Dynamic database - including and excluding files - database

Does prolog have built-in predicates, which can import and export complete files during runtime?
I need predicates like "assert" and "retract". The problem is that "assert" and "retract" only manipulates a dynamic list, not a complete file.
I know two ways of how to include a file into another:
:- include('file.pl').
:- consult('file.pl').
This mostly happens at the beginning of a code.
Can I use these predicates in the middle of my code? (I think the consult predicate worked, but I had problems with the include predicate...)
And is there any chance how to exclude/"delete" the included file again? (the more important question)
I found the built-in predicate "delete_file/1", which literally deletes the file (from your memory) - this is not what I wanted. But the file still was not deleted from the current program, only from the memory, which was really strange...
I hope someone can help me, because I could not find anything else than the predicates explained above. Thanks!!

Not all prologs recognize consult (e.g., GNU Prolog doesn't). But include/1 and consult/1 does seem to work mid-file with SWI Prolog, and include/1 in GNU Prolog.
Undoing a file consult is another question. Prolog consults the file, hauling in all the facts and predicates, and the fact that it was all from a particular file is forgotten when the operation is done. It's as if you typed them all in by hand. It has no record that any particular set of predicates or facts were from a particular consulted file. To "undo" any such facts or predicates, you would have to do a retract/1 or retractall/1 on the items asserted as a result of the include or consult. That might be simple if the functors you are consulting are unique, because then you might get away with retractall(my_unique_functor(_,_)). or retract(foo(_)).. But if you have a mix of them (existing and newly asserted) and want to be selected, you'll have to sort them out.

Logtalk includes a programming example, "named_databases", that supports the functionality you're looking for:
This example supports ECLiPSe, Lean Prolog, SICStus Prolog, SWI-Prolog, and YAP and it uses in its implementation the module system (except in Lean Prolog, which provides natively most of the functionality) for the actual databases and Logtalk's term-expansion mechanism for optimizing the usage of named database predicates.


How to hint vscode about the file type within the file?

Visual Studio Code documentation for Language Identifiers explains how to map file extensions to language definitions.
Is there a way to provide this hint within the file itself?
A possibility could be to have this information in a comment. I realize that in order to have this, one must first know what a comment is (and it varies by language, which is not known yet, thus some catch-22 situation).
Another one could be the special meaning of the first line of the file.
None such possibilities were provided in the documentation, I am asking the question in case there is something else available anyway (through an extension for instance)

Extract just the required functions from a C code project?

How can I extract just the required functions from a pile of C source files? Is there a tool which can be used on GNU/Linux?
Preferably FOSS, but the GNU/Linux is a hard requirement.
Basically I got about 10 .h files; I'd like to grab part of the code and get the required variables from the header files. Then I can make a single small .h file corresponding to the code I'm using in another project.
My terms might not be 100% correct.
One tool that you may or may not be aware of is cscope. It can be used to help you.
For a given set of files (more on what that means shortly), it gives you these options:
Find this C symbol:
Find this global definition:
Find functions called by this function:
Find functions calling this function:
Find this text string:
Change this text string:
Find this egrep pattern:
Find this file:
Find files #including this file:
Thus, if you know you want to use a function humungous_frogmondifier(), you can find where it is declared or defined by typing its name (or pasting its name) after 'Find this global definition'. If you then want to know what functions it calls, you use the next line. Once you've hit return after specifying the name, you will be given a list of the relevant lines in the source files above this menu on the screen. You can page through the list (if there are more entries than will fit on the screen), and at any time select one of the shown entries by number or letter, in which case cscope launches your editor on the file.
How about that list of files? If you run cscope in a directory without any setup, it will scan the source files in the directory and build its cross-reference. However, if you prefer, you can set up a list of files names in cscope.files and it will analyze those files instead. You can also include -I /path/to/directory on the cscope command line and it will find referenced headers in those directories too.
I'm using cscope 15.7a on some sizeable projects - depending on which version of the project, between about 21,000 and 25,000 files (and some smaller ones with only 10-15 thousand files). It takes about half an hour to set up this project (so I carefully rebuild the indexes once per night, and use the files for the day, accepting that they are a little less accurate at the end of the day). It allows me to track down unused stuff, and find out where stuff is used, and so on.
If you're used to an IDE, it will be primitive. If you're used to curses-mode programs (vim, etc), then it is tolerably friendly.
You suggest (in comments to the main question) that you will be doing this more than once, possibly on different (non-library) code bases. I'm not sure I see the big value in this; I've been coding C on an off for 30+ years and don't feel the need to do this very often.
But given the assumption you will, what you really want is a tool that can, for a given identifier in a system of C files and headers, find the definition of that identifier in those files, and compute the transitive closure of all the dependencies which it has. This defines a partial order over the definitions based on the depends-on relationship. Finally you want to emit the code for those definitions to an output file, in a linear order that honors the partial order determined. (You can simplify this a bit by insisting that the identifier you want is in a particular C compilation unit, but the rest of it stays the same).
Our DMS Software Reengineering Toolkit with its C Front End can be used to do this. DMS is a general purpose program transformation system, capable of parsing source files into ASTs, perform full name resolution (e.g., building symbol tables), [do flow analysis but this isn't needed for your task]. Given those ASTs and the symbol tables, it can be configured to compute this transitive dependency using the symbol table information which record where symbols are defined in the ASTs. Finally, it can be configured to assemble the ASTs of interest into a linear order honoring the partial order.
We have done all this with DMS in the past, where the problem was to generate SOA-like interfaces based on other criteria; after generating the SOA code, the tool picked out all the dependencies for the SOA code and did exactly what was required. The dependency extraction machinery is part of the C front end.
A complication for the C world is that the preprocessor may get in the way; for the particular task we accomplished, the extraction was done over a specific configuration of the application and so the preprocessor directives were all expanded away. If you want this done and retain the C preprocessor directives, you'll need something beyond what DMS can do today. (We do have experimental work that captures macros and preprocessor conditionals in the AST but that's not ready for release to production).
You'd think this problem would be harder with C++ but it is not, because the prepreprocessor is used far more lightly in C++ programs. While we have not done extraction for C++, it would follow exactly the same approach as for C.
So that's the good part with respect to your question.
The not so good part from your point of view, perhaps, is that DMS isn't FOSS; it is a commercial tool designed to be used by my company and our customers to build custom analysis and transformation tools for all those tasks you can't get off the shelf, that make economic sense. Nor does DMS run natively on Linux, rather it is a Windows based tool. It can reach across the network using NFS to access files on other systems including Linux. DMS does run under Wine on Linux.

