Can I have nested ng-include's? - angularjs

I have a template that is inserted via ng-include and that template also has an ng-include. The inner ng-incude is not being shown. Why?
Main Template:
<div ng-include src="'views/outer.html'"></div>
<div ng-repeat="item in items">
// Stuff
<div ng-include src="'views/inner.html'"></div> // not being shown
// More stuff

The code you posted should work so the problem is probably situated somewhere else.
One of the reasons could be that a JavaScript error is thrown somewhere else or that no items are found in the scope. Make sure to check the browser console.
Here is a working version of your code for your convenience:
Hope that helps!

ng-include is a directive. Your view/outer.html should do like this:
Because directive not inherit parent automatically.


AngularJS. Add code to all partials inside ng-view

How can I add code inside ng-view once(not inside all partials)? I want to have global block which will append or prepend inside ng-view, where I can use scope from current controller.
you can use ng-include inside each template to include the same template in all parts.
dunno know really what you want to do, but with the little info you gave, go to your index.html template and write the code you want to within a block element such as
<div class="your class name">
either before or after
<div ng-view>
depending on whether it's prepend or append. However, make sure you reference the controller properly.

AngularJS rendering different template inside ng-repeat using ng-view

I would like to apologize that I couldn't provide any code snippet regarding this question, I am a newbie about AngularJS.
<div ng-repeat="item in list" ng-view></div>
Using the code above, would it be possible to render different template which would be dependent on item.type property. I was expecting a result like this:
item.type == "image" returning: <div><img src="'IMAGE_URI'"></div>
item.type == "text" returning: <div><p>TEXT</p></div>
As of now I have create a template html for the enumeration of item.type. Is this concern possible using AngularJS? I've recently learned that ng-view accompannied with ng-route.
I think one way you can do it is to use 'ng-if' to conditionally include html:
<div ng-repeat="item in list">
<div ng-if="item.type == 'image'><img src="'IMAGE_URI'"></div>
<div ng-if="item.type == 'text'><div><p>TEXT</p></div>
You can have only one ng-view,
take a look at this answer.
from the documentation for ng-view:
ngView is a directive that complements
the $route service by including the rendered
template of the current route into the main
layout (index.html) file.
Every time the current route changes,
the included view changes with it according
to the configuration of the $route service.
Requires the ngRoute module to be installed.
What you're looking for is ng-include, combined with ng-switch,
take a look at this answer on how to combine the two.
ng-include creates a new child scope, which in turn inherits from the controller.
have a look at this answer for more information about the topic.

AngularJs unable to use custom directive inside tr

I've just started looking at AngularJs. I was attempting to use a custom directive inside a tr element. I get the following error regarding the switch directive
Controller 'ngSwitch', required by directive 'ngSwitchWhen', can't be found!
Some sample code is here:
Even after I removed the swtich it still doesn't seem to do anything. I changed the repeat direct to be over currentSheetData and removed the swtich entirly but there's no code in the rows.
However in my example I do the same setup inside a div element and it works fine. Would someone explain what I'm doing incorrectly
You need ng-switch directive on the parent node before declaring ng-switch-when on the child node.
<div class="animate-switch-container"
ng-switch on="selection">
<div class="animate-switch" ng-switch-when="settings">Settings Div</div>
<div class="animate-switch" ng-switch-when="home">Home Span</div>
<div class="animate-switch" ng-switch-default>default</div>

AngularJS Animations ng-switch ng-repeat

I am trying to do what looks like a simple process: to display a list of items received from an HTTP request with animation.
First of all, here is my way of doing it ( I am open to any suggestions to do it in a better angular way ):
I define a scope variable state that I initialize to loading in my controller and that I change to loaded when I receive data from the HTTP request.
I initialize a scope variable items with the received data.
In my view, I use ng-switch for the states, and ng-repeat with the items.
I define an animation with css on ng-repeat.
Here is a plunkr ( with a $timeout instead of the request ).
I cannot understand why the animation does not work.
Any help will be appreciated. Thanks.
The reason it is happening is because your ng-when. The same thing happens with ng-if, but would work fine if you used ng-show.
The problem is that when your ng-when condition returns true, the ng-when first renders it's content in a detatched dom (so animations do not happen). This dom is then attached to the dom tree (this step is animated but you would have to put your animation class on the ng-when).
When using something like ng-show or ng-hide things work as expected because the dom is always attached (it is simply shown/hidden).
This might be considered either a bug or a limitation of ng-animate, you might want to post a github issue and see if the angular guys have any thoughts.
It seems to be a "feature" of angular that it won't add .ng-enter to repeat items inside ng-switch-when block. You can remove ng-switch-when="loaded" and it will work (You don't really need it as ng-repeat won't do anything if there is no items)
<div ng-switch="state">
<div ng-switch-when="loading">
<p>Please wait...</p>
<div >
<ul ng-repeat="item in items" class="animate-items">

Angularjs : dom manipulation replacing and then reattaching to another parent with map

I have a dom element, which i want to detach it from its parent and append it at some other location in the dom, angularjs way.
i could easily do this in jquery with detach and appendto, but i am unable, to find the same in angularjs way.
var detached = jQuery('.toBeDetached');
Note i need to detach since the element contains a map in it.
It may not be applicable in your case, but you can use the transclude facility of an Angular directive to do this.
I don't think attaching and deattaching would work. What I can suggest is destroying the recreating the template under different node.
You can use something like ng-if in Angular 1.1.5 for this. Using multiple ng-if and associated conditions you can bind the same template at multiple location, which ever ng-if returns true that template would get loaded.
The template code can be duplicated or be out inside a ng-template script. Something like this
<div id='parent'>
<div id='child1'>
<div ng-if='condition1'><ng-include src='datatemplate' /></div>
<div id='child2'>
<div ng-if='condition2'><ng-include src='datatemplate' /></div>
<script id='datatemplate' type='text/ng-template'>
<!-- Template HTML -->
