angular-ui-bootstrap accordion collapse/expand all - angularjs

I would like to create a collpase/expand all button for a set of accordions. I am using angular.js v1.2.6 and angular-bootstrap-ui 0.9.0. I haven't been able to find an example of how to do a collpase/expand all. I'm an angular novice and any advice or suggestions is appreciated.
ALSO, I should add that the solution in this post doesn't work in the newer version of angular.js (v1.0.8 vs v1.2.6) that I am using (which is a latest version at the time of this posting). In the newer version it throws an error about trying to create two isolated scopes.
<div ng-controller="myCtlr">
<accordion close-others="oneAtATime">
<button class="btn" ng-click="section.isCollapsed = !section.isCollapsed">Toggle Sections</button>
<accordion-group ng-repeat="section in sections" is-open="section.isOpen">
<div class="accordion-heading-content" ng:class="{collapsed: section.isOpen}">
Section content
var theapp = angular.module('myApp', [
function myCtlr ($scope) {
$scope.isCollapsed = false;
$scope.sections = [
{'id': '353','otherid': '7','name': 'One','Sequence': '1'},
{'id': '354','otherid': '8','name': 'Two','Sequence': '1'},
{'id': '355','otherid': '9','name': 'Three','Sequence': '1'}

I've taken Blowsie's plunkr comment and built my own answer that solves the use case that I'm reading into here.
I've moved the close-others attribute to the accordion element where the docs say it goes. I've also added extra buttons to openAll, closeAll or toggleAll.
If you click the header for a single item, only that item opens. If you click a 'All' button, all are affected.
Thanks to Blowsie for the inspiration. I think using the here was the ticket. After that, it's just a matter of affecting all values.
<div ng-controller="AccordionDemoCtrl">
<accordion close-others="false">
<accordion-group ng-repeat="item in items" is-open="" heading="{{}}">
<p>The body of the accordion group grows to fit the contents</p>
<button ng-click="openItem(0)">Open 1</button>
<button ng-click="openItem(1)">Open 2</button>
<button ng-click="openItem(2)">Open 3</button>
<button ng-click="openAllItems()">Open All</button>
<button ng-click="closeAllItems()">Close All</button>
<button ng-click="toggleAllItems()">Toggle All</button>
{{items |json}}
angular.module('plunker', ['ui.bootstrap']);
function AccordionDemoCtrl($scope) {
$scope.oneAtATime = true;
$scope.items = [
{name: 'Item 1', open: false},
{name: 'Item 2', open: false},
{name: 'Item 3', open: false}
$scope.addItem = function() {
var newItemNo = $scope.items.length + 1;
$scope.items.push('Item ' + newItemNo);
$scope.openItem = function(idx) {
$scope.items[idx].open = true;
$scope.openAllItems = function(){
${ = true;
$scope.closeAllItems = function(){
${ = false;
$scope.toggleAllItems = function(){
${ = !;

Here is a method using the is-open attribute.


How can I add a third button to an editable in AngularJS?

I have a question about the AngularJS editable framework. When using an editable, two buttons appear: the save button and the cancel button. However, I want a third button (with a minus symbol) to delete the text in the editable. How can I add a third delete button?
Here is a fiddle of one of my previous questions:
Example with only two buttons
{{ || 'empty' }}
Don't think they have support for this right now.
I've done it myself.
var app = angular.module("app", ["xeditable"]); (editableOptions) {
editableOptions.theme = 'bs3';
app.controller('Ctrl', function ($scope) {
$scope.user = {
name: 'awesome user'
$scope.showClear = function () {
$ = true;
$scope.empty = function () {
$ = "";
$ = false;
<h4>Angular-xeditable Text (Bootstrap 3)</h4>
<div ng-app="app" ng-controller="Ctrl">
<span href="#" editable-text="" ng-click="showClear()">{{ || 'empty' }}</span>
<button class="btn btn-default" ng-click="empty()" ng-show="show">
Hope this will help :).

