pass execution path of sfx to batch file - batch-file

So basically i want to wrap my batch file in an sfx to make a tidy package as I am using multiple files that need to be packaged with the batch file. The problem I am facing is that I need drag and drop functionality so I need to somehow pass the file dropped on the sfxz to the batch file via the execution code.
I am using the winrar default sfx module.
So far I have tried passing it with the %~1 variable but that just passes literally %~1 instead of the location of the dropped file
Any help will be appreciated.

You can use BHX from here to encode the binaries into the batch file, so it is just one file to distribute.


Quickest way to create a .bat file (as .txt)

I have a couple lines of code in a batch file in Windows 10 that open a session of Octave, and load a script that uses design parameters contained in a .txt file. The batch file is named (for example) "Design123.bat", and when Octave runs, it automatically finds the design parameters in the file "Design123.txt" by simple string manipulation of the file name, i.e. strrep(filename,".bat",".txt"), where filename = '%~dpn0' is passed to Octave from the batch file. This allows for the contents of the batch file to stay simple and constant, and the file name of the batch file is the only thing tying it to the .txt file.
I do all of this to allow running the Octave script by double-clicking the batch file for convenience, instead of being forced to use the more tedious process of uigetfile in Octave. This works very well, but the catch is that I have to place a copy of the batch file in the same directory with the design (.txt) files (of which there are thousands, but each within their own directory) and give it the same file name to get it to work. Is there a way to quickly create the batch files somehow? The most ideal situation I can think of is to be able to right-click (or somehow select) a .txt design file, and create a batch file (replacing .txt with .bat) and place my lines of code into it.
Any ideas? I have coding experience, but only in software packages like VBA and Octave, not within operating systems themselves, though certainly willing to learn if I could get pointed in the right direction. The design file names follow a distinctive pattern, so they could be filtered easily within an operation on the active "File Explorer" window in Windows 10, if something like that is possible. Thanks in advance.
You might want to compose the answer to your question from calling the script on the right click and running the .m script with command line arguments.
If that fails, uigetfile is certainly not the only method to get file. At the very least you could always copypaste a path string to a folder from explorer to octave function call.
Finally, I guess I'll mention the existence of octave-cli which runs in terminal instead of gui. It might be better suited for running non interactive scripts.

Open a .bat file, out of a folder, off a flashdrive

I have a game that I'm making off of my flashdrive, and I'm trying to make a save feature into an RPG game. I know I can just save all the data into a character bat file, and then call that bat file, but the problem is that my flashdrive looks cluttered whenever multiple characters get formed. understand? I need to beable to load a save, from a character folder (for organization) from a changing source folder, (Because the flashdrive will be in different USB ports, such as :E or :F etc.)
You can determine the drive that a Windows batch file uses by using the CMD variable substitutions. Within a batch file, you can determine where the file resides.
%~d0 is the drive. %~dp0 is the directory. And there are more.
See What does %~dp0 mean, and how does it work?

Batch File Rename - Batch File needs to move from folder to folder

New to batch file writing. We are unable to install a file renamer program at work so i am looking to find a way to create a batch file to do the job instead. I want to create a batch file that i can place in a folder and it will rename all files in that folder with a prefix, while deleting some text from the file name itself. I am happy to edit the prefix text (as it changes all the time) in Notepad each time but I need to be able to move the batch file to the different folders.
The files will be something like this RDS_117856.pdf
and they need to read as xxx-xxx-xxx-117856.pdf
Any help would be great.
I am using windows, only have access to Notepad and no other coding software so a .BAT file would be the easiest thing to create here.

Call .bat file from anywhere in the directory using python

I need to call a .bat file from anywhere in the directory without including the specific directory in the script. You'll just need to specify the name of .bat file you want to call and then run. Is this possible?
Add the .bat file's directory into your PATH.
This is an article for you.
do you mean calling a script without specifying the exact location from commandline?
there are two ways:
add it to your path (eg: set it in your PATH environment variable)
setup an alias/some sort of shortcut in your bashrc/whatever CLI you are using (since you are using windows, one example would be to setup a cmdlet in windows powershell or something)

Create a batch file to update an exe file over FTP

I need to update an exe file on a daily basis, did create a batch file and used the 'fc' command which worked like a charm but i have two issues.
1) The newer version of the exe file would be located on an FTP site
2) The location of the older exe file would not be fixed.
The older exe file is a single executable and the problem is the user can save it anywhere, need a command so that i can locate that file compare it with the file on the FTP site and update that file if needed.
I am new to this, any help is greatly appreciated.
well you can avoid all of this by using a briefcase then put the file that you want to update into the briefcase and then run the update manually.
but if you really want to do it with a batch file then
#echo off
replace (file being updated) (updated file)
