Illegal use of ngTransclude directive in the template - angularjs

I have two directive
app.directive('panel1', function ($compile) {
return {
restrict: "E",
transclude: 'element',
compile: function (element, attr, linker) {
return function (scope, element, attr) {
var parent = element.parent();
linker(scope, function (clone) {
parent.prepend($compile( clone.children()[0])(scope));//cause error.
// parent.prepend(clone);// This line remove the error but i want to access the children in my real app.
app.directive('panel', function ($compile) {
return {
restrict: "E",
replace: true,
transclude: true,
template: "<div ng-transclude ></div>",
link: function (scope, elem, attrs) {
And this is my view :
<input type="text" ng-model="firstName" />
Error: [ngTransclude:orphan] Illegal use of ngTransclude directive in the template! No parent directive that requires a transclusion found. Element: <div class="ng-scope" ng-transclude="">
I know that panel1 is not a practical directive. But in my real application I encounter this issue too.
I see some explanation on But I don't know why I have this error here and how to resolve it.
I have created a jsfiddle page. Thank you in advance.
In my real app panel1 does something like this:
<input type="text>
<input type="text>
<!--other elements or directive-->
result =>
<div class="x"><input type="text></div>
<div class="x"><input type="text></div>
<!--other elements or directive wrapped in div -->

The reason is when the DOM is finished loading, angular will traverse though the DOM and transform all directives into its template before calling the compile and link function.
It means that when you call $compile(clone.children()[0])(scope), the clone.children()[0] which is your <panel> in this case is already transformed by angular.
clone.children() already becomes:
<div ng-transclude="">fsafsafasdf</div>
(the panel element has been removed and replaced).
It's the same with you're compiling a normal div with ng-transclude. When you compile a normal div with ng-transclude, angular throws exception as it says in the docs:
This error often occurs when you have forgotten to set transclude:
true in some directive definition, and then used ngTransclude in the
directive's template.
DEMO (check console to see output)
Even when you set replace:false to retain your <panel>, sometimes you will see the transformed element like this:
<panel class="ng-scope"><div ng-transclude=""><div ng-transclude="" class="ng-scope"><div ng-transclude="" class="ng-scope">fsafsafasdf</div></div></div></panel>
which is also problematic because the ng-transclude is duplicated
To avoid conflicting with angular compilation process, I recommend setting the inner html of <panel1> as template or templateUrl property
Your HTML:
<div data-ng-app="app">
Your JS:
app.directive('panel1', function ($compile) {
return {
restrict: "E",
template:"<panel><input type='text' ng-model='firstName'>{{firstName}}</panel>",
As you can see, this code is cleaner as we don't need to deal with transcluding the element manually.
Updated with a solution to add elements dynamically without using template or templateUrl:
app.directive('panel1', function ($compile) {
return {
restrict: "E",
link : function(scope,element){
var html = "<panel><input type='text' ng-model='firstName'>{{firstName}}</panel>";
If you want to put it on html page, ensure do not compile it again:
If you need to add a div per each children. Just use the out-of the box ng-transclude.
app.directive('panel1', function ($compile) {
return {
restrict: "E",
transclude: true,
template:"<div><div ng-transclude></div></div>" //you could adjust your template to add more nesting divs or remove
DEMO (you may need to adjust the template to your needs, remove div or add more divs)
Solution based on OP's updated question:
app.directive('panel1', function ($compile) {
return {
restrict: "E",
transclude: true,
template:"<div ng-transclude></div>",
link: function (scope, elem, attrs) {
elem.children().wrap("<div>"); //Don't need to use compile here.
//Just wrap the children in a div, you could adjust this logic to add class to div depending on your children

