Use repeat in nested loop without parent elements? - angularjs

I'm trying to print out the error messages using the code below. As you can see, since the message is inside an associative array (object) 3 levels deep I have to use 3 loops. The outer divs are actually pretty useless and I want to get rid of the if possible. However, since ng-repeat requires putting it to a real div, I don't know what else I can do?
<div data-ng-repeat="(typeKey, typeValue) in alerts">
<div data-ng-repeat="(fieldKey, fieldValue) in typeValue">
<div data-ng-repeat="(messageKey, messageValue) in fieldValue">
{[ messageValue ]}

As I know angulajs does not support containerless syntax. If you want to get rid of divs than you can write a function on controller to generate your message values without divs:


Filter a directive by using a div wrapper or within the directive tag

I'm trying to go with the best approach and avoid unnecessary rendering/processing time in my AngularJS app when choosing between 2 directives to be displayed in the page inside an ngRepeat loop, want to know which is the best way:
If by setting the ng-if directly in the directive html element, like:
<div ng-repeat="element in list">
<my-directive-a ng-if="someFunction(element)"></my-directive-a>
<my-directive-b ng-if="!someFunction(element)"></my-directive-b>
Or by moving out the first <div> from the directive's template and use it as a wrapper for each directive. For instance:
<div ng-repeat="element in list">
<div ng-if="someFunction(element)">
<div ng-if="!someFunction(element)">
NOTE: The starting <div> element on each directive could be modified behave the same so I will basically take that out of the directive's html and moving it outside the directive declaration in order to place the ng-if there
What would be the best approach for this case? Are there any performance implications from doing it one way or another? Or is it just the same thing? Consider that the number of elements in the list could get really big.
They are quite the same, but you can improve performance with one-time binding, but only when element does not change at runtime (for example, let's say that it has property name, and your someFunction is like return === 'John'). Angular just stop observing this function when it returns value, and watches will be deleted. There are 2 prerequisites to use this solution:
Elements properties in list does not change (if you rely on them in someFunction), for example if you rely on name property name must not change, because watcher on someFunction is note available.
When list changes or its elements properties change, you reload all list (for example, you fetch it from server again if you know that change occurred)
What you get with this? There is no watches after my-directives are drawn on ng-ifs, and when something changes, new reference is bound to list (for example, it comes from server) and everything will be redrawn, ng-ifs will run again and when will become stable (function returns value) then will be unbound. How it looks like? Like this:
<div ng-repeat="element in list">
<div ng-if="::(someFunction(element))">
<div ng-if="::(!someFunction(element))">
Two colons before expression. But be aware, that with one-time binding it's easy to mess up - you need to be sure that you test your code enough to be sure it works.

ng-repeat not working inside angular-deckgrid

I am Using angular-deckgrid to create pinterest like view
Here is the Code I have written
<div deckgrid source="items" class="deckgrid">
<span data-ng-repeat='i in card'>{{ i }}</span>
I am expecting the value of i in the ng-repeat, but that seems to be not going in the loop.
Can any one please suggest me the solution
The data-ng-repeat is redundant. Be default, deckgrid will loop over your items variable and assumes it is an array.
Make sure items is an array and remove the data-ng-repeat.

Why does using ng-repeat to iterate html fail when the html contains divs?

When I use ng-repeat to iterate the following code, everything is fine:
<p ng-repeat="user in users">
<input size="50" ng-model=""></input>
However, using the following fails:
<p ng-repeat="user in users">
<input size="50" ng-model=""></input>
In the latter case, it looks like the div is excluded from the loop and appended only once after the input tags that have been repeated as expected.
I'm trying to understand the difference in behaviour towards div tags.
Thanks for any insights.
EDIT: The question was already answered, but here's a js-fiddle that allowed me to demonstrate the issue:
You cannot nest <div> elements in <p> element: as shown here, it's permitted to contain so-called phrasing content only.
As <div> opening tag is considered to be an end of <p> element, technically its corresponding element is outside of <p> in the second case - that's why it's not repeated.
I'll quote Josh's answer to this question : Directive inside ng-repeat only appears once
It is actually related to how your browser will handle blocks inside a non-allowing blocks tag.
I imagine this is the browser's doing. Technically, paragraph tags are
only allowed to contain inline elements, which div is not. Some
browsers (most?) will automatically close the <p> when hits an
unauthorized tag. If you inspect the DOM, you will see that even the
div that makes it into the DOM from the ngRepeat is not inside the
generated paragraph.

