Search and Inserting in a binary tree recursively - c

first of all happy new year. I was trying to fix a piece of code I've been stumped on for hours. (Note: I am not a solid coder.)
What I am trying to do is to write a function "searchInsert", which will take in a binary tree and some integer i. It will then try to find the integer i in the tree. If it's not there it is inserted into the tree.
Other information: If we do in fact find the integer in the tree, return a pointer pointing to the node of to it. If we do not find it as we said before, insert it in BUT return a pointer pointing to the root of the tree.
I also must do this recursively.
Now I have tested it using an arbitrary tree along with i = 98, as follows:
Before what it looks like.
/ \
2 6
/ \ / \
1 3 5 7
After, what it should look like:
/ \
2 6
/ \ / \
1 3 5 7
But my code doesn't seem to be working.
treelink searchInsert(treelink t, TreeItem i){
treelink keyNode = NULL;
if (t == NULL) {
t = insertTreeNode(t, i);
} else if(i < t->item){
keyNode = searchInsert(t->left,i);
} else if(i > t->item){
keyNode = searchInsert(t->right,i);
} else {
keyNode = t;
return keyNode;
return t;
Other important notes: treelink is a pointer to a binary tree. Assume insertTreeNode works as it was a function given to us.
Any help would be appreciated thanks.

Among other problems, you have lost all context when you realize that you have not found the item that you are looking for:
if ( t == NULL ) {
t = insertTreeNode(t, i) ;
So you are always calling insertTreeNode with NULL as the first argument.
While recursion is a great way to step through a tree, you might instead want to create a pointer and iterate through the tree, so that you have the original t around when you decide to call insert.
treelink ptr= t ;
while ( ptr )
if ( ptr-> item == i ) return ptr ;
ptr= ( ptr-> item > i ) ? ptr-> left : ptr-> right ;
return insertTreeNode( t, i ) ;

A new node is created, but it is not linked to the tree. You never change your left and right pointers.
what you need is to update the link after recursive call, e.g.:
else if (i < t->item) {
t->left = searchInsert(t->left, i);
} ...
But then of course you cannot simply return a pointer to a found item if it's found, otherwise it would break the tree. That's because the statement of your task is NOT recursive: you have to return either root or an existing (inner) node. So you might want to write a recursive function which e.g. always returns a pointer to the root, but also returns a pointer to a found item (through an additional treelink* argument).
Or maybe it would be simpler to split the function into two: search which returns a pointer to an existing node, and insert which returns a pointer to the root. Both of them would be recursive and quite simple.


How to implement a 'Pop' function that returns the "popped" element (i.e the data/value) ? (linked list stacks)