AngularJS ui-bootstrap accordion cannot access variable outside accordion in filtered ng-repeat

I am using AngularJS UI Bootstrap's accordion. I am using ng-repeat with filter inside the accordion. Now the problem is that I cannot access the filtered variable outside <accordion>. If I ditch the accordion and use simple HTML it works fine.
<div ng-app="myApp">
<div ng-controller="AccordionCtrl">
<div>outside accordion{{filteredCampaigns}}</div>
<input type="text" ng-model="q" placeholder="filter" />
<accordion class="accordion" close-others="true">
<div>inside accordion{{filteredCampaigns}}</div>
<accordion-group ng-repeat="campaign in filteredCampaigns=(campaigns | filter:q)">
var app = angular.module('myApp', ['ui.bootstrap']);
app.controller('AccordionCtrl', ['$scope',
function ($scope) {
$scope.campaigns = [{
title: "Test1",
content: "file1.html"
}, {
title: "Test2",
content: "file2.html"
}, {
title: "Test3",
content: "file3.html"
I have also created the fiddle here
This is becuase the sub-directives comes with angular-ui have child scopes that does not reflect this new filteredCampaigns variable to the controller's scope.
1st option - Hack it,
1) define an object to contain the filteredCampaigns dynamic variable
$scope.context = {};
2) change your accordion-group to:
<accordion-group ng-repeat="campaign in context.filteredCampaigns=(campaigns | filter:q)">
var app = angular.module('myApp', ['ui.bootstrap']);
app.controller('AccordionCtrl', ['$scope',
function ($scope) {
$scope.context = {};
$scope.campaigns = [{
title: "Test1",
content: "file1.html"
}, {
title: "Test2",
content: "file2.html"
}, {
title: "Test3",
content: "file3.html"
<div ng-app="myApp">
<div ng-controller="AccordionCtrl">
<div>outside accordion {{context.filteredCampaigns}} </div>
<input type="text" ng-model="q" placeholder="filter" />
<accordion class="accordion" close-others="true">
<div>inside accordion{{context.filteredCampaigns}}</div>
<accordion-group ng-repeat="campaign in context.filteredCampaigns=(campaigns | filter:q)">
2nd option - use Controller as,
i would recommend using Controller as since it will give you more controll of what's defined on the controller's scope and what's not
var app = angular.module('myApp', ['ui.bootstrap']);
app.controller('AccordionCtrl', ['$scope',
function () {
var vm = this;
vm.campaigns = [{
title: "Test1",
content: "file1.html"
}, {
title: "Test2",
content: "file2.html"
}, {
title: "Test3",
content: "file3.html"
<div ng-app="myApp">
<div ng-controller="AccordionCtrl as vm">
<div>outside accordion {{vm.filteredCampaigns}} </div>
<input type="text" ng-model="q" placeholder="filter" />
<accordion class="accordion" close-others="true">
<div>inside accordion{{vm.filteredCampaigns}}</div>
<accordion-group ng-repeat="campaign in vm.filteredCampaigns=(vm.campaigns | filter:q)">
<accordion> creates an isolated scope and the filteredCampaigns are only available in that scope, not in the parent scope. To add it to the parent scope, you use $parent:
ng-repeat="campaign in $parent.filteredCampaigns=(campaigns | filter:q)">
Another solution would be creating an creating an object an object in the parent scope with a parameter for the filteredCampaings:
// AccordionCtrl
$scope.filteredValues = {
filteredCampaings: []
ng-repeat="campaign in filteredValues.filteredCampaigns=(campaigns | filter:q)"
Since you're using it outside of the ng-repeat, you can't see that variable as ng-repeat creates its own scope.
You can use the controller and use the filter manually to retrieve the filtered objects:
$scope.getFilteredCampaings = function () {
$scope.filteredCampaigns = $filter('filter')($scope.campaigns, $scope.q);
return $scope.filteredCampaigns;

Angular: How to $broadcast from Factory?

