Custom Function with array input printing wrong result in certain cases? - c

I needed to make a function that takes an array as input (and its dimensions X,Y or ROW,COL) and calculates the sum of all lines (storing each sum in a cell of the newarray.
For an input of NxN array seems to be working perfectly.
For an input of KxN array where K>N seems to be working perfectly.
int* linesum(int *ar,int X,int Y)
int i,j,lsum=0;
int *new=malloc(X*sizeof(int));
return new;

should be
lsum += *(ar+i*Y+j);
lsum += *(ar+i+j*X);
The difference between these two is the chosen memory layout. i counts the current row, while j counts the current column. There are now two possible (simple) memory layouts for the matrix (assume X=3 and Y=4 as an example):
0 1 2 3
4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11
0 3 6 9
1 4 7 10
2 5 8 11
where numbers are the indexes of the linear array storing the matrix elements. In the first case you get the the next element of a given row by simply adding 1, but you need to jump 4 (the number of columns Y) to get to the next row.
In the second case you need to jump X=3 (the number of rows) to get to the next element in a given row, but if you want to get to the next row, you simply have to add 1.
These two layouts give you the two different pointer arithmetics shown above. You decided the layout when you initialized your array, which you haven't posted, so I cannot know which one is correct in your case.
Note that from a performance viewpoint (if your matrix is very large) the first case is better for your particular access pattern, because the array can be read element by element, while the second layout would require repeatedly jumping Y elements in memory.
You could also use double arrays / pointers to get around such pointer arithmetic. Also I guess it would be good to avoid new as a variable name, even if this is C. If somebody would try to compile your code with a C++ compiler it would throw errors, because new is a reserved keyword there.


Find all possible combinations of items in a list placed into a list of larger size

I'm programming this in Java but don't worry about the language you choose to respond in. This is more of a logical question.
I've got an array of size n of items say: [a, b, c...]. I've got a second empty array of size p. Note that the empty array of size p will always be larger than the previous array size n. I want to iterate over all the combinations of placements of elements from the first array into the empty array. (Note that items in the populated array will always be in that order. The order they come in cannot change; however, the space between element placing can change.
Examples of combinations are (assume n=3 and p=5):
n = 3 = [a, b, c]
could make:
I know that I would start by shifting the last element all the way to the end 1 by 1 then shifting the second element over by 1 and repeating the shift of the last element until the second last element is at the end as well and thus requiring the third and final element to be shifted over once and repeat.
The problem I'm having is representing this in code. The sizes of the arrays are variables and not known to me but I know for a fact that n < p. I don't need the number of combinations it can make. I would like to have code that gives me the iteration to make the combinations so I can do further checks.
If anyone could help me represent this in code, it would be extremely helpful.

