Entry Point Obscuring - c

I've been writing an EPO program and so far I've been able to find a call opcode and get the RVA from the following address in the binary, then parse the IAT to get names of functions that are imported and their corresponding RVA's.
I've come to a problem when trying fill arrays with the names + RVA's and going on to compare the WORD value I have from the call address against the RVA's of all the imported functions.
Here's the code I've been working with;
DWORD dwImportDirectoryVA,dwSectionCount,dwSection=0,dwRawOffset;
PIMAGE_THUNK_DATA pThunkData, pFThunkData;
// Arrays to hold names + rva's
unsigned long namearray[100];
DWORD rvaArray[100];
int i = 0;
And the rest:
/* Import Code: */
dwSectionCount = pNtHeaders->FileHeader.NumberOfSections;
dwImportDirectoryVA = pNtHeaders->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[1].VirtualAddress;
for(;dwSection < dwSectionCount && pSectionHeader->VirtualAddress <= dwImportDirectoryVA;pSectionHeader++,dwSection++);
dwRawOffset = (DWORD)hMap+pSectionHeader->PointerToRawData;
pImportDescriptor = (PIMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR)(dwRawOffset+(dwImportDirectoryVA-pSectionHeader->VirtualAddress));
pThunkData = (PIMAGE_THUNK_DATA)(dwRawOffset+(pImportDescriptor->OriginalFirstThunk-pSectionHeader->VirtualAddress));
pFThunkData = (PIMAGE_THUNK_DATA)pImportDescriptor->FirstThunk;
for(;pThunkData->u1.AddressOfData != 0;pThunkData++)
if(!(pThunkData->u1.Ordinal & IMAGE_ORDINAL_FLAG32))
namearray[i] = (dwRawOffset+(pThunkData->u1.AddressOfData-pSectionHeader->VirtualAddress+2));
rvaArray[i] = pFThunkData;
for (i = 0 ; i <= 100 ; i++)
//wRva is defined and initialized earlier in code.
if (rvaArray[i] == wRva)
printf("Call to %s found. Address: %X\n", namearray[i], rvaArray[i]);
NOTE: A lot of this code has been stripped down ( printf statements to track progress.)
The problem is the types of arrays I've been using. I'm not sure how I can store pThunkData (Names) and pFThunkData (RVA's) correctly for usage later on.
I've tried a few things a messed around with the code but I'm admitting defeat and asking for your help.

You could create a list or array of structs, containing pThunkData and pFThunkData.
#define n 100
struct pdata
PIMAGE_THUNK_DATA p_thunk_data;
PIMAGE_THUNK_DATA pf_thunk_data;
struct pdata pdatas[n]


Using a c-program to read an NMEA-string

I am trying to make a c-program that will will a string, but I want it only to read a very small part of it.
The NMEA-telegram that I try to read is $WIXDR, and do receive the necessary strings.
Here's 2 examples of strings that I get into the CPU:
If it were only 1 string (not both C and V), this would not be a problem for me.
The problem here is that it's 2 seperate strings. One with the temperature, and one with rain-info.
The only thing that I'm interested in is the value "1.9" from
Here's what I have so far:
void ProcessXDR(char* buffPtr)
char valueBuff[10];
int result, x;
float OutSideTemp;
USHORT uOutSideTemp;
// char charTemperature, charRain
IODBerr eCode;
//Outside Temperature
result = ReadAsciiVariable(buffPtr, &valueBuff[0], &buffPtr, sizeof(valueBuff));
OutSideTemp *= 10;
uOutSideTemp = (USHORT)OutSideTemp;
eCode = IODBWrite(ANALOG_IN,REG_COM_XDR,1,&uOutSideTemp,NULL);
// XDR ...
Timer[TIMER_XDR] = 1200; // Update every minute
ComStateXDR = 1;
There's more, but this is the main part that I have.
I have found the answer to my own question. The code that would do as I intented is as follows:
What my little code does, is to look for the letter C, and if the C is found, it will take the value after it and put it into "OutSideTemp". The reason I had to look for C is that there is also a similar string received with the letter V (Rain).
If someone have any input in a way it could be better, I don't mind, but this little piece here does what I need it to do.
