angularjs with other js library [closed] - angularjs

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I have an angularjs project and I am trying to use a coverflow js library in that angularjs project to display images in coverflow style. Now the changes for this are simple. i.e. - add coverflow js and css in project and include them in main code and then simply copy paste the html for coverflow. Now I can not get this working in angularjs but it works very well without angularjs. My doubt is that coverflow js library is modifying the dom but angularjs is not letting it do somehow.
Now my question is how can I use a third party js library in an angularjs project.

It is better to be wrapped with angularjs directive. Angularjs directive lets you control DOM, so that all 3rd party js can be function within the directive.
You can build one, or google with "angularjs coverflow directive". You may find one easily.
I find this,, but haven't tested yet.
The challenge is how well we can wrap 3rd party js to AngularJS directive by exposing all necessary features as directive attributes. I was having the same issue with ng-map.
Please remember that all DOM manipulation happens in directive with AngularJS.


angularjs and Twitter bootstrap conflict? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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can i use angularjs with Twitter bootstrap or not?
I try to create a simple app and no conflict between angular and bootstrap, so why does ui-bootstrap exist?
Angular JS will work with bootstrap, but its ok to do this only when AngularJS does not try to manipulate the bootstrap elements (E.g: Modal)
Bootstrap is based on JQuery, suppose you want to do some modifications to the bootstrap elements(E.g: Modal which works on JQuery) using angular, you will start facing issues, because Bootstrap's(JQuery) javascript which takes care of this, exists outside the angular framework, because of this, when you update a variable in angularJS you will experience multiple issues, like variables not updating immediately and other issues.
To tackle this, the Internet Gurus have given us a vast collection of plugins/directives for using these JQuery plugins in our angular application. This plugin acts as the middle man and will sync up AngularJS with JQuery code. Some of the plugins may have the whole library rewritten.
So please refrain from implementing JQuery code directly in an angular application. Scour the internet for a suitable plugin for it, it will save you lots of time debugging unwanted issues!

AngularJS in a professional environment [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Can you call an Angularjs app a single page angular application if while it's built/setup in angular, but then you might use jQuery for a carousel image or jQuery for fade effects or something like this added to the site that isn't angular. Would it technically be a single page angular application if jQuery or something else is incorporated in the app? I'm asking because of when I see job listings for single page applications, I want to make sure I fully understand the underlying meaning of a single page application
Also wouldn't it technically not be a single page if ng-src routed to another .html file and the page refreshed to do so as opposed to using routeprovider and locationprovider to make it appear without refreshing via ng-view?
That may come as a surprise to you, but Angular have its own jQuery subset implementation called jQLite. As long as you load a single HTML page and dynamically update its contents instead of navigating away, it is an SPA regardless of javascript libraries in use.
That's kind of opinion-based, but I would call it a non-SPA since it causes a refresh (for something other than, say, updating to a newly-deployed version.)

Why should I use Angular 2? What are it's advantages over Angular 1? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Angular 1 excels in data binding and provided a structued MVC MVW framework.
It fails in providing built-in modularity.
What are the core selling points of Angular 2? Im not looking for opinion, just plain simple bullet point facts and Im only interested in core selling points.
Also what other libraries such as bootstrap / polymer gel well with angular 2?
For me? Just off the top of my head:
Support for Functional Reactive Programming using RxJS Observables.
Built from the ground up with Typescript, meaning Types are a first class construct.
Unidirectional data flow.
Native ES6 Modules, no more endless script tags.
Fully component based.
Better template syntax.
An even better Router.
Much better Dependency Injection.
Support for sped up initial loads thanks to server-side prerendering.
ZoneJS Support, no more digest loop!
Of those my favorite feature is definitely the FRP support. We can drastically enhance performance by using Immutable Objects or Observables for our change detection.
The Formbuilder API as well as the HTTP API is fully compatible with RxJS making it very very powerful.
As for libraries, Angular-Material is obviously a big one. Another favorite of mine is NativeScript, which aims to create fully native mobile applications from your Angular 2 App. I'm sure there'll be tons more once it actually releases.

Rich Text Editor for AngularJS [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I use TextAngular which sucks to the core! Anybody using it would know. My users complain every single day :(
I'm looking at alternatives and found some such as Froala ($199) & CKEditor but they require JQuery.
Is there any "good" editor for AngularJS without JQuery that works? I have been searching but couldn't find any. I'm willing to pay too.
You have a lot of options. But if you don't like it, just write a new editor and share it with us :)
Angular-Editor -> Demo
Angular Meditor -> Demo
Angular trix -> Demo
ngQuill -> using QuillJs
Angular-inline-text-editor -> Demo
You can create a new editor with small changes.
As this is one of the first results on Google when searching for an Angular HTML WYSIWYG editor, I thought I would add to Elaine's comment about her settling on TinyMCE.
There is an Angular module for TinyMCE, ui-tinymce:
Having just tried and failed to get Angular-Trix working, ui-tinymce appears to work quite well. Note that ui-tinymce appears only to work with TinyMCE version 4.3.12 or lower at the moment. The relevant issue is here:
Additionally, TinyMCE is also quite well documented:
Regarding your no jQuery requirement, the module does not explicitly list it as a dependency, so it may just be dependent on Angular's jqlite (or not at all).

What is the use of custom directives in Angularjs? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm newer to angularjs, it's difficult to understand the custom directive examples and the releated blogs.
why we use it and what is the usage of custom directives.(Using the built in directives is easy to understand and use)
It's possible to write our own custom directives based on our needs ?
what is the need of custom directives in angular js?
Directives could be used to increment the reusability of code.
Directives infact could be used to split the code of a complex app into more simple parts, reusable in others pages or projects.
Directives could be used to save the two way data binding, when AngularJS is used in conjunction with third party plugin.
Generally directives are used for DOM manipulation
Angular’s philosophy is modular development allowing us to write our front-end code with directives
I hope will helps you
Reusablity of code..... You can reuse your code at any Pages and anywhere in your projects.
solve the complex operations in this easily.
Reduce the amount of your code.Call it anywhere.
Handle your Dom easily.
Custom directives gives you the chance to define your own "web components", a very simple example would be a customize menu for your application, using custom directives you could write it once and use it in several applications.
Read more about it and you'll find it very useful (but completely optional as you might have enough with built in ones).
As an example, I find this link quite useful.
