How can i find object from an array in mongoose - arrays

I have a schema like following : -
var P = {
s : [{
data : [],
sec : mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId
Now I want to find only the object of section not entire the row. Like If I pass sec value I want only the value of of that sec object.
example : -
{ s : [
data : [],
sec : '52b9830cadaa9d273200000d'
data : [],
sec : '52b9830cadaa9d2732000005'
Result should be look like -
data : [],
sec : '52b9830cadaa9d2732000005'
I do not want all entire row. Is it possible? If yes, then please help me.

You can use the $elemMatch projection operator to limit an array field like s to a single, matched element, but you can't remove the s level of your document using find.
db.test.find({}, {_id: 0, s: {$elemMatch: {sec: '52b9830cadaa9d2732000005'}}})
"s": [
"data": [ ],
"sec": "52b9830cadaa9d2732000005"

You can always get the value of some field by using find(). For example in your case:
So the first bracket is to apply any condition or query, and in the second bracket you have to define the field as 1(to fetch only those fields value).
Please check for more information.
Let me know if it solves your problem.

Not into Mongo or db but working with Pure JavaSript skills here is the Solution as you mentioned Node.js which would do the execution task of the below.
var P = { s : [
data : [],
sec : '52b9830cadaa9d273200000d'
data : [],
sec : '52b9830cadaa9d2732000005'
Search Method Code
var search = function (search_sec){
for (var i=0; i<(P.s.length);i++){
var pointer = P.s[i].sec;
var dataRow = P.s[i];
if((pointer) === search_sec ){
Here is How you can call - search('search_id');
For example input :
[object Object] {
data: [],
sec: "52b9830cadaa9d2732000005"
Working Demo here -,console


Doing a 1:many:many join in mongodb

On this earlier thread, some of my code worked perfectly for the scenario in question.
I want to adapt the same code for another similar scenario and I'm yet to understand what could be wrong. This time around I have a coursemodule collection, a many:many relationship collection between courses and modules which only stores coursesId and moduleId. Since the code worked perfectly, I simply copied, did a little modification and arrived at the code below:
var theslug = FlowRouter.getParam('myslug');
var mySchoolDocs = SchoolDb.findOne({slug: theslug});
var arrayModuleSchools = ModuleSchool.find({schoolId: mySchoolDocs._id});
// Transform the array of document into an array with only the ids
var arrayModuleId = [];
var coursetoMod = CourseModules.find({}, {moduleId: {$in: arrayModuleId}});
if (coursetoMod) {
coursesArrayIds = [];
coursetoMod.forEach(function (courseToModules) {
return Courses.find({_id: {$in: coursesArrayIds}}).fetch();
To be specific, only 2 modules exist in the Modules collection, with ids - xfLM9DEzhCMYQpQ32 and PTbZQ9cTG9pByFsY2. The CourseModule collection has this has docs:
"_id" : "iXX4unJZRNcCw9bAm",
"moduleId" : "PTbZQ9cTG9pByFsY2",
"coursesId" : "FbgcdZxADHKRBj98z",
"createdAt" : ISODate("2017-08-25T16:36:17.173Z"),
"userId" : "n5rqFSHbhm7zqADyB"
"_id" : "RAJJFjqAjGoDeNhko",
"moduleId" : "PTbZQ9cTG9pByFsY2",
"coursesId" : "ESAf6NGpZzXeioecp",
"createdAt" : ISODate("2017-08-25T16:36:17.182Z"),
"userId" : "n5rqFSHbhm7zqADyB"
"_id" : "8ceuFwZK8Qduo5J5P",
"moduleId" : "xfLM9DEzhCMYQpQ32",
"coursesId" : "KnNj4GLcyMtvF8JmB",
"createdAt" : ISODate("2017-08-25T16:38:15.368Z"),
"userId" : "n5rqFSHbhm7zqADyB"
At the point where I log into the console I got that the selectorId is undefined:
L…n.Cursor {collection: LocalCollection, sorter: null, matcher:
M…o.Matcher, _selectorId: undefined, skip: undefined…}_projectionFn:
(obj)_selectorId: undefined_transform: nullcollection:
LocalCollectionfields: undefinedlimit: undefinedmatcher:
Minimongo.Matcherreactive: trueskip: undefinedsorter: null__proto__:
Object_depend: (changers, _allow_unordered)_getCollectionName:
()_getRawObjects: (options)_publishCursor: (sub)constructor:
(collection, selector, options)count: ()fetch: ()forEach: (callback,
thisArg)getTransform: ()map: (callback, thisArg)observe:
(options)observeChanges: (options)rewind: ()proto: Object
view.js:30 L…n.Cursor {collection: LocalCollection, sorter: null, matcher: M…o.Matcher, _selectorId: undefined, skip: undefined…}
All I want to do is to fetch the courses attached to a specific school currently displayed via the modules.
You are using the find function the wrong way:
var coursetoMod = CourseModules.find({}, {moduleId: {$in: arrayModuleId}});
The find() function takes two parameters : myCollection.find(query, projection). When you are filtering documents by field, it must be inside the query parameter. And the projection parameter is used to chose which fields to return.
In your case, here's the parameters you are using: query: {} and projection: {moduleId: {$in: arrayModuleId}}. But it needs to be: query: {moduleId: {$in: arrayModuleId}}
So you just have to use the $in as first parameter:
var coursetoMod = CourseModules.find({moduleId: {$in: arrayModuleId}});
By the way, if you want to see directly the documents returned by the find function inside a console.log, use .fetch() :
var coursetoMod = CourseModules.find({moduleId: {$in: arrayModuleId}}).fetch();
MongoDB find function documentation:
#gaetan is on the right track with the answer, you need to use the query parameter instead of the projection parameter. There are some other simplifications that can be made in your code as well using the underscore library that is packaged with Meteor.
courses() {
const slug = FlowRouter.getParam('myslug');
const schoolId = SchoolDb.findOne({ slug })._id;
const Modules = ModuleSchool.find({ schoolId });
const ModuleIds = _.pluck(Modules,'moduleId');
const coursetoMod = CourseModules.find({ moduleId: { $in: ModuleIds }});
if (coursetoMod.length) {
coursesIds = _.pluck(coursetoMod,'coursesId');
return Courses.find({ _id: { $in: coursesArrayIds }}).fetch();