You are doing a few things wrong in your code. I'll try to list them:
Firstly, since you are using angular 1.2.6 you should no longer use the transclude (your linker function) as a parameter to the compile function. This has been deprecated and should now be passed in as the 5th parameter to your link function:
compile: function (element, attr) {
return function (scope, element, attr, ctrl, linker) {
This is not causing the particular problem you are seeing, but it's a good practice to stop using the deprecated syntax.
The real problem is in how you apply your transclude function in the panel1 directive:
Before I go into what's wrong let's quickly review how transclude works.
Whenever a directive uses transclusion, the transcluded content is removed from the dom. But it's compiled contents are acessible through a function passed in as the 5th parameter of your link function (commonly referred to as the transclude function).
The key is that the content is compiled. This means you should not call $compile on the dom passed in to your transclude.
Furthermore, when you are trying to insert your transcluded DOM you are going to the parent and trying to add it there. Typically directives should limit their dom manipulation to their own element and below, and not try to modify parent dom. This can greatly confuse angular which traverses the DOM in order and hierarchically.
Judging from what your are trying to do, the easier way to accomplish it is to use transclude: true instead of transclude: 'element'. Let's explain the difference:
transclude: 'element' will remove the element itself from the DOM and give you back the whole element back when you call the transclude function.
transclude: true will just remove the children of the element from the dom, and give you the children back when you call your transclude.
Since it seems you care only about the children, you should use transclude true (instead of getting the children() from your clone). Then you can simply replace the element with it's children (therefore not going up and messing with the parent dom).
Finally, it is not good practice to override the transcluded function's scope unless you have good reason to do so (generally transcluded content should keep it's original scope). So I would avoid passing in the scope when you call your linker().
Your final simplified directive should look something like:
app.directive('panel1', function ($compile) {
return {
restrict: "E",
transclude: true,
link: function (scope, element, attr, ctrl, linker) {
linker(function (clone) {
Ignore what was said in the previous answer about replace: true and transclude: true. That is not how things work, and your panel directive is fine and should work as expected as long as you fix your panel1 directive.
Here is a js-fiddle of the corrections I made hopefully it works as you expect.
It was asked if you can wrap the transcluded content in a div. The easiest way is to simply use a template like you do in your other directive (the id in the template is just so you can see it in the html, it serves no other purpose):
app.directive('panel1', function ($compile) {
return {
restrict: "E",
transclude: true,
replace: true,
template: "<div id='wrappingDiv' ng-transclude></div>"
Or if you want to use the transclude function (my personal preference):
app.directive('panel1', function ($compile) {
return {
restrict: "E",
transclude: true,
replace: true,
template: "<div id='wrappingDiv'></div>",
link: function (scope, element, attr, ctrl, linker) {
linker(function (clone) {
The reason I prefer this syntax is that ng-transclude is a simple and dumb directive that is easily confused. Although it's simple in this situation, manually adding the dom exactly where you want is the fail-safe way to do it.
Here's the fiddle for it:

I got this because I had directiveChild nested in directiveParent as a result of transclude.
The trick was that directiveChild was accidentally using the same templateUrl as directiveParent.


How to access parent's controller function from within a custom directive using *parent's* ControllerAs?