Here's to example telegrams I receive (I wanted the value 3.0 to be put into "OutSideTemp"):
void ProcessXDR(char* buffPtr)
char valueBuff[10];
int result, x;
float OutSideTemp;
USHORT uOutSideTemp;
// char charTemperature, charRain
IODBerr eCode;
// Look for "C"
result = ReadAsciiVariable(buffPtr, &valueBuff[0], &buffPtr, sizeof(valueBuff));
// sscanf(&valueBuff[0],"%f",&charTemperature);
if (valueBuff[0] == 'C')
//Outside Temperature
result = ReadAsciiVariable(buffPtr, &valueBuff[0], &buffPtr, sizeof(valueBuff));
OutSideTemp *= 10;
uOutSideTemp = (USHORT)OutSideTemp;
eCode = IODBWrite(ANALOG_IN,REG_COM_XDR,1,&uOutSideTemp,NULL);

Problems iterating through AddressOfNames member of IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY structure

I'm having problems enumerating function names in kernel32.dll. I retrieved its IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY structure and stored an array of pointers to char arrays of each function name: char** name_table = (char**)(image+pExp_dir->AddressOfNames); //pExp_dir is a pointer to the IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY structure. I'm now trying to iterate through the function names and match them to a string containing the name of the function whom's RVA I need.
for(int i=0;i<pExp_dir->NumberOfNames;i++) //until i is 1 less than how many names there are to iterate through elements
printf("%s ", (char*)(image+(DWORD)(uintptr_t)name_table[i])); //print the name of each function iterated through, I went back and read through these names and didn't see GetProcAddress anywhere
if(proc_name == image+(DWORD)(uintptr_t)name_table[i]) //if(strcmp(proc_name, (const char*)image+(DWORD)(intptr_t)name_table[i]) == 0) //Is it the function we're looking for?
address = (DWORD)(uintptr_t)func_table[ord_table[i]];//If so convert the address of the function into a DWORD(hexadecimal)
system("CLS"); //Clear the screen
return address; //return the address of the function
But if it doesn't find the function then the program crashes. And after looking in the memory dump in the DBG debugger I can see that name_tables contains all of the function names including the function I'm looking for but my program seems to skip several elements even though I'm iterating through its elements one at a time. User stijn suggested that I shouldn't use intptr_t to cast char* to DWORD to use for pointer arithmetic. So my question is really about the correct way to iterate through name_table because it seems as if this is a pointer arithmetic problem. Here's the function to get the file image and the function that actually gets the RVA:
void* GetFileImage(char path[]) //Get maps the image of the file into memory and returns the beginning virtual address of the file in memory
HANDLE hFile = CreateFile(path, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY, NULL);//Get a handle to the dll with read rights
if(hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE){printf("Error getting file handle: %d", (int)GetLastError());return NULL;} //Check whether or not CreateFile succeeded
HANDLE file_map = CreateFileMapping(hFile, NULL, PAGE_READONLY|SEC_IMAGE, 0, 0, "KernelMap"); //Create file map
if(file_map == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE){printf("Error mapping file: %d", (int)GetLastError());return NULL;} //Did it succeed
LPVOID file_image = MapViewOfFile(file_map, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, 0); //Map it into the virtual address space of my program
if(file_image == 0){printf("Error getting mapped view: %d", (int)GetLastError());return NULL;} //Did it succeed
return file_image; //return the base address of the image
DWORD RVAddress(char* image, const char* proc_name) //Gets the relative virtual address of the function and returns a DWORD to be cast to void*.
DWORD address = 0xFFFFFFFF;
PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER pDos_hdr = (PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER)image; //Get dos header
PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS pNt_hdr = (PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS)(image+pDos_hdr->e_lfanew); //Get PE header by using the offset in dos header + the base address of the file image
IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER opt_hdr = pNt_hdr->OptionalHeader; //Get the optional header
PIMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY pExp_dir = (PIMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY)(image+exp_entry.VirtualAddress); //Get a pointer to the export directory
void** func_table = (void**)(image+pExp_dir->AddressOfFunctions); //Get an array of pointers to the functions
WORD* ord_table = (WORD*)(image+pExp_dir->AddressOfNameOrdinals); //Get an array of ordinals
char** name_table = (char**)(image+pExp_dir->AddressOfNames); //Get an array of function names
for(int i=0;i<pExp_dir->NumberOfNames;i++) //until i is 1 less than how many names there are to iterate through elements
printf("%s ", (char*)(image+(DWORD)(uintptr_t)name_table[i])); //print the name of each function iterated through, I went back and read through these names and didn't see GetProcAddress anywhere
if(proc_name == image+(DWORD)(uintptr_t)name_table[i]) //if(strcmp(proc_name, (const char*)image+(DWORD)(intptr_t)name_table[i]) == 0) //Is it the function we're looking for?