How do you compare two files containing C code based on code structure, not merely textual differences?

I have two files containing C code which I wish to compare. I'm looking for a utility which will construct a syntax tree for each file, and compare the syntax trees, instead of merely comparing the text of the files. This way minor differences in formatting and style will be ignored. It would be nice to even be able to tell the comparison tool to ignore differences such as variable names, etc.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but diff doesn't have this capability. I'm a Ubuntu user. Thanks!
Our SD Smart Differencer does exactly what you want. It uses compiler-quality parsers to read source code and build ASTs for two files you select. It then compares the trees guided by the syntax, so it doesn't get confused by whitespace, layout or comments. Because it normalize the values of constants, it doesn't get confused by change of radix or how you expressed escape sequences!
The deltas are reported at the level of the langauge constructs (variable, expression, statement, declaration, function, ...) in terms of programmer intent (delete, insert, copy, move) complete with determining that an identifier has been renamed consistently throughout a changed block.
The SmartDifferencer has versions available for C (in a number of dialects; if you compiler-accurate parse, the langauge dialect matters) was well as for C++, Java, C#, JavaScript, COBOL, Python and many other langauges.
If you want to understand how a set of files are related to one another, our SD CloneDR will accept a very large set of files, and tell you what they have in common. It finds code that has been copy-paste-edited across the entire set. You don't have to tell it what to look for; it finds it automatically. Using ASTs (as above), it isn't fooled by whitespace changes or renames of identifiers. There's a bunch of sample clone detection reports for various languages at the web site.
There is a program called codeCompare from devart (http://www.devart.com/codecompare/benefits.html#cc) that includes the following feature (I know it is not exactly what you asked for but probably it can be used for that).
The feature is called "Structure Comparison"
This functionality allows you to compare different file revision by the presense of the structure blocks (classes, fields, methods). At that different versions of the same file are compared independently from their destination.
Structure comparison can be applied to the following languages:
Visual Basic
(I know it does not include C, but maybe with the C++ version you can solve the problem)

Where to document functions in C or C++? [closed]

Closed. This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers.
Want to improve this question? Update the question so it can be answered with facts and citations by editing this post.
Closed 5 years ago.
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I have a C program with multiple files, so I have, for example, stuff.c which implements a few functions, and stuff.h with the function prototypes.
How should I go about documenting the functions in comments?
Should I have all the docs in the header file, all the docs in the .c file, or duplicate the docs for both? I like the latter approach, but then I run into problems where I'll update the docs on one of them and not the other (usually the one where I make the first modification, i.e. if I modify the header file first, then its comments will reflect that, but if I update the implementation, only those comments will change).
This question and its answers also apply to C++ code — see also Where should I put documentation comments?
Put the information that people using the functions need to know in the header.
Put the information that maintainers of the functions need to know in the source code.
I like to follow the Google C++ Style Guide.
Which says:
Function Declarations
Every function declaration should
have comments immediately preceding
it that describe what the function
does and how to use it. These
comments should be descriptive
("Opens the file") rather than
imperative ("Open the file"); the
comment describes the function, it
does not tell the function what to
do. In general, these comments do not
describe how the function performs
its task. Instead, that should be
left to comments in the function
Function Definitions
Each function definition should have
a comment describing what the
function does and anything tricky
about how it does its job. For
example, in the definition comment
you might describe any coding tricks
you use, give an overview of the
steps you go through, or explain why
you chose to implement the function
in the way you did rather than using
a viable alternative. For instance,
you might mention why it must acquire
a lock for the first half of the
function but why it is not needed for
the second half.
Note you should not just repeat the
comments given with the function
declaration, in the .h file or
wherever. It's okay to recapitulate
briefly what the function does, but
the focus of the comments should be
on how it does it.
You should use a tool like doxygen, so the documentation is generated by specially crafted comments in your source code.
I've gone back and forth on this and eventually I settled on documentation in header files. For the vast majority of APIs in C/C++ you have access to the original header file and hence all of the comments that lie within [1]. Putting comments here maximizes the chance developers will see them.
I avoid duplication of comments between header and source files though (it just feels like a waste). It's really annoying when using Vim but most IDEs will pick up the header file comments and put them into things like intellisense or parameter help.
[1] Exceptions to this rule include generated header files from certain COM libraries.
It will often depend on what is set as the coding standard. Many people prefer to put the documentation in the .h file and leave the implementation in the .c file. Many IDE's with code completion will also pick up more easily on this rather than the documentation in the .c file.
But I think the major point in putting the documentation in the .h file deals with writing a library or assembly that will be shared with another program. Imagine that you're writing a .dll (or .so) that contains a component that you will be distributing. Other programmers will include your .h, but they often won't have (nor need) the implementation file behind it. In this case, documentation in the .h file is invaluable.
The same can be said when you're writing a class for use in the same program. If you're working with other programmers, most often those programmers are just looking at the header file for how to interact with your code rather than how the code is implemented. How it is implemented is not the concern of the person or code that will be using the component. So once again, documentation in the header will help that person or those people figure out how to use that code.
Consider that it's possible for people to use these functions while only having the headers and a compiled version of the implementation. Make sure that anything necessary for using your functions is documented in the header. Implementation details can be documented in the source.
The comments in the header vs. the implementation file should reflect the difference in how the two are used.
If you're going to create interface documentation (e.g., to be extracted with Doxygen, on the same general order as JavaDocs) that clearly belongs in the header. Even if you're not going to extract the comments to produce separate documentation, the same general idea applies -- comments that explain the interface/how to use the code, belong primarily or exclusively in the header.
Comments in the implementation should generally relate to the implementation. Contrary to frequent practice, rather than attempting to explain how things work, most should explain why particular decisions were made. This is especially true when you make decisions that make sense, but it might not be obvious that they do (e.g., noting that you did not use a Quicksort, because you need a stable sort).
It's simple really when you think about it.
The API docs absolutely must go in the header file. It's the header file that defines the external interface, so that's where the API docs go.
As a rule, implementation details should be hidden from API users. This includes documentation of implementation (except where it might affect the use e.g. time complexity etc). Thus implementation documentation should go in the implementation file.
Never ever duplicate documentation in multiple places. It will be unmaintainable and will be out of sync almost as soon as somebody has to change it.
I wrote a simple script that takes as input a template header-file with no function declarations and a source-code file with commented functions. The script extracts the commentary before a function definition from the source code file and writes it and the associated function declaration into an output header-file. This ensures that 1) there's only one place where function commentary needs to be written; and 2) the documentation in the header-file and the source code file always remain in sync. Commentary on the implementation of a function is put into the body of the function and is not extracted.
Definitely keep the docs in one place, to avoid the maintenance nightmare. You, personally, might be fastidious enough to keep two copies in sync, but the next person wont.
Use something like doxygen to create a "pretty" version of the docs.

Compile-time lookup array creation for ANSI-C?

A previous programmer preferred to generate large lookup tables (arrays of constants) to save runtime CPU cycles rather than calculating values on the fly. He did this by creating custom Visual C++ projects that were unique for each individual lookup table... which generate array files that are then #included into a completely separate ANSI-C micro-controller (Renesas) project.
This approach is fine for his original calculation assumptions, but has become tedious when the input parameters need to be modified, requiring me to recompile all of the Visual C++ projects and re-import those files into the ANSI-C project. What I would like to do is port the Visual C++ source directly into the ANSI-C microcontroller project and let the compiler create the array tables.
So, my question is: Can ANSI-C compilers compute and generate lookup arrays during compile time? And if so, how should I go about it?
Thanks in advance for your help!
Is there some reason you can't import his code generation architecture to your build system?
I mean, in make I might consider something like:
TABLES:=$(wildcard table_*)
TABLE_INCS:=$(foreach dir,$TABLES,$dir/$dir.h)
include $(foreach dir,$TABLES,dir/makefile.inc)
where each table_* contains a complete code generation project whose sole purpose is tho build table_n/table_n.h. Also in each table directory a makefile fragment named makefile.inc which provides the dependency lines for generated include files, and now I've removed the recursivity.
Done right (and this implementation isn't finished, in part because the point is clearer this way but mostly because I am lazy), you could edit table_3/table_3.input, type make in the main directory and get table_3/table_3.h rebuilt and the program incrementally recompiled.
I guess that depends on the types of value you need to look up. If the processing to compute each value demands more than e.g. constant-expression evaluation can deliver, you're going to have problems.
Check out the Boost preprocessor library. It's written for C++ but as far as I'm aware, the two preprocessors are pretty much identical, and it can do this sort of thing.
