About gets() in C - c

I am writing a C program, which has a 5-element array to store a string. And I am using gets() to get input. When I typed in more than 5 characters and then output the string, it just gave me all the characters I typed in. I know the string is terminated by a \0 so even I exceeded my array, it will still output the whole thing.
But what I am curious is where exactly gets() stores input, either buffer or just directly goes to my array?
What if I type in a long long string, will gets() try to store characters in the memories that should not be touched? Would it gives me a segment fault?

That's why gets is an evil. It does not check array bound and often invokes undefined behavior. Never use gets, instead you can use fgets.
By the way, now gets is no longer be a part of C. It has been removed in C11 standard in favor of a new safe alternative, gets_s1 (see the wiki). So, better to forget about gets.
1. C11: K. The gets_s function
#define _ _STDC_WANT_LIB_EXT1_ _ 1
#include <stdio.h>
char *gets_s(char *s, rsize_t n);

gets() will store the characters in the 5-element buffer. If you type in more than 4 characters, the end of string character will be missed and the result may not work well in any string operations in your program.

excerpt from man page on Ubuntu Linux
gets() reads a line from stdin into the buffer pointed to by s until
either a terminating newline or EOF, which it replaces with a null byte
('\0'). No check for buffer overrun is performed
The string is stored in the buffer and if it is too long it is stored in contiguous memory after the buffer. This can lead to unintended writing over of data or a SEGV fault or other problems. It is a security issue as it can be used to inject code into programs.

gets() stores the characters you type directly into your array and you can safely use/modify them. But indeed, as haccks and unxnut correctly state, gets doesn't care about the size of the array you give it to store its chars in, and when you type more characters than the array has space for you might eventually get a segmentation fault or some other weird results.
Just for the sake of completeness, gets() reads from a buffered file called stdin which contains the chars you typed. More specifically, it takes the chars until it reaches a newline. That newline too is put into your array and next the '\0' terminator. You should, as haccks says, use fgets which is very much alike:
char buf[100]; // the input buffer
fgets(buf, 100, stdin); // reads until it finds a newline (your enter) but never
// more than 99 chars, using the last char for the '\0'
// you can now use and modify buf


Does the gets() function in C automatically add a NULL character at the end of the input string?

I am writing a simple program to convert a number(+ve,32-bit) from binary to decimal. Here's my code:
int main()
int n=0,i=0;
char binary[33];
for (i = 0; i < 33, binary[i] != '\0'; i++)
If I remove binary[i]!='\0', then it gives wrong answer due to garbage values but if I don't it gives the correct answer. My question is: does the gets function automatically add a '\0' (NULL) character at the end of the string or is this just a coincidence?
Yes it does, writing past the end of binary[33] if it needs to.
Never use gets; automatic buffer overrun.
See Why is the gets function so dangerous that it should not be used? for details.
When gets was last supported (though deprecated) by the C standard, it had the following description (§, The gets function):
The gets function reads characters from the input stream pointed to by stdin, into the
array pointed to by s, until end-of-file is encountered or a new-line character is read.
Any new-line character is discarded, and a null character is written immediately after the last character read into the array.
This means that if the string read from stdin was exactly as long as, or longer than, the array pointed to by s, gets would still (try to) append the null character to the end of the string.
Even if you are on a compiler or C standard revision that supports gets, don't use it. fgets is much safer since it requires the size of the buffer being written to as a parameter, and will not write past its end. Another difference is that it will leave the newline in the buffer, unlike gets did.