address = (DWORD)(uintptr_t)func_table[ord_table[i]];//If so convert the address of the function into a DWORD(hexadecimal)
system("CLS"); //Clear the screen
return address; //return the address of the function
return (DWORD)0; //Other wise return 0
Any help would be much appreciated!
Docs (Section 6.3) say next about AddressOfNames table
The Export Name Pointer Table is an array of addresses (RVAs) into the
Export Name Table. The pointers are 32 bits each and are relative to
the Image Base. The pointers are ordered lexically to allow binary
And about AddressOfFunctions:
Each entry in the Export Address Table is a field that uses one of two
formats, ... If the address specified is not within the export section
(as defined by the address and length indicated in the Optional
Header), the field is an Export RVA: an actual address in code or
data. Otherwise, the field is a Forwarder RVA, which names a symbol in
another DLL.
Your variables is not void** and char**, but actually all are DWORD* because these tables hold RVA. Try next code:
DWORD* func_table = (DWORD*)(image+pExp_dir->AddressOfFunctions); //Get an array of pointers to the functions
WORD* ord_table = (WORD*)(image+pExp_dir->AddressOfNameOrdinals); //Get an array of ordinals
DWORD* name_table = (DWORD*)(image+pExp_dir->AddressOfNames); //Get an array of function names
for(int i=0;i<pExp_dir->NumberOfNames;i++) //until i is 1 less than how many names there are to iterate through elements
printf("%s ", (char*)(image+name_table[i])); //print the name of each function iterated through, I went back and read through these names and didn't see GetProcAddress anywhere
if(strcmp(proc_name, (const char*)(image+name_table[i])) == 0) //Is it the function we're looking for?
// TODO should we distinguish between normal and forwarded exports?
WORD ordinal_base = 1; // TODO read it from export directory
address = func_table[ord_table[i] - ordinal_base];//If so convert the address of the function into a DWORD(hexadecimal)
system("CLS"); //Clear the screen
return address; //return the address of the function
So when your code runs on 32-bit machine it should work regardless of the incorrect var types, but if you are on 64-bit - pointers are twice longer than DWORD and it will skip odd entries in tables and goes out of array bound, that may cause crash.
P.S. Name table is ordered, so you can use binary search.

Strategy for cycling trough preexisting set of variables in c

I’m trying to program a HMI console to read a file from an USB pen drive and display its data on the screen. This is a csv file and the objective is to store the interpreted data to HMI console memory, which the HMI console later interprets. The macros on these consoles run in C (not C++).
I have no issue with both reading and interpreting the file, the issue that the existing function (not accessible to me, shown below) to write in the console memory only interprets char.
int WriteLocal( const char *type, int addr, int nRegs, void *buf , int flag );
Parameter: type is the string of "LW","LB" etc;
address is the Operation address ;
nRegs is the length of read or write ;
buf is the buffer which store the reading or writing data
flag is 0,then codetype is BIN,is 1 then codetype is BCD;
return value : 1 , Operation success
0 , Operation fail.
As my luck would have it I need to write integer values. What are available to me are the variables for each memory position. These are preexisting and are named individually such as:
int WR_LW200;
int WR_LW202;
int WR_LW204;
int WR_LW20n;
Ideally we could have a vector with all the names of the variables but unfortunately this is not possible. I could manually write every single variable but I need to do 300 of these…
must be a better way, right?