Confused as to how to implement a single function that would at the same time pop the element and return it as return value.
So far all I've seen are pop functions that return a pointer to the new head of the stack.
Here's a start, but...
#define VALUE int
typedef struct node_t {
VALUE item;
struct node_t *next;
} node;
// Function
VALUE pop(node *stack_head) {
// Used to store the node we will delete
node *deleteNode = stack_head;
// Error Checking // <<====== (btw, is this actually necessary ?)
if (!deleteNode || !stack_head) {
if (!stack_head) fprintf(stderr, "\nPop failed. --> ...\n");
if (!deleteNode) fprintf(stderr, "\nPop Failed. --> ...\n");
return 0;
// Storing the value in a variable
VALUE popped_item = stack_head->item;
// Updating the head
stack_head = stack_head->next; <<====== THERE'S A PROBLEM HERE ! (i think)
// Freeing/Deleting the 'popped' node
// Return 'popped' value
return popped_item;
stack_head = stack_head->next;
Doesn't actually change the address that the pointer stack_head (i.e the head of the stack) points to... and so the value is indeed returned for the first pop but subsequent pops return errors.
Yes because it is a local variable but then how would you change the actual pointer (the one that points to the head of the stack) to point to the new head of the stack?
The parameter stack_head is local to the function pop, so when you modify it the result is not visible outside of the function.
You need to pass the address of the variable you want to modify, then in the function you dereference the pointer parameter to change what it points to.
So change your function to this:
VALUE pop(node **stack_head) {
node *deleteNode = *stack_head;
if (!*stack_head) {
fprintf(stderr, "\nPop failed. --> ...\n");
return 0;
VALUE popped_item = (*stack_head)->item;
*stack_head = (*stack_head)->next;
return popped_item;
And call it like this:
node *stack_head = NULL;
// do something to push onto the stack
VALUE v = pop(&stack_head);
Okay, this will be a pretty long digest, but hopefully worth it. You can see a testcase of the code I've presented as my conclusion here and obtain a modular version of the code here. My suggestion would be that you use a structure like this:
struct {
size_t top;
T value[];
The reason you probably shouldn't use classical linked lists for this (or anything, really) is covered by this video courtesy of Bjarne Stroustrup. The basis of the problem is that the majority of your overhead is in allocation and cache misses which don't occur so much when you keep everything in one allocation.
If I were to write this for convenient use, perhaps:
#define stack_of(T) struct { size_t top; T value[]; }
This should allow you to declare empty stacks fairly sensibly, like:
int main(void) {
stack_of(int) *fubar = NULL;
This is familiar enough to templates in other languages to work fairly well, and also not a hideous abuse of the preprocessor. I'm sure I've written a push_back function somewhere which we can adapt to this version of push which I've linked to externally as it's not important for the conclusion of this answer (bear with me here; we'll come back to that momentarily)...
So now we have stack_of(T) and push(list, value) which we can use like:
int main(void) {
stack_of(int) *fubar = NULL;
push(fubar, 42);
push(fubar, -1);
The simplest solution for pop might be something like:
#define pop(list) (assert(list && list->top), list->value[--list->top]))
... but this does suffer a drawback we'll discuss later. For now we have as a testcase:
int main(void) {
stack_of(int) *fubar = NULL;
int x;
push(fubar, 42);
push(fubar, -1);
x = pop(fubar); printf("popped: %d\n", x);
x = pop(fubar); printf("popped: %d\n", x);
x = pop(fubar); printf("popped: %d\n", x);
... and as you'll see during debug the assert fails during execution telling us we've popped more than we've pushed... probably a good thing to have. Still, this doesn't actually reduce the size of the stack. To do that we actually need something more like push again, except we get rid of these lines:
list->top = y; \
list->value[x] = v; \
So there's an opportunity for refactoring. Thus I bring you operate():
#define operate(list, ...) { \
size_t x = list ? list->top : 0 \
, y = x + 1; \
if ((x & y) == 0) { \
void *temp = realloc(list, sizeof *list \
+ (x + y) * sizeof list->value[0]); \
if (!temp) \
return EXIT_FAILURE; \
list = temp; \
} \
__VA_ARGS__; \
Now we can redefine push in terms of operate:
#define push(list, v) operate(list, list->value[x] = v; list->top = y)
... and pop looks kind of like it did before, but with an invocation of operate on the end to cause list to shrink (from quadruple its size, for example when you've popped 3 elements off of a list of 4) to no larger than double its size.
#define pop(list) (assert(list && list->top), list->value[--list->top]); \
operate(list, )
Summing it all up, you can see a testcase of the code I've presented here and obtain a modular version of the code here...

Removing the last node from Complete Binary Tree

Every node in a Complete Binary Tree can be identified by its label. In other words, a level order traversal of the CBT means accessing nodes in the ascending order of labels. I wrote a function getPointer to return the node given the Root and the Label. For example in the complete binary tree shown below, the key 5 has the label 4, the key 38 has label 3 and so on.
/ \
2 38
Where I am going wrong in the following approach?
I have node structure.
C-styled Pseudocode :
getPointer(root, label)
if(label == 1) return root
temp_node = getPointer(root,label/2);
child = temp_node->left;
if(label == child->label) return child;
else return temp_node->right;
I think your code does not handle following scenario:
/ \
2 38
You can simply apply BFS for this problem.
Shouldn't you be checking if your root is a null ptr. There could be a case when the level is not 1, but you are passing a null ptr to your methods. For example, if during recursion, when the right child is null.