I'm in need of building a transformation directive that transforms custom directives into html.
Input like: <link text="hello world"></link>
should output to: <a class="someclass" ng-click="linkClicked('hello world')"></a>
linkClicked should be called on the parent controller of the directive.
It would have been very easy if I was the one responsible for the html holding the 'link' directive (using isolated scope), but I'm not. It's an as-is input and I have to figure a way to still do it.
There are countless examples on how to do similar bindings using the default scope of the directive, but I'm writing my controllers using John Papa's recommendations with controllerAs, but don't want to create another instance on the controller in the directive.
This is what I have reached so far:
(function () {
'use strict';
.directive('link', link);
link.$inject = ['$compile'];
function link($compile) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
replace: true,
template: '<a class="someclass"></a>',
terminal: true,
priority: 1000,
link: function (scope, element, attributes) {
element.removeAttr('link'); // Remove the attribute to avoid indefinite loop.
element.attr('ng-click', 'linkClicked(\'' + attributes.text + '\')');
$scope.linkClicked = function(text){...} in the parent controller works.
element.attr('ng-click', 'abc.linkClicked(..)') in the directive (where the parent's controllerAs is abc) - also works.
The problem is I don't know which controller will use my directive and can't hard-code the 'abc' name in it.
What do you suggest I should be doing?
It's difficult to understand from your question all the constraints that you are facing, but if the only HTML you get is:
<link text="some text">
and you need to generate a call to some function, then the function must either be:
assumed by the directive, or
conveyed to the directive
#1 is problematic because the user of the directive now needs to understand its internals. Still, it's possible if you assume that a function name is linkClicked (or whatever you want to call it), and the user of your directive would have to take special care to alias the function he really needs (could be done with "controllerAs" as well):
<div ng-controller="FooCtrl as foo" ng-init="linkClicked = foo.actualFunctionOfFoo">
<link text="some text">
app.directive("link", function($compile){
return {
transclude: "element", // remove the entire element
link: function(scope, element, attrs, ctrl){
var template = '<a class="someclass" ng-click="linkClicked(\'' +
attrs.text +
$compile(template)(scope, function(clone){
#2 is typically achieved via attributes, which isn't possible in your case. But you could also create a sort of "proxy" directive - let's call it onLinkClick - that could execute whatever expression you need:
<div ng-controller="FooCtrl as foo"
<link text="some text">
The link directive now needs to require: "onLinkClick":
app.directive("link", function($compile){
return {
transclude: "element", // remove the entire element
scope: true,
require: "?^onLinkClick",
link: function(scope, element, attrs, ctrl){
if (!ctrl) return;
var template = '<a class="someclass" ng-click="localClick()">link</a>';
scope.localClick = function(){
$compile(template)(scope, function(clone){
app.directive("onLinkClick", function($parse){
return {
restrict: "A",
controller: function($scope, $attrs){
var ctrl = this;
var expr = $parse($attrs.onLinkClick);
ctrl.externalFn = function(data){
expr($scope, {$data: data});
Notice that having a link directive would also execute on <link> inside <head>. So, make attempts to detect it and skip everything. For the demo purposes, I used a directive called blink to avoid this issue.

Should I use isolate scope in this case?