Just to give you a look on how it ended up looking:
int* arr[50][5] = { {&WR_LW200, &WR_LW400, &WR_LW600, &WR_LW800, &WR_LW1000},
{&WR_LW202, &WR_LW402, &WR_LW602, &WR_LW802, &WR_LW1002},
{&WR_LW204, &WR_LW404, &WR_LW604, &WR_LW804, &WR_LW1004},
{&WR_LW206, &WR_LW406, &WR_LW606, &WR_LW806, &WR_LW1006},
{&WR_LW208, &WR_LW408, &WR_LW608, &WR_LW808, &WR_LW1008},
{&WR_LW210, &WR_LW410, &WR_LW610, &WR_LW810, &WR_LW1010},
{&WR_LW212, &WR_LW412, &WR_LW612, &WR_LW812, &WR_LW1012},
{&WR_LW214, &WR_LW414, &WR_LW614, &WR_LW814, &WR_LW1014},
{&WR_LW216, &WR_LW416, &WR_LW616, &WR_LW816, &WR_LW1016},
{&WR_LW218, &WR_LW418, &WR_LW618, &WR_LW818, &WR_LW1018},
{&WR_LW220, &WR_LW420, &WR_LW620, &WR_LW820, &WR_LW1020},
{&WR_LW222, &WR_LW422, &WR_LW622, &WR_LW822, &WR_LW1022},
{&WR_LW224, &WR_LW424, &WR_LW624, &WR_LW824, &WR_LW1024},
{&WR_LW226, &WR_LW426, &WR_LW626, &WR_LW826, &WR_LW1026},
{&WR_LW228, &WR_LW428, &WR_LW628, &WR_LW828, &WR_LW1028},
{&WR_LW230, &WR_LW430, &WR_LW630, &WR_LW830, &WR_LW1030},
{&WR_LW232, &WR_LW432, &WR_LW632, &WR_LW832, &WR_LW1032},
{&WR_LW234, &WR_LW434, &WR_LW634, &WR_LW834, &WR_LW1034},
{&WR_LW236, &WR_LW436, &WR_LW636, &WR_LW836, &WR_LW1036},
{&WR_LW238, &WR_LW438, &WR_LW638, &WR_LW838, &WR_LW1038},
{&WR_LW240, &WR_LW440, &WR_LW640, &WR_LW840, &WR_LW1040},
{&WR_LW242, &WR_LW442, &WR_LW642, &WR_LW842, &WR_LW1042},
{&WR_LW244, &WR_LW444, &WR_LW644, &WR_LW844, &WR_LW1044},
{&WR_LW246, &WR_LW446, &WR_LW646, &WR_LW846, &WR_LW1046},
{&WR_LW248, &WR_LW448, &WR_LW648, &WR_LW848, &WR_LW1048},
{&WR_LW250, &WR_LW450, &WR_LW650, &WR_LW850, &WR_LW1050},
{&WR_LW252, &WR_LW452, &WR_LW652, &WR_LW852, &WR_LW1052},
{&WR_LW254, &WR_LW454, &WR_LW654, &WR_LW854, &WR_LW1054},
{&WR_LW256, &WR_LW456, &WR_LW656, &WR_LW856, &WR_LW1056},
{&WR_LW258, &WR_LW458, &WR_LW658, &WR_LW858, &WR_LW1058},
{&WR_LW260, &WR_LW460, &WR_LW660, &WR_LW860, &WR_LW1060},
{&WR_LW262, &WR_LW462, &WR_LW662, &WR_LW862, &WR_LW1062},
{&WR_LW264, &WR_LW464, &WR_LW664, &WR_LW864, &WR_LW1064},
{&WR_LW266, &WR_LW466, &WR_LW666, &WR_LW866, &WR_LW1066},
{&WR_LW268, &WR_LW468, &WR_LW668, &WR_LW868, &WR_LW1068},
{&WR_LW270, &WR_LW470, &WR_LW670, &WR_LW870, &WR_LW1070},
{&WR_LW272, &WR_LW472, &WR_LW672, &WR_LW872, &WR_LW1072},
{&WR_LW274, &WR_LW474, &WR_LW674, &WR_LW874, &WR_LW1074},
{&WR_LW276, &WR_LW476, &WR_LW676, &WR_LW876, &WR_LW1076},
{&WR_LW278, &WR_LW478, &WR_LW678, &WR_LW878, &WR_LW1078},
{&WR_LW280, &WR_LW480, &WR_LW680, &WR_LW880, &WR_LW1080},
{&WR_LW282, &WR_LW482, &WR_LW682, &WR_LW882, &WR_LW1082},
{&WR_LW284, &WR_LW484, &WR_LW684, &WR_LW884, &WR_LW1084},
{&WR_LW286, &WR_LW486, &WR_LW686, &WR_LW886, &WR_LW1086},
{&WR_LW288, &WR_LW488, &WR_LW688, &WR_LW888, &WR_LW1088},
{&WR_LW290, &WR_LW490, &WR_LW690, &WR_LW890, &WR_LW1090},
{&WR_LW292, &WR_LW492, &WR_LW692, &WR_LW892, &WR_LW1092},
{&WR_LW294, &WR_LW494, &WR_LW694, &WR_LW894, &WR_LW1094},
{&WR_LW296, &WR_LW496, &WR_LW696, &WR_LW896, &WR_LW1096},
{&WR_LW298, &WR_LW498, &WR_LW698, &WR_LW898, &WR_LW1098} };
Big right? I had consurns that this HMI would have issues with such an approach but it did the job. The code below runs trough a string that comes from the csv file. This code runs inside another while cycle to cycle trough the multi dimensional array.
