Having trouble displaying a secondary array within an ng-repeat - angularjs

So i have an array of slide image urls which i'm looping through here called slides.
<div class="presentForm" id="presentForm{{$index}}" ng:repeat="slide in slides" style="display: none;">
<img id ="presentationSlide" ng-src='{{slide}}' style="height: 300px" width="600px">
<label id="scriptLabel{{$index}}" for="slideScript{{$index}}" style="left:130px;">
Slide {{$index + 1}} Script
<textarea class="scriptText" name="Text" id="slideScript{{$index}}" ng-model="scripts{{index}}">
My problem arrises from the fact that I want to display a seconday array within this ng-repeat called scripts. The problem arises from the fact that scripts length might not match slides length (every slide might not have a script). So how could I display scripts[0] within the <textarea></textarea> but if scripts[3] doesn't exist display a blank text area?

This isn't a very thorough answer, but nested ng-repeat's should solve your problem. Let me know if I'm missing something.
EDIT: After re-reading your code. I think you might also need to rethink your data structure. scripts should be inside the slide object.
slide = {name: 'slide1', scripts: ['script1', 'script2']}


Angular UI sortable connected lists with labeled sections

I'm trying to get UI sortable with connected lists to play nice. Basically, I want to keep the functionality of two connected lists but I'd like the list on the right side to have two sections:
"First Place" only holds the very first tab and "Everything Else" holds the rest of the tabs. Basically, I want to just add two labels in there to separate things visually.
The user should be able to sort things vertically as if the labels weren't there and move tabs between the two lists.
This pen should demonstrate what I'm trying to do.
You'll notice that I can't really insert markup into
<div class="app" ng-repeat="app in list2">{{$index}} {{app.title}}</div>
as I only want the labels to appear one time...
Any ideas?
Using $first and $index:
<div ui-sortable="sortableOptions" class="apps-container screen floatleft" ng-model="list2">
<div ng-repeat="app in list2">
<div ng-if="$first">First Place</div>
<div ng-if="$index == 1">Everything Else</div>
<div class="app">{{$index}} {{app.title}}</div>

Using same ng-repeat on one page - best practice?

In need the data from a ng-repeat on two places within the view. The code below works, but I am not sure if this is the way to do it. (I am new to Angular).
If a user clicks on a outlet-option the outlet-products get displayed. First I loaded the products below the outlet-option and used jQuery to move to the productsWrapper if a user clicks on an option. But then I needed to compile it again which made it a bit messy in my opinion.
There can be only one "#productsWrapper" and one ".outlet", so I came up with using the ng-repeat twice. But is this the way to go?
<div id="productsWrapper">
<div ng-repeat="element in elements track by $index" class="products" style="display: none;" id="prod-{{element.wonelement_id}}">
<outlet-product ng-repeat = "option in element.options"
class = "product"
option-data = "option"
element-data= "element"
chosen-data = "chosen">
<div class="outlet">
<div ng-repeat="element in elements track by $index">
element-data = "element"
option-data = "element.option"
chosen-data = "chosen"
app-settings = "app">
I think what you proposed looks fine in a typical AngularJS way.
If you were applying filters to the ng-repeat clause, then I would have suggested applying that filter ahead of time in the controller so that it would only be run the one time. But since you are using no filters at all on the data, I think it is fine as you have it.

ngRepeat $scope messing with nested ngClick

So i have four progress bars that on click open and close via the close button in the top right....problem is the ngrepeat is messing with something....i've tried adding $parent to the child ngClick but it doesnt work. I've looked at all the other stack examples of this and just can't seem to figure out how to apply it to this specific situation
<div class="progress-bar repeat-animation" ng-click="showClose = false" ng-class="!showClose ? 'grow' : ''" progress-morph style="width: {{item.percent}}%" ng-repeat="item in list">
<div class="close" ng-hide="showClose" ng-click="onClickClose($event)" ><img src="close42.svg" alt=""></div>
I assumed that you wanted to open/close the bars individually.
If that's the case, your code wasn't working because you were binding all the progress bars state to the same $scope variable.
Having that in mind, I tweaked your code a little bit to make it work, and also used a more readable logic (imho).
Please take a look and let me know:

Masonry not working for multiple widths

I'm new to masonry with angular. i have tried to get masonry working with angular up to a certain extend and im facing few issues with it right now. Below given link is what i have done so far and the following are the two issues facing:
<div ng-controller="MainCtrl">
<div class="grid" masonry="true" column-width="460">
<div ng-repeat="item in items" class="item {{item.class}}">
<br /> <span>Age: {{item.age}}</span>
<br /> <span>Company: {{item.company}}</span>
Link to jsfiddle for my solution
instance 1
When there is enough space the smaller brick does not get adjusted. E.g. After "Collin Alston" i need to have "Jasmine Rollins" and likewise. How would i accomadate this change? (see for image below as well)
instance 2
Why is it that "style" attribute gets applied to child elements? i need the style to be applied to "item w1 masonry-brick" and not child div's.
I had in instance 1 and changed it to for instance 2 to show the two problems im facing. Hope to get some answers to work my way out. Thank you in advance.
Update 1:
I managed to get masonry working with angular to this extend. Check this out http://jsfiddle.net/h5jfd1wm/38/
But still there are some empty spaces when i resize the window. It's like some bricks from the bottom can fill up those empty spaces. If you can help me out here.

Why does using ng-repeat to iterate html fail when the html contains divs?

When I use ng-repeat to iterate the following code, everything is fine:
<p ng-repeat="user in users">
<input size="50" ng-model="user.name"></input>
However, using the following fails:
<p ng-repeat="user in users">
<input size="50" ng-model="user.name"></input>
In the latter case, it looks like the div is excluded from the loop and appended only once after the input tags that have been repeated as expected.
I'm trying to understand the difference in behaviour towards div tags.
Thanks for any insights.
EDIT: The question was already answered, but here's a js-fiddle that allowed me to demonstrate the issue: http://jsfiddle.net/f26Cg/5/
You cannot nest <div> elements in <p> element: as shown here, it's permitted to contain so-called phrasing content only.
As <div> opening tag is considered to be an end of <p> element, technically its corresponding element is outside of <p> in the second case - that's why it's not repeated.
I'll quote Josh's answer to this question : Directive inside ng-repeat only appears once
It is actually related to how your browser will handle blocks inside a non-allowing blocks tag.
I imagine this is the browser's doing. Technically, paragraph tags are
only allowed to contain inline elements, which div is not. Some
browsers (most?) will automatically close the <p> when hits an
unauthorized tag. If you inspect the DOM, you will see that even the
div that makes it into the DOM from the ngRepeat is not inside the
generated paragraph.