Deleting nodes in BST using free(N)

I'm coding a binary search tree and I'm having a little trouble finding a way to delete node effectively.
I have this code :
struct node* deleteNode(int i, struct node *N)
if (N==NULL)
return NULL;
else if (i<N->value)
else if (i>N->value)
else if (N->lChild==NULL)
return N->rChild;
else if (N->rChild==NULL)
return N->lChild;
return N;
And N is a node structure which have 5 fields : value, lChild, rChild, size, height.
In fact what I'm doing here is to make the tree not to point toward the node that I want to delete but when I'm trying to put something like :
else if (N->rChild==NULL)
return N->lChild;
Or every similar looking code, it doesn't work. Can someone point me in the right direction please?
Thank you.
First of all you're saying N=NULL and then calling N->lchild N is null and pointing to nothing so how do you expect to get the lchild value?
Since this is homework I won't give a direct answer but hints.
To delete the node, check if it has children, if it doesnt free it and remove references to it such as the parents child ptr.
If it has 1 child swap the ptr that points to the node you want to delete with the child and free the node. The same applies if you also have 2 children.

Binary Tree Transfer

How to transfer a binary tree (not a balanced tree) across two different systems efficiently, retaining its complete structure?
The obvious way would be to convert your binary tree to an array of nodes, replacing each pointer in the original tree with an index to a node in the array. You can then transmit that array, and on the other end reconstruct a tree with identical structure.
This structure given below
/ \
[L] [R]
can be translated easily into
Also, read a post by Eric Lippert.
NOTE: I feel, similar thing should work for arbitrary trees. Any comments?
Define serialization functions.
void serialize( FILE *f, my_tree *node, _Bool is_root ) {
if ( node == NULL ) {
fputc( no_child, f );
if ( ! is_root ) fputc( data_prefix, f );
write_data( f, node->data );
fputc( data_terminator, f );
write_data( node->left_child );
write_data( node->right_child );
void deserialize_node( FILE *f, my_tree *node ) {
node->data = read_data_field( f );
if ( fgetc( f ) != no_child ) {
node->left_child = calloc( 1, sizeof( my_tree ) );
deserialize( f, node->left_child, false );
if ( fgetc( f ) != no_child ) {
node->right_child = calloc( 1, sizeof( my_tree ) );
deserialize( f, node->right_child, false );
Come to think of it, this simple scheme (where data_terminator and no_child must be single characters) allows both data_terminator and no_child to be equal.
The main issue with this is that you have to replace pointers or references from your in memory representation with something else that can be used to unambiguously represent the node that was pointed to.
/ \
cat zebra
One way to do this is to exchange the pointers for keys -- more like an array index than a proper pointer.
1 2 "foo"
3 _ "cat"
_ _ "zebra"
_ _ "dog"
In this representation the first field is the line number (counting starts at 0, which is the root node) of the left child, the second field is the right child, and the third field is the value. The tree is ordered alphabetically. This seems simple, but can be difficult to actually do.
A similar approach would put the key in each entry rather than rely on position. This method could use the original pointers as the keys and the read-in code would have to build a translation/symbol table to switch between the keys and new pointers.
Another way to go about this is with a lisp-esque tree:
(foo (cat () (dog () ()) (zebra () () ))
Formatted for easy viewing:
This can be easily generated by a simple in order traversal. It can also be read in with a very simple recursive decent parser. You can also alter this to decrease the sizes of leaf nodes in the serialized format by omitting the nil or () or whatever you chose for NULL pointers.
Another method, which is similar to the first, is to store all of tree in one chunk of memory that can be dumped to and read back from disk. The pointers in this would be relative to the beginning of this memory chunk, rather than absolute pointers. This would be a fast way for two programs on the same type of machine (using the same CPU memory width) to share trees (or other graphs), but is likely to be difficult to implement.
The lisp-esqe version of this is super easy to implement, but does not easily extend to things that aren't trees, where there could be a cyclic reference or more than one parent for a particular node, though it can be done. It also does not easily extend to handle storing more than one structure in a particular file.
The line positional index version works for most types of graphs, but storing more than one structure in a particular file would need to alter this format somewhat.
No matter what you choose you will need to make sure you can handle all values that could be present as node data. For instance if the node data could contain a ", ), or \n then it might cause problems in some of the formats I've show, and those characters would need to be escaped. You could prefix fields with their length or use constant structure layout to account for this, though.
You will also need to make sure that any binary fields are stored in an endian consistent manner if you plan on sharing data between different machine types. You will also want this data to have consistent size (use stdint.h types rather than int and long) and a canonical representation for things like floating point numbers.
Approach 1: We can Traverse the Tree twice:
First time to get the InOrder Traversal
SecondTime to get the PostOrder Traversal
Now By using these two lists at destination we can reconstruct the binary tree like follows:
public class ConstructBinaryTreeFromInorderAndPostorder {
int index;
public TreeNode buildTree( List<Integer> inOrder, List<Integer> postOrder) {
index = postOrder.size() - 1;
if (postOrder.size() == 1)
return new TreeNode(postOrder.get(0));
return constructTree(inOrder,postOrder, 0, postOrder.size() - 1);
public TreeNode constructTree(List<Integer> inOrder, List<Integer> postOrder, int start, int end) {
if (start > end) {
return null;
TreeNode root = new TreeNode(postOrder.get(index--));
if (start == end) {
return root;
int indexInInorder = search(inOrder, start, end, root.val);
root.right = constructTree(inOrder, postOrder, indexInInorder + 1, end);
root.left = constructTree(inOrder, postOrder, start, indexInInorder - 1);
return root;
public int search(List<Integer> inOrder, int strt, int end, int value) {
int i = 0;
for (i = strt; i <= end; i++) {
if (inOrder.get(i) == value)
return i;
return i;
public static void main(String[] args) {
List<Integer> inorder = Arrays.asList(2, 1, 3);
List<Integer> postOrder = Arrays.asList(2, 3, 1);
System.out.println(new ConstructBinaryTreeFromInorderAndPostorder().buildTree(inorder,postOrder ));
To Get the InOrder Traversal:
public class InorderTraversal {
void inOrderTraversal2(TreeNode node) {
if (node == null) {
To Get the PostOrder Traversal:
public class PostOrderTraversal {
void postOrderTraversal(TreeNode node) {
if (node == null) {
Approach 2:
We can save space by storing Preorder traversal and a marker for null pointers.
Let the marker for null pointers be '-1'
Output: 12 13 -1 -1
/ \
8 22
Output: 20 8 -1 -1 22 -1 -1
/ \
4 12
/ \
10 14
Output: 20 8 4 -1 -1 12 10 -1 -1 14 -1 -1 -1
Output: 20 8 10 5 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
Output: 20 -1 8 -1 10 -1 5 -1 -1