How to access the elements in a mongodb array

I have a mongodb Document like the one mentioned below
"_id" : ObjectId("213122423423423"),
"eventDateTimes" :
"parseFlags" :
"eventMessages" : [
"Erro1 ",
I have to fetch the eventMessages based on the parseFlags array.
I have to get the index of elements in the parseFlags array where the value is "false" and then get the event messages mapping to those indexes.
The result should be the document with following parameters where parseFlag is false:
ParseFlags :[false,false,false]
eventMessages :[Error1,Error3,Error4]
Can you please let me know how to get this output? I am using mongodb 3.2.
Mongodb 3.4 has new array operator zip that groups the array elements based on the index
$project: {
transposed: {
$zip: {inputs: ["$eventDateTimes", "$parseFlags", "$eventMessages"]
{$unwind: '$transposed'},
{$project: {eventDateTime: {$arrayElemAt: ['$tranposed',0]}, parseFlag:
{$arrayElemAt: ['$transposed', 1]}}}
{$match: {parseFlag: false}}
For mongo 3.2 there isn't any direct way to handle the expected query. You can instead use mapReduce with custom code
var transposed = [];
for(var i=0;i<this.eventDateTimes.length;i++){
transposed.push({eventDateTime: this.eventDateTimes[i], parseFlag: this.parseFlags[i]});
emit(this._id, transposed);
}, function(key, values){
return [].concat.apply([], values);
}, {out: {inline:1}})
PS: I haven't actually executed the query, but above one should give you an idea how it needs to be done.

How to query a single embedded document in an array in MongoDB?