C Storing Matrix in Array of Chars and Printing

Hey all I am trying to store a matrix in an array of chars and then print it out.
My code that I have written:
int main() {
int i;
int j;
int row=0;
int col=0;
int temp=0;
char c;
int array[3][2] = {{}};
while((c=getchar()) !=EOF && c!=10){
if((c==getchar()) == '\n'){
for(i=0; i<=2; i++){
for(j=0; j<=3; j++){
printf("%c ", array[i][j]);
Using a text file such as:
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 1 2 3
I would like to be able to print that back out to the user, however what my code outputs is:
1 2 3 4
3 4 5 6
5 6 7 8
I cannot figure out what is wrong with my code, some how I am off an iteration in one of my loops, or it has something to do with not handling new lines properly. Thanks!
A few problems that I can see are:
As user3386109 mentioned in the comments, your array should be array[3][4] to match the input file.
The line array[col++][row]; does nothing but increment col, and then uselessly indexes the array and throws away the value. You can do the same thing with just col++;. However, you're not even using col at any later point in the code, so really you don't even need that. The break; all by itself does what you need. Which leads me to...
You're not populating the array like you think you are. You're incrementing col and then immediately breaking out of the loop. So how does the entire array ever get populated? Just by pure luck. As it turns out with your array declared as array[3][4], the array access array[0][4] (which isn't even technically supposed to exist) is equivalent to array[1][0]. This is because all multidimensional arrays (in C and just about any other language) are laid out in memory as flat arrays, because memory itself uses linear addressing. In C, this flattening of multidimensional arrays is done in so-called Row-major order, meaning that as you traverse the raw memory from first address to last, the corresponding multidimensional indices (i,j,k,...z, or in your case just i,j) increment in such a way that the last index will change the fastest. So, not only does col never get incremented except for right before you break out of the loop, but row never gets reset to 0, which means you're storing values in array[0][0], array[0][1], ... array[0][11], not array[0][0] .. array[0][3], array[1][0] .. array[1][3], array[2][0] .. array[2][3] as you were expecting. It was just luck that, thanks to row-major ordering, these two sets of indices were actually equivalent (and C doesn't do array bounds checking for you because it assumes you're doing it yourself).
This is just personal preference, but you will usually see arrays referenced as array[row][col], not array[col][row]. But like I said, that's just preference. If it's easier for you to visualize it as [col][row], then by all means do it that way. Just make sure you do it consistently and don't accidentally switch gears midway through your code to doing [row][col].
Your code will break and only print out part of the matrix if you accidentally put a trailing space at the end of one of your rows of numbers, because of the weird way you're checking for the end of input (doing a second getchar after each initial getchar and checking to see if the second character is \n). This method isn't wrong per se, in the sense that it will work, but it's not very robust and relies on your input data being precisely formatted and containing no trailing spaces. Anyone who has ever spent hours trying to figure out why their Makefile didn't work, only to find out that it was because they had leading spaces instead of tabs can attest to the fact that those kinds of errors can be extremely time-consuming and frustrating to track down. Precisely formatted input data is always a good thing, but your code shouldn't break in unexpected an non-obvious ways (such as only printing out half of a matrix) when it doesn't get perfect input. Edit: It only occurred to me later on that you were actually intending to do two mutually exclusive things here: increment col for the next line of input, and break out of the loop after having (presumably) detected the end of input. You need to figure out which thing you're doing here, although thanks to item #3, your code actually (and oddly) works just by taking user3386109's advice and changing array[3][2] to array[3][4].
I can only assume you used <= 2 and <= 3 in your for loops instead of < 3 and < 4, respectively, because you prefer doing it that way. That's fine, but it generally makes for easier-to-read code if your for loop conditions match up with your array dimensions. Just speculating here, but perhaps that's why you had array[3][2] when you really meant array[3][4].