How to properly insert/delete in a binary search tree in C?

I kinda have to put my previous C questions on hold cause this one is more important now...
I have already coded the insert and delete functions on my binary search tree but the delete function is incomplete. There's a couple of things I need help in...
1) Is my insert function good or can it be improved somehow?
2) My delete function lacks the deletion of a node with both the left and right childs. I've searched a lot in the past few hours but couldn't find a proper way to do it.
2.a) How should I delete a node with 2 child nodes?
2.b) As in the first question, is the delete function good or can it be improved? This one I know it can because I'm repeating lots of code in those ifs but I don't see how can I improve it, I need help on that too.
typedef struct sClientProfile *ClientProfile;
typedef struct sClientTree *ClientTree;
typedef struct sClientProfile {
char *clientName;
int clientAge;
int clientNIF;
} nClientProfile;
typedef struct sClientTree {
ClientProfile clientProfile;
char *clientName;
ClientTree leftTree;
ClientTree rightTree;
} nClientTree;
void addClientToTree(ClientTree *cTree, ClientProfile cProfile) {
if(!*cTree) {
ClientTree new = (ClientTree)malloc(sizeof(nClientTree));
if(!new) {
new->clientName = strdup(cProfile->clientName);
new->clientProfile = cProfile;
new->leftTree = NULL;
new->rightTree = NULL;
*cTree = new;
} else {
if(strcmp((*cTree)->clientName, cProfile->clientName) > 0) {
addClientToTree(&(*cTree)->leftTree, cProfile);
} else {
addClientToTree(&(*cTree)->rightTree, cProfile);
void deleteClientFromTree(ClientTree *cTree, char *cName) {
if(!cTree) return;
int nCompare = strcmp((*cTree)->clientName, cName);
if(nCompare > 0) {
deleteClientFromTree(&(*cTree)->leftTree, cName);
} else if(nCompare < 0) {
deleteClientFromTree(&(*cTree)->rightTree, cName);
} else {
if(!(*cTree)->leftTree && !(*cTree)->rightTree) {
ClientTree cliPtr = *cTree;
cliPtr->clientProfile = NULL;
cliPtr = NULL;
*cTree = NULL;
} else if(!(*cTree)->leftTree) {
ClientTree cliPtr = *cTree;
cliPtr->clientProfile = NULL;
*cTree = (*cTree)->rightTree;
} else if(!(*cTree)->rightTree) {
ClientTree cliPtr = *cTree;
cliPtr->clientProfile = NULL;
*cTree = (*cTree)->leftTree;
} else {
You'll probably notice but let me just make 2 remarks:
This tree uses strings instead of the normal int representation. That's why I use strcmp() all the way, I think I'm using it right.
I'm not using recursion, I rather pass the pointer (of a structure pointer in this case) and work with that. It looks more clean somehow and in the future I want to return a success value if a node was deleted.
I've already did my iterative version of the delete function but I don't like some things about it, maybe they can be improved (or not) but I can't see how. I've also tried to code the case it was missing, deleting a node with 2 childs, but it's not working as it should...
I've commented the whole code where I think the code can be improved and where's the problem. I've also named those problems as A, B (there's no B anymore), C and D so we can reference to them easily.
bool deleteClientFromTree(ClientTree *cTree, char *cName) {
if(!cTree) return FALSE;
ClientTree currPtr = *cTree;
ClientTree prevPtr = NULL;
int nCompare;
while(currPtr) {
nCompare = strcmp(currPtr->clientName, cName);
if(nCompare > 0) {
prevPtr = currPtr;
currPtr = currPtr->leftTree;
} else if(nCompare < 0) {
prevPtr = currPtr;
currPtr = currPtr->rightTree;
} else {
* A)
* The following cases have 3 lines in common, the free()
* calls and return statement. Is there anyway to improve
* this code and make it more compact?
* Of course, the printf's are to be removed...
if(!prevPtr && !currPtr->leftTree && !currPtr->rightTree) {
printf("CASE #1\n");
*cTree = NULL;
return TRUE;
} else if(!currPtr->leftTree || !currPtr->rightTree) {
printf("CASE #2\n");
if(prevPtr->leftTree == currPtr) {
prevPtr->leftTree = currPtr->rightTree;
} else {
prevPtr->rightTree = currPtr->leftTree;
return TRUE;
} else {
printf("CASE #3\n");
ClientTree tempPtr = currPtr->rightTree;
while(tempPtr->leftTree) {
tempPtr = tempPtr->leftTree;
* C)
* This has a big problem...
* If you take a look at the ClientProfile structure,
* in the first post, you'll see two ints
* (clientNIF/clientAge) and one char* (clientName).
* The problem is that the following code line is only
* copying the integer data, not the string. For some
* reason, the string remains the old one.
* I tried to use strdup() directly on clientName like:
* currPtr->clientProfile->clientName = strdup(tempPtr->clientProfile->clientName);
* but it still doesn't work.
* Why everything is being copied but the strings?
currPtr->clientProfile = tempPtr->clientProfile;
* D)
* Is there anyway to not call the function itself
* and make the while loop once again and delete the
* corresponding leaf?
return deleteClientFromTree(&currPtr->rightTree, tempPtr->clientProfile->clientName);
return FALSE;
When you delete a node, you have to do something about its children.
If there are no children - no problem. You just remove the node.
If there a left child, also no problem; you remove the node and move its left child into its place.
Same for the right child; just move the child into the place of the deleted node.
The problem comes when you want to delete a node which has both left and right children. You could move the left or the right child into the place of the deleted node, but what do you then do about the other child and its subtree?