I am trying to query a single embedded document in an array in MongoDB. I don't know what I am doing wrong. Programmatically, I will query this document and insert new embedded documents into the currently empty trips arrays.
"_id" : ObjectId("564b3300953d9d51429163c3"),
"agency_key" : "DDOT",
"routes" : [
"route_id" : "6165",
"route_type" : "3",
"trips" : [ ]
"route_id" : "6170",
"route_type" : "3",
"trips" : [ ]
Following queries -I run in mongo shell- return empty:
db.tm_routes.find( { routes : {$elemMatch: { route_id:6165 } } } ).pretty();
db.tm_routes.find( { routes : {$elemMatch: { route_id:6165,route_type:3 } } } ).pretty();
also db.tm_routes.find({'routes.route_id':6165}).count() is 0.
The following query returns every document in the array
"_id" : ObjectId("564b3300953d9d51429163c3"),
"agency_key" : "DDOT",
"routes" : [
"route_id" : "6165",
"route_type" : "3",
"trips" : [ ]
"route_id" : "6170",
"route_type" : "3",
"trips" : [ ]
but db.tm_routes.find({'routes.route_id':'6165'}).count() returns 1.
And finally, here is how I inserted data in the first place -in Node.JS-:
function(agencyKeys, callback) {
var routeIds = [];
var routesArr = [];
var routes = db.collection('routes');
//CALL GETROUTES FUNCTION FOR EVERY AGENCY, getRoutes, function(err, results){
if (err) throw err;
else {
callback(null, results);
function getRoutes(agencyKey, callback){
var cursor = routes.find({agency_key:agencyKey});
cursor.toArray(function(err, docs){
if(err) throw err;
for(i in docs){
var routeObj = {
collection.update({agency_key:agencyKey}, {$push:{"routes":{
collection.update({agency_key:agencyKey}, {$push:{"routes":routeObj}});
// 3->
collection.update({agency_key:agencyKey}, {$push:{routes:{$each:routesArr}}});
callback(null, routeIds);
var collection = newCollection(db, 'tm_routes',[]);
function newCollection(db, name, options){
var collection = db.collection(name);
if (collection){
db.createCollection(name, options);
return db.collection(name);
Note: I am not using Mongoose and don't want to use if possible.
I see what you are asking for, and what you need is help understanding how things are stored in mongodb. Things to understand:
A document is the basic unit of data for MongoDB and can be roughly compared to a row in a relational database.
A collection can be thought of as a table with a dynamic schema
So documents are stored in collections.Every document has a special _id, that is unique within a collection. What you showed us above in the following format is One document.
"_id" : ObjectId("564b3300953d9d51429163c3"),
"agency_key" : "DDOT",
"routes" : [
"route_id" : "6165",
"route_type" : "3",
"trips" : [ ]
"route_id" : "6170",
"route_type" : "3",
"trips" : [ ]
If you run a query in your tm_routes collection. The find() will return each document in the collection that matches that query. Therefore when you run the query db.tm_routes.find({'routes.route_id':'6165'}).pretty(); it is returning the entire document that matches the query. Therefore this statement is wrong:
The following query returns every document in the array
If you need to find a specific route in that document, and only return that route, depending on your use, because its an array, you may have to use the $-Positional Operator or the aggregation framework.
For Node and Mongodb users using Mongoose, this is one of the ways to write the query to the above problem:
routes: {
$elemMatch: {
route_id: 6165 (or if its in a route path then **6165** could be replaced by **req.params.routeid**
$push: {
//the content you want to push into the trips array goes here