it's a little crude but works.
while (i<=5)
memset(lineTemp, 0, sizeof lineTemp); // clear lineTemp array
while (lineFromFile[index] != delimiter)
if (lineFromFile[index] != delimiter && lineFromFile[index] != '\0') { lineTemp[j] = lineFromFile[index]; index++; j++; }
if (lineFromFile[index] == '\0') { i = 5; break; }
lineTemp[j] = '\0'; // NULL TERMINATION
j = 0;
if (i == -1) { WriteLocal("LW",temp,3,lineTemp,0); }
if (i >= 0 && i<=5) { *(arr[x][i]) = atoi(lineTemp); }
Thanks again for the tip.

Pointers getting junk values outside of functions, but regular values inside them

Full disclosure: This is my first time doing any significant programming in C, and my first post on Stack Overflow.
I'm working on code that will eventually be used with Bison to implement a small subset of the Scheme/Racket language. All of this code is in a single C file. I have three structs: Binding, Lambda, and SymbolEntry. I'm not using the Lambda struct yet, it's just there for completeness. I also have a symbol table that holds symbol entries. printSymbolTable() does exactly what the name implies:
typedef struct
char* name;
char* value;
} Binding;
typedef struct
int numBindings;
Binding** bindings;
char* functionBody;
} Lambda;
typedef struct
Binding* binding;
Lambda* function;
} SymbolEntry;
SymbolEntry* symbolTable = NULL;
int numSymbols = 0;
void printSymbolTable()
if (symbolTable)
int i = 0;
for (i; i < numSymbols; i++)
printf("\tsymbolTable[%i]: %s = %s\n", i, symbolTable[i].binding->name, symbolTable[i].binding->value);
I'm currently trying to work out the logic for defining and looking up variables. The 2 relevant functions:
// Takes a name and an exprssion and stores the result in the symbol table
void defineVar(char* name, char* expr)
printf("\nSetting %s = %s\n", name, expr);
printf("Previous number of symbols: %i\n", numSymbols);
Binding props;
props.name = name;
props.value = expr;
SymbolEntry entry;
entry.binding = &props;
entry.function = NULL;
symbolTable = realloc(symbolTable, sizeof(SymbolEntry) * ++numSymbols);
if (!symbolTable)
printf("Memory allocation failed. Exiting.\n");
symbolTable[numSymbols - 1] = entry;
printf("New number of symbols: %i\n", numSymbols);
printf("defineVar result:\n");
// Test storing and looking up at least 4 variables, including one that is undefined
void testVars()
printf("Variable tests\n");
defineVar("foo", "0");
printf("After returning from defineVar:\n");
defineVar("bar", "20");
printf("After returning from defineVar:\n");
main() calls testVars(). I get no warnings or errors when compiling, and the program executes successfully. However, this is the result:
Variable tests
Setting foo = 0
Previous number of symbols: 0
New number of symbols: 1
defineVar result:
symbolTable[0]: foo = 0
After returning from defineVar:
symbolTable[0]: 1�I��^H��H���PTI��# = �E
Setting bar = 20
Previous number of symbols: 1
New number of symbols: 2
defineVar result:
symbolTable[0]: bar = 20
symbolTable[1]: bar = 20
After returning from defineVar:
symbolTable[0]: 1�I��^H��H���PTI��# = �E
symbolTable[1]: 1�I��^H��H���PTI��# = �E���
Not only am I getting junk values when outside of the defineVar() function, but the call to define bar shows incorrect non-junk values as well. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, but I assume it's probably something with realloc(). However, a similar strategy worked when parsing a string into individual tokens, so that's what I was trying to emulate. What am I doing wrong?
