, char *name){
/* If the node is null, allocate memory for it,
* copy the name and set the internal nodes to null*/
if(cnode == NULL){
cnode = c_tree_alloc();
cnode->name = strdup(name);
cnode->left = cnode->right = NULL;
/* If initialised then add to the left node if it is lexographically
* less that the node above it else add it to the right node */
if(strcmp(name, cnode->name) < 0)
cnode->left = add_to_c_tree(cnode->left,name);
else if(strcmp(name, cnode->name) > 0)
cnode->right = add_to_c_tree(cnode->right,name);
return cnode;
/* print_c_tree() : Print out binary tree */
void print_c_tree(ctree *cnode){
if (cnode != NULL) {
/* return_c_tree() : return array of strings containing all values in binary tree */
void return_c_tree (ctree *cnode, char **array){
if (cnode != NULL) {
return_c_tree (cnode->left,array+c_inc);
*(array+c_inc++) = strdup(cnode->name);
// printf("arr+%d:%s\n", c_inc-1,*(array+(c_inc-1)));
return_c_tree (cnode->right,array+c_inc);
/* c_tree_alloc() : Allocates space for a tree node */
ctree *c_tree_alloc(void){
return (ctree *) malloc(sizeof(ctree));
/* c_tree_free() : Free's Memory */
void c_tree_free (ctree *cnode){
Which I have been testing with bt.c:
#include "btree.h"
int main(void){
ctree *node = NULL; char *arr[100];
node = add_to_c_tree(node, "foo");
node = add_to_c_tree(node, "yoo");
node = add_to_c_tree(node, "doo");
node = add_to_c_tree(node, "woo");
node = add_to_c_tree(node, "aoo");
node = add_to_c_tree(node, "boo");
node = add_to_c_tree(node, "coo");
for (int i = 0; i < 7; ++i)
printf("%d:%s ..\n",i, arr[i]);
return 0;
The reason for this question is that I have been having issues with the return_c_tree() function, which is meant to mimic the behaviour of K&R's print_c_tree() function except instead of recursively calling itself until a NULL ptr and printing out the name of the nodes in lexicographical order it is meant to add their names to an array of character ptrs and free the nodes memory.
However the output I get when run as above is:
0:aoo ..
1:(null) ..
2:boo ..
3:doo ..
4:foo ..
5:coo ..
6:(null) ..
Which shows that the print function works fine but the return function obviously isn't.
The confusing thing is that if the call to printf() in return_c_tree() is uncommented this is the result:
0:aoo ..
1:(null) ..
2:boo ..
3:doo ..
4:foo ..
5:coo ..
6:(null) ..
Which implies that it actually does add the strings in the right order.
Also I have tried it without the c_inc variable -> ie just incrementing array
before passing it to the right node which the produces the same results from the printf
in return_c_tree() but different from main:
0:foo ..
1:yoo ..
2:coo ..
3:(null) ..
4:(null) ..
5:(null) ..
6:(null) ..
I'm rather confused, so If anyone can help I would appreciate it greatly. I'm sure I'm just incrementing it in the wrong place but I can't work out where.
I thought I had finally understood pointers but apparently not.
Your problem is how you handle your pointer to array when you recursively call. This will fix your return_c_tree function:
void return_c_tree (ctree *cnode, char **array)
if (cnode != NULL) {
return_c_tree (cnode->left,array); // <--- CHANGED 2ND PARAM
*(array+c_inc++) = strdup(cnode->name);
return_c_tree (cnode->right,array); // <--- AGAIN, CHANGED 2ND PARAM
You're using a global variable c_inc to keep track of the current index into the array. However, when you recursively called return_c_tree, you passed in array+c_inc, but you did not offset c_inc to account for this. Basically, you double-counted c_inc each time.
While this solves your particular problem, there are some other problems with your code.
In general, using global variables is asking for trouble. There's no need to do it here. Pass c_inc as a parameter to return_c_tree.
Also, mixing global variables with recursion is especially prone to problems. You really want recursive routines to keep their state on the stack.
As a commenter pointed out, all of your code in btree.h should really be in btree.c. The point of header files is to define an interface, not for code.
(This is more stylistic) Your return_c_tree function is really two distinct functions: copy the elements of the tree (in order) into the array, and free the memory used by the tree. These two operations are conceptually distinct: there are times that you'll want to do one and not both. There can be compelling performance (or other) reasons to mix the two, but wait until you have some hard evidence.

using malloc for the life of the program

gcc 4.4.4 c89
I have always thought of using malloc for the life of the project for being the scope.
But I am just wondering if my idea is the best practice. For example, I initalize an instance of the struct in main. And create 2 functions for creating and destroying. I am just wondering if this is the right thing to do.
I have some skeleton code below.
Many thanks for any advice,
typedef struct Network_dev_t {
size_t id;
char *name;
} Network_dev;
Network_dev* create_network_device(Network_dev *network)
network = malloc(sizeof *network);
if(network == NULL) {
return NULL;
return network;
void do_something(Network_dev *network)
/* Do something with the network device */
void destroy_network_device(Network_dev *network)
int main(void)
Network_dev *network = NULL;
network = create_network_device(network);
/* Do something with the network device */
return 0;
Looks good.
I have a point or 2 about create_network_device
Network_dev* create_network_device(Network_dev *network)
no need to pass in a pointer; I'd rather have Network_dev* create_network_device(void)
network = malloc(sizeof *network);
the if is not really necessary; if malloc failed the return network at the end of the function is the same as return NULL.
if(network == NULL) {
return NULL;
If the allocation succeeded you might want to insure the struct members are in a know state here
/* if (network) { */
/* id = 0; */
/* name = NULL; */
/* } */
return network;
This code looks fine to me. I agree with pmg that your create_network_device could use a little work. Just to pull together what he said and make things clearer, here is exactly how I would write the function:
Network_dev *create_network_device()
Network_dev *network = malloc(sizeof(*network));
if (network) {
network->id = 0;
network->name = NULL;
return network;
It is best to allocate memory and free memory in the same function. Just like you open and close files in the same function. You did this by creating and destroying a Network_dev in the main() function, which is good. This makes it easy to confirm that all malloced locations are also freed.
It is best to malloc() something as late as possible and free() it as soon as possible. That is, hold the memory for as short as possible. If your program's job is to do something with Network_dev, you did all right. If your program does a lot of other things, you should do them before malloc() or after free().
