I have a collection named, phpDemo in a database named, test in my MongoDB server. The collection, phpDemo contains 8 files.
I want to remove all these 8 files which are in my collection. Since I am a rookie in MongoDB, I take the help of Google to learn about this NoSQL-type database. I searched for a function how to remove all the files that currently in my collection and I found this page, http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/method/db.collection.remove/ that told me to execute the db.collection.remove() function.
I executed the function but even after doing so, it did not delete any of the files. I crosschecked by executing the db.collection.count() function and it returned the value, 8.
Can anyone tell me why isn't this function doing its job properly? Replies at the earliest will be highly appreciated.
Thank you in advance.
Okay I got the solution to the problem myself. You have to replace 'collection' in db.collection.remove() with the name of your collection. So in my case, the command that I will need to execute is: db.phpDemo.remove()
We are facing an issue in our sitecore instance. When we perform full index rebuild in sitecore, we have noticed that some of the items are missing and they are not found throughout solr index. We have checked log files as well but no error traces are found. Then we tried publishing in web database i.e. Going to desptop --> Selecting web database from below --> publishing parent folders of the missing items and those items are available in the index again. Any suggestion or help will be much appreciated.
Thanks in Advance,
Lalit S. Joshi
There might be couples of reasons for failure some items while indexing. Please check the below points:
Check the crawling.log files and see any object reference error is thrown after complete the full index rebuilding.
Sometimes Event Queue table keeps growing in size and eventually getting flooded, so clear this one.
If you want to index every template, then do not include anything in the exclude Template section. If this is added, then those items will not be indexed. Even also check the field types of your template those needs to be indexed.
Check the security of the items or some conditions are there for that result, those items are might not be getting published properly.
Did you write any custom logic for e.g. computed fields for Solr index, check the log if they are throwing any error.
You didn't mention any specific error, so I have tried to mention some suggestion above. Hope this will help.
I recently went through the www.clementinejs.com tutorial as I'm trying to learn the MEAN stack. I was able to complete it and understand most of it. However when i'm trying to repeat the process with mongoose and get slightly more data, I keep failing.
What i'm trying to do:
When page loads angular performs get request to '/api/entries' which searches mongo(via mongoose) and returns all docs in the collection, then load those docs into a div via angular ng-repeat.
If I insert dumby data into an object in the controller file I have no problem getting the data to show on the page, but when I try with the database I messed up somewhere. Even the angular curly brackets show up when I try to do it that way.
Here is my repo.
Should I just use mongo instead of mongoose? I'm not sure if i've set it up correctly.
Any help is greatly appreciated. I've been stuck for days trying so many different approaches, at this point I have no doubt there is multiple problems in the code.
$scope.entries = result;
get() expects single object in the response.
Please read $resource's docs
Entry.query({field1: 'criterion'}) for queries and multiple resources.
Entry.get({_id: 'someid'}) for a single resource.
Entry.save({my: 'properties'}) for saving existing resource or creating a new resource.
Entry.delete({_id: 'someid'}) for deleting a single resource.
Also next time please post relevant code (IE your $resource calls) directly.
I am working on a project based on CKAN, and I am required to list in a page all the datasets that have the state "active" and "draft". When you go to the datasets page, you can only see the ones that have the state marked as "active", but not "draft".
If I use the API (call the package_list() method) or REST calls (http://localhost/api/3/action/package_list), CKAN only returns "active" datasets, but not "drafts". I double and triple checked the documentation, and apparently one cannot lists the datasets by their state.
Does anybody have a clue on how to do this? Has anybody done this already?
If nothing else, you could write an extension to do this. The database call itself will be pretty simple:
SELECT id,title,name FROM package WHERE state='active' OR state='draft';
I managed to modify CKAN core to list the datasets that do not have the state "draft" or "deleted", and it works, but I do no want to touch CKAN's core, I want to do this using a plugin, so the normal thing to do is to implement plugins.IActions and override the package_list method with a custom one. I have already written my own extension to try to modify CKAN behavior on method package_list(), but I can't seem to figure it out how to make it work.