Because it's pointing to variables (or variable — at least props, haven't read further) local to functions and the stack frame is discarded (and soon overwritten) after you return.

Win32 - Backtrace from C code

I'm currently looking for a way to get backtrace information under Windows, from C code (no C++).
I'm building a cross-platform C library, with reference-counting memory management. It also have an integrated memory debugger that provides informations about memory mistakes (XEOS C Foundation Library).
When a fault occurs, the debugger is launched, providing information about the fault, and the memory record involved.
On Linux or Mac OS X, I can look for execinfo.h in order to use the backtrace function, so I can display additional infos about the memory fault.
I'm looking for the same thing on Windows.
I've seen How can one grab a stack trace in C? on Stack Overflow. I don't want to use a third-party library, so the CaptureStackBackTrace or StackWalk functions looks good.
The only problem is that I just don't get how to use them, even with the Microsoft documentation.
I'm not used to Windows programming, as I usually work on POSIX compliant systems.
What are some explanations for those functions, and maybe some examples?
I'm now considering using the CaptureStackBackTrace function from DbgHelp.lib, as is seems there's a little less overhead...
Here's what I've tried so far:
unsigned int i;
void * stack[ 100 ];
unsigned short frames;
HANDLE process;
process = GetCurrentProcess();
SymInitialize( process, NULL, TRUE );
frames = CaptureStackBackTrace( 0, 100, stack, NULL );
for( i = 0; i < frames; i++ )
SymFromAddr( process, ( DWORD64 )( stack[ i ] ), 0, &symbol );
printf( "%s\n", symbol.Name );
I'm just getting junk. I guess I should use something else than SymFromAddr.
Alright, now I got it. : )
The problem was in the SYMBOL_INFO structure. It needs to be allocated on the heap, reserving space for the symbol name, and initialized properly.
Here's the final code:
void printStack( void );
void printStack( void )
unsigned int i;
void * stack[ 100 ];
unsigned short frames;
SYMBOL_INFO * symbol;
HANDLE process;
process = GetCurrentProcess();
SymInitialize( process, NULL, TRUE );
frames = CaptureStackBackTrace( 0, 100, stack, NULL );
symbol = ( SYMBOL_INFO * )calloc( sizeof( SYMBOL_INFO ) + 256 * sizeof( char ), 1 );
symbol->MaxNameLen = 255;
symbol->SizeOfStruct = sizeof( SYMBOL_INFO );
for( i = 0; i < frames; i++ )
SymFromAddr( process, ( DWORD64 )( stack[ i ] ), 0, symbol );
printf( "%i: %s - 0x%0X\n", frames - i - 1, symbol->Name, symbol->Address );
free( symbol );
Output is:
6: printStack - 0xD2430
5: wmain - 0xD28F0
4: __tmainCRTStartup - 0xE5010
3: wmainCRTStartup - 0xE4FF0
2: BaseThreadInitThunk - 0x75BE3665
1: RtlInitializeExceptionChain - 0x770F9D0F
0: RtlInitializeExceptionChain - 0x770F9D0F
Here's my super-low-fi alternative, as used for reading stacks from a C++ Builder app. This code is executed within the process itself when it crashes and gets a stack into the cs array.
int cslev = 0;
void* cs[300];
void* it = <ebp at time of crash>;
void* rm[2];
while(it && cslev<300)
/* Could just memcpy instead of ReadProcessMemory, but who knows if
the stack's valid? If it's invalid, memcpy could cause an AV, which is
pretty much exactly what we don't want
Once I've got the stack, I then go about translating it into names. I do this by cross-referencing with the .map file that C++Builder outputs. The same thing could be done with a map file from another compiler, although the formatting would be somewhat different. The following code works for C++Builder maps. This is again quite low-fi and probably not the canonical MS way of doing things, but it works in my situation. The code below isn't delivered to end users.
char linbuf[300];
char *pars;
unsigned long coff,lngth,csect;
unsigned long thisa,sect;
char *fns[300];
unsigned int maxs[300];
FILE *map;
map = fopen(mapname, "r");
if (!map)
...Add error handling for missing map...