I have a list of items and I need to get a message (saying Item added!) in the navbar whenever a new item is added.
The function addItem() (ng-click on the Add Item button) is in the ItemFactory and from there I seem to not be able to broadcast it.
<!doctype html>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=""></script>
<body ng-app="MyApp" ng-controller="MainCtrl">
<div>{{ text }}
<nav class="navbar navbar-inverse" ng-controller="NavCtrl">
<div class="container">
<div class="navbar-header">
<a class="navbar-brand" href="#">List of items | {{ alertItemAdded }}</a>
<form class="navbar-form navbar-right" role="search">
<div class="form-group">
<input type="text" class="form-control" ng-model="newItem" placeholder="Add an item">
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" ng-click="addItem(newItem)">Add Item</button>
<div class="container" ng-controller="ContentCtrl">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-xs-12">
<form class="form-inline">
<div class="form-group">
<input type="text" class="form-control" ng-model="newItem" placeholder="Add an item">
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" ng-click="addItem(newItem)">Add Item</button>
<br />
<br />
<div class="row">
<div class="col-xs-12">
<div ng-repeat="item in items">
<form class="form-inline">
<div class="form-group">
<div>{{ item }}</div>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-s" ng-click="removeItem($index)">Remove Item</button>
angular.module('MyApp').controller('MainCtrl', function($scope, ItemFactory){
$scope.text = "Text from the Main Controller";
$scope.addItem = function(newItem){
angular.module('MyApp').controller('NavCtrl', function($scope){
// $on
$scope.$on('itemAdded', function(event, data){
$scope.alertItemAdded = data;
angular.module('MyApp').controller('ContentCtrl', function($scope, ItemFactory){
$scope.items = ItemFactory.getItem();
$scope.removeItem = function($index){
angular.module('MyApp').factory('ItemFactory', function(){
var items = [
'Item 1',
'Item 2',
'Item 3'
return {
getItem : function() {
return items;
addItem : function(item){
// $broadcast
$scope.$broadcast('itemAdded', 'Item added!');
removeItem : function($index){
items.splice($index, 1);
You can inject $rootScope into your factory and use $broadcast from there.
angular.module('MyApp').factory('ItemFactory', ["$rootScope", function($rootScope){
var items = [
'Item 1',
'Item 2',
'Item 3'
return {
getItem : function() {
return items;
addItem : function(item){
// $broadcast
$rootScope.$broadcast('itemAdded', 'Item added!');
removeItem : function($index){
items.splice($index, 1);
Here is a clean solution for you.
See it working in this plunker
Let me explain how all of this works.
Your message looks like this :
<span ng-if="alertItemAdded.recentAdd">Item added !</span>
It will show only when "alterITemAdded.recenAdd" is true. You'll use this to make the message disapear if you need.
You factory look like this now :
angular.module('MyApp').service('ItemService', function(){
var service = {};
//I'll always wrap my data in a sub object.
service.notification = {};
service.items = {};
service.items.list = [
'Item 1',
'Item 2',
'Item 3'
service.items.addItem = function(item){
service.items.removeItem = function($index){
service.items.list.splice($index, 1);
return service;
I'm using service instead of factory. But there is almost no difference, it's just a matter of taste.
Here is your controllers
angular.module('MyApp').controller('MainCtrl', function($scope, ItemService){
$scope.text = "Text from the Main Controller";
angular.module('MyApp').controller('NavCtrl', function($scope, ItemService){
//IMPORTANT POINT : I bind it the sub object. Not to the value. To access the value i'll use $scope.alterItemAdded.recentAdd
$scope.alertItemAdded = ItemService.notification;
//I don't have to redeclare the function. I just bind it to the service function.
$scope.addItem = ItemService.items.addItem;
angular.module('MyApp').controller('ContentCtrl', function($scope, ItemService){
$scope.items = ItemService.items.list;
$scope.addItem = ItemService.items.addItem;
$scope.removeItem = function($index){
Important point :
I always bind my vars to a sub object. Why ? In fact if i did
$scope.alertItemAdded = ItemService.notifications.recentAdd
When i do something like this in my service
service.notifications.recentAdd = true;
It will create a new variable and put the reference into service.notifications.recentAdd. The $scope.alertItemAdded was bind to the previous reference and wont see the update.
Doing this :
$scope.alterItemAdded = ItemService.notification
And using the value in the ng-if clause or anything else. I prevent the reference link to break. If i do in the service
service.notification.recentAdd = true
I'll create a new var with a new reference for "recentAdd" but i keep the same reference for "notification". The binding in the controller will be keep and the value recentAdd will be updated in the view.
If you have more question feel free to ask.
You not injected $scope to factory, and you cant actually, use $rootScope instead
$broadcast goes from top to bottom so you should use $rootScope to perform a $broadcast to all $scope elements below it.
Inject $rootScope in your factory
$rootScope.$broadcast('itemAdded, 'Item added!')