Adjusting position in array to maintain increasing order

I have undergone one problem in C in logic creation.What i have to do is:
1)I have array a[215] = {0,1,2,3,4,5}.Now i have to add two minimum elements of this array and then position the newly element obtained in the same array such that it will maintain the increasing order of the array(a[],which was already sorted array).
(2)I also have to take care that the two minimum added elements must not participate in sorting and addition again, they must be fixed at their position once if they are already added, but the newly obtained element by addition can participate in addition and sorting again.
we add two minimum element 0 and 1, 0+1=1, so "1" is the result obtained by addition, now this "1" must be positioned in a[] such that still there should be increasing order.
so :
0 1 1(added here) 2 3 4 5
Now we have to again find the minimum two nodes (please read the comment (2) again to understand well) .We cannot add 0 abnd 1 again because they have already participated in in the addition. so this time we will add 1 and 2(this one is at index three, please don't get confused wwith the one at index two). so we get 1+2=3
0 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 we again positioned 3 to maintain increasing order.
we repeat again: for element at index 4 and 5(because we have already done addition for element at index 0,1 and 2,3) we will get 3+3=6, again position it in a[].
0 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 this time 6 is greater then 4 and 5 so it will appear after 5 to maintain increasing order.
At last we will get a[] like this:
a[ ]= [0 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 9 15].
so the addition held was between index 0,1 and 2,3 and 4,5 and 6, 7 and 8,9 and at last we have 15 which is last one, so here we stops.
Now coming to how much i have already implemented :
I have implemented this addition part, which do addition on array a[ ] = [0 1 2 3 4 5].
And puts the newly obtained element at last index(which is dataSize in my code, please see data[dataSize++]=newItem).
Each time i call the function PositionAdjustOfNewItem(data,dataSize); giving the array(which also contains the newly obtained element at last index)as first argument and the newly obtained size as second argument.Here is the code below:
// This freq contains the given array (say a[]=[0 1 2 3 4 5] in our case and
// it is inside the struct Array { int freq}; Array data[256]; )
newItem.freq = data[i].freq + data[j].freq;
PositionAdjustOfNewItem(data,dataSize); // Logic of this function I am not able to develop yet. Please help me here
I am not able to implement the logic of function PositionAdjustOfNewItem(), which pass the array data[], which contains all the elements and the newly added element at last index and in second argument i pass the newly obtained size of array after putting the newly obtained element at last index.
Each time when i add two elements i call this PositionAdjustOfNewItem() passing the newly added elements at last and newly obtained size. which is supposed to be sorted by this function PositionAdjustOfNewItem().
This PositionAdjustOfNewItem() have as least complexity as possible.The part above the code was just to make you aware of mechanish i am using to add elements, You have nothing to do there, I need your help only in getting the logic of PositionAdjustOfNewItem().
(Even i already done it with qsort() but complexity is very high). so need any other way?
How about something like this:
NOTE: In your example, you are dealing with an array of some structure which has freq as a field. In my example, I am using simple integer arrays.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int a[] = {0,1,2,3,4,5};
int main(void) {
int i,j;
// Initialize a new array big enough to hold the result.
int* array = new int[15];
memcpy(array, a, 6*sizeof(int));
int length=6;
// Loop over consecutive indeces.
for (i=0; i+1<length; i+=2) {
// Get the sum of these two indeces.
int sum=array[i]+array[i+1];
// Insert the sum in the array, shifting elements where necessary.
for (j=length-1; j>i+1; j--) {
if (sum >= array[j]) {
// Insert here
} else {
// Shift
// We now have one more element in the array
// Display the array.
printf("{ ");
for (j=0; j<length; j++) {
printf("%d ", array[j]);
To insert the sum, what is done is we traverse the array from the end to the front, looking for the spot it belongs. If we encounter a value less then the sum, then we simply insert it after this value. Otherwise (i.e. value is greater than the sum), we need to insert it before. Thus, the value needs to be shifted one position higher, and then we check the previous value. Continue until we find the location.
If you only need the PositionAdjustNewItem method, then this is what it would look like:
void PositionAdjustOfNewItem(int* array, int length) {
int newItem = array[length-1];
for (int j=length-2; j>i+1; j--) {
if (sum >= array[j]) {
// Insert here
} else {
// Shift
When you run it, it produces the output you expect.
$ ./a.out
{ 0 1 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 9 15 }

For an X dimensional array where X is greater than 1,is only the first dimension optional,rest are mandatory?

I am trying to get my head around this but since I am new to C I just can't imagine how it will be at or beyond 3D arrays.I know we have to mention the size of static 1D arrays,but in 2D arrays,the first dimension is optional in a declaration as in:
int arr[][2]={{2,3},{4,8},{5,3}};
But what about X dimensional arrays?Are the following OK or is only the first dimension optional to be mentioned and rest necessary?
int arr[][][2]= blah blah;
int arr[][][][8]= blah blah;
I know that in the above case of the 2D array,the second dimension is necessary to perform pointer arithmetic using arr,but I can't imagine how things would or wouldn't work out for array whose dimension is greater than 2.
Only one can be left blank. In order to know how to get to a particular value, it needs to be able to compute the offset of everything but the first value.
For example:
char array[][3]
The system knows to go three bytes (assuming 1-byte chars) * the first part of the array index + 1 for each part in the second.
char array[][2][3]
The system knows to go 6 bytes (2*3) bytes * the first part of the array index + 3 * the second part + 1 * the last part.
If the 2 weren't there, you couldn't figure out how far to offset based on the value of the first index.