Count how many and which index of a array

I have an array of objects:
result = [
{ _id: 53d0dfe3c42047c81386df9d, video_id: '1' },
{ _id: 53d0dfe3c42047c81386df9e, video_id: '1' },
{ _id: 53d0dfe3c42047c81386df9f, video_id: '1' },
{ _id: 53d0dfe3c42047c81386dfa0, video_id: '2' },
{ _id: 53d0dfe3c42047c81386dfa1, video_id: '2' },
{ _id: 53d0dfe3c42047c81386dfa2, video_id: '1' },
{ _id: 53d0dfe3c42047c81386dfa3, video_id: '2' },
{ _id: 53d0dfe3c42047c81386dfa4, video_id: '1' }
I need to create another array, which takes video_id as the index, and contains how many times this video_id appears in the first array:
list = [
{'1' : 5},
{'2' : 4}
Currently, I use this code:
while (i < result.length)
if(list[result[i].video_id] === undefined) {
list[result[i].video_id] = 0;
list[result[i].video_id] = list[result[i].video_id] + 1;
i = i + 1;
It works, but I wonder if there is any faster and cleaner way to do so? (the real result array has over 10k elements, and I doubt >10k conditional statements are optimal...).
I am using node.js, result is from a mongoose (mongoDB) query, and I didn't see any way to get this done by mongoose itself:
var now = new Date();
//M_logs is a mongoose model
query = M_logs.where('time').gt(new Date(now.getFullYear(), 0, 1).getTime() / 1000).lt(now.getTime() / 1000).select('video_id');
(PS: I wonder if this isn't more a Code Review question, please tell me if I am off-topic so I can migrate the question).
To answer to Juan Carlos Farah:
S_logs = new mongoose.Schema({
user_ip : String,
user_id : String,
user_agent : String,
canal_id : String,
theme_id : String,
video_id : String,
osef : String,
time : Number,
action: String,
is_newuser : String,
operator : String,
template : String,
catalogue : String,
referer : String,
from : String,
osef1 : String
M_logs = mongoose.model('logs', S_logs);
You can do this using the aggregation framework. The idea is to do something as follows:
Match the documents you are looking for. Based on your current query, I understand it would be documents where time is between new Date(now.getFullYear(), 0, 1).getTime() / 1000 and now.getTime() / 1000.
Group the matched documents by video_id and keep track of their count.
Optionally sort by _id, which would be equivalent to the original video_id.
The following is in mongo shell syntax:
var now = new Date();
"$match" : {
"time" : {
"$gt" : new Date(now.getFullYear(), 0, 1).getTime() / 1000,
"$lt" : now.getTime() / 1000
"$group" : {
"_id" : "$video_id",
"count" : { "$sum" : 1 }
"$sort" : { "_id" : 1 }
If this works for you, you can easily implement it in Mongoose or Node.js driver syntax. Note that the aggregation framework returns a cursor, which you can iterate through to populate your array.
Using the Node.js driver, you can access the results from the aggregation query in the callback function. Something as follows:
, function(err, result) {
Note that the Mongoose syntax for aggregation queries is slightly different.
Model.aggregate([ <QUERY> ]).exec( <CALLBACK> );
For more information, consult the documentation here.
I would suggest that you use aggregation framework to count number of documents. It will be significantly faster than iterating all your documents and counting them.
Using mongoose you can do it like this:
var now = new Date();
var startTime = new Date(now.getFullYear(), 0, 1).getTime() / 1000):
var endTime = now.getTime() / 1000;
// filter the documents you're looking for
{"$match" : { "time" : {"$gt": startTime, "$lt": endTime}}},
// group by to get the count for each video_id
{"$group" : {"_id" : "$video_id", "count" : {"$sum" : 1}}},
// make the output more explanatory; this part is optional
{"$project" : { "video_id" : "$_id", "count" : "$count", _id : 0}}
]).exec(function(err, docs){
if (err) console.err(err);
The output of the docs will be:
[ { count: 4, video_id: '2' }, { count: 5, video_id: '1' } ]
var list = {};
result.forEach(function (el) {
list[el.video_id] = (list[el.video_id] || 0) + 1;
the resuling list will look something like this:
var list = {
'1': 5,
'2': 4

mongodb - adding the value in a field to the value in an embedded array

I have a document in MongoDB as below.
"CorePrice" : 1,
"_id" : 166,
"partno" : 76,
"parttype" : "qpnm",
"shipping" :
"shippingMethod1" : "ground",
"cost1" : "10"
"shippingMethod2" : "air",
"cost2" : "11"
"shippingMethod3" : "USPS",
"cost3" : "3"
"shippingMethod4" : "USPS",
"cost4" : 45
My goal is to add CorePrice (1) to cost4 (45) and retrieve the computed value as a new column "dpv". I tried using the below query. However I receive an error exception: $add only supports numeric or date types, not Array. I'm not sure why. Any kind of help will be greatly appreciated.
$project: {
partno: 1,
parttype: 1,
dpv: {$add: ["$CorePrice","$shipping.cost1"]}
$match: {"_id":{$lt:5}}
When you refer to the field shipping.cost1 and shipping is an array, MongoDB does not know which entry of the shipping-array you are referring to. In your case there is only one entry in the array with a field cost1, but this can't be guaranteed. That's why you get an error.
When you are able to change your database schema, I would recommend you to turn shipping into an object with a field for each shipping-type. This would allow you to address these better. When this is impossible or would break some other use-case, you could try to access the array entry by numeric index (shipping.0.cost1).
Another thing you could try is to use the $sum-operator to create the sum of all shipping.cost1 fields. When there is only one element in the array with a field cost1, the result will be its value.
I am able to achieve this by divorcing the query into two as below.
var pipeline1 = [
"$unwind": "$shipping"
R = db.tb.aggregate( pipeline );