Solution is this; you locate the logical successor to the node being deleted. By logical successor, I mean this; say you have a tree made of integers and you delete node with value 35, the logical successor is the next largest number. Ya? if you were doing an in-order walk, it would be the element you come to after the element you're deleting.
Now, there's a simple rule to find the logical successor; you go right one (you always have a right, because this is the case where you have two children) and then you go as far left as you can.
That element you end up at is the logical successor. It's larger than the deleted element (you went right at the start, remember?) but it's the smallest next largest element.
Now, that element ALWAYS has only one or no children - because you went left as far as you can, remember? so you can't go left any more - because there is no left - so that element has no children or just a right child and that means it falls into one of the easy-to-unlink catagories (no children or just one child). So unlinking this element is easy.
Now comes the cool bit - consider this; if that next largest element were in the same place in the tree as the element you want to delete, the tree would still be valid and correct - because everything to the left of each element is smaller, everything to the right is larger.
So what you do is this; you copy the user data in the next largest node into the node being deleted and you delete that next largest node (it has no children or just a right child, so it's easy to unlink and delete).
And that's it!
So, basically - find your logical successor, unlink him from the tree and put his user data into the element you're actually originally deleting (which you don't then delete, of course, because it's still physically part of the tree).
First off, you mentioned you aren't using recursion but each function has a logical path that calls itself.
On to the questions:
Remove the recursion. This can get you in a lot of trouble if your tree is large enough to blow your stack. Gcc has limited support for tail recursion, but I wouldn't count on it.
Typically, when you delete a child with two nodes, you promote the left or right node to the position the deleted node was in. (This is a highly simplistic case, I'm assuming your tree isn't balanced)
Your delete code has some problems. I'd recommend walking through it with a few hypothetical situations. Immediately obvious to me was free'ing a pointer and then deferencing it:
cliPtr->clientProfile = NULL;
Of course, you can always worry about style once you get the correctness thing squared away.
Ideally there are three cases for deletion of a node in BST:
Case 1:
X has no children: remove X
Case 2:
X has one children : Splice out X
Case 3:
X has two children : swap X with its successor and follow case #1 or #2
So for the missing delete case:
When X (node to delete) has two children, replace X with the successor of X and follow case #1 or case #2. You can also replace with its predecessor, might be a good alternative.
if ( X->left && X->right)
NODE *Successor = FindSuccessor(X);
X->data = Successor->data;
this binary codes are insert, delete,search, and quit.
import java.util.*;
public class Binary Tree {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
LinkedList ll = new LinkedList();
ll.add("\n"+"mai 0020");
ll.add("\n"+"king 0019");
ll.add("\n"+"maan 0002");
ll.add("\n"+"dimple 0024");
ll.add("\n"+"eman 0004");
ll.add("\n"+"lara 0005");
ll.add("\n"+"cute 0008");
ll.add("\n"+"irene 0011");
ll.add("\n"+"sheena 0030");
ll.add("\n"+"aisy 0003");
System.out.println("display: " + ll);
for(int c=0; c<=10; c++) {
System.out.println("select from: 1-insert, 2-delete," +
" 3-display, 4-search, 5-quit");
String x = br.readLine();
int y = Integer.parseInt(x);
switch (y) {
case 1: //inserting
System.out.println("input name");
String n= br.readLine();
System.out.println("input a list number");
String o = br.readLine();
int z = Integer.parseInt(o);
ll.add("\n"+n+" "+z);
case 2: // delete
case 3: //Display
System.out.println("\n\n"+"List of employee: " + ll);
case 4: //search
System.out.println("first element of the Linkedlist is: "
+ ll.getFirst());
System.out.println("last element of linkedlist:"
+ ll.getLast());
case 5: //quit
+ " Thank You Very Much!!!!!!!\n\n\n");
int delete_value(Tree*&root,Tree*&find,Tree*&ptr,int numb){
//the number exist in the root,so we should find the highest value inside the right brache and replace it with the root.
Tree*ptr3=NULL;//pointer pointing to the parent of the last element of ptr2.
delete ptr2;
if(find->value < numb){
return delete_value(root,find,ptr,numb);
return delete_value(root,find,ptr,numb);
}//end of while
}//end of else
//the pointer find is pointing at the element we want to delete.
//the pointer ptr is pointing at the element before the one's we want to delete.
//case 1:the element to delete don't have any children
if(find->right==NULL && find->left==NULL){
delete find;
delete find;
}//end of the first case.
//case 2:the element has one child it could be to the left or to the right.
//a-child to the right.
if( find->right!=NULL && find->left==NULL ){
ptr2=ptr2->left;//find the highest value in the right branche and replace it with the delete element
delete ptr2;
//b-child to the left.
if(find->right==NULL && find->left!=NULL){
//check wether the find element is to the right or to the left of ptr.
delete find;
delete find;
}//end of the second case.
//case3: the element has to children.
delete ptr2;
}//end of case 3.
}//end of the function.