} while (!strstr(linbuf,"CODE"));
csect=strtoul(linbuf,&pars,16); /* Find out code segment number */
pars++; /* Skip colon */
coff=strtoul(pars,&pars,16); /* Find out code offset */
lngth=strtoul(pars,NULL,16); /* Find out code length */
} while (!strstr(linbuf,"Publics by Name"));
fns[lop] = NULL;
maxs[lop] = 0;
if(cs[lop]<coff || cs[lop]>coff+lngth)
if(thisa<cs[lop]-coff && thisa>maxs[lop])
while(*pars==' ')
fns[lop] = fnsbuf+(100*lop);
fnlen = strlen(pars);
if (fnlen>100)
fnlen = 100;
strncpy(fns[lop], pars, 99);
} while (!feof(map));
After running this code, the fns array contains the best-matching function from the .map file.
In my situation, I actually have the call stack as produced by the first piece of code submitting to a PHP script - I do the equivalent of the C code above using a piece of PHP. This first bit parses the map file (Again, this works with C++Builder maps but could be easily adapted to other map file formats):
$file = fopen($mapdir.$app."-".$appversion.".map","r");
if (!$file)
... Error handling for missing map ...
$mapline = fgets($file);
} while (!strstr($mapline,"CODE"));
$tokens = split("[[:space:]\:]", $mapline);
$codeseg = $tokens[1];
$codestart = intval($tokens[2],16);
$codelen = intval($tokens[3],16);
$mapline = fgets($file);
} while (!strstr($mapline,"Publics by Value"));
fgets($file); // Blank
$addrnum = 0;
$lastaddr = 0;
while (1)
if (feof($file))
$mapline = fgets($file);
$tokens = split("[[:space:]\:]", $mapline);
$thisseg = $tokens[1];
if ($thisseg!=$codeseg)
$addrs[$addrnum] = intval($tokens[2],16);
if ($addrs[$addrnum]==$lastaddr)
$lastaddr = $addrs[$addrnum];
$funcs[$addrnum] = trim(substr($mapline, 16));
Then this bit translates an address (in $rowaddr) into a given function (as well as the offset after the function):
$thisaddr = intval($rowaddr,16);
$thisaddr -= $codestart;
if ($thisaddr>=0 && $thisaddr<=$codelen)
for ($lop=0; $lop!=$addrnum; $lop++)
if ($thisaddr<$addrs[$lop])
$lop = $addrnum;
if ($lop!=$addrnum)
$lines[$ix] = substr($line,0,13).$rowaddr." : ".$funcs[$lop]." (+".sprintf("%04X",$thisaddr-$addrs[$lop]).")";
$stack .= $rowaddr;
$lines[$ix] = substr($line,0,13).$rowaddr." : external";
#Jon Bright: You say "who known whether the stack is valid...": Well there's a way to find out, as the stack addresses are known. Assuming you need a trace in the current thread, of course:
NT_TIB* pTEB = GetTEB();
UINT_PTR ebp = GetEBPForStackTrace();
HANDLE hCurProc = ::GetCurrentProcess();
while (
((ebp & 3) == 0) &&
ebp + 2*sizeof(VOID*) < (UINT_PTR)pTEB->StackBase &&
ebp >= (UINT_PTR)pTEB->StackLimit &&
nAddresses < nTraceBuffers)
pTraces[nAddresses++]._EIP = ((UINT_PTR*)ebp)[1];
ebp = ((UINT_PTR*)ebp)[0];
My "GetTEB()" is NtCurrentTeb() from NTDLL.DLL - and it is not only Windows 7 and above as stated in the current MSDN. MS junks up the documentation. It was there for a long time. Using the ThreadEnvironment Block (TEB), you do not need ReadProcessMemory() as you know the stack's lower and upper limit. I assume this is the fastest way to do it.
Using the MS compiler, GetEBPForStackTrace() can be
inline __declspec(naked) UINT_PTR GetEBPForStackTrace()
mov eax, ebp
as easy way to get EBP of the current thread (but you can pass any valid EBP to this loop as long as it is for the current thread).
Limitation: This is valid for x86 under Windows.