A little query, String in C

Recently I was programming in my Code Blocks and I did a little program only for hobby in C.
char littleString[1];
fflush( stdin );
scanf( "%s", littleString );
printf( "\n%s", littleString);
If I created a string of one character, why does the CodeBlocks allow me to save 13 characters?
C have no bounds-checking, writing out of bounds of arrays or dynamically allocated memory can't be checked by the compiler. Instead it will lead to undefined behavior.
To prevent buffer overflow with scanf you can tell it to only read a specific number of characters, and nothing more. So to tell it to read only one character you use the format "%1s".
As a small side-note: Remember that strings in C have an extra character in them, the terminator (character '\0'). So if you have a string that should contain one character, the size actually needs to be two characters.
LittleString is not a string. It is a char array of length one. In order for a char array to be a string, it must be null terminated with an \0. You are writing past the memory you have allotted for littleString. This is undefined behavior.Scanf just reads user input from the console and assigns it to the variable specified, in this case littleString. If you would like to control the length of user input which is assigned to the variable, I would suggest using scanf_s. Please note that scanf_s is not a C99 standard
Many functions in C is implemented without any checks for correctness of use. In other words, it is the callers responsibility that the arguments fulfill some rules set by the function.
Example: For strcpy the Linux man page says
The strcpy() function copies the string pointed to by src,
including the terminating null byte ('\0'), to the buffer
pointed to by dest. The strings may not overlap, and the
destination string dest must be large enough to receive the copy.
If you as a caller break that contract by passing a too small buffer, you'll have undefined behavior and anything can happen.
The program may crash or even do exactly what you expected in 99 out of 100 times and do something strange in 1 out of 100 times.

Why does fgets() store a \0 after the last character in a buffer?

I've been doing abit of reading through the Linux programmer's manual looking up various functions and trying to get a deeper understanding of what they are/how they work.
Looking at fgets() I read "A '\0' is stored after the last character in the buffer .
I've read through What does \0 stand for? and have a pretty solid understanding of what \0 symbolizes (a null character right ?). But what I'm struggling to grasp is its relevance to fgets(), I don't really understand why it "needs" to end with a null character.
As you already said, you are probably aware that \0 constitutes the end of all strings in C. As per the C standard, everything that is a string needs to be \0 terminated.
Since fgets() makes a string, that string, of course, will be properly null terminated.
Do note that for all string functions in C, any string you use or generate with them must be terminated with a \0 character.
Because otherwise you do not know how long the resulting string is.
One of the arguments to fgets is the maximum number of characters to read, but it's just that: a maximum. If you ask for 512 characters, but there are only 8 in the buffer, you will only get 8 characters … and a NULL in the 9th slot to demark the logical end of the C-string.
Arguably, fgets could instead have been designed to return the number of characters read, but then for most purposes you'd only have to add the NULL byte yourself manually, and the function would have to find a way to signify an error other than returning a null pointer.
From C standards:
The fgets function reads at most one less than the number of
characters specified by n from the stream pointed to by stream into
the array pointed to by s. No additional characters are read after a
new-line character (which is retained) or after end-of-file. A null
character is written immediately after the last character read into
the array.
This is to make sure that there is no buffer-overflow (characters/contents are not going beyond the provided storage) is in the created string.
As all the people before me said, fgets reads bytes from a file and makes them into a standard C string, which is null-terminated. The termination with the \0 byte reflects the fact that this function is text-oriented.
If you don't want to use null-termination for the data read from the file, it's not a string (not text), and also the end-of-line byte \n has no significance. In this case, you can use fread.
So C has two functions to read from file: fgets for text and fread for non-text (binary data).
BTW if the input file has a genuine zero-valued byte, fgets will do an uncomfortable thing: it will continue reading until it reads an end-of-line byte \n, and the output "string" will have two (or more) null-terminations. This doesn't make any sense as text, so it's another example of fgets being text-oriented and unsuitable for arbitrary data.