Here is my code:
def package_list_custom(context, data_dict=None):
datasets = []
dataset_q = (model.Session.query(model.Package)
for dataset in dataset_q:
if dataset.state != 'draft' and dataset.state != 'deleted':
return [dataset.id for dataset in datasets]
class Cnaf_WorkflowPlugin(plugins.SingletonPlugin):
def get_actions(self):
return {
'package_list' : package_list_custom
If I modify CKAN core it works very well, but the problem is that I am not to touch it, so I am obliged to do it via an extension.
EDIT: Ok, I managed to make it work, you need to decorate the method with #side_effect_free. I modified my code, and now it works.
The package_search API is capable of this, by searching for state:draft and setting the include_drafts=True flag. Something like this:
You should be able to access this from a plugin with something like: ckan.plugins.toolkit.get_action('package_search')(context=context, data_dict={'q': 'state:draft', 'include_drafts': True}) (you'll need to assemble the context yourself, containing a 'user' key for the current username and a 'userobj' key for the current user object).
Then make a page from the results.
I just installed Bugzilla locally and it seems that everything is fine. I can create new products and components. I can also file new bugs and they show up in the database.
But when I want to view them in the web interface, they won't show up.
Instead, at the top of the page this shows up:
Product: ARRAY(0x3735378 Component: ARRAY(0x4275650) Resolution: ARRAY(0x42755a8)
and then below the "Zarro Boogs found."
I couldn't find any information on that on the web, did anybody have similar issues? Thank you!
Please check the bugs table in techzilla database and verify if the bug details are getting updated.
The cgi file which corresponds to the listing of bugs is buglist.cgi.
Template file is:-global/message.html.tmpl
"Zarro Boogs found." is showing because, the values are not correctly entering in the query to display the buglist.
It is evident from the display,
Product: ARRAY(0x3735378 Component: ARRAY(0x4275650) Resolution: ARRAY(0x42755a8)
it is because of the looping problem.
check the display code in the template file or buglist file and correct the loop, then it will dsiplay properly
Yes, It is because of the zero value in the query. We can check it, by printing the query and checking the value in DB.
Inserts a Named Query (a "Saved Search") into the database, or updates a Named Query that already exists..
We had similar problem. Bugs were not showing in search result list. The problem was in the name of the product when the name of the product was with diacritics (e.g. Czech, Slovak, etc...). When the name of the product is in US ASCII it is all Ok.
I am using the Drupal 7 Migrate module to create a series of nodes from JPG and EPS files. I can get them to import just fine. But I notice that when I am done importing them if I look at the nodes it creates, none of the attached filefield and thumbnail files contain filename information.
Upon inspecting the file_managed table I see that both the filename and filemime fields are empty for ONLY the files that I attached via the migrate module. This also creates an issue with downloading the files.
Now I think the problem has to do with the fact that I am using "file_link" instead of "file_copy" as the file operation I specify. The problem is I am importing around 2TB (thats Terabytes) of image files. We had to put in a special request with Rackspace just to get access to that much disk space on our server. So I can't go around copying from one directory to the next because of space issues. So "file_link" seems like the obvious choice.
Now you probably want to see how I am doing this exactly, so here is the code snippet:
$jpg_arguments = MigrateFileFieldHandler::arguments(NULL,
'file_link', FILE_EXISTS_RENAME, 'en', array('source_field' => 'jpg_name'),
array('source_field' => 'jpg_filename'), array('source_field' => 'jpg_filename'));
$this->addFieldMapping('field_image', 'jpg_uri')
As you can see I am specifying no base path (just like the beer.inc example file does). I have set file_link, the language, and the source fields for the description, title, and alt.
It is able to generate thumbnails from the JPGs. But still missing those columns of data in the db table. I traced through the functions the best I could but I don't see what is causing this. I tried running the uri in the table through the functions that generate the filename and the filemime and they output just fine. It is like something is removing just those segments of data.
Does anyone have any idea what this could be? I am using the Drupal 7 Migrate module version 2.2. It is running on Drupal 7.8.
Ok, so I have found the answer to yet another question of mine. This is actually an issue with the migrate module itself. The issue is documented here. I will be repealing this bounty (as soon as I figure out how).