Angular: Getting list with ng-repeat with dividers / separators

Still pretty new with Angular, just finding my way around.
I'm using ng-repeat to output an alphabetised list of names. I'd like to add dividers within this list that act as labels.
Author 1
Author 2
Author 3
Author 4
My thinking is to use nested ng-repeats to loop through the alphabet, getting an object with the authors for that specific letter with a second ng-repeat. Here's what I have so far:
<div data-ng-repeat="letter in alphabet">
<div class="item item-divider">
<li data-ng-repeat="speaker in GetSpeakers(letter)" type="item-text-wrap" href="#/speaker/{{speaker.ID}}">
Controller code:
.controller('SpeakersCtrl', function($scope, $routeParams, StorageHandler) {
$scope.GetSpeakers = function(letter) {
// Get list of authors for that letter
console.log('test '+letter);
$scope.alphabet = ['A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z'];
I have a couple of questions.
In general, is using a nested ng-repeat a good approach for this
problem, or does Angular have built-in specifically for this purpose? Some sources also say using a function in ng-repeat is a bad idea. But it does work so I'm confused as to why I shouldn't use this.
When looking at the console, GetSpeakers gets called twice in this example and I can't figure out why?
How should I return an object to the scope within the GetSpeakers function, while preventing overloading the $scope?
I think you can do this in a much simpler way without:
having to do a nested ng-repeat
writing out the whole alphabet
needing to handle letters which have no author
manipulating your original array of objects or copying it
writing much fewer lines of code
by using $index.
so that would look something like this:
<div ng-repeat="speaker in speakers | orderBy : 'name'">
<div class="item item-divider" ng-if="firstLetter( != firstLetter(speakers[$index-1].name)">
This would need a simple function to get the first letter such as:
function firstLetter(name) {
return name && name.charAt(0);
So what this does is it compares the first letter of whatever you passed to the previous object's first letter and if they are different it adds the divider with that letter. Pretty clean and simple :)
Check out this working JsFiddle
You can obviously improve on that code to handle upper/lowercase (i.e. always capitalize before comparing) as well as extract the comparison into a function for cleaner code.
Likely better to map the data into a single object where the object keys are the letter. I'll assume you have objects like:
{id:123, firstName:'Frank',lastName :'Enstein'}
and want the letter to represent last names
var tmp={};
var letter=authourArray[i].lastName.charAt(0);
if( tmp[ letter] ==undefined){
tmp[ letter]=[]
tmp[ letter].push( authourArray[i] );
/* likely want to loop over all the arrays now and sort unless already sorted from server*/
Now in markup will ng-repeat all the letters in the object keys, and within that loop, do an ng-repeat of the authors array for that letter
<div data-ng-repeat="(letter, authors) in repeaterObject">
<div class="item item-divider">
<li ng-repeat="author in authors">{{author.firstName}} {{author.lastName}}</li>
Resulting object will look like:
E:[ {id:123, firstName:'Frank',lastName :'Enstein'}, /* other E author objects*/ ],
I believe that using nested ng repeats is perfectly fine. Im not familiar with a better way that angularjs provides to iterate over multi dimensional arrays/data structures.
The reason you should avoid using functions in ng repeats is that angularjs will call that function each time it will create the element in the repeat directive. As charlie suggested above it would be better to order the authors once and use the resulting array each time, rather than ordering the authors each time you display them. This has the added benefit of being able to reuse the array

Is there a way to make AngularJS work with HTML-first?

Is there a way to have a HTML-view with pre-populated values from the server, and then get AngularJS to read those values into it's $scope?
I'm thinking of a scenario where the HTML is like this:
<div ng-controller="TestController">
<div ng-bind="title">Test Title</div>
<div ng-bind="itemCount">33</div>
<div ng-repeat="item in items">
<div ng-bind="item.title">Item 1 Title</div>
<button ng-click="update()">Update</button>
And the JavaScript is like this:
function TestController($scope) {
$scope.update = function() {
console.log($scope.title); // Should log "Test Title"
The thought behind this is to let the server render HTML that search engines can index, but have a JavaScript-model-representation of the content for manipulation through JS.
While ng-init is one solution, it requires you to explicitly set the value. So here is an alternative solution.
Note : This solution wont work for ng-repeat. Control flow directives cant be used with this. But for simple extraction of information from ng-bind this works pretty well. All that you need to do is add the default directive ( code in plunk ) to wherever you are doing the bind and it will extract the text content and push it to the scope variable.
EDIT (solution with ng-repeat):
So, I was thinking of a way to make ng-repeat also work the same way. But getting ng-repeat to work like this isnt an easy job ( see the code for proof :P ). I have finally found a solution - here you go :
There are a couple of things you need to know before you use this. This hasnt been thoroughly tested. It only works for repeating over arrays ( not objects ). There could be cases that have not been covered. I am overriding ngRepeat itself which could have other consequences. When you loop through the items ( in your server side code ) dont forget to add default="true" on the first element and default on the rest of the elements.
Hope this helps.
Add ng-init to your elements with the value so that it will work the way you want.
I think what you really want is to make your application searchable by serving static files in parallell. Read more about it here