need for the last '\0' in fgets

I've seen several usage of fgets (for example, here) that go like this:
char buff[7]="";
fgets(buff, sizeof(buff), stdin);
The interest being that, if I supply a long input like "aaaaaaaaaaa", fgets will truncate it to "aaaaaa" here, because the 7th character will be used to store '\0'.
However, when doing this:
int i=0;
for (i=0;i<7;i++)
I will always get 7 'a's, and the program will not crash. But if I try to write 8 'a's, it will.
As I saw it later, the reason for this is that, at least on my system, when I allocate char buff[7] (with or without =""), the 8th byte (counting from 1, not from 0) gets set to 0. From what I guess, things are done like this precisely so that a for loop with 7 writes, followed by a string formatted read, could succeed, whether the last character to be written was '\0' or not, and thus avoiding the need for the programmer to set the last '\0' himself, when writing chars individually.
From this, it follows that in the case of
fgets(buff, sizeof(buff), stdin);
and then providing a too long input, the resulting buffstring will automatically have two '\0' characters, one inside the array, and one right after it that was written by the system.
I have also observed that doing
will still work, and output a very long string, without crashing. From what I guessed, this is because fgets will keep writing until sizeof(buff)+17, and the last char to be written will precisely be a '\0', ensuring that any forthcoming string reading process would terminate properly (although the memory is messed up anyway).
But then, what about fgets(buff, (sizeof(buff)+1),stdin);? this would use up all the space that was rightfully allocated in buff, and then write a '\0' right after it, thus overwriting...the '\0' previously written by the system. In other words, yes, fgets would go out of bounds, but it can be proven that when adding only one to the length of the write, the program will never crash.
So in the end, here comes the question: why does fgets always terminates its write with a '\0', when another '\0', placed by the system right after the array, already exists? why not do like in the one by one for-loop based write, that can access the whole of the array and write anything the programmer wants, without endangering anything?
Thank you very much for your answer!
EDIT: indeed, there is no proof possible, as long as I do not know whether this 8th '\0' that mysteriously appears upon allocation of buff[7], is part of the C standard or not, specifically for string arrays. If not, then...it's just luck that it works :-)
but it can be proven that when adding only one to the length of the write, the program will never crash.
No! You can't prove that! Not in the sense of a mathematical proof. You have only shown that on your system, with your compiler, with those particular compiler settings you used, with particular environment configuration, it might not crash. This is far from a mathematical proof!
In fact the C standard itself, although it guarantees that you can get the address of "one place after the last element of an array", it also states that dereferencing that address (i.e. trying to read or write from that address) is undefined behaviour.
That means that an implementation can do everything in this case. It can even do what you expect with naive reasoning (i.e. work - but it's sheer luck), but it may also crash or it may also format your HD (if your are very, very unlucky). This is especially true when writing system software (e.g. a device driver or a program running on the bare metal), i.e. when there is no OS to shield you from the nastiest consequences of writing bad code!
Edit This should answer the question made in a comment (C99 draft standard): The fgets function
#include <stdio.h>
char *fgets(char * restrict s, int n,
FILE * restrict stream);
The fgets function reads at most one less than the number of characters specified by n
from the stream pointed to by stream into the array pointed to by s. No additional
characters are read after a new-line character (which is retained) or after end-of-file. A
null character is written immediately after the last character read into the array.
The fgets function returns s if successful. If end-of-file is encountered and no
characters have been read into the array, the contents of the array remain unchanged and a
null pointer is returned. If a read error occurs during the operation, the array contents are
indeterminate and a null pointer is returned.
Edit: Since it seems that the problem lies in a misunderstanding of what a string is, this is the relevant excerpt from the standard (emphasis mine):
7.1.1 Definitions of terms
A string is a contiguous sequence of characters terminated by and including the first null
character. The term multibyte string is sometimes used instead to emphasize special
processing given to multibyte characters contained in the string or to avoid confusion
with a wide string. A pointer to a string is a pointer to its initial (lowest addressed)
character. The length of a string is the number of bytes preceding the null character and
the value of a string is the sequence of the values of the contained characters, in order.
From C11 standard draft:
The fgets function reads at most one less than the number of characters specified by n
from the stream pointed to by stream into the array pointed to by s. No additional
characters are read after a new-line character (which is retained) or after end-of-file. A
null character is written immediately after the last character read into the array.
The fgets function returns s if successful. If end-of-file is encountered and no
characters have been read into the array, the contents of the array remain unchanged and a
null pointer is returned. If a read error occurs during the operation, the array contents are indeterminate and a null pointer is returned.
The behaviour you describe is undefined.