I'm implementing an custom input widget. The real code is more complex, but generally it looks like this:
app.directive('inputWidget', function () {
return {
restrict: 'E',
compile: function (tElement, tAttributes){
//flow the bindings from the parent.
//I can do it dynamically, this is just a demo for the idea
tElement.find("input").attr("placeholder", tAttributes.placeholder);
tElement.find("input").attr("ng-model", tElement.attr("ng-model"));
<input />
To use it:
<input-widget placeholder="{{name}}" ng-model="someProperty"></input-widget>
The placeholder is displayed correctly with above code because it uses the same scope of the parent:
I'm wondering if I should use an isolate scope, like this:
app.directive('inputWidget', function () {
return {
restrict: 'E',
scope : {
placeholder: "#"
//more properties for ng-model,...
With this, the directive does not share the same scope with the parent which could be a good design. But the problem is this isolate scope definition will quickly become messy as we're putting DOM-related properties on it (placeholder, type, required,...) and every time we need to apply a new directive (custom validation on the input-widget), we need to define a property on the isolate scope to act as middle man.
I'm wondering whether it's a good idea to always define isolate scope on directive components.
In this case, I have 3 options:
Use the same scope as the parent.
Use isolate scope as I said above.
Use isolate scope but don't bind DOM-related properties to it, somehow flow the DOM-related properties from the parent directly. I'm not sure if it's a good idea and I don't know how to do it.
Please advice, thanks.
If the input-widget configuration is complex, I would use an options attribute, and also an isolated scope to make the attribute explicit and mandatory:
<input-widget options="{ placeholder: name, max-length: 5, etc }"
There is no need to flow any DOM attributes if you have the options model, and the ngModel:
app.directive('inputWidget', function () {
return {
restrict: 'E',
scope: { options:'=', ngModel: '='}
And in your template, you can bind attributes to your $scope view model, as you normally would:
<input placeholder="{{options.placeholder}}" ng-model="ngModel"/>
Personally, when developing for re-use, I prefer to use attributes as a means of configuring the directive and an isolated scope to make it more modular and readable. It behaves more like a component and usually without any need for outside context.
However, there are times when I find directives with child / inherited scopes useful. In those cases, I usually 'require' a parent directive to provide the context. The pair of directives work together so that less attributes has to flow to the child directive.
This is not a very trivial problem. This is because one could have arbitrary directives on the templated element that are presumably intended for <input>, and a proper solution should ensure that: 1) these directives compile and link only once and 2) compile against the actual <input> - not <input-widget>.
For this reason, I suggest using the actual <input> element, and add inputWidget directive as an attribute - this directive will apply the template, while the actual <input> element would host the other directives (like ng-model, ng-required, custom validators, etc...) that could operate on it.
<input input-widget
ng-model="someProp" placeholder="{{placeholder}}"
p1="{{name}}" p2="name">
and inputWidget will use two compilation passes (modeled after ngInclude):
app.directive("inputWidget", function($templateRequest) {
return {
priority: 400,
terminal: true,
transclude: "element",
controller: angular.noop,
link: function(scope, element, attrs, ctrl, transclude) {
$templateRequest("inputWidget.template.html").then(function(templateHtml) {
ctrl.template = templateHtml;
transclude(scope, function(clone) {
app.directive("inputWidget", function($compile) {
return {
priority: -400,
require: "inputWidget",
scope: {
p1: "#", // variables used by the directive itself
p2: "=?" // for example, to augment the template
link: function(scope, element, attrs, ctrl, transclude) {
var templateEl = angular.element(ctrl.template);
The template (inputWidget.template.html) has a <placeholder> element to mark where to place the original <input> element:
<pre>p1: {{p1}}</pre>
<pre>p2: {{p2}}</pre>
(EDIT) Why 2 compilation passes:
The solution above is a "workaround" that avoids a bug in Angular that was throwing with interpolate values being set on a comment element, which is what is left when transclude: element is used. This was fixed in v1.4.0-beta.6, and with the fix, the solution could be simplified to:
app.directive("inputWidget", function($compile, $templateRequest) {
return {
priority: 50, // has to be lower than 100 to get interpolated values
transclude: "element",
scope: {
p1: "#", // variables used by the directive itself
p2: "=" // for example, to augment the template
link: function(scope, element, attrs, ctrl, transclude) {
var dirScope = scope,
outerScope = scope.$parent;
$templateRequest("inputWidget.template.html").then(function(templateHtml) {
transclude(outerScope, function(clone) {
var templateClone = $compile(templateHtml)(dirScope);
Demo 2

Getting the children of an element with an attribute directive

I have a directive that is restricted to attribute. I want to do either of 2 things. If a certain condition is met, I want to use the children for the element with the directive attribute as the model (thats the content) or if that condition is not met then I want to data bind from a service instead, so the directive would replace the children with something i was given. I have a directive that is doing the latter but Im finding it very hard to have it grab the children before the compiler comes in and replaces it with its template... Anyone know how this is done if its possible?
I think what you're looking for is element.context in your directive's link (or compile) function.
Inside your link function (pre or post), the original element that your directive was found on is stored in the passed-in element's context property. So if your service call returns no data, you can just replace the compiled element with the original element by doing element.replaceWith(element.context).
So your directive would look something like this:
.directive('ttContent', ['mySvc', function (mySvc) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
replace: true,
transclude: false,
template: '<div class="content new-content" ng-bind-html="htmlContent | sanitize"></div>',
scope: {
testDataReturned: '#'
link: {
pre: function (scope, element, attrs) {
post: function (scope, element, attrs){
mySvc.fetchContent().then(function success(data){
if (data) {
scope.htmlContent = data;
} else {
// element.context is our original, pre-compiled element
}, function fail(data){
Here's a plunk.

Why is the post link function executed before the transcluded child link functions?

The timing of (pre/post)link functions in AngularJS are well defined in the documentation
Pre-linking function
Executed before the child elements are linked. Not safe to do DOM
transformation since the compiler linking function will fail to locate
the correct elements for linking.
Post-linking function
Executed after the child elements are linked. It is safe to do DOM
transformation in the post-linking function.
and this blog post clearly illustrates this expected order.
But this order does not seem to apply when using ng-transclude and nested directives.
Here is an example for a dropright element (See the Plunkr)
<!-- index.html -->
<col1-item name="a">
<col1-item name="b">
// dropright-template.html
<div id="col1-el" ng-transclude></div>
<div id="col2-el">
<!-- Only angularJS will put elements in there -->
// col1-item-template.html
<p ng-transclude></p>
// col2-item-template.html
<div ng-transclude></div>
The dropright looks like
The directives write a log in the console when their link and controller functions are called.
It usually displays:
But sometimes (after few refreshes), the order is not as expected:
The dropright post-link function is executed before the post-link function of its children.
It may be because, in my particular case, I am calling the dropright controller in the children's directives (See the Plunkr)
angular.module('someApp', [])
.directive('dropright', function() {
return {
restrict: 'E',
transclude: 'true',
controller: function($scope, $element, $attrs) {'controller - dropright');
$scope.col1Tab = [];
$scope.col2Tab = [];
this.addCol1Item = function(el) {
console.log('(col1Tab pushed)');
this.addCol2Item = function(el) {
console.log('(col2Tab pushed)');
link: {
post: function(scope, element, attrs) {'post-link - dropright');
// Here, I want to move some of the elements of #col1-el
// into #col2-el
templateUrl: 'dropright-tpl.html'
.directive('col1Item', function($interpolate) {
return {
require: '^dropright',
restrict: 'E',
transclude: true,
controller: function() {
console.log('-- controller - col1Item');
link: {
post: function(scope, element, attrs, droprightCtrl) {
console.log('-- post-link - col1Item');
templateUrl: 'col1-tpl.html'
.directive('col2Item', function() {
var directiveDefinitionObject = {
require: '^dropright',
restrict: 'E',
transclude: true,
controller: function() {
console.log('---- controller - col2Item');
link: {
post: function(scope, element, attrs, droprightCtrl) {
console.log('---- post-link - col2Item');
templateUrl: 'col2-tpl.html'
return directiveDefinitionObject;
Is there any clean way to execute the link function of a directive after all the link functions of its children while using transclusion?
This is my theory - its not the transclude aspect that is causing the sequence issue but rather the template being a templateUrl. The template needs to be resolved before the post link function get to act on it - hence we say post link function is safe to do DOM manipulation. While we are getting 304s for all the 3 templates - we do have to read them and it ultimately resolves the template promise.
I created a plunker with template instead of templateUrl to prove the corollary. I have hot refresh/plunker Stop/Run many times but I always get link - dropright at the end.
Plunker with template instead of templateUrl
I don't pretend to understand the compile.js code fully. However it does appear that in
compileTemplateUrl function $http.success() resolves the template and then on success the applyDirectivesToNode function is called passing in postLinkFn.
This may be just weirdness with Plunker. I tried copying the files to my local IIS, and was not able to replicate the issue.

angularjs directive with dynamic templates and string interpolation

The idea is to replace the directive element with the dynamic template which refers to interpolated strings.
If I use element.html() in my directive then the strings are interpolated fine but this leaves the original custom directive html element.
If I use element.replaceWith() then strings are not interpolated. I guess it has related to scope but can't figure out what's wrong.
Found the solution. Using element.replaceWith($compile(html)(scope)); works.
Updated plunker:
Not sure what objective is regarding replaceWIth. The problem is likely that when you replace an elememnt, you replace all events and data bound to it. This would include the angular scope for the element.
For demo provided could do it like this:
app.directive('status', function($compile) {
var linker = function(scope, element, attrs) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
replace: true,
transclude: true,
link: linker,
scope: {
value: '='