Improving Mergesort. Improvement 3). Use one less copy between input and temp arrays

I am currently working on a project for my algorithms class and am at a bit of a standstill. We were assigned to do improvements to merge sort, that was in the book, by implementing specific changes. I have worked fine through the first 2 changes but the 3'rd one is killer.
Merge sort, the one we are improving, copies the contents of the input array into the temporary array, and then copies the temporary array back into the input array. So it recursively sorts the input array, placing the two sorted halves into the temporary array. And then it merges the two halves in the temporary array together, placing the sorted sequence into the input array as it goes.
The improvement is that this double copying is wasteful can be done without. His hint is that: We can make it so that each call to Merge only copies in one direction, but the calls to Merge alternate the direction.
This is supposedly done by blurring the lines between the original and temporary array.
I am not really looking for code as I am confident that I can code this. I just have no idea what i'm supposed to be doing. The professor is gone for the day so I can't ask him until next week when I have his course again.
Has anyone done something like this before? Or can decipher and put it into laymans terms for me :P
The first improvement, simply has it use insertion sort whenever an Array gets small enough that it will benefit greatly, timewise, from doing so.
The second improvement stops allocating two dynamic arrays (the 2 halves that are sorted) and instead allocates 1 array of size n and that is what is used instead of the two dynamic arrays. That's that last one I did. The code for that is :
//#include "InsertionSort.h"
#include <limits.h> // needed for INT_MAX (the sentinel)
void merge3(int* inputArray, int p, int q, int r, int* tempArray)
int i,j,k;
for (i = p; i <= r; i++)
tempArray[i] = inputArray[i];
i = p;
j = q+1;
k = p;
while (i <= q && j <= r)
if (tempArray[i] <= tempArray[j])
inputArray[k++] = tempArray[i++];
inputArray[k++] = tempArray[j++];
void mergeSort3Helper(int* inputArray, int p, int r, int* tempArray)
int q = (p+r-1)/2;
void mergeSort3(int* inputArray, int p, int r)
if (r-p < 1)
int* tempArray = malloc((r-p)+1*sizeof(int));
tempArray[r+1] = INT_MAX;
// This version of merge sort should allocate all the extra space
// needed for merging just once, at the very beginning, instead of
// within each call to merge3().
The algorithm is like this:
A1: 7 0 2 9 5 1 4 3
A2: (uninitialized)
Step 1:
A1 : unchanged
A2: 0 7 2 9 1 5 3 4
Step 2:
A1: 0 2 7 9 1 3 4 5
A2: unchanged
Step 3:
A1: unchanged
A2: 0 1 2 3 4 5 7 9
This involves you copying only one way each time and follows the steps of mergesort. As your professor said, you blur the lines between the work array and the sorted array by alternating which is which, and only copying once things are sorted.
I suspect it would be difficult and ultimately unprofitable to avoid all copying. What you want to do instead is to avoid the copy you currently do with each merge.
Your current merge3(inputArray, p,q,r, tempArray) returns the merged result in its original array, which requires a copy; it uses its tempArray buffer only as a resource. In order to do better, you need to modify it to something like merge4(inputArray, p,q,r, outputArray), where the result is returned in the second buffer, not the first.
You will need to change the logic in mergeSort3Helper() to deal with this. One approach requires a comparable interface change, to mergeSort4Helper(inputArray, p,q,r, outputArray), such that it also yields its result in its second buffer. This will require a copy at the lowest (insertion sort) level, and a second copy in the top-level mergeSort4() if you want your final result in the same buffer it came in. However, it eliminates all other unnecessary copies.
Alternately, you could add a boolean parameter to mergeSort4Helper() to indicate whether you want the result returned in the first or second buffer. This value would alternate recursively, resulting in at most one copy, at the lowest level.
A final option might be to do the merging non-recursively, and alternate buffers at each pass. This would also result in at most one copy; however, I would expect the resulting access pattern to be inherently less cache-friendly than the recursive one.