Null termination of char array

Consider following case:
int main()
char A[5];
My question is if char A[5] contains only two characters. Say "ab", then A[0]='a', A[1]='b' and A[2]='\0'.
But if the input is say, "abcde" then where is '\0' in that case. Will A[5] contain '\0'?
If yes, why?
sizeof(A) will always return 5 as answer. Then when the array is full, is there an extra byte reserved for '\0' which sizeof() doesn't count?
If you type more than four characters then the extra characters and the null terminator will be written outside the end of the array, overwriting memory not belonging to the array. This is a buffer overflow.
C does not prevent you from clobbering memory you don't own. This results in undefined behavior. Your program could do anything—it could crash, it could silently trash other variables and cause confusing behavior, it could be harmless, or anything else. Notice that there's no guarantee that your program will either work reliably or crash reliably. You can't even depend on it crashing immediately.
This is a great example of why scanf("%s") is dangerous and should never be used. It doesn't know about the size of your array which means there is no way to use it safely. Instead, avoid scanf and use something safer, like fgets():
fgets() reads in at most one less than size characters from stream and stores them into the buffer pointed to by s. Reading stops after an EOF or a newline. If a newline is read, it is stored into the buffer. A terminating null byte ('\0') is stored after the last character in the buffer.
if (fgets(A, sizeof A, stdin) == NULL) {
/* error reading input */
Annoyingly, fgets() will leave a trailing newline character ('\n') at the end of the array. So you may also want code to remove it.
size_t length = strlen(A);
if (A[length - 1] == '\n') {
A[length - 1] = '\0';
Ugh. A simple (but broken) scanf("%s") has turned into a 7 line monstrosity. And that's the second lesson of the day: C is not good at I/O and string handling. It can be done, and it can be done safely, but C will kick and scream the whole time.
As already pointed out - you have to define/allocate an array of length N + 1 in order to store N chars correctly. It is possible to limit the amount of characters read by scanf. In your example it would be:
scanf("%4s", A);
in order to read max. 4 chars from stdin.
character arrays in c are merely pointers to blocks of memory. If you tell the compiler to reserve 5 bytes for characters, it does. If you try to put more then 5 bytes in there, it will just overwrite the memory past the 5 bytes you reserved.
That is why c can have serious security implementations. You have to know that you are only going to write 4 characters + a \0. C will let you overwrite memory until the program crashes.
Please don't think of char foo[5] as a string. Think of it as a spot to put 5 bytes. You can store 5 characters in there without a null, but you have to remember you need to do a memcpy(otherCharArray, foo, 5) and not use strcpy. You also have to know that the otherCharArray has enough space for those 5 bytes.
You'll end up with undefined behaviour.
As you say, the size of A will always be 5, so if you read 5 or more chars, scanf will try to write to a memory, that it's not supposed to modify.
And no, there's no reserved space/char for the \0 symbol.
Any string greater than 4 characters in length will cause scanf to write beyond the bounds of the array. The resulting behavior is undefined and, if you're lucky, will cause your program to crash.
If you're wondering why scanf doesn't stop writing strings that are too long to be stored in the array A, it's because there's no way for scanf to know sizeof(A) is 5. When you pass an array as the parameter to a C function, the array decays to a pointer pointing to the first element in the array. So, there's no way to query the size of the array within the function.
In order to limit the number of characters read into the array use
scanf("%4s", A);
There isn't a character that is reserved, so you must be careful not to fill the entire array to the point it can't be null terminated. Char functions rely on the null terminator, and you will get disastrous results from them if you find yourself in the situation you describe.
Much C code that you'll see will use the 'n' derivatives of functions such as strncpy. From that man page you can read:
The strcpy() and strncpy() functions return s1. The stpcpy() and
stpncpy() functions return a
pointer to the terminating `\0' character of s1. If stpncpy() does not terminate s1 with a NUL
character, it instead returns a pointer to s1[n] (which does not necessarily refer to a valid mem-
ory location.)
strlen also relies on the null character to determine the length of a character buffer. If and when you're missing that character, you will get incorrect results.
the null character is used for the termination of array. it is at the end of the array and shows that the array is end at that point. the array automatically make last character as null character so that the compiler can easily understand that the array is ended.
\0 is an terminator operator which terminates itself when array is full
if array is not full then \0 will be at the end of the array
when you enter a string it will read from the end of the array