Parent scope update child scope

I found many ways to update parent scope variable from child scope, which is The Dot, but in my case that didn't help.
I have ui-bootstrap accordion which open and collapse according to isOpen variable which I pass it from the backend.
angular.module('plunker', ['ui.bootstrap']);
function AccordionDemoCtrl($scope) {
$scope.currentPage = 1;
$scope.items = [{
label: 'Item 1',
open: true
}, {
label: 'Item 2',
open: true
}, {
label: 'Item 3',
open: true
$scope.opened = false;
<accordion id="accordion_main">
<accordion-group ng-repeat="item in items" heading="{{item.label}}" is-open="">
<span class="btn btn-default" id="toggle_all" ng-click="!">Collapse All</span>
I want to make a collapse all button, which is outside of the scope of ng-repeat. If there is a better way to make a collapse all button please advice,
Change your ngClick to loop through your items and set them to false.
<span class="btn btn-default" id="toggle_all" ng-click="collapseAll()">Collapse All</span>
$scope.collapseAll = function(){
for(var x = 0; x < $scope.items.length; x++){
$scope.items[x].open = false;
you can use another var in scope like:
$scope.collapse_all = false;
And in page
<accordion id="accordion_main">
<accordion-group ng-repeat="item in items" heading="{{item.label}}" is-open="!collapse_all &&">
<span class="btn btn-default" id="toggle_all" ng-click="collapse_all=!collapse_all">Collapse All</span>

AngularJS Accordion Expand All Collapse All

I am trying to get the accordions to toggle correctly through the directive ng-click. If I have Item one open how do I get it to expand all the accordions? Item two and Item three will continue to expand and collapse but Item one stays stagnant.
alternately you can adjust your buttons so that they just loop through the children.
<div ng-controller="AccordionDemo">
<div >
<div class="stuff_in_the_middle" >
<div ng-repeat="m in results" ng-click=" = !" style="margin-bottom:20px">
<div heading="{{m.label}}" is-open="" style="background-color:#d2d2d2; cursor:pointer" >
<div ng-show="" style="padding:10px">
<span class="btn btn-default" ng-click="toggle(false)">Collapse All</span>
<span class="btn btn-default" ng-click="toggle(true)">Expand All</span>
<hr />
var module = angular.module('plunker', []);
module.controller('AccordionDemo', ['$scope',
function ($scope) {
$scope.results = [
{label: 'Item 1', open: false},
{label: 'Item 2', open: false},
{label: 'Item 3', open: false}
$scope.toggle = function(state) {
$scope.results.forEach(function(e) { = state;
see it working here:
You have a problem with scopes. Simple rule is to never set variable value from ng-click or similar directives if you gonna use this variable outside - in parent.
It is caused by ng-repeat, which creates scope and if you will try to define new variable within it(you are doing it, because you have used name plunker, instead of opened), it will be defined only to current item in repeat.
You can use setter function to set it to right scope. So, here we go:
