How to enable wps.Login and wps.SelfCare - websphere-portal

I want to show login and registration links on portal site , I got some info on this from some sites that you need to enable wps.login and wps.selfcare but didn't found how to enable these.
What is the way to enable these?

wps.login and wps.selfcare should be referring to specific Portal pages. Login as an Administration and go to "Manage Pages". You can search for pages by uniquename and find them. Make sure they have a status of "Active". If they are "Inactive" click the status to activate them.


Authorization Required You must first log in or register before accessing this page. If you have forgotten your password salesforce

I have setup a site but when i am opening this site i am getting this
type error, Authorization Required
You must first log in or register before accessing this page. If you
have forgotten your password, click Forgot Password to reset it.
click and check image
You need to make sure that the visualforce page which you created has access to Guest user profile. To navigate to Guest user, do as below:
Go to Setup -> Develop -> Sites -> Click Site name -> Public Access Settings
The sites under Digital Experiences / All sites are called Experience Cloud sites.
The sites under Sites and Domains > Sites are called Salesforce sites.
These are different categories of sites and they come with different behaviors.
Based on the screenshot you shared with me, (the url has included), it looks like your site is in the second category, please be aware of that:
Users from the Salesforce sites can only see their own data. If your program is trying to access data recreated by other, you will get the Authorization Required error.
As a way to test this, try to comment out the SOQL statements, the error message may go away.
also check out the following link:
The Secure guest user record access setting was enabled in Summer ’20, but could still be disabled during that release. To safeguard your Salesforce org’s data, in Winter ’21, this setting is enabled in all orgs with communities or sites and can't be disabled. The Secure guest user record access setting enforces private org-wide defaults for guest users and requires that you use guest user sharing rules to open up record access. You also can't add guest users to groups or queues or grant guest users record access through manual sharing or Apex managed sharing.

Normal user (not admin) registration and publishing in Wagtail

I understand Wagtail is a CMS. Per my test so far, only the admin has permission to publish an article/content. I checked out "puput" and a few others as listed here. I wonder is there a way to allow normal user registration, login, publishing? Something similar to Medium, where the normal user, or say the community, can contribute to the content generation.
I thought there might be a toggle or switch to enable this. But I didn't find it. I'm looking for a way that is either a package or a plugin or similar. Not coding from scratch. Ideally within Wagtail CMS, but other frameworks based on Django should also be fine.
Wagtail provides two user groups:
Editors: user within this group can create page and submit it to moderation
Moderators: user within this group can publish pages that have been submitted to moderation.
To update groups for a given user, go the the django admin interface with admin credentails, usually the url is your-domain/admin
Then go to Users under Authentication and Authorization category
Then get into the user you want to allow posting pages,
Scroll down until Permissions category and moove groups Editors and Moderators from Available groups to Chosen groups as follow:
Then save new settings.

Joomla Easysocial user auto approvals while registration

I am using Easysocial Extension on my Joomla 3.0 site. i was able to successfully install and integrate it. But when ever a user get register i have to approve them to use the site. And don't want to approve every user, i want it in a auto mode. I have tried to Change the option for "New User Account Activation" to "None" under User Manager but No go. I have searcher for other options in Easysocial but not found any.
Can any one help in resolving this issue.
Do the following:
Login to the admin panel of the Joomla Back-end
Go to: Component > Easysocial > Settings > Profile types
Select your members group
Go to the Registration tab
Select Registration Type and Oauth Registration type (various options are there)
This may work, set these preferences in Joomla users > options
Allow user registration - Yes
New user registration Group - Registered
New User Account activation - Self
User will now need to click an activation link which will then authenticate them.

How to allow user other than Administrator to Add New User in DotnetNuke?

In DotNetNuke, Administrator only can add new user. I want to allow other user with custom role as well to Add New User. Is it possible with DotNetNuke ?
It used to be possible, though I haven't tried this in quite a while.
Basically what you can try a couple of options.
1) You can assign PAGE permissions on the User Accounts page in DNN to users of a specific role. Then you will need to provide those users a LINK to the page, as they won't see the admin menu and won't have access to the link via the Admin menu.
2) You can actually (used to be able to) place the User account module on a page that other roles have access to, the problem is that the User Accounts and Security roles modules are "premium" meaning that you have to specifically (as a superuser) allow them for use in a portal before they can be placed on a page. You do this from the host/extensions page and click on the edit pencil next to the module, find the premium section then assign it to the specific portal. Then you will add the module(s) to a page, you'll find that more than just the User Account module gets added, so you will want to remove the extra ones by deleting them from the page.
Hopefully one of those two options will work for you.

DotNetNuke UserInfo.Membership.IsOnLine is always false even after login

I am trying to get user's online status during login. I am checking following property after ValidateUser, but it always return false.
Just to confirm, i put following code in one of my module that can be accessed ONLY after login.
Dim _currentUser As UserInfo = DotNetNuke.Entities.Users.UserController.GetCurrentUserInfo()
Dim message as String = IIf(_currentUser.Membership.IsOnLine, "Online", "Not Online")
UI.Skins.Skin.AddModuleMessage(Me, message, Skins.Controls.ModuleMessage.ModuleMessageType.BlueInfo)
It always show 'Not Online', while user is logged in.
Am i missing something?
Please help.
I am using DNN 6.02.05 Community Ed.
Important steps to Enable Online Users in DotNetNuke
The “Users Online” module works on a background thread (via the scheduler) to add and expire users from the users online list. The scheduled job should exist in your installation, but it is disabled by default.
To enable the scheduled job:-
Login to your portal as a Super User account (e.g. host)
Navigate to Host -> Schedule
Edit the “DotNetNuke.Entities.Users.PurgeUsersOnline, DOTNETNUKE” job (click the pencil)
Check “Scheduled Enabled”
Click Update
Click 'run now' to get effect on the spot.
Now that you have configured the scheduled job, your users should begin to process background users. The problem is that there is an additional host setting you must set before this can occur.
To enable users online:-
Login to your portal as a Super User account (e.g. host)
Navigate to Host -> Host Settings
Expand “Other Settings”
Check “Enable Users Online”
Click Update
maybe a dumb question, but did you check whether users online feature is turned on in the host settings --> other settings?